// Images folder, must end with slash.
$images_folder = '/var/www/html/samples/php/watermark/case6/logo/';
// Save watermarked images to this folder, must end with slash.
$destination_folder = '/var/www/html/samples/php/watermark/case6/dest/';
// Load functions for image watermarking
include "watermark_text.class.php";
// Watermark all the "jpg" files from images folder
// and save watermarked images into destination folder
foreach (glob($images_folder . "*.jpg") as $filename) {
    // Image path
    $imgpath = $filename;
    // Where to save watermarked image
    $imgdestpath = $destination_folder . basename($filename);
    // create class instance
    $img = new Zubrag_watermark($imgpath);
    // shadow params
    $img->setShadow($drop_shadow, $shadow_color);
    // font params
    $img->setFont($font, $font_size);
    // Apply watermark
    $img->ApplyWatermark($text, $color, $angle, $offset_x, $offset_y);
    // Save on server
    // Output to browser
    // release resources