 * BlankTheme plugin to display the user navigation submenu.
 * Available parameters:
 *  - id           (string) ID of the wrapper div (default: 'nav_main')
 *  - current      (string) Current screen ID (.ini current value or module name) (optional)
 *  - currentclass (string) CSS class name of the current tab, list item (default: 'current')
 *  - span         (bool)   Flag to enable SPAN wrappers on the links text, useful for sliding doors (default: false)
 * Example:
 *  {bt_usersublinks id='nav' current='home' currentclass='myActiveClass'}
 * @author Mateo Tibaquirá
 * @since  19/06/11
 * @param array             $params All parameters passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Zikula_View_Theme &$view  Reference to the View_Theme object.
 * @return string User submenu output.
function smarty_function_bt_usersublinks($params, Zikula_View_Theme &$view)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getThemeDomain('BlankTheme');

    $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 'nav_sub';
    if (!isset($params['current'])) {
        $current = $view->getTplVar('current') ? $view->getTplVar('current') : $view->getToplevelmodule();
    } else {
        $current = $params['current'];
    $currentclass = isset($params['currentclass']) ? $params['currentclass'] : 'current';
    $span = isset($params['span']) ? (bool)$params['span'] : false;

    $currentsub = $current.'-'.$view->getTplVar('type').'-'.$view->getTplVar('func');

    /*** Build the submenu-array ***/
    $menu = array();

    // dummy example links
    $menu['home'][] = array(
                          '',                       // page id : current-type-func
                          __('Home Sublink', $dom), // translatable title
                          '',                       // translatable description
                          '#'                       // link

    $menu['home'][] = array(
                          __('Second Sublink', $dom),

    // render the submenu
    $output = '';

    if (isset($menu[$current])) {
        $output .= '<div id="'.$id.'"><ul>';
        foreach ($menu[$current] as $option) {
            $output .= bt_usersublinks_drawmenu($option, $currentsub, $currentclass, $span);
        $output .= '</ul></div>';

    return $output;
 * BlankTheme plugin to display the user navigation menu.
 * Available parameters:
 *  - id           (string) ID of the wrapper div (default: 'nav_main')
 *  - current      (string) Current screen ID (.ini current value or module name) (optional)
 *  - currentclass (string) CSS class name of the current tab, list item (default: 'current')
 *  - span         (bool)   Flag to enable SPAN wrappers on the links text, useful for sliding doors (default: false)
 *  - desc         (bool)   Flag to put the parent links descriptions inside SPAN.bt_desc instead the link title (default: false)
 * Example:
 *  {bt_userlinks id='myId' current='home' currentclass='myActiveClass'}
 * @author Mateo Tibaquirá
 * @since  08/11/07
 * @param array             $params All parameters passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Zikula_View_Theme &$view  Reference to the View_Theme object.
 * @return string User menu output.
function smarty_function_bt_userlinks($params, Zikula_View_Theme &$view)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getThemeDomain('BlankTheme');

    $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 'nav_main';
    if (!isset($params['current'])) {
        $current = $view->getTplVar('current') ? $view->getTplVar('current') : $view->getToplevelmodule();
    } else {
        $current = $params['current'];
    $currentclass = isset($params['currentclass']) ? $params['currentclass'] : 'current';
    $span = isset($params['span']) ? (bool)$params['span'] : false;
    $desc = isset($params['desc']) ? (bool)$params['desc'] : false;

    /*** Build the menu-array ***/
    $menu   = array();
    $menu[] = array(
                  'home',                      // page id / module name
                  __('Home', $dom),            // translatable title
                  __('Go to home page', $dom), // translatable description
                  System::getHomepageUrl(),    // link
                  null                         // array of sublinks (optional)

    if (ModUtil::available('News')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('News', $dom),
                      __('Articles index', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('Pages')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Pages', $dom),
                      __('Content section', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('Pages', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('Dizkus')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Forums', $dom),
                      __('Discuss area', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('Dizkus', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('FAQ')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('FAQ', $dom),
                      __('Frequent questions', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('FAQ', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('Wikula')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Wiki', $dom),
                      __('Documents', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('Wikula', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('TimeIt')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Calendar', $dom),
                      __('List of events', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('TimeIt', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('crpCalendar')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Calendar', $dom),
                      __('List of events', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('crpCalendar', 'user', 'main')

    if (ModUtil::available('Formicula')) {
        $menu[] = array(
                      __('Contact us', $dom),
                      __('Comment or suggest', $dom),
                      ModUtil::url('Formicula', 'user', 'main')

    // render the menu
    $output  = '<div id="'.$id.'"><ul>';
    foreach ($menu as $option) {
        $output .= bt_userlinks_drawmenu($option, $current, $currentclass, $span, $desc);
    $output .= '</ul></div>';

    return $output;
 * BlankTheme plugin to centralize important outputs.
 * Available parameters:
 *  - section (string) Name of the output section to return.
 *  - noempty (bool)   Flag to disable the "bt-empty" CSS class for the classesinnerpage section.
 * Example:
 *  {bt_htmloutput section='head'}
 *  {bt_htmloutput section='topnavlinks'}
 * @author Mateo Tibaquirá
 * @since  05/07/08
 * @param array             $params All parameters passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Zikula_View_Theme &$view  Reference to the View_Theme object.
 * @return string Output of the requested section.
function smarty_function_bt_htmloutput($params, Zikula_View_Theme &$view)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getThemeDomain('BlankTheme');

    // section parameter check
    if (!isset($params['section']) || empty($params['section'])) {
        return '';

    // blanktheme vars
    $body      = $view->getTplVar('body');
    $layout    = $view->getTplVar('layout');
    $btconfig  = $view->getTplVar('btconfig');
    $btcssbody = $view->getTplVar('btcssbody');

    // check for the current variable
    if ($view->getTplVar('current')) {
        $current = $view->getTplVar('current');
    } else {
        $current = $view->getToplevelmodule();
        $view->assign('current', $current);

    // process the respective output
    $output = '';

    switch ($params['section'])
        case 'topnavlinks':
            // build the menu list
            // option: {id, translatable link text, link}
            $menu = array();
            if (UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
                if ($view->getTplVar('type') != 'admin' && SecurityUtil::checkPermission('::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
                    $menu[] = array('admin', __('Admin', $dom), ModUtil::url('Admin', 'admin', 'adminpanel'));
                $profileModule = System::getVar('profilemodule', '');
                if (!empty($profileModule) && ModUtil::available($profileModule)) {
                    $menu[] = array('account', __('Your account', $dom), ModUtil::url($profileModule, 'user', 'main'));
                $menu[] = array('logout', __('Log out', $dom), ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'logout'));
            } else {
                $menu[] = array('register', __('Register', $dom), ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'register'));
                $menu[] = array('login', __('Login', $dom), ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'login'));
            // render the menu
            $count   = count($menu) - 1;
            $output  = '<div id="bt_topnavlinks"><ul>';
            foreach ($menu as $k => $option) {
                $class = '';
                if (count($menu) == 1) {
                    $class = 'unique';
                } elseif ($k == 0) {
                    $class = 'first';
                } elseif ($k == $count) {
                    $class = 'last';
                $output .= '<li '.($class ? ' class="bt_'.$class.'"' : '').'>';
                if (!empty($option[2])) {
                    $output .= '<a title="'. DataUtil::formatForDisplay($option[1]). '" href="'.DataUtil::formatForDisplay($option[2]).'"><span>'. DataUtil::formatForDisplay($option[1]). '</span></a>';
                } else {
                    $output .= '<span>'. DataUtil::formatForDisplay($option[1]). '</span>';
                $output .= '</li>';
            $output .= '</ul></div>';

        case 'fontresize':
            if ($btconfig['fontresize'] != '1') {
            // font resize based in the efa script
            PageUtil::addVar('javascript', $view->getScriptpath().'/efa/efa_fontsize_packed.js');
            //PageUtil::addVar('javascript', $view->getScriptpath().'/efa/efa_fontsize.js');
            $output = '<script type="text/javascript">
                         // <![CDATA[
                         if (efa_fontSize) {
                           var efalang_zoomIn = "'.__('Increase font size', $dom).'";
                           var efalang_zoomReset = "'.__('Reset font size', $dom).'";
                           var efalang_zoomOut = "'.__('Decrease font size', $dom).'";
                           var efathemedir = "'.$view->getDirectory().'";
                         // ]]>

        case 'head':
            // head stylesheets
            $output .= '<!--[if lte IE 7]>'
                      .'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$view->getStylepath().'/patch_'.$body.'.css" type="text/css" />'
//                    .'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$view->getThemepath().'/yaml/core/slim_iehacks.css" type="text/css" />'
/*                    .'<!--[if lte IE 6]>'
//                    .'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$view->getScriptpath().'/ie_minmax.js"></script>'
                      .'<style type="text/css">
                            img, div, a, input { behavior: url('.$view->getStylepath().'/iepngfix.htc) }
//                    .'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$view->getScriptpath().'/ie_pngfix_tilebg.js"></script>'

        case 'footer':
            // load the Theme styles in the very end of the page rendering
            // TODO pending review with PageUtil weight assignment (when implemented)
            if ($btconfig['optimize'] == '1') {
                // do not load the layout_* stylesheet and load the basic styles directly
                PageUtil::addVar('stylesheet', $view->getThemepath().'/yaml/core/slim_base.css');
                PageUtil::addVar('stylesheet', $view->getStylepath().'/basemod.css');
                PageUtil::addVar('stylesheet', $view->getStylepath().'/content.css');
                // TODO rtl-support load yaml/add-ons/rtl-support/core/base-rtl.css with the respective basemod-rtl.css and content-rtl.css
            } else {
                PageUtil::addVar('stylesheet', $view->getStylepath()."/layout_{$body}.css");

        /* Body ID */
        case 'bodyid':
            if ($view->getToplevelmodule()) {
                $output = 'bt_'.$view->getToplevelmodule();

            } elseif (!empty($current)) {
                $output = 'bt_'.$current;

            } else {
                $output = 'bt_staticpage';

        /* First CSS level */
        case 'classesbody':
            // add a first level of CSS classes like current language, type parameter and body template in use with a 'bt_' prefix
            if (!empty($current)) {
                $output .= 'bt_'.$current.' ';
            if ($btcssbody && isset($btcssbody[$body]) && $btcssbody[$body]) {
                $output .= $btcssbody[$body].' ';
            $output .= 'bt_'.$body.' bt_type_'.$view->getType().' bt_lang_'.$view->getLanguage();

        /* Second CSS level */
        case 'classespage':
            // add a second level of CSS classes
            // add the current layout and enabled zones
            $output .= 'bt_'.str_replace('_', ' bt_', $layout);
            // add the current function name
            $output .= ' bt_func_'.$view->getFunc();

        /* Third CSS level */
        case 'classesinnerpage':
            // add a customized third level of CSS classes like specific parameters for specific modules
            switch ($view->getToplevelmodule()) {
                case 'Pages':
                    switch ($view->getFunc()) {
                        case 'display':
                            // Example: add the current pageid in a CSS class (bt_pageid_PID)
                            // note: this only works when using normal urls, shortURLs uses the title field
                            $output .= ' bt_pageid_'.FormUtil::getPassedValue('pageid');
                case 'Content':
                    switch ($view->getFunc()) {
                        case 'view':
                            // Example: add the current page category id in a CSS class (bt_contentcatpage_CID)
                            // works for normal and shortURLs
                            if (System::getVar('shorturls')) {
                                $urlname = $view->getRequest()->getGet()->get('name');
                                $pageId = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Page', 'solveURLPath', compact('urlname'));
                            } else {
                                $pageId = $view->getRequest()->getGet()->get('pid');
                            $page = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Page', 'getPage', array('id' => $pageId));
                            $output .= ' bt_contentcatpage_'.$page['categoryId'];
            if (!isset($params['noempty']) || !$params['noempty']) {
                $output = !empty($output) ? $output : 'bt-empty';

    return $output;