Exemple #1
  * Returns an XSD Type for the given PHP type
  * @param string $type PHP Type to get the XSD type for
  * @return string
 public function getType($type)
     if (!$this->_wsdl instanceof Zend_Soap_Wsdl) {
         /** @todo Exception throwing may be more correct */
         // WSDL is not defined yet, so we can't recognize type in context of current service
         return '';
     } else {
         return $this->_wsdl->getType($type);
    function testGetType()
        $wsdl = new Zend_Soap_Wsdl('MyService', 'http://localhost/MyService.php');

        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('string'),  'xsd:string');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('str'),     'xsd:string');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('int'),     'xsd:int');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('integer'), 'xsd:int');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('float'),   'xsd:float');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('double'),  'xsd:float');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('boolean'), 'xsd:boolean');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('bool'),    'xsd:boolean');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('array'),   'soap-enc:Array');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('object'),  'xsd:struct');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('mixed'),   'xsd:anyType');
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl->getType('void'),    '');

        $wsdl1 = new Zend_Soap_Wsdl('MyService', 'http://localhost/MyService.php', false);
        $this->assertEquals($wsdl1->getType('Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Test'), 'xsd:anyType');
Exemple #3
  * @group ZF-3910
 function testCaseOfDocBlockParamsDosNotMatterForSoapTypeDetectionZf3910()
     $wsdl = new Zend_Soap_Wsdl('MyService', 'http://localhost/MyService.php');
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:string", $wsdl->getType("StrIng"));
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:string", $wsdl->getType("sTr"));
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:int", $wsdl->getType("iNt"));
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:int", $wsdl->getType("INTEGER"));
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:float", $wsdl->getType("FLOAT"));
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:float", $wsdl->getType("douBLE"));
Exemple #4
  * @group ZF-11937
 public function testWsdlGetTypeWillAllowLongType()
     $wsdl = new Zend_Soap_Wsdl('MyService', 'http://localhost/MyService.php');
     $this->assertEquals("xsd:long", $wsdl->getType("long"));
Exemple #5
  * Add a W3C defined type.
  * This is based upon the built-in datatypes as defined at
  * {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-2-20041028/#built-in-datatypes Built-in datatypes}.
  * Not all the types are supported, specifically:
  * 1. anySimpleType
  * 3. ENTITY
  * 4. ID
  * 5. IDREF
  * 6. IDREFS
  * 7. language
  * 8. Name
  * 9. NCName
  * 10. negativeInteger
  * 11. NMTOKEN
  * 12. NMTOKENS
  * 13. nonNegativeInteger
  * 14. nonPositiveInteger
  * 15. NOTATION
  * 16. positiveInteger
  * 17. QName
  * 18. unsignedByte
  * 19. unsignedInt
  * 20. unsignedLong
  * 21. unsignedShort
  * Additionally, new built-in datatypes, as defined at
  * {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/datatypes.html#built-in-datatypes Built-in Datatypes and Their Definitions}
  * are not supported. These include:
  * 1. anyAtomicType
  * 2. dayTimeDuration
  * 3. dayTimeStamp - This type can to be supported via the dateTime type with the optional timezone element always being populated.
  * 4. precisionDecimal
  * 5. yearMonthDuration
  * @param  string $type Name of the type to be specified
  * @return string XSD Type for the given PHP type
  * @uses Zend_Soap_Wsdl::getType() to handle all unknown types.
 public function getType($type)
     return isset(self::$XSDTypeMap[strtolower($type)]) ? self::$XSDTypeMap[strtolower($type)] : parent::getType($type);