function add_new_photo_to_album($gp, $path, $new_album_name)
    $user_name = "default";
    $file_name = $path;
    $photo_name = "Photo added by Facebook Album Challenge";
    $photo_caption = "Photo added by Facebook Album Challenge";
    $photo_tags = "Photo, Facebook-Album-Challenge";
    $fd = $gp->newMediaFileSource($file_name);
    // Create a PhotoEntry
    $photo_entry = $gp->newPhotoEntry();
    // add some tags
    $photo_media = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
    $photo_entry->mediaGroup = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup();
    $photo_entry->mediaGroup->keywords = $photo_media;
    // We use the AlbumQuery class to generate the URL for the album
    $album_query = $gp->newAlbumQuery();
    $gp->insertPhotoEntry($photo_entry, $album_query->getQueryUrl());
  * Sets the keyword tags for a video.
  * @param mixed $tags Either a comma-separated string or an array
  * of tags for the video
  * @return Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry Provides a fluent interface
 public function setVideoTags($tags)
     $keywords = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
     if (is_array($tags)) {
         $tags = implode(', ', $tags);
     return $this;
 public function updatePhotoMetaData()
     $client = $this->photos;
     $album = $this->createAlbum();
     $insertedEntry = $this->createPhoto($album);
     $insertedEntry->title->text = "New Photo";
     $insertedEntry->summary->text = "Photo caption";
     $keywords = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
     $keywords->setText("foo, bar, baz");
     $insertedEntry->mediaGroup->keywords = $keywords;
     $updatedEntry = $insertedEntry->save();
     return array($updatedEntry, $album);
Exemple #4
 function uploadpicture()
     //uploading photo to server
     $_data['new_album_name'] = $newAlbumName = $this->input->post('new_album_name');
     $_data['album_id'] = $albumId = $this->input->post('album_id');
     if (!($albumId || $newAlbumName)) {
         //echo "test";
         $_data['msg'] = $msg = 'You should select album or enter new album name';
         $_data['albums'] = $this->_getAlbums();
     } elseif (!empty($_FILES['image'])) {
         $uploaddir = BASEPATH . '../pictures';
         $fname = $_FILES['image']['name'];
         $fsize = $_FILES['image']['size'];
         $ftmpname = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
         $ext = '';
         if (preg_match("/.+(\\..+)\$/i", $fname, $matches)) {
             $ext = strtolower($matches[1]);
         //file extension
         $filename = $this->_genFileName($ext, $uploaddir);
         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . '/' . $filename;
         //debug: //echo $uploadfile;
         //$fsize < 3000000  //allow to upload only pics that less then file_upload_size bytes
         if (in_array($ext, array(".gif", ".png", ".jpg"))) {
             if (move_uploaded_file($ftmpname, $uploadfile)) {
                 $uploaded = TRUE;
             } else {
                 //Error while uploading file
         } else {
             //Picture shouldn't exceed file_upload_size bytes
             $_data['msg'] = $msg = 'Uploaded file should be a picture';
     } else {
         $_data['msg'] = $msg = 'You should select picture to upload';
     if (empty($uploaded)) {
         if (empty($msg)) {
             $_data['msg'] = $msg = 'Cannot upload file';
         $_data['albums'] = $this->_getAlbums();
         $this->load->view('member_post_picture', $_data);
     } else {
         $photoName = "Test";
         $photoCaption = "Uploaded to Picasa Web Albums via PHP.";
         $photoTags = "";
         $fd = $this->gp->newMediaFileSource($uploadfile);
         // Create a PhotoEntry
         $photoEntry = $this->gp->newPhotoEntry();
         // add some tags
         $keywords = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
         $photoEntry->mediaGroup = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup();
         $photoEntry->mediaGroup->keywords = $keywords;
         // We use the AlbumQuery class to generate the URL for the album
         $albumQuery = $this->gp->newAlbumQuery();
         if ($albumId) {
         } else {
             $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumEntry();
             $createdEntry = $this->gp->insertAlbumEntry($entry);
             $albumQuery->setAlbumId((string) $createdEntry->gphotoId);
         // We insert the photo, and the server returns the entry representing
         // that photo after it is uploaded
         $insertedEntry = $this->gp->insertPhotoEntry($photoEntry, $albumQuery->getQueryUrl());
         if ($insertedEntry->getMediaGroup()->getContent() != null) {
             $mediaContentArray = $insertedEntry->getMediaGroup()->getContent();
             $contentUrl = $mediaContentArray[0]->getUrl();
             print "<pre>";
             print "</pre>";
             if (!empty($this->fbUserId) && !empty($this->userSettings) && $this->userSettings[0]['facebook_pics_y_n'] == 1) {
                 // uploading picture to Facebook
                 //$Albums = $this->facebook->api_client->photos_getAlbums($this->fbUserId, null);
                 //if(!empty($Albums)) $AlbumId = $Albums[0]['aid']; else $AlbumId = null;
                 try {
                     $this->facebook->api_client->photos_upload($uploadfile, null, "Uploading image with " . $this->conf['site_name'], $this->fbUserId);
                     //$this->facebook->api_client->photos_upload($uploadfile, $AlbumId, "Uploading image with pep6", $this->fbUserId);
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     echo $ex->getMessage();
                     //echo "Cannot upload picture to facebook";
             $lastMessage = $this->Post_model->getWhere(null, $limit = 1, $offset = 0, $order = 'id DESC');
             if (!empty($lastMessage) && $lastMessage[0]['user_id'] == $this->getUserId() && $lastMessage[0]['site_id'] == $this->subdomainId && $lastMessage[0]['post_type'] == 'picture') {
                 $this->Post_pictures_model->insert($lastMessage[0]['id'], $contentUrl);
             } else {
                 $this->Post_model->insert($this->getUserId(), $this->subdomainId, date("Y-m-d H:i"), 'picture', $contentUrl, NULL, NULL);
             $this->load->view('member_post_picture_success', $_data);
             $sitedata = $this->Site_model->getById($this->subdomainId);
             $users = $this->User_is_member_of_site_model->getList(0, 0, array('subscribe_y_n' => 1, 'site_id' => $this->subdomainId), '', array('table' => 'users', 'field1' => 'id', 'field2' => 'user_id'));
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 $this->_sendemail('newpost', array('sitename' => $sitedata['name'], 'subdomain' => $sitedata['subdomain'], 'email' => $user['email']));
Exemple #5
function UploadPhoto($gp, $filename, $AlbumName)
    $BaseName = basename($filename);
    $extention = file_ext($BaseName);
    $photoName = str_replace(".{$extention}", "", $BaseName);
    $photoName = str_replace("_", " ", $photoName);
    $photoName = str_replace("-", " ", $photoName);
    $date = date('Y-m-d H:i');
    $photoCaption = "Uploaded on {$date}";
    $last_modified = filemtime($filename);
    $photoTags = date("Y-m-d", $last_modified);
    // We use the albumId of 'default' to indicate that we'd like to upload
    // this photo into the 'drop box'.  This drop box album is automatically
    // created if it does not already exist.
    if ($AlbumName == "default") {
        $albumId = "default";
    $exts["jpg"] = "image/jpeg";
    $exts["gif"] = "image/gif";
    $exts["bmp"] = "image/bmp";
    $exts["psd"] = "application/photoshop";
    $exts["avi"] = "video/x-msvideo";
    $exts["mov"] = "video/quicktime";
    $exts["mpg"] = "video/mpeg";
    $exts["wmv"] = "video/x-ms-wmv";
    $exts["asf"] = "video/x-ms-asf";
    $exts["tif"] = "image/tiff";
    $exts["png"] = "image/png";
    $fd = $gp->newMediaFileSource($filename);
    // Create a PhotoEntry
    $photoEntry = $gp->newPhotoEntry();
    events("{$BaseName}: title: {$photoName}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // add some tags
    $keywords = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
    $photoEntry->mediaGroup = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup();
    $photoEntry->mediaGroup->keywords = $keywords;
    $albumQuery = $gp->newAlbumQuery();
    //$albumQuery->setUser("David Touzeau");
    if ($albumId != null) {
    } else {
    try {
        $insertedEntry = $gp->insertPhotoEntry($photoEntry, $albumQuery->getQueryUrl());
    } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $e) {
        events("Error: Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException:: " . $e->getMessage(), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    } catch (Zend_Uri_Exception $e) {
        events("Error: Zend_Uri_Exception:: " . $e->getMessage(), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    return true;