  * 构造函数,初始化日志文件目录。
 protected function __construct()
     try {
         $console = new Zend_Console_Getopt(array('logroot|l=s' => 'the Log Server root directory', 'logdir|d=s' => 'this log file directory', 'logfile|f=s' => 'the log files', 'delay|a=i' => 'delay timestamp', 'start|s=s' => 'start datetime', 'end|e=s' => 'end datetime'));
         if (!$console->getOptions()) {
             throw new ZtChart_Model_Monitor_Console_Exception($console->getUsageMessage());
         if (null !== ($logServerRootDirectory = $console->getOption('l'))) {
             foreach (array_diff(scandir($logServerRootDirectory), array('.', '..')) as $directory) {
                 $this->_logDirectories[] = realpath($logServerRootDirectory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory;
         if (null !== ($logDirectories = $console->getOption('d'))) {
             $this->_logDirectories += $logDirectories;
         if (null !== ($logFiles = $console->getOption('f'))) {
             $this->_logFiles = explode(' ', $logFiles);
         if (null !== ($delayTimestamp = $console->getOption('a'))) {
             $this->_delayTimestamp = $delayTimestamp;
         if (null !== ($startTimestamp = $console->getOption('s'))) {
             $this->_startTimestamp = $startTimestamp;
         if (null !== ($endTimestamp = $console->getOption('e'))) {
             $this->_endTimestamp = $endTimestamp;
     } catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
         throw new ZtChart_Model_Monitor_Console_Exception($e->getMessage());
     $this->_console = $console;
Exemple #2
 function __construct($process_classes_folder)
     $this->Logger = \Logger::getLogger('JobLauncher');
     $processes = @glob("{$process_classes_folder}/class.*Process.php");
     $options = array();
     if (count($processes) > 0) {
         foreach ($processes as $process) {
             $filename = basename($process);
             $directory = dirname($process);
             if (!file_exists($directory . "/" . $filename)) {
                 throw new \Exception(sprintf("File %s does not exist.", $directory . "/" . $filename));
             include_once $directory . "/" . $filename;
             preg_match("/class.(.*)Process.php/s", $filename, $tmp);
             $process_name = $tmp[1];
             if (class_exists("{$process_name}Process")) {
                 $reflect = new \ReflectionClass("{$process_name}Process");
                 if ($reflect) {
                     if ($reflect->implementsInterface('Scalr\\System\\Pcntl\\ProcessInterface')) {
                         $options[$process_name] = $reflect->getProperty("ProcessDescription")->getValue($reflect->newInstance());
                     } else {
                         throw new \Exception("Class '{$process_name}Process' doesn't implement 'ProcessInterface'.", E_ERROR);
                 } else {
                     throw new \Exception("Cannot use ReflectionAPI for class '{$process_name}Process'", E_ERROR);
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception("'{$process}' does not contain definition for '{$process_name}Process'", E_ERROR);
     } else {
         throw new \Exception(_("No job classes found in {$process_classes_folder}"), E_ERROR);
     $options["help"] = "Print this help";
     $options["piddir=s"] = "PID directory";
     $Getopt = new \Zend_Console_Getopt($options);
     try {
         $opts = $Getopt->getOptions();
     } catch (\Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
         print "{$e->getMessage()}\n\n";
     if (in_array("help", $opts) || count($opts) == 0 || !$options[$opts[0]]) {
         print $Getopt->getUsageMessage();
     } else {
         $this->ProcessName = $opts[0];
         if (in_array("piddir", $opts)) {
             $piddir = trim($Getopt->getOption("piddir"));
             if (substr($piddir, 0, 1) != '/') {
                 //$this->PIDDir = realpath($process_classes_folder . "/" . $piddir);
             } else {
                 //$this->PIDDir = $piddir;
Exemple #3
 public function parse()
     // get actionname from arguments
     if (count($this->_arguments) == 0) {
     // action name will be a free floating string
     $actionName = array_shift($this->_arguments);
     // check to make sure that the action exists
     if (!($actionContext = $this->_buildManifest->getContext('action', $actionName)) instanceof Zend_Build_Manifest_Context) {
         require_once 'Zend/Tool/Cli/Context/Exception.php';
         throw new Zend_Tool_Cli_Context_Exception('No action context by name ' . $actionName . ' was found in the manifest.');
     $getoptRules = array();
     // get the attributes from this action context
     $actionContextAttrs = $actionContext->getAttributes();
     foreach ($actionContextAttrs as $actionContextAttr) {
         if (isset($actionContextAttr['attributes']['getopt'])) {
             $getoptRules[$actionContextAttr['attributes']['getopt']] = $actionContextAttr['usage'];
     // parse those options out of the arguments array
     $getopt = new Zend_Console_Getopt($getoptRules, $this->_arguments, array('parseAll' => false));
     // put remaining args into local property
     $this->_arguments = $getopt->getRemainingArgs();
     // get class name
     $actionClassName = $actionContext->getClassName();
     // load appropriate file
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Loader_Exception $e) {
         echo 'couldnt load ' . $actionClassName . PHP_EOL;
     // get actual object for class name
     $this->_action = new $actionClassName();
     // make sure its somewhat sane (implements proper interface)
     if (!$this->_action instanceof Zend_Build_Action_Abstract) {
         echo 'does not implement Zend_Build_Action_Abstract ' . PHP_EOL;
     $parameters = array();
     foreach ($getopt->getOptions() as $getoptParsedOption) {
         $parameters[$getoptParsedOption] = $getopt->getOption($getoptParsedOption);
     // everything succeeded
Exemple #4
 public function parse()
     try {
         $getopt = new Zend_Console_Getopt($this->_globalGetoptRules(), $this->_arguments, array('parseAll' => false));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (in_array('help', $getopt->getOptions())) {
     // check if global switches are supported
 public function parse()
     $endpointRequest = $this->_endpoint->getRequest();
     if ($this->_workingArguments[0] == $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) {
     if (!$this->_parseGlobalPart() || count($this->_workingArguments) == 0) {
         // @todo process global options?
     $actionName = array_shift($this->_workingArguments);
     // is the action name valid?
     $cliActionNameMetadatas = Zend_Tool_Rpc_Manifest_Registry::getInstance()->getMetadatas(array('type' => 'Action', 'name' => 'cliActionName'));
     foreach ($cliActionNameMetadatas as $cliActionNameMetadata) {
         if ($actionName == $cliActionNameMetadata->getValue()) {
             $action = $cliActionNameMetadata->getReference();
     /* @TODO Action Parameter Requirements */
     if (count($this->_workingArguments) == 0) {
     if (!$this->_parseActionPart() || count($this->_workingArguments) == 0) {
     $cliProviderName = array_shift($this->_workingArguments);
     $cliSpecialtyName = '_global';
     if (strstr($cliProviderName, '.')) {
         list($cliProviderName, $cliSpecialtyName) = explode('.', $cliProviderName);
     $cliProviderNameMetadatas = Zend_Tool_Rpc_Manifest_Registry::getInstance()->getMetadatas(array('type' => 'Provider', 'name' => 'cliProviderName'));
     foreach ($cliProviderNameMetadatas as $cliProviderNameMetadata) {
         if ($cliProviderName == $cliProviderNameMetadata->getValue()) {
             $provider = $cliProviderNameMetadata->getReference();
     $cliSpecialtyNameMetadatas = Zend_Tool_Rpc_Manifest_Registry::getInstance()->getMetadatas(array('type' => 'Provider', 'providerName' => $provider->getName(), 'name' => 'cliSpecialtyNames'));
     foreach ($cliSpecialtyNameMetadatas as $cliSpecialtyNameMetadata) {
         if ($cliSpecialtyName == $cliSpecialtyNameMetadata->getValue()) {
             $specialtyName = $cliSpecialtyNameMetadata->getSpecialtyName();
     $cliActionableMethodLongParameterMetadata = Zend_Tool_Rpc_Manifest_Registry::getInstance()->getMetadata(array('type' => 'Provider', 'providerName' => $provider->getName(), 'actionName' => $action->getName(), 'specialtyName' => $specialtyName, 'name' => 'cliActionableMethodLongParameters'));
     $cliActionableMethodShortParameterMetadata = Zend_Tool_Rpc_Manifest_Registry::getInstance()->getMetadata(array('type' => 'Provider', 'providerName' => $provider->getName(), 'actionName' => $action->getName(), 'specialtyName' => $specialtyName, 'name' => 'cliActionableMethodShortParameters'));
     $cliParameterNameShortValues = $cliActionableMethodShortParameterMetadata->getValue();
     $getoptOptions = array();
     foreach ($cliActionableMethodLongParameterMetadata->getValue() as $parameterNameLong => $cliParameterNameLong) {
         $optionConfig = $cliParameterNameLong . '|';
         $cliActionableMethodReferenceData = $cliActionableMethodLongParameterMetadata->getReference();
         if ($cliActionableMethodReferenceData['type'] == 'string' || $cliActionableMethodReferenceData['type'] == 'bool') {
             $optionConfig .= $cliParameterNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . ($cliActionableMethodReferenceData['optional'] ? '-' : '=') . 's';
         } elseif (in_array($cliActionableMethodReferenceData['type'], array('int', 'integer', 'float'))) {
             $optionConfig .= $cliParameterNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . ($cliActionableMethodReferenceData['optional'] ? '-' : '=') . 'i';
         } else {
             $optionConfig .= $cliParameterNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . '-s';
         $getoptOptions[$optionConfig] = $cliActionableMethodReferenceData['description'] != '' ? $cliActionableMethodReferenceData['description'] : 'No description available.';
     $getoptParser = new Zend_Console_Getopt($getoptOptions, $this->_workingArguments, array('parseAll' => false));
     foreach ($getoptParser->getOptions() as $option) {
         $value = $getoptParser->getOption($option);
         $endpointRequest->setProviderParameter($option, $value);
     $this->_workingArguments = $getoptParser->getRemainingArgs();
Exemple #6
 public function testGetoptGetOptions()
     $opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt('abp:', array('-a', '-p', 'p_arg'));
     $this->assertEquals(implode(',', $opts->getOptions()), 'a,p');
Exemple #7
 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your
 * needs please refer to http://www.magentocommerce.com for more information.
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2014 X.commerce, Inc. (http://www.magentocommerce.com)
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php';
use Magento\Tools\I18n\Code\ServiceLocator;
try {
    $console = new \Zend_Console_Getopt(array('source|s=s' => 'Path to source dictionary file with translations', 'pack|p=s' => 'Path to language package', 'locale|l=s' => 'Target locale for dictionary, for example "de_DE"', 'mode|m-s' => 'Save mode for dictionary
        - "replace" - replace language pack by new one
        - "merge" -  merge language packages, by default "replace"', 'allow_duplicates|d=s' => 'Is allowed to save duplicates of translate, by default "no"'));
    if (!count($console->getOptions())) {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Required parameters are missed, please see usage description' . "\n\n" . $console->getUsageMessage());
    $dictionaryPath = $console->getOption('source');
    $packPath = $console->getOption('pack');
    $locale = $console->getOption('locale');
    $allowDuplicates = in_array($console->getOption('allow_duplicates'), array('y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', '1'));
    $saveMode = $console->getOption('mode');
    if (!$dictionaryPath) {
        throw new \Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Dictionary source path parameter is required.');
    if (!$packPath) {
        throw new \Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Pack path parameter is required.');
    if (!$locale) {
        throw new \Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Locale parameter is required.');
  * Internal routine for parsing the provider options from the command line
  * @return null
 protected function _parseProviderOptionsPart()
     if (current($this->_argumentsWorking) == '?') {
         $this->_help = true;
     $searchParams = array('type' => 'Tool', 'providerName' => $this->_request->getProviderName(), 'actionName' => $this->_request->getActionName(), 'specialtyName' => $this->_request->getSpecialtyName(), 'clientName' => 'console');
     $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata(array_merge($searchParams, array('name' => 'actionableMethodLongParams')));
     $actionableMethodShortParamsMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata(array_merge($searchParams, array('name' => 'actionableMethodShortParams')));
     $paramNameShortValues = $actionableMethodShortParamsMetadata->getValue();
     $getoptOptions = array();
     $wordArguments = array();
     $longParamCanonicalNames = array();
     $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadataReference = $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata->getReference();
     foreach ($actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata->getValue() as $parameterNameLong => $consoleParameterNameLong) {
         $optionConfig = $consoleParameterNameLong . '|';
         $parameterInfo = $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadataReference['parameterInfo'][$parameterNameLong];
         // process ParameterInfo into array for command line option matching
         if ($parameterInfo['type'] == 'string' || $parameterInfo['type'] == 'bool') {
             $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . ($parameterInfo['optional'] ? '-' : '=') . 's';
         } elseif (in_array($parameterInfo['type'], array('int', 'integer', 'float'))) {
             $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . ($parameterInfo['optional'] ? '-' : '=') . 'i';
         } else {
             $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . '-s';
         $getoptOptions[$optionConfig] = $parameterInfo['description'] != '' ? $parameterInfo['description'] : 'No description available.';
         // process ParameterInfo into array for command line WORD (argument) matching
         $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['parameterName'] = $parameterInfo['name'];
         $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['optional'] = $parameterInfo['optional'];
         $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['type'] = $parameterInfo['type'];
         // keep a translation of console to canonical names
         $longParamCanonicalNames[$consoleParameterNameLong] = $parameterNameLong;
     if (!$getoptOptions) {
         // no options to parse here, return
     // if non-option arguments exist, attempt to process them before processing options
     $wordStack = array();
     while ($wordOnTop = array_shift($this->_argumentsWorking)) {
         if (substr($wordOnTop, 0, 1) != '-') {
             array_push($wordStack, $wordOnTop);
         } else {
             // put word back on stack and move on
             array_unshift($this->_argumentsWorking, $wordOnTop);
         if (count($wordStack) == count($wordArguments)) {
             // when we get at most the number of arguments we are expecting
             // then break out.
     if ($wordStack && $wordArguments) {
         for ($wordIndex = 1; $wordIndex <= count($wordArguments); $wordIndex++) {
             if (!array_key_exists($wordIndex - 1, $wordStack) || !array_key_exists($wordIndex, $wordArguments)) {
             $this->_request->setProviderParameter($wordArguments[$wordIndex]['parameterName'], $wordStack[$wordIndex - 1]);
             unset($wordStack[$wordIndex - 1]);
     $getoptParser = new Zend_Console_Getopt($getoptOptions, $this->_argumentsWorking, array('parseAll' => false));
     foreach ($getoptParser->getOptions() as $option) {
         $value = $getoptParser->getOption($option);
         $providerParamOption = $longParamCanonicalNames[$option];
         $this->_request->setProviderParameter($providerParamOption, $value);
     $this->_argumentsWorking = $getoptParser->getRemainingArgs();
Exemple #9
// Check to see if Zend is in the PATH
if (!stream_resolve_include_path("Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php")) {
    cronlog("Zend Framework is not in the current PHP Include Path. Cannot start CLI Environment", 9);
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
$autoloader->setDefaultAutoloader(create_function('$class', "include str_replace('_', '/', \$class) . '.php';"));
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, array('config' => array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini')));
// Bootstrap our application
$bootstrap = $application->bootstrap();
$opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt(array('help|h' => 'Displays this help', 'action|a=s' => 'Specifies the action to perform. The action must be in the form module:controller:action or controller:action', 'params|p-s' => 'Specifies any params to pass along with the quest in usual HTTP key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3 format.'));
// Jump out when the request is for help
if (isset($opts->h) || sizeof($opts->getOptions()) == 0) {
    echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
// Prepare our custom router
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Router/Interface.php';
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Router/Abstract.php';
class XSync_Controller_Router_Cli extends Zend_Controller_Router_Abstract implements Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
    public function assemble($userParams, $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true)
    public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $dispatcher)