Exemple #1
  * Convert localized string representations to integer, float or date values
  * Subclasses can support localized input formats by calling this method
  * from a filter.
  * Non-string values get trimmed and converted to integer, float or
  * \DateTime, depending on $type. Invalid values are returned as string. The
  * input filter should validate filtered data by checking the datatype via
  * validateType().
  * @param string $value Localized input string
  * @param string $type Data type (integer, float, date). Any other value will be ignored.
  * @return mixed Normalized value or input string
 public function normalize($value, $type)
     // Integers and floats are validated first to prevent successful parsing
     // of strings containing invalid characters with the invalid part simply
     // cut off.
     switch ($type) {
         case 'integer':
             $value = trim($value);
             if (\Zend\Validator\StaticValidator::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Validator\\IsInt')) {
                 $value = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Filter\\NumberParse', array('type' => \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32));
         case 'float':
             $value = trim($value);
             if (\Zend\Validator\StaticValidator::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Validator\\IsFloat')) {
                 $value = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Filter\\NumberParse', array('type' => \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE));
         case 'date':
             $value = trim($value);
             $validator = new \Zend\I18n\Validator\DateTime();
             if ($validator->isValid($value)) {
                 // Some systems accept invalid date separators, like '/'
                 // with a de_DE locale which should accept only '.'.
                 // An extra comparision of the locale-specific pattern and
                 // the input string is necessary.
                 // This also enforces 4-digit years to avoid any confusion
                 // with 2-digit year input.
                 $pattern = preg_quote($validator->getPattern(), '#');
                 // Get the year part out of the way first.
                 $pattern = preg_replace('/y+/', '§', $pattern);
                 // Remaining letters are placeholders for digits.
                 $pattern = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]+/', '\\d+', $pattern);
                 // Set the year pattern.
                 $pattern = str_replace('§', '\\d{4}', $pattern);
                 if (preg_match("#^{$pattern}\$#", $value)) {
                     $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(\Locale::getDefault(), \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, 'UTC');
                     $value = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $formatter->parse($value));
     return $value;