Exemple #1
    die('Error connecting to the database!<br>Make sure you have specified correct values for host, username and password.');
// if database could not be selected
if (!@mysql_select_db($MySQL_database, $connection)) {
    // stop execution and display error message
    die('Error selecting database!<br>Make sure you have specified an existing and accessible database.');
// first, clear everything in the database
mysql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE mptt');
// include the Zebra_Mptt class
require '../Zebra_Mptt.php';
// instantiate the Zebra_Mptt object
$mptt = new Zebra_Mptt();
// populate the table
// add 'Food' as a topmost node
$food = $mptt->add(0, 'Food');
// 'Fruit' and 'Meat' are direct descendants of 'Food'
$fruit = $mptt->add($food, 'Fruit');
$meat = $mptt->add($food, 'Meat');
// 'Red' and 'Yellow' are direct descendants of 'Fruit'
$red = $mptt->add($fruit, 'Red');
$yellow = $mptt->add($fruit, 'Yellow');
// add a fruit of each color
$mptt->add($red, 'Cherry');
$mptt->add($yellow, 'Banana');
// add two kinds of meat
$mptt->add($meat, 'Beef');
$mptt->add($meat, 'Pork');
// get children of 'Red'
print_r('<p>Children of "Red"');
Exemple #2
$mysql_username = '';
$mysql_password = '';
$mysql_database = '';
// if could not connect to database
$connection = @mysqli_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_username, $mysql_password) or die('Error connecting to the database!<br>Make sure you have specified correct values for host, username and password.');
// if database could not be selected
@mysqli_select_db($connection, $mysql_database) or die('Error selecting database!<br>Make sure you have specified an existing and accessible database.');
// first, clear everything in the database
mysqli_query($connection, 'TRUNCATE TABLE mptt');
// include the Zebra_Mptt class
require '../Zebra_Mptt.php';
// instantiate the Zebra_Mptt object
$mptt = new Zebra_Mptt($connection);
// populate the table
// add 'Food' as a topmost node
$food = $mptt->add(0, 'Food');
// 'Fruit' and 'Meat' are direct descendants of 'Food'
$fruit = $mptt->add($food, 'Fruit');
$meat = $mptt->add($food, 'Meat');
// 'Red' and 'Yellow' are direct descendants of 'Fruit'
$red = $mptt->add($fruit, 'Red');
$yellow = $mptt->add($fruit, 'Yellow');
// add a fruit of each color
$cherry = $mptt->add($red, 'Cherry');
$banana = $mptt->add($yellow, 'Banana');
// add a color, but in the wrong position
$orange = $mptt->add($banana, 'Orange');
// now move it to fruits, after the "red" node
$orange = $mptt->move($orange, $red, 'after');
// add two kinds of meat
$meat = $mptt->add($meat, 'Beef');