
$this->breadcrumbs = array(Yum::t('Privacysettings') => array('index'), $model->user->username => array('//user/user/view', 'id' => $model->user_id), Yum::t('Update'));
$this->title = Yum::t('Privacy settings for {username}', array('{username}' => $model->user->username));
<div class="form">
<p class="note">

$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'privacysetting-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => true));
echo $form->errorSummary($model);

<div class="profile_field_selection">
echo '<h3>' . Yum::t('Profile field public options') . '</h3>';
echo '<p>' . Yum::t('Select the fields that should be public') . ':</p>';
$i = 1;
$counter = 0;
foreach (YumProfileField::model()->findAll() as $field) {
    if ($counter == 1) {
        echo '<div class="float-left" style="width: 175px;">';
    printf('<div>%s<label class="profilefieldlabel" for="privacy_for_field_%d">%s</label></div>', CHtml::checkBox("privacy_for_field_{$i}", $model->public_profile_fields & $i), $i, Yum::t($field->title));
    $i *= 2;
    if ($counter % 4 == 0) {
Exemple #2
$this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . ' - '.Yum::t( "Profile");
		Yum::t('Edit profile'));
$this->title = Yum::t('Edit profile');

<div class="form">

<? echo CHtml::beginForm(); ?>

<? echo Yum::requiredFieldNote(); ?>

<? echo CHtml::errorSummary(array($user, $profile)); ?>

<? if(Yum::module()->loginType & 1) { ?>
<div class="row">
<? echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($user,'username'); ?>
<? echo CHtml::activeTextField($user,'username',array(
			'size'=>20,'maxlength'=>20)); ?>
<? echo CHtml::error($user,'username'); ?>
<? } ?> 

<? if(isset($profile) && is_object($profile)) 
	$this->renderPartial('/profile/_form', array('profile' => $profile)); ?>

	<div class="row buttons">
