function render(&$gallery_list, &$videolist_row, &$theme_row, $total_number_of_rows, $videoid, $custom_itemid = 0) { $result = ''; $width = $theme_row->width; if ($width == 0) { $width = 400; } $height = $theme_row->height; if ($height == 0) { $height = 300; } if ($theme_row->rel != '' and JRequest::getCmd('tmpl') != '') { // Shadow box $shadowbox_activated = true; $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayoutsPortal::getLayout($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } else { $shadowbox_activated = false; if ($theme_row->customlayout != '') { $layoutcode = $theme_row->customlayout; } else { $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayoutsPortal::getLayout($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } } if ($theme_row->rel != '') { $show_player = false; } else { $show_player = true; } //Head Script if ($theme_row->headscript != '') { $this->setHeadScript($theme_row, $videolist_row->id, $width, $height); } $r = 'r' . 'ror'; if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= $this->getResponsiveCode($videolist_row->id, $width, $height); } $result .= ' <a name="youtubegallery"></a> <div class="videos-container" id="YoutubeGalleryMainContainer' . $videolist_row->id . '"> '; $result .= YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::render($layoutcode, $videolist_row, $theme_row, $gallery_list, $width, $height, $videoid, $total_number_of_rows, $custom_itemid); $thelist = array(); $result .= ' </div> '; //</div> if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= ' <!-- Make it responsive to window size --> <script language="JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ window.onresize = function() { YoutubeGalleryAutoResizePlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '(); } //]]> </script> '; } $result .= ''; return $result; }
/** * Create and return the pagination data object. * * @return object Pagination data object. * @since 11.1 */ protected function _buildDataObject() { jimport('joomla.version'); $version = new JVersion(); $JoomlaVersionRelease = $version->RELEASE; $yg_anchor = '#youtubegallery'; $data = new stdClass(); $WebsiteRoot = ''; if ($JoomlaVersionRelease >= 1.6) { $WebsiteRoot = JURI::base(); $u = JURI::getInstance(); $uri = $u->toString(); $URLPath = $u->getPath(); if ($WebsiteRoot[strlen($WebsiteRoot) - 1] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $WebsiteRoot .= '/'; } if ($URLPath[0] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $URLPath = '/' . $URLPath; } $a = explode('/', $WebsiteRoot); //print_r($a); $b = explode('/', $URLPath); //print_r($b); $s = -1; $ca = count($a); //if($a[$ca-1]=='') //$ca=$ca-1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($b) and $i < $ca - 3; $i++) { if ($a[$ca - 1 - $i] == $b[$i]) { $s = $i; } else { break; } } //echo '$s='.$s.'<br/>'; if ($s != -1) { $c = array(); for ($i = $s + 1; $i < count($b); $i++) { $c[] = $b[$i]; } $URLPath = implode('/', $c); //print_r($c); } //echo '$URLPath='.$URLPath.'<br/>'; } else { $juri = new JURI(); $WebsiteRoot = $juri->getHost(); $URLPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // example: /index.php' } if ($WebsiteRoot[strlen($WebsiteRoot) - 1] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $WebsiteRoot .= '/'; } if ($URLPath != '') { if ($URLPath[0] == '/') { $URLPath = substr($URLPath, 1); } } $Translations = array(); if ($JoomlaVersionRelease >= 1.6) { $Translations['all'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_VIEW_ALL'); $Translations['start'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_START'); $Translations['prev'] = JText::_('JPREV'); $Translations['next'] = JText::_('JNEXT'); $Translations['end'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_END'); if (strpos($URLPath, '?') === false) { $URLPath .= '?' . $u->getQuery(); } else { $URLPath .= '&' . $u->getQuery(); } } else { $Translations['all'] = JText::_('All'); $Translations['start'] = JText::_('First'); $Translations['prev'] = JText::_('Prev'); $Translations['next'] = JText::_('Next'); $Translations['end'] = JText::_('Last'); } if (!empty($this->_additionalUrlParams)) { foreach ($this->_additionalUrlParams as $key => $value) { if (strpos($URLPath, '?') === false) { $URLPath = '?' . $key . '=' . $value; } else { $URLPath = '&' . $key . '=' . $value; } } } //echo '$URLPath='.$URLPath.'<br/>'; require_once 'layoutrenderer.php'; $URLPath = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::deleteURLQueryOption($URLPath, 'videoid'); $URLPath = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::deleteURLQueryOption($URLPath, $this->prefix . 'ygstart'); if (strpos($URLPath, '?') === false) { $computed_prefix = '?' . $this->prefix; } else { $computed_prefix = '&' . $this->prefix; } $URLPath = str_replace('&', '&', $URLPath); //alteracao projeto portal padrao // $FullPath=$WebsiteRoot.$URLPath; $domain = 'http'; if (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $pageURL .= "s"; } $domain .= "://"; if (@$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { $domain .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; } else { $domain .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; } $FullPath = $domain . '/' . $URLPath; //fim alteracao projeto portal padrao $data->all = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['all'], $this->prefix); if (!$this->_viewall) { $data->all->base = '0'; $data->all->link = $FullPath; } // Set the start and previous data objects. //echo '$Translations[start]='.$Translations['start'].'<br/>'; $data->start = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['start'], $this->prefix); $data->previous = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['prev'], $this->prefix); if ($this->get('pages.current') > 1) { $page = ($this->get('pages.current') - 2) * $this->limit; // Set the empty for removal from route $data->start->base = '0'; $data->start->link = $FullPath; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->start->link .= $yg_anchor; } $data->previous->base = $page; $data->previous->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $page; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->previous->link .= $yg_anchor; } } // Set the next and end data objects. $data->next = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['next'], $this->prefix); $data->end = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['end'], $this->prefix); if ($this->get('pages.current') < $this->get('')) { $next = $this->get('pages.current') * $this->limit; $end = ($this->get('') - 1) * $this->limit; $data->next->base = $next; $data->next->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $next; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->next->link .= $yg_anchor; } $data->end->base = $end; $data->end->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $end; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->end->link .= $yg_anchor; } } $data->pages = array(); $stop = $this->get('pages.stop'); for ($i = $this->get('pages.ygstart'); $i <= $stop; $i++) { $offset = ($i - 1) * $this->limit; // Set the empty for removal from route //$offset = $offset == 0 ? '' : $offset; $data->pages[$i] = new JYGPaginationObject($i, $this->prefix); if ($i != $this->get('pages.current') || $this->_viewall) { $data->pages[$i]->base = $offset; if ($offset == 0) { $data->pages[$i]->link = $FullPath; } else { $data->pages[$i]->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $offset; } } if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->pages[$i]->link .= $yg_anchor; } } return $data; }
public static function getVideoSourceByID($videoid, &$gallery_list) { $gl_row = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getVideoRowByID($videoid, $gallery_list); if ($gl_row) { return $gl_row['videosource']; } /* foreach($gallery_list as $gl_row) { if($gl_row['videoid']==$videoid) return $gl_row['videosource']; } */ return ''; }
public static function addHotReloadScript(&$gallery_list, $width, $height, &$videolist_row, &$theme_row) { $vs = array(); //'youtube','vimeo','break','own3dtvlive','own3dtvvideo','google','yahoo','collegehumor','dailymotion','.flv','presentme'); foreach ($gallery_list as $g) { $v = $g['videosource']; if (!in_array($v, $vs)) { $vs[] = $v; } } $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // $hotrefreshscript = ' <!-- Youtube Gallery Hot Video Switch --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var YoutubeGalleryVideoSources' . $videolist_row->id . ' = ["' . implode('", "', $vs) . '"]; var YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . ' = new Array; '; $i = 0; foreach ($vs as $v) { $player_code = '<!-- ' . $v . ' player -->' . YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::ShowActiveVideo($gallery_list, $width, $height, '****youtubegallery-video-id****', $videolist_row, $theme_row, $v); $hotrefreshscript .= ' YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '[' . $i . ']=\'' . $player_code . '\';'; $i++; } $hotrefreshscript .= ' for (var i=0;i<YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '.length;i++) { var player_code=YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '[i]; '; //player_code=player_code.replace(/\*\/scr/g,\'</scr\'); $hotrefreshscript .= ' player_code=player_code.replace(/\\*quote\\*/g,\'\\\'\'); YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '[i]=player_code; } function YoutubeGalleryCleanCode' . $videolist_row->id . '(playercode) { do{ var b=playercode.indexOf("***code_begin***"); var e=playercode.indexOf("***code_end***"); if(b!=-1 && e!=-1) playercode=playercode.substr(0,b) + playercode.substr(e+14); }while(b!=-1 && e!=-1) return playercode; } function YoutubeGalleryHotVideoSwitch' . $videolist_row->id . '(videoid,videosource,id) { var i=YoutubeGalleryVideoSources' . $videolist_row->id . '.indexOf(videosource); if(i==-1) playercode=""; else playercode=YoutubeGalleryPlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '[i]; playercode=playercode.replace("****youtubegallery-video-id****",videoid); var title=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbTitle' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id).innerHTML var description=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbDescription' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id).innerHTML var link=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbLink' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id).innerHTML var startsecond=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbStartSecond' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id).innerHTML var endsecond=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbEndSecond' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id).innerHTML var customimage_obj=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryThumbCustomImage' . $videolist_row->id . '_"+id); if(customimage_obj) { var customimage=customimage_obj.innerHTML; var n=customimage.indexOf("_small"); if(n==-1) { playercode=playercode.replace("****youtubegallery-video-customimage****",customimage); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { playercode=playercode.replace("***code_begin***",""); playercode=playercode.replace("***code_end***",""); } } else playercode=YoutubeGalleryCleanCode' . $videolist_row->id . '(playercode); } else playercode=YoutubeGalleryCleanCode' . $videolist_row->id . '(playercode); playercode=playercode.replace("****youtubegallery-video-link****",link); playercode=playercode.replace("****youtubegallery-video-startsecond****",startsecond); playercode=playercode.replace("****youtubegallery-video-endsecond****",endsecond); playercode=playercode.replace("autoplay=0","autoplay=1"); document.getElementById("YoutubeGallerySecondaryContainer' . $videolist_row->id . '").innerHTML=playercode; if(playercode.indexOf("<!--DYNAMIC PLAYER-->")!=-1) eval("youtubegallery_updateplayer_"+videosource+"_' . $videolist_row->id . '(videoid,true)"); var tObj=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryVideoTitle' . $videolist_row->id . '"); var dObj=document.getElementById("YoutubeGalleryVideoDescription' . $videolist_row->id . '"); if(tObj) { tObj.innerHTML=title; } if(dObj) { dObj.innerHTML=description; } '; /* if($theme_row->playertype==2 or $theme_row->playertype==4) { $hotrefreshscript.=' if(videosource=="youtube") { var toPlay="YGYouTubePlayerReady'.$videolist_row->id.'(true)"; setTimeout(toPlay, 750); } '; //youtubegallery_updateplayer_youtube_'.$videolist_row->id.'(videoid); }*/ $hotrefreshscript .= ' } //]]> </script> '; $document->addCustomTag($hotrefreshscript); }
/** * Create and return the pagination data object. * * @return object Pagination data object. * @since 11.1 */ protected function _buildDataObject() { jimport('joomla.version'); $version = new JVersion(); $JoomlaVersionRelease = $version->RELEASE; $yg_anchor = '#youtubegallery'; $data = new stdClass(); $WebsiteRoot = ''; if ($JoomlaVersionRelease >= 1.6) { $WebsiteRoot = JURI::base(); $u = JURI::getInstance(); $uri = $u->toString(); $URLPath = $u->getPath(); if ($WebsiteRoot[strlen($WebsiteRoot) - 1] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $WebsiteRoot .= '/'; } if ($URLPath[0] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $URLPath = '/' . $URLPath; } $a = explode('/', $WebsiteRoot); $b = explode('/', $URLPath); $s = -1; $ca = count($a); for ($i = 0; $i < count($b) and $i < $ca - 3; $i++) { if ($a[$ca - 1 - $i] == $b[$i]) { $s = $i; } else { break; } } if ($s != -1) { $c = array(); for ($i = $s + 1; $i < count($b); $i++) { $c[] = $b[$i]; } $URLPath = implode('/', $c); } } else { $juri = new JURI(); $WebsiteRoot = $juri->getHost(); $URLPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // example: /index.php' } //good idea: //$uh=parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); if ($WebsiteRoot[strlen($WebsiteRoot) - 1] != '/') { //Root must have slash / in the end $WebsiteRoot .= '/'; } //the path must start without "/" if ($URLPath != '') { if ($URLPath[0] == '/') { $URLPath = substr($URLPath, 1); } } //check if the path already contains video alias //delete it if found. if (!(strpos(JPATH_COMPONENT, '/com_youtubegallery') === false)) { //youtube gallery component $s = explode('/', $URLPath); $sc = count($s); if ($sc >= 1) { $pair = explode('?', $s[$sc - 1]); $alias = str_replace('.html', '', $pair[0]); $alias = str_replace('.htm', '', $alias); $alias = str_replace('.php', '', $alias); if (YGPagination::CheckIfAliasExixst($alias)) { if (isset($pair[1])) { $s[$sc - 1] = $pair[1]; } else { unset($s[$sc - 1]); $URLPath = implode('/', $s); } } } } //--------------------- $Translations = array(); if ($JoomlaVersionRelease >= 1.6) { $Translations['all'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_VIEW_ALL'); $Translations['start'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_START'); $Translations['prev'] = JText::_('JPREV'); $Translations['next'] = JText::_('JNEXT'); $Translations['end'] = JText::_('JLIB_HTML_END'); $URLPath .= YGPagination::QuestionmarkOrAnd($URLPath) . $u->getQuery(); } else { $Translations['all'] = JText::_('All'); $Translations['start'] = JText::_('First'); $Translations['prev'] = JText::_('Prev'); $Translations['next'] = JText::_('Next'); $Translations['end'] = JText::_('Last'); } if (!empty($this->_additionalUrlParams)) { foreach ($this->_additionalUrlParams as $key => $value) { $URLPath .= YGPagination::QuestionmarkOrAnd($URLPath) . $key . '=' . $value; } } require_once 'layoutrenderer.php'; $URLPath = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::deleteURLQueryOption($URLPath, 'videoid'); $URLPath = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::deleteURLQueryOption($URLPath, $this->prefix . 'ygstart'); $computed_prefix = YGPagination::QuestionmarkOrAnd($URLPath) . $this->prefix; $URLPath = str_replace('&', '&', $URLPath); $FullPath = $WebsiteRoot . $URLPath; $data->all = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['all'], $this->prefix); if (!$this->_viewall) { $data->all->base = '0'; $data->all->link = $FullPath; } // Set the start and previous data objects. $data->start = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['start'], $this->prefix); $data->previous = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['prev'], $this->prefix); if ($this->get('pages.current') > 1) { $page = ($this->get('pages.current') - 2) * $this->limit; // Set the empty for removal from route $data->start->base = '0'; $data->start->link = $FullPath; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->start->link .= $yg_anchor; } $data->previous->base = $page; $data->previous->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $page; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->previous->link .= $yg_anchor; } } // Set the next and end data objects. $data->next = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['next'], $this->prefix); $data->end = new JYGPaginationObject($Translations['end'], $this->prefix); if ($this->get('pages.current') < $this->get('')) { $next = $this->get('pages.current') * $this->limit; $end = ($this->get('') - 1) * $this->limit; $data->next->base = $next; $data->next->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $next; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->next->link .= $yg_anchor; } $data->end->base = $end; $data->end->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $end; if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->end->link .= $yg_anchor; } } $data->pages = array(); $stop = $this->get('pages.stop'); for ($i = $this->get('pages.ygstart'); $i <= $stop; $i++) { $offset = ($i - 1) * $this->limit; // Set the empty for removal from route //$offset = $offset == 0 ? '' : $offset; $data->pages[$i] = new JYGPaginationObject($i, $this->prefix); if ($i != $this->get('pages.current') || $this->_viewall) { $data->pages[$i]->base = $offset; if ($offset == 0) { $data->pages[$i]->link = $FullPath; } else { $data->pages[$i]->link = $FullPath . $computed_prefix . 'ygstart=' . $offset; } } if ($this->AddAnchor) { $data->pages[$i]->link .= $yg_anchor; } } return $data; }
function render(&$gallery_list, &$videolist_row, &$theme_row, $total_number_of_rows, $videoid, $custom_itemid = 0) { $result = ''; $width = $theme_row->width; if ($width == 0) { $width = 400; } $height = $theme_row->height; if ($height == 0) { $height = 300; } if ($theme_row->rel != '' and JRequest::getCmd('tmpl') != '') { // Shadow box $shadowbox_activated = true; $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayouts::getTableClassic($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } else { $shadowbox_activated = false; if ($theme_row->customlayout != '') { $layoutcode = $theme_row->customlayout; } else { $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayouts::getTableClassic($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } } if ($theme_row->rel != '') { $show_player = false; } else { $show_player = true; } //Head Script if ($theme_row->headscript != '') { $this->setHeadScript($theme_row, $videolist_row->id, $width, $height); } $glassclass = ''; if ($theme_row->useglass) { $glassclass = ' .YoutubeGalleryGlassCover { position: absolute; background-image: url("components/com_youtubegallery/images/dot.png"); top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px; padding:0px; } '; } $result .= ' <!-- YouTube Gallery --> '; //$r='r'.'ror'; if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= $this->getResponsiveCode($videolist_row->id, $width, $height); if ($theme_row->useglass) { $headscript = ' <style> ' . $glassclass . ' </style> '; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addCustomTag($headscript); } } elseif ($theme_row->responsive == 2) { $headscript = ' <style> /* CSS for making YouTubeGallery player responsive (without javascript): */ div#YoutubeGalleryMainContainer' . $videolist_row->id . ' { width: 100% !important; } div#YoutubeGallerySecondaryContainer' . $videolist_row->id . ', .YoutubeGalleryLogoCover' . $videolist_row->id . '{ position: relative !important; width: 100% !important; height: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 56.25% !important; /* 16:9 */ } div#YoutubeGallerySecondaryContainer' . $videolist_row->id . ' iframe { position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; border: 2px solid #000; background: #000; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; } div#YoutubeGallerySecondaryContainer' . $videolist_row->id . ' object{ width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; border: 2px solid #000; background: #000; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; box-shadow: 1px 1px 7px 0px #222; } ' . ($theme_row->useglass == 1 ? $glassclass : '') . ' </style> '; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addCustomTag($headscript); } $result .= ' <a name="youtubegallery"></a> <div id="YoutubeGalleryMainContainer' . $videolist_row->id . '" style="position: relative;display: block;' . ($show_player ? 'width:' . $width . 'px;' : '') . ($theme_row->cssstyle != '' ? $theme_row->cssstyle . ';' : '') . '"> '; $result .= YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::render($layoutcode, $videolist_row, $theme_row, $gallery_list, $width, $height, $videoid, $total_number_of_rows, $custom_itemid); $thelist_ = array(); $result .= ' </div> '; //</div> if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= ' <!-- Make it responsive to window size --> <script language="JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ window.onresize = function() { YoutubeGalleryAutoResizePlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '(); } //]]> </script> '; } $result .= ' <!-- end of YouTube Gallery --> '; return $result; }
function render(&$gallery_list, &$videolist_row, &$theme_row, $total_number_of_rows, $videoid, $custom_itemid = 0) { $i = '2ee92a8f8d74ae6687b61096d0b37994'; $result = ''; $width = $theme_row->width; if ($width == 0) { $width = 400; } $height = $theme_row->height; if ($height == 0) { $height = 300; } if ($theme_row->rel != '' and JRequest::getCmd('tmpl') != '') { // Shadow box $shadowbox_activated = true; $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayouts::getTableClassic($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } else { $shadowbox_activated = false; if ($theme_row->customlayout != '') { $layoutcode = $theme_row->customlayout; } else { $layoutcode = YoutubeGalleryLayouts::getTableClassic($theme_row, $shadowbox_activated); } } if ($theme_row->rel != '') { $show_player = false; } else { $show_player = true; } //Head Script if ($theme_row->headscript != '') { $this->setHeadScript($theme_row, $videolist_row->id, $width, $height); } $result .= ' <!-- YouTube Gallery v3.5.9 --> <!-- YouTube Gallery --> '; $r = 'r' . 'ror'; if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= $this->getResponsiveCode($videolist_row->id, $width, $height); } $result .= ' <a name="youtubegallery"></a> <div id="YoutubeGalleryMainContainer' . $videolist_row->id . '" style="position: relative;display: block;' . ($show_player ? 'width:' . $width . 'px;' : '') . ($theme_row->cssstyle != '' ? $theme_row->cssstyle . ';' : '') . '"> '; $l = '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'; $result .= YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::render($layoutcode, $videolist_row, $theme_row, $gallery_list, $width, $height, $videoid, $total_number_of_rows, $custom_itemid); $thelist_ = $l; $thelist = array(); $result .= YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::Paginatlon($thelist_); $result .= ' </div> '; //</div> if ($theme_row->responsive == 1) { $result .= ' <!-- Make it responsive to window size --> <script language="JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ window.onresize = function() { YoutubeGalleryAutoResizePlayer' . $videolist_row->id . '(); } //]]> </script> '; } $result .= ' <!-- end of YouTube Gallery --> '; return !(md5($l) != $i) && strlen($i) > 11 ? $result : 'E' . $r . ' #' . rand(100, 600); }