Exemple #1
	public function composeUploadAction()
		$viewer = Engine_Api::_() -> user() -> getViewer();

		if (!$viewer -> getIdentity())
			$this -> _redirect('login');

		if (!$this -> getRequest() -> isPost())
			$this -> view -> status = false;
			$this -> view -> error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate') -> _('Invalid method.');

		$video_title = $this -> _getParam('title');
		$video_url = $this -> _getParam('uri');
		$video_type = $this -> _getParam('type');
		$composer_type = $this -> _getParam('c_type', 'wall');
        $valid = false;
		// extract code
        if ($video_type != Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getUploadedType())
			$adapter = Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getPlugin((int)$video_type);
			$adapter -> setParams(array('link' => $video_url));
			$valid = $adapter -> isValid();

		// check to make sure the user has not met their quota of # of allowed video uploads
		// set up data needed to check quota
		$values['user_id'] = $viewer -> getIdentity();
		$paginator = Engine_Api::_() -> getApi('core', 'ynvideo') -> getVideosPaginator($values);
		//$quota = Engine_Api::_()->authorization()->getPermission($viewer->level_id, 'video', 'max');
		// TODO [DangTH] : get the max value
		$this -> view -> quota = $quota = Engine_Api::_() -> ynvideo() -> getAllowedMaxValue('video', $viewer -> level_id, 'max');
		$current_count = $paginator -> getTotalItemCount();

		if (($current_count >= $quota) && !empty($quota))
			// return error message
			$this -> view -> message = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate') -> _('You have already uploaded the maximum number of videos allowed. If you would like to upload a new video, please delete an old one first.');
		if ($valid)
			$db = Engine_Api::_() -> getDbtable('videos', 'ynvideo') -> getAdapter();
			$db -> beginTransaction();

				$table = Engine_Api::_() -> getDbtable('videos', 'ynvideo');
				$video = $table -> createRow();
				$video -> owner_id = $viewer -> getIdentity();
				$video -> type = $video_type;
				$video -> parent_type = 'user';
				$video -> parent_id = $viewer -> getIdentity();
                if($video_type == 6)
                    $regex = '/(<iframe.*? src=(\"|\'))(.*?)((\"|\').*)/';
                    preg_match($regex, $video_url, $matches);
                    if(count($matches) > 2)
                        $video_url = $matches[3];
				$video -> code = $video_url;

				if ($video_type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getVideoURLType() || $video_type == 6)
					$video -> title = Ynvideo_Plugin_Adapter_VideoURL::getDefaultTitle();
					if ($adapter -> fetchLink())
						// create video
						$video -> storeThumbnail($adapter -> getVideoThumbnailImage(), 'small');
						$video -> storeThumbnail($adapter -> getVideoLargeImage(), 'large');
						$video -> title = $adapter -> getVideoTitle();
						$video -> description = $adapter -> description;
						$video -> duration = $adapter -> getVideoDuration();
						$video -> code = $adapter -> getVideoCode();
						$video -> save();

				// If video is from the composer, keep it hidden until the post is complete
				if ($composer_type)
					$video -> search = 0;
				$video -> status = 1;
				$video -> save();

				$db -> commit();
			catch (Exception $e)
				$db -> rollBack();
				throw $e;

			// make the video public
			if ($composer_type === 'wall')
				$auth = Engine_Api::_() -> authorization() -> context;
				$roles = array(
				foreach ($roles as $i => $role)
					$auth -> setAllowed($video, $role, 'view', ($i <= $roles));
					$auth -> setAllowed($video, $role, 'comment', ($i <= $roles));

			$this -> view -> status = true;
			$this -> view -> video_id = $video -> video_id;
			$this -> view -> photo_id = $video -> photo_id;
			$this -> view -> title = $video -> title;
            $this -> view -> type = $video -> type;
			$this -> view -> description = $video -> description;
			if ($video_type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getVideoURLType() || $video_type == 6)
				$this -> view -> src = Zend_Registry::get('StaticBaseUrl') . 'application/modules/Video/externals/images/video.png';
				$this -> view -> src = $video -> getPhotoUrl();
			$this -> view -> message = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate') -> _('Video posted successfully.');
			$this -> view -> message = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate') -> _('We could not find a video there - please check the URL and try again.');
Exemple #2
 public function fetchVideoLargeThumbnail($videos = null) 
     if ($videos) {            
         if ($videos instanceof Ynvideo_Model_Video) {
             $arrVideos = array($videos);
         } else {
             $arrVideos = $videos;
     if ($arrVideos) {
         foreach ($arrVideos as $video) {
             if (!$video->large_photo_id) {
                 $adapter = Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getPlugin($video->type);
                 $adapter->setParams(array('code' => $video->code, 'video_id' => $video->getIdentity()));                    
                 $video->storeThumbnail($adapter->getVideoLargeImage(), 'large');
Exemple #3
	public function getRichContent($view = false, $params = array())
		$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('mobile');
		$mobile = $session -> mobile;
		$count_video = 0;
		if (isset($session -> count))
			$count_video = ++$session -> count;
		$paramsForCompile = array_merge(array(
			'video_id' => $this -> video_id,
			'code' => $this -> code,
			'view' => $view,
			'mobile' => $mobile,
			'duration' => $this -> duration,
			'count_video' => $count_video
		), $params);
		if ($this -> type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getUploadedType())
			$responsive_mobile = FALSE;
			if (defined('YNRESPONSIVE'))
				$responsive_mobile = Engine_Api::_() -> ynresponsive1() -> isMobile();
			if (!empty($this -> file1_id))
				$storage_file = Engine_Api::_() -> getItem('storage_file', $this -> file_id);
				if ($session -> mobile || $responsive_mobile)
					$storage_file = Engine_Api::_() -> getItem('storage_file', $this -> file1_id);
				if ($storage_file)
					$paramsForCompile['location1'] = $storage_file -> getHref();
					$paramsForCompile['location'] = '';
				$storage_file = Engine_Api::_() -> getItem('storage_file', $this -> file_id);
				if ($storage_file)
					$paramsForCompile['location'] = $storage_file -> getHref();
					$paramsForCompile['location1'] = '';
		if ($this -> type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getVideoURLType())
			$paramsForCompile['location'] = $this -> code;
        $videoEmbedded = Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getPlugin((int)$this -> type) -> compileVideo($paramsForCompile);

		// $view == false means that this rich content is requested from the activity feed
		if ($view == false)
			$video_duration = "";
			if ($this -> duration)
				if ($this -> duration >= 3600)
					$duration = gmdate("H:i:s", $this -> duration);
					$duration = gmdate("i:s", $this -> duration);
				$video_duration = "<span class='video_length'>" . $duration . "</span>";

			// prepare the thumbnail
			$thumb = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_View') -> itemPhoto($this, 'thumb.large');
			if ($this -> photo_id)
				$thumb = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_View') -> itemPhoto($this, 'thumb.large');
				$thumb = '<img alt="" src="' . Zend_Registry::get('StaticBaseUrl') . 'application/modules/Video/externals/images/video.png">';

			if (!$mobile)
				$thumb = '<a id="video_thumb_' . $this -> video_id . $count_video . '" style="" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:var myElement = $(this);myElement.style.display=\'none\';var next = myElement.getNext(); next.style.display=\'block\';">
                  <div class="video_thumb_wrapper">' . $video_duration . $thumb . '</div>
				$thumb = '<a id="video_thumb_' . $this -> video_id . $count_video . '" class="video_thumb" href="javascript:void(0);">
                  <div class="video_thumb_wrapper">' . $video_duration . $thumb . '</div>

			// prepare title and description
			$title = "<a class='smoothbox' href='" . $this -> getPopupHref($params) . "'>". $this-> getTitle()."</a>";
			$tmpBody = strip_tags($this -> description);
			$description = "<div class='video_desc'>" . (Engine_String::strlen($tmpBody) > 255 ? Engine_String::substr($tmpBody, 0, 255) . '...' : $tmpBody) . "</div>";

			$class_html5 = "";
			if ($this -> type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getVideoURLType() || $this -> type == Ynvideo_Plugin_Factory::getUploadedType())
				$class_html5 = 'html5_player';
			$totalLike = Engine_Api::_() -> getDbtable('likes', 'yncomment') -> likes($this) -> getLikeCount();
          	$totalDislike = Engine_Api::_() -> getDbtable('dislikes', 'yncomment') -> getDislikeCount($this);
			$videoEmbedded = '<div class="video_info">' .$title . $description . '</div>'.$thumb . '<div id="video_object_' . $this -> video_id . '" class="video_object ' . $class_html5 . '">' . $videoEmbedded . '</div>';
			$view = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_View');  
			$videoEmbedded .= '<div class="tfvideo_statistics">
          	<span>'. $view->translate(array('%s like', '%s likes', $totalLike), $totalLike). '</span>
          	<span>'. $view->translate(array('%s dislike', '%s dislikes', $totalDislike), $totalDislike). '</span>
          	<span>'. $view->translate(array('%s comment', '%s comments', $this -> comment_count), $this -> comment_count).'</span>

		return $videoEmbedded;