Exemple #1
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        //
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              //
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA //
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
include_once '../../mainfile.php';
include_once '../../header.php';
include_once '../../class/criteria.php';
include_once 'class/yogurt_images.php';
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
    redirect_header('index.php', 3, _MD_YOGURT_TOKENEXPIRED);
* Creating the factory  loading the picture changing its caption
$picture_factory = new Xoopsyogurt_imagesHandler($xoopsDB);
$picture = $picture_factory->create(false);
$uid = intval($xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
$image = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/uploads/' . 'thumb_' . $picture->getVar('url');
$avatar = 'av' . $uid . '_' . time() . '.jpg';
$imageavatar = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/uploads/' . $avatar;
if (!copy($image, $imageavatar)) {
    echo 'failed to copy $file...\\n';
$xoopsUser->setVar('user_avatar', $avatar);
$userHandler = new XoopsUserHandler($xoopsDB);
* Verifying who's the owner to allow changes
if ($uid == $picture->getVar('uid_owner')) {
    if ($userHandler->insert($xoopsUser)) {