$newOrder[] = $node;
        $newPos = -1;
    if ($child->name !== $node->name) {
        $newOrder[] = $xmldoc->children[0]->children[$index];
    } else {
if ($rowCounter < $newPos) {
    $newOrder[] = $node;
    $newPos = -1;
$xmldoc->children[0]->children = $newOrder;
$i = 0;
$aFields = array();
$aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => 'char', 'TYPE' => 'char', 'UP' => 'char', 'DOWN' => 'char', 'row__' => 'integer');
$oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection($file, '', '', '', 'myxml'));
$oDataset = $oSession->Execute('SELECT * FROM dynaForm WHERE NOT( XMLNODE_NAME = "" )');
$iMaximun = $oDataset->count();
while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) {
    $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => $aRow['XMLNODE_NAME'], 'TYPE' => $aRow['TYPE'], 'UP' => $i > 0 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_UP') : '', 'DOWN' => $i < $iMaximun - 1 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_DOWN') : '', 'row__' => $i + 1);
global $_DBArray;
$_DBArray['fields'] = $aFields;
$_SESSION['_DBArray'] = $_DBArray;
$dynaform = new dynaform($dbc);
$dynaform->Fields['DYN_UID'] = isset($_POST['DYN_UID']) ? urldecode($_POST['DYN_UID']) : '0';
if (isset($_POST['DYN_UID']) && $_POST['DYN_UID'] !== '') {
    $file = $dynaform->Fields['DYN_FILENAME'];
} else {
    //Hardcode: Sample of xmlform.
    $file = $PRO_UID . '/' . 'myInfo';
/* Start Comment: If file doesn't exist, it is created */
if (!file_exists(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml')) {
    $newDoc = new Xml_Document();
    $newDoc->addChildNode(new Xml_Node('dynaForm', 'open', '', array('type' => 'xmlform', 'name' => $file)));
    $newDoc->children[0]->addChildNode(new Xml_Node('', 'cdata', "\n"));
    G::verifyPath(dirname(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml'), true);
    $newDoc->save(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml');
/* End Comment */
/* Start Comment: Create and temporal copy. */
$pathFile = $filter->xssFilterHard(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml', 'path');
$copy = implode('', file($pathFile));
$file .= '_tmp0';
$fcopy = fopen($pathFile, "w");
fwrite($fcopy, $copy);
/* End Comment */
//Removes any other CURRENT_DYNAFORM that could be pending because of a page refresh or a failure
define('DB_XMLDB_HOST', PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml');
define('DB_XMLDB_USER', '');