function ajaxShowNewUserForm(&$args, &$response) { $mySess = JFactory::getSession(); //Set facebook variable in session so we can redirect user //to plan selection page after login //XITODO : we will remove this when aec support fbc $aecExists = XiptLibAec::isAecExists(); if ($aecExists) { $mySess->set('FROM_FACEBOOK', true, 'XIPT'); } /*if ptype is not required during registration then return */ if (!XiptFactory::getSettings('show_ptype_during_reg', 0)) { return true; } //if aec is integrate with ptype then we don't want to display //ptype selection page during facebook integration so return // pType already selected if ($aecExists && XiptFactory::getSettings('subscription_integrate', 0)) { return true; } /*check if ptype exist in session , * if true means we have already gone through ptype selection process * no need to process again , return */ if ($mySess->get('SELECTED_PROFILETYPE_ID', 0, 'XIPT')) { return true; } /*if not any above process fullfill the requirement then * we need to display ptype selection page */ $html = ''; if ($args && count($args)) { $selectedProfiletypeID = $args[0]; // validate values if (XiptLibProfiletypes::validateProfiletype($selectedProfiletypeID)) { $mySess->set('SELECTED_PROFILETYPE_ID', $selectedProfiletypeID, 'XIPT'); return true; } else { $html .= XiptText::_('PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_PROFILETYPE'); } } return self::getPtypeDisplayPageForFacebook($response, $html); }
function checkAclApplicable(&$data) { $aecExists = XiptLibAec::isAecExists(); $subs_integrate = XiptFactory::getSettings('subscription_integrate', 0); $integrate_with = XiptFactory::getSettings('integrate_with', 0); // pType already selected if (!$subs_integrate || $integrate_with != 'aec' || !$aecExists) { return false; } $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->id) { return false; } if ('com_acctexp' == $data['option']) { return false; } if ($data['option'] == 'com_user') { return false; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { return false; } return true; }
function event_com_xipt_registration_blank() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $subs_integrate = XiptFactory::getSettings('subscription_integrate', 0); $integrate_with = XiptFactory::getSettings('integrate_with', 0); if (!$subs_integrate) { return false; } //when integrated with AEC, set PT in session as per plan. if ($integrate_with == 'aec') { if (!XiptLibAec::isAecExists()) { return false; } // find selected profiletype from AEC $aecData = XiptLibAec::getProfiletypeInfoFromAEC(); // as user want to integrate the AEC so a plan must be selected // send user to profiletype selection page if ($aecData['planSelected'] == false) { $app->redirect(XiptRoute::_('index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=subscribe', false), XiptText::_('PLEASE_SELECT_AEC_PLAN_IT_IS_RQUIRED')); } // set selected profiletype in session $this->_pluginHandler->mySess->set('SELECTED_PROFILETYPE_ID', $aecData['profiletype'], 'XIPT'); } //when integrated with Payplans, no need to set PT in session //payplans itself set PT in session if ($integrate_with == 'payplans') { if (!XiptLibPayplans::isPayplansExists()) { return false; } // find selected profiletype from Payplans $payplansData = XiptLibPayplans::getProfiletypeInfoFromPayplans(); // as user want to integrate the Payplans so a plan must be selected // send user to profiletype selection page if ($payplansData['planSelected'] == false) { $app->redirect(XiptRoute::_('index.php?option=com_payplans&view=plan', false), XiptText::_('PLEASE_SELECT_AEC_PLAN_IT_IS_RQUIRED')); } } $app->redirect(XiptHelperJomsocial::getReturnURL()); return true; }
function isApplicable() { return XiptLibAec::isAecExists(); }
function integrateRegistrationWithPType() { $aecExists = XiptLibAec::isAecExists(); $payplansExists = XiptLibPayplans::isPayplansExists(); $subs_integrate = XiptFactory::getSettings('subscription_integrate', 0); $integrate_with = XiptFactory::getSettings('integrate_with', 0); $show_ptype_during_reg = XiptFactory::getSettings('show_ptype_during_reg', 0); $selectedProfiletypeID = $this->isPTypeExistInSession(); if ($show_ptype_during_reg) { $link = "index.php?option=com_xipt&view=registration"; // pType not selected : send to select profiletype if (!$selectedProfiletypeID) { $this->app->redirect(XiptRoute::_("index.php?option=com_xipt&view=registration", false)); return; } // pType already selected if ($aecExists && $subs_integrate && $integrate_with == 'aec') { $url = XiptRoute::_('index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=subscribe', false); $msg = XiptLibAec::getAecMessage(); if ($msg != false) { $link = '<a id="xipt_back_link" href=' . $url . '>' . XiptText::_("CLICK_HERE") . '</a>'; $this->app->enqueueMessage($msg . ' ' . $link); } return; } else { $url = XiptRoute::_('index.php?option=com_xipt&view=registration&ptypeid=' . $selectedProfiletypeID . '&reset=true', false); $selectedpTypeName = XiptLibProfiletypes::getProfiletypeName($selectedProfiletypeID); $msg = sprintf(XiptText::_('CURRENT_PTYPE_AND_CHANGE_PTYPE_OPTION'), $selectedpTypeName); $link = '<a id="xipt_back_link" href=' . $url . '>' . XiptText::_("CLICK_HERE") . '</a>'; $this->app->enqueueMessage($msg . ' ' . $link); return; } } else { if ($subs_integrate) { if ($payplansExists && $integrate_with == 'payplans') { $url = XiptRoute::_('index.php?option=com_payplans&view=plan', false); $msg = XiptLibPayplans::getPayplansMessage(); if ($msg != false) { $link = '<a id="xipt_back_link" href=' . $url . '>' . XiptText::_("CLICK_HERE") . '</a>'; $this->app->enqueueMessage($msg . ' ' . $link); } return; } } } // if pType is not set, collect default pType // set it in session if (!$selectedProfiletypeID) { $pType = $this->getRegistrationPType(); $this->setDataInSession('SELECTED_PROFILETYPE_ID', $pType); return; } return; }