Exemple #1
  * 获取栏目内容数据
  * @param array   $params
  * @return array  数组
 protected function _catalogList($params = array())
     $postModel = new Post();
     $postCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     if ($params['catalog']) {
         $condition .= ' AND t.catalog_id=:catalogId';
         $criteriaParams[':catalogId'] = intval($params['catalog']);
     if ($params['keyword']) {
         $condition .= ' AND t.title=:title';
         $criteriaParams[':title'] = CHtml::encode(strip_tags($params['keyword']));
     $condition .= " AND t.status_is='Y'";
     $postCriteria->condition = $condition;
     $postCriteria->params = $criteriaParams;
     $postCriteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $postCriteria->with = 'catalog';
     $count = $postModel->count($postCriteria);
     $postPages = new CPagination($count);
     $postPages->pageSize = $params['pageSize'] > 0 ? $params['pageSize'] : 20;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('catalog', 'keyword'));
     $postPages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $postCriteria->limit = $postPages->pageSize;
     $postCriteria->offset = $postPages->currentPage * $postPages->pageSize;
     $bagecmsDataList = $postModel->findAll($postCriteria);
     $catalogArr = Catalog::item($params['catalog'], $this->_catalog);
     if ($catalogArr) {
         $this->_seoTitle = empty($catalogArr['catalog_name']) ? $this->_seoTitle : $catalogArr['catalog_name'];
         $bagecmsCatalogData = $catalogArr;
         $this->_seoKeywords = empty($catalogArr['seo_keywords']) ? $this->_seoKeywords : $catalogArr['seo_keywords'];
         $this->_seoDescription = empty($catalogArr['seo_description']) ? $this->_seoDescription : $catalogArr['seo_description'];
     return array('bagecmsDataList' => $bagecmsDataList, 'bagecmsPagebar' => $postPages, 'bagecmsCatalogData' => $bagecmsCatalogData);
Exemple #2
 public function actionIndex()
     static $static_adminId;
     static $static_catalog;
     $model = new AdminLogger();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $adminId = $this->_gets->getParam('adminId', $static_adminId);
     $catalog = $this->_gets->getParam('catalog', $static_catalog);
     if ($static_adminId != $adminId) {
         $static_adminId = $adminId;
     if ($static_catalog != $catalog) {
         $static_catalog = $catalog;
     $adminId && ($condition .= ' AND user_id=' . $adminId);
     $catalog && ($condition .= ' AND catalog= \'' . $catalog . '\'');
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 'id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 40;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('username', 'catalog'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('admin_logger', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #3
  * 查看专题
 public function actionShow($name)
     $specialModel = Special::model()->find('title_alias=:titleAlias', array('titleAlias' => CHtml::encode(strip_tags($name))));
     if (false == $specialModel) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, '专题不存在');
     $specialModel->updateCounters(array('view_count' => 1), 'id=:id', array('id' => $specialModel->id));
     $specialPostModel = new Post();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->addCondition('t.status_is=:status AND special_id=:specialId');
     $criteria->params = array('status' => 'Y', 'specialId' => $specialModel->id);
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $bagecmsSpecialCount = $specialPostModel->count($criteria);
     $postPage = new CPagination($bagecmsSpecialCount);
     $postPage->pageSize = 10;
     $postPageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array());
     $postPageParams['#'] = 'list';
     $postPage->params = is_array($postPageParams) ? $postPageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $postPage->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $postPage->currentPage * $postPage->pageSize;
     $specialPostList = $specialPostModel->findAll($criteria);
     $this->_seoTitle = empty($specialModel->seo_title) ? $specialModel->title . ' - ' . $this->_conf['site_name'] : $specialModel->seo_title;
     $tpl = empty($specialModel->tpl) ? 'show' : $specialModel->tpl;
     $data = array('specialShow' => $specialModel, 'specialPostList' => $specialPostList, 'bagecmsPagebar' => $postPage);
     $this->render($tpl, $data);
Exemple #4
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new House();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $city_id = $this->_gets->getParam('city_id');
     $district_id = $this->_gets->getParam('district_id');
     //$investType_id = $this->_gets->getParam( 'investType_id' );
     $propertyType_id = $this->_gets->getParam('propertyType_id');
     $h_name = trim($this->_gets->getParam('h_name'));
     $is_recommend = $this->_gets->getParam('is_recommend');
     $city_id && ($condition .= ' AND city_id= ' . $city_id);
     $district_id && ($condition .= ' AND district_id= ' . $district_id);
     //$investType_id && $condition .= ' AND investType_id= ' . $investType_id;
     if ($propertyType_id == 1) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Detached" ');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 2) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Townhouse" or type_own1_out="Att∕Row∕Twnhouse" or type_own1_out="Triplex" or type_own1_out="Fourplex" or type_own1_out="Multiplex"');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 3) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND lp_dol>3000000');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 4) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Semi-Detached" or type_own1_out="Link" or type_own1_out="Duplex"');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 5) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Cottage" or type_own1_out="Rural Resid"');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 6) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Farm"');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 7) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Vacant Land"');
     } elseif ($propertyType_id == 8) {
         $propertyType_id && ($condition .= ' AND type_own1_out="Mobile/Trailer" or type_own1_out="Det W/Com Elements" or type_own1_out="Store W/Apt/offc"');
     $h_name && ($condition .= ' AND addr LIKE \'%' . $h_name . '%\' or ml_num LIKE \'%' . $h_name . '%\'');
     $is_recommend && ($condition .= ' AND recommend= ' . $is_recommend);
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('city_id, district_id, type_own1_out, addr, recommend'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->subject_list = parent::_groupList('subject');
     $this->city_list = parent::_groupList('city');
     $this->district_list = parent::_groupList('district');
     $this->investType_list = parent::_groupList('investType');
     $this->propertyType_list = parent::_groupList('propertyType');
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new Position();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('type'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $bagecmsQuestionModel = new Question();
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria->condition = 'status_is=:status';
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria->params = array('status' => 'Y');
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $bagecmsQuestionCount = $bagecmsQuestionModel->count($bagecmsQuestionCriteria);
     $bagecmsQuestionPages = new CPagination($bagecmsQuestionCount);
     $bagecmsQuestionPages->pageSize = 10;
     $bagecmsQuestionPageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array());
     $bagecmsQuestionPageParams['#'] = 'list';
     $bagecmsQuestionPages->params = is_array($bagecmsQuestionPageParams) ? $bagecmsQuestionPageParams : array();
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria->limit = $bagecmsQuestionPages->pageSize;
     $bagecmsQuestionCriteria->offset = $bagecmsQuestionPages->currentPage * $bagecmsQuestionPages->pageSize;
     $bagecmsQuestionList = $bagecmsQuestionModel->findAll($bagecmsQuestionCriteria);
     $this->_seoTitle = '留言咨询 - ' . $this->_conf['site_name'];
     $this->render('index', array('bagecmsQuestionList' => $bagecmsQuestionList, 'pages' => $bagecmsQuestionPages));
Exemple #7
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex($id = 0)
     $model = new Layout();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $house_id = $this->_gets->getParam('house_id');
     $house_id && ($condition .= ' AND house_id= ' . $house_id);
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('house_id'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->house_list = parent::_groupList('house');
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages, 'house_id' => $id));
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new Evaluate();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $isHandle = $this->_gets->getParam('is_handle');
     $noHandle = $this->_gets->getParam('no_handle');
     $isHandle && ($condition .= ' AND status= ' . $isHandle);
     $noHandle && ($condition .= ' AND status= ' . $noHandle);
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('status'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #9
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new Page();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $title = $this->_gets->getParam('title');
     $titleAlias = $this->_gets->getParam('titleAlias');
     $title && ($condition .= ' AND title LIKE \'%' . $title . '%\'');
     $titleAlias && ($condition .= ' AND title_alias LIKE \'%' . $titleAlias . '%\'');
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 13;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('page_name_alias', 'page_name'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new Question();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $realname = trim($this->_gets->getParam('realname'));
     $question = trim($this->_gets->getParam('question'));
     $question && ($condition .= ' AND question LIKE \'%' . $question . '%\'');
     $realname && ($condition .= ' AND realname LIKE \'%' . $realname . '%\'');
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 13;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('site_name'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #11
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $keyword = CHtml::encode(strip_tags(trim($this->_gets->getParam('keyword'))));
     $postModel = new Post();
     $postCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     if ($keyword) {
         $postCriteria->addSearchCondition('t.title', $keyword);
     $postCriteria->params[':status'] = 'Y';
     $postCriteria->with = 'catalog';
     $postCriteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $bagecmsQuestionCount = $postModel->count($postCriteria);
     $postPages = new CPagination($bagecmsQuestionCount);
     $postPages->pageSize = 15;
     $postPageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('keyword'));
     $postPageParams['#'] = 'list';
     $postPages->params = is_array($postPageParams) ? $postPageParams : array();
     $postCriteria->limit = $postPages->pageSize;
     $postCriteria->offset = $postPages->currentPage * $postPages->pageSize;
     $postList = $postModel->findAll($postCriteria);
     $this->render('index', array('bagecmsDataList' => $postList, 'bagecmsPagebar' => $postPages));
Exemple #12
  * 附件管理
 public function actionAttach()
     $model = new Upload();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $realname = trim($this->_gets->getParam('realname'));
     $filename = trim($this->_gets->getParam('file'));
     $realname && ($condition .= ' AND t.real_name LIKE \'%' . $realname . '%\'');
     $filename && ($condition .= ' AND t.file_name LIKE \'%' . $filename . '%\'');
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     // $criteria->params = '';
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 13;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('filename', 'nickname'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('attach_index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #13
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new Post();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $title = trim($this->_gets->getParam('title'));
     $catalogId = intval($this->_gets->getParam('catalogId'));
     $title && ($condition .= ' AND title LIKE \'%' . $title . '%\'');
     $catalogId && ($condition .= ' AND catalog_id= ' . $catalogId);
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $criteria->with = array('catalog');
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('title', 'catalogId'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #14
 public function actionAdmin()
     $model = new AdminLogger();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $username = $this->_gets->getParam('username');
     $catalog = $this->_gets->getParam('catalog');
     $username && ($condition .= ' AND admin.username= \'' . $username . '\'');
     $catalog && ($condition .= ' AND t.catalog= \'' . $catalog . '\'');
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $criteria->with = 'admin';
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 40;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('username', 'catalog'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('admin_logger', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages));
Exemple #15
  * tags数据列表
 public function actionPost($name)
     $tagName = CHtml::encode(strip_tags(urldecode($name)));
     $tagModel = new Post2tags();
     $post2TagsCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     if ($tagName) {
         $post2TagsCriteria->addCondition("tag_name = :tagName");
         $post2TagsCriteria->params[':tagName'] = $tagName;
     $post2TagsCriteria->order = 't.id DESC';
     $post2TagsCriteria->with = array('post');
     $post2TagsCount = $tagModel->count($post2TagsCriteria);
     $post2TagsPages = new CPagination($post2TagsCount);
     $post2TagsPages->pageSize = 30;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('name'));
     $post2TagsPages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $post2TagsCriteria->limit = $post2TagsPages->pageSize;
     $post2TagsCriteria->offset = $post2TagsPages->currentPage * $post2TagsPages->pageSize;
     $data['bagecmsDataList'] = $tagModel->findAll($post2TagsCriteria);
     $data['bagecmsPagebar'] = $post2TagsPages;
     $data['tagName'] = $tagName;
     $this->_seoTitle = 'Tag-' . $tagName;
     $this->render('post2tags', $data);
Exemple #16

$bagecmsCommentModel = new PostComment();
$bagecmsCommentCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
$bagecmsCommentCriteria->condition = 'post_id=' . $bagecmsShow['id'];
$bagecmsCommentCriteria->order = 't.id DESC';
$bagecmsCommentCount = $bagecmsCommentModel->count($bagecmsCommentCriteria);
$bagecmsCommentPages = new CPagination($bagecmsCommentCount);
$bagecmsCommentPages->pageSize = 15;
$bagecmsCommentPageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('id'));
$bagecmsCommentPageParams['#'] = 'commentList';
$bagecmsCommentPages->params = is_array($bagecmsCommentPageParams) ? $bagecmsCommentPageParams : array();
$bagecmsCommentCriteria->limit = $bagecmsCommentPages->pageSize;
$bagecmsCommentCriteria->offset = $bagecmsCommentPages->currentPage * $bagecmsCommentPages->pageSize;
$bagecmsCommentList = $bagecmsCommentModel->findAll($bagecmsCommentCriteria);
<div id="comment">
      <div class="boxTit ">
      <div class="bmc">
foreach ($bagecmsCommentList as $key => $row) {
        <dl class="item clear">
          <dt class="user"> <a class="title" ><?php 
    echo CHtml::encode($row->nickname);
</a> <span class=" xw0"><?php 
    echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['create_time']);
Exemple #17
 public function actionLogger()
     $users = Admin::model()->findAll(array('select' => 'id,username'));
     //        ppr($users);
     $uid = reqGetNum('uid');
     $model = new AdminLogger();
     $condition = '1';
     $uid && ($condition = "t.`user_id`='{$uid}'");
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.create_time DESC';
     $criteria->with = array('user');
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 10;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('user_id', 'r'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $datalist = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('logger', array('datalist' => $datalist, 'pagebar' => $pages, 'pagecount' => $count, 'users' => $users, 'uid' => $uid));
Exemple #18
  * 首页
 public function actionIndex()
     $show = reqGet('show', null);
     $catalogId = intval(reqGet('catalogId', 0));
     $catalogList = $catalogListSub = null;
     if ($catalogId > 0) {
         $catalogList = XXcache::_doCatalog($catalogId, $this->_catalog);
         foreach ($this->_catalog as $value) {
             if ($value['id'] == $catalogId) {
                 $value['catalog_name'] = '==' . $value['catalog_name'] . '==';
                 if (empty($catalogList)) {
                     $catalogList = array($value);
                 } else {
                     $catalogList = array_merge(array($value), $catalogList);
         if (!empty($catalogList)) {
             foreach ($catalogList as $value) {
                 $catalogListSub[] = $value['id'];
             //                $catalogListSub = implode(',', $catalogListSub);
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->_catalog)) {
             foreach ($this->_catalog as $value) {
                 $catalogListSub[] = $value['id'];
     $catalogList = $this->_catalog;
     $model = new Links();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $condition = '1';
     $keyword = trim(reqGet('keyword'));
     $search_type = trim(reqGet('search_type'));
     $keyword && $search_type && ($condition .= ' AND ' . $search_type . ' LIKE \'%' . $keyword . '%\'');
     if ($show) {
         $theTime = time();
         if ($show == 'past') {
             $condition .= " AND t.status_is = 'Y' AND begin_time>0 AND end_time>0 AND (`begin_time` > '{$theTime}' OR `end_time` < '{$theTime}')";
         if ($show == 'status_n') {
             $condition .= " AND t.status_is = 'N' ";
     if (!empty($catalogListSub)) {
         $temp = null;
         foreach ($catalogListSub as $value) {
             $temp[] = "`catalog_id` = '{$value}'";
         $condition .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $temp) . ')';
         //            $condition .= ' AND `catalog_id` IN ('.$catalogListSub.')';
     } else {
         $catalogId && ($condition .= ' AND `catalog_id`= ' . $catalogId);
     $criteria->condition = $condition;
     $criteria->order = 't.catalog_id ASC,t.status_is ASC,t.sort_order ASC';
     $criteria->with = array('catalog', 'user');
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = 15;
     $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('title', 'catalogId', 'search_type', 'keyword', 'show', 'r'));
     $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array();
     $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize;
     $result = $model->findAll($criteria);
     //        ppr($result);
     $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages, 'pagecount' => $count, 'catalogList' => $catalogList, 'catalogId' => $catalogId, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'search_type' => $search_type));