/** * Constructor * * @param string endpoint default 'http://api.google.com/search/beta2' */ public function __construct($endpoint = 'http://api.google.com/search/beta2') { $this->client = SoapDriver::getInstance()->forEndpoint($endpoint, 'urn:GoogleSearch'); $this->client->registerMapping(new QName('urn:GoogleSearch', 'GoogleSearchResult'), XPClass::forName('com.google.soap.search.GoogleSearchResult')); $this->client->registerMapping(new QName('urn:GoogleSearch', 'ResultElement'), XPClass::forName('com.google.soap.search.ResultElement')); $this->client->registerMapping(new QName('urn:GoogleSearch', 'DirectoryCategory'), XPClass::forName('com.google.soap.search.DirectoryCategory')); }
/** * Matches implementation * * @param var value * @return bool */ public function matches($value) { if (NULL === $value && $this->matchNull) { return TRUE; } return xp::typeof($value) == XPClass::forName($this->type)->getName(); }
/** * Constructor * * @param rdbms.DSN dsn */ public function __construct($dsn) { $this->dsn = $dsn; $this->flags = $dsn->getFlags(); $this->setTimeout($dsn->getProperty('timeout', 0)); // 0 means no timeout // Keep this for BC reasons $observers = $dsn->getProperty('observer', array()); if (NULL !== ($cat = $dsn->getProperty('log'))) { $observers['util.log.LogObserver'] = $cat; } // Add observers foreach ($observers as $observer => $param) { $class = XPClass::forName($observer); // Check if class implements BoundLogObserver: in that case use factory method to acquire instance if (XPClass::forName('util.log.BoundLogObserver')->isAssignableFrom($class)) { $this->addObserver($class->getMethod('instanceFor')->invoke(NULL, array($param))); // Otherwise, just use the constructor } else { $this->addObserver($class->newInstance($param)); } } // Time zone handling if ($tz = $dsn->getProperty('timezone', FALSE)) { $this->tz = new TimeZone($tz); } }
/** * Main * * Exitcodes used: * <ul> * <li>127: Archive referenced in -xar [...] does not exist</li> * <li>126: No manifest or manifest does not have a main-class</li> * </ul> * * @see http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html * @param string[] args * @return int */ public static function main(array $args) { // Open archive $f = new File(array_shift($args)); if (!$f->exists()) { Console::$err->writeLine('*** Cannot find archive ' . $f->getURI()); return 127; } // Register class loader $cl = ClassLoader::registerLoader(new ArchiveClassLoader(new Archive($f))); if (!$cl->providesResource(self::MANIFEST)) { Console::$err->writeLine('*** Archive ' . $f->getURI() . ' does not have a manifest'); return 126; } // Load manifest $pr = Properties::fromString($cl->getResource(self::MANIFEST)); if (NULL === ($class = $pr->readString('archive', 'main-class', NULL))) { Console::$err->writeLine('*** Archive ' . $f->getURI() . '\'s manifest does not have a main class'); return 126; } // Run main() try { return XPClass::forName($class, $cl)->getMethod('main')->invoke(NULL, array($args)); } catch (TargetInvocationException $e) { throw $e->getCause(); } }
/** * Get a type instance for a given name * * @param string name * @return lang.ArrayType * @throws lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given name does not correspond to a wildcard type */ public static function forName($name) { if (false === strpos($name, '?') || false === ($p = strpos($name, '<'))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('Not a wildcard type: ' . $name); } $base = substr($name, 0, $p); $components = []; for ($args = substr($name, $p + 1, -1) . ',', $o = 0, $brackets = 0, $i = 0, $s = strlen($args); $i < $s; $i++) { if (',' === $args[$i] && 0 === $brackets) { $component = ltrim(substr($args, $o, $i - $o)); if ('?' === $component) { $components[] = Wildcard::$ANY; } else { if (false === strpos($component, '?')) { $components[] = parent::forName($component); } else { $components[] = self::forName($component); } } $o = $i + 1; } else { if ('<' === $args[$i]) { $brackets++; } else { if ('>' === $args[$i]) { $brackets--; } } } } return new self(XPClass::forName($base), $components); }
/** * Compile and then run sourcecode * * @param string source * @return lang.Runnable */ protected function compile($source) { $decl = ' import integrationtests.ArrayExtensions; class FixturePrimitiveExtensionMethodsIntegrationTest·%d implements Runnable { public var run() { %s } }'; $emitter = new V54Emitter(); $task = new CompilationTask(new StringSource(sprintf($decl, $this->counter++, $source), self::$syntax, $this->name), new NullDiagnosticListener(), newinstance(FileManager::class, [$this->getClass()->getClassLoader()], '{ protected $cl; public function __construct($cl) { $this->cl= $cl; } public function findClass($qualified) { return new FileSource($this->cl->getResourceAsStream("net/xp_lang/tests/integration/src/".strtr($qualified, ".", "/").".xp")); } public function write($r, File $target) { // DEBUG $r->writeTo(Console::$out->getStream()); $r->executeWith(array()); // Defines the class } }'), $emitter); $type = $task->run(); return XPClass::forName($type->name())->newInstance(); }
/** * Add Portlets * * @param string classname * @param string layout * @return xml.portlet.Portlet */ public function addPortlet($classname, $layout = NULL) { with($portlet = XPClass::forName($classname)->newInstance()); $portlet->setLayout($layout); $this->portlets[] = $portlet; return $portlet; }
public function genericInterface() { $interfaces = XPClass::forName('lang.Object')->getInterfaces(); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($interfaces)); $this->assertInstanceOf('lang.XPClass', $interfaces[0]); $this->assertEquals('lang.Generic', $interfaces[0]->getName()); }
/** * Returns the implementation for the given operating system. * * @param string os operating system name, e.g. PHP_OS * @param string socket default NULL * @return rdbms.mysqlx.LocalSocket */ public static function forName($os, $socket = NULL) { if (0 === strncasecmp($os, 'Win', 3)) { return XPClass::forName('rdbms.mysqlx.NamedPipe')->newInstance($socket); } else { return XPClass::forName('rdbms.mysqlx.UnixSocket')->newInstance($socket); } }
/** * Creates a segment instance * * @param string $marker * @param string $bytes * @return self */ public static function read($marker, $bytes) { if (is_array($iptc = iptcparse($bytes))) { return XPClass::forName('img.io.IptcSegment')->newInstance($marker, $iptc); } else { return new self($marker, $bytes); } }
static function __static() { self::$handlers[REMOTE_MSG_INIT] = XPClass::forName('remote.server.message.EascInitMessage'); self::$handlers[REMOTE_MSG_LOOKUP] = XPClass::forName('remote.server.message.EascLookupMessage'); self::$handlers[REMOTE_MSG_CALL] = XPClass::forName('remote.server.message.EascCallMessage'); self::$handlers[REMOTE_MSG_VALUE] = XPClass::forName('remote.server.message.EascValueMessage'); self::$handlers[REMOTE_MSG_EXCEPTION] = XPClass::forName('remote.server.message.EascExceptionMessage'); }
public static function initializeClasses() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.2', 'lt')) { throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Private not supported', NULL, array('PHP 5.3.2')); } self::$fixture = XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.reflection.PrivateAccessibilityFixture'); self::$fixtureChild = XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.reflection.PrivateAccessibilityFixtureChild'); self::$fixtureCtorChild = XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.reflection.PrivateAccessibilityFixtureCtorChild'); }
/** * Add a connection listener. Provided for BC reasons. * * @deprecated Use setProtocol() instead! * @param peer.server.ConnectionListener listener * @return peer.server.ConnectionListener the added listener */ public function addListener($listener) { if (!$this->protocol) { $c = XPClass::forName('peer.server.protocol.ListenerWrapperProtocol'); $this->protocol = $c->newInstance(); } $listener->server = $this; $this->protocol->addListener($listener); return $listener; }
/** * Create client by inspecting the URL * * @param string url The API url * @return com.atlassian.jira.api.JiraClientProtocol */ public static function forURL($url) { $u = new URL($url); // Check for REST API client v2 if (create(new String($u->getPath()))->contains('/rest/api/2')) { return XPClass::forName('com.atlassian.jira.api.protocol.JiraClientRest2Protocol')->newInstance($u); // No suitable protocol found } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException('No suitable client found for ' . $url); } }
/** * Factory method * * @param string name * @return lang.XPClass * @throws lang.IllegalArgumentException */ public static function forName($name) { switch ($name) { case 'dialog': return XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.xml.DialogType'); case 'button': return XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.xml.ButtonType'); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException('Unknown tag "' . $name . '"'); } }
/** * Initialize this request object - overridden from base class. * * @see xp://scriptlet.xml.XMLScriptletRequest#initialize */ public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); if ($this->stateName) { $name = implode('', array_map('ucfirst', array_reverse(explode('/', $this->stateName)))); try { $this->state = XPClass::forName($this->package . '.' . ('state.' . $name . 'State'))->newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { throw new ScriptletException('Cannot find ' . $this->stateName, HttpConstants::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $e); } } }
/** * Creates a segment instance * * @param string $marker * @param string $bytes * @return self */ public static function read($marker, $bytes) { if (0 === strncmp('Exif', $bytes, 4)) { return XPClass::forName('img.io.ExifSegment')->getMethod('read')->invoke(NULL, array($marker, $bytes)); } else { if (0 === strncmp('http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/', $bytes, 28)) { return XPClass::forName('img.io.XMPSegment')->getMethod('read')->invoke(NULL, array($marker, $bytes)); } else { return new self($marker, $bytes); } } }
static function __static() { if (strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'Win', 3) === 0) { self::$lookup = XPClass::forName('rdbms.tds.SqlIniLookup')->newInstance(); } else { if (getenv('SYBASE')) { self::$lookup = XPClass::forName('rdbms.tds.InterfacesLookup')->newInstance(); } else { self::$lookup = XPClass::forName('rdbms.tds.FreeTdsLookup')->newInstance(); } } DriverManager::register('sybase+x', new XPClass(__CLASS__)); }
/** * Get all test cases * * @param var[] arguments * @return unittest.TestCase[] */ public function testCasesWith($arguments) { $r = array(); $section = $this->prop->getFirstSection(); do { if ('this' == $section) { continue; } // Ignore special section $r = array_merge($r, $this->testCasesInClass(XPClass::forName($this->prop->readString($section, 'class')), $arguments ? $arguments : $this->prop->readArray($section, 'args'))); } while ($section = $this->prop->getNextSection()); return $r; }
/** * Returns the wrapper class for this primitive * * @deprecated Wrapper types will move to their own library * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrapper_class * @return lang.XPClass */ public function wrapperClass() { switch ($this) { case self::$STRING: return XPClass::forName('lang.types.String'); case self::$INT: return XPClass::forName('lang.types.Integer'); case self::$DOUBLE: return XPClass::forName('lang.types.Double'); case self::$BOOL: return XPClass::forName('lang.types.Boolean'); } }
static function __static() { self::$transports['http'] = XPClass::forName('peer.http.SocketHttpTransport'); // Depending on what extension is available, choose a different implementation // for SSL transport. CURL is the slower one, so favor SSLSockets. if (extension_loaded('openssl')) { self::$transports['https'] = XPClass::forName('peer.http.SSLSocketHttpTransport'); } else { if (extension_loaded('curl')) { self::$transports['https'] = XPClass::forName('peer.http.CurlHttpTransport'); } } }
/** * Start server * * @param string[] args */ public static function main(array $args) { $s = new Server('', 0); try { $s->setProtocol(XPClass::forName($args[0])->newInstance()); $s->init(); Console::writeLinef('+ Service %s:%d', $s->socket->host, $s->socket->port); $s->service(); Console::writeLine('+ Done'); } catch (Throwable $e) { Console::writeLine('- ', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * * @param array classnames List of fully qualified class names * @param int recurse default 0 * @param bool depend default FALSE * @return &org.dia.DiaDiagram */ public function marshal($classnames, $recurse = 0, $depend = FALSE) { // create new DiaDiagram $Dia = new DiaDiagram(); // check classnames? foreach ($classnames as $classname) { try { $Class = XPClass::forName($Classname); } catch (Exception $e) { Console::writeLine("CLASS NOT FOUND: {$classname}!"); } } return TestMarshaller::recurse($Dia, $classnames, $recurse, $depend); }
static function __static() { self::$instance = new self(); // Workaround for bugs in older PHP versions, see MD5HexHashImplementation's // class apidoc for an explanation. Earlier versions returned LONG_MAX for // hex numbers larger than LONG_MAX. Use 2^64 + 1 as hex literal and see if // it's "truncated", using the slower hexdec(md5()) implementation then. if (LONG_MAX === @0.0) { $impl = XPClass::forName('util.collections.MD5HexHashImplementation')->newInstance(); } else { $impl = new MD5HashImplementation(); } self::$instance->setImplementation($impl); }
/** * Get all test cases * * @param var[] arguments * @return unittest.TestCase[] */ public function testCasesWith($arguments) { $uri = $this->file->getURI(); $path = dirname($uri); $paths = array_flip(array_filter(array_map('realpath', xp::$classpath))); // Search class path while (FALSE !== ($pos = strrpos($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))) { if (isset($paths[$path])) { return $this->testCasesInClass(XPClass::forName(strtr(substr($uri, strlen($path) + 1, -10), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '.')), $arguments); } $path = substr($path, 0, $pos); } throw new IllegalArgumentException('Cannot load class from ' . $this->file->toString()); }
public function lookupOfLookupOfStringsReflection() { $l = create('new net.xp_framework.unittest.core.generics.Lookup<string, net.xp_framework.unittest.core.generics.Lookup<string, lang.Generic>>'); with($class = $l->getClass()); $this->assertTrue($class->isGeneric()); $arguments = $class->genericArguments(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($arguments)); $this->assertEquals(Primitive::$STRING, $arguments[0]); with($vclass = $arguments[1]); $this->assertTrue($vclass->isGeneric()); $arguments = $vclass->genericArguments(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($arguments)); $this->assertEquals(Primitive::$STRING, $arguments[0]); $this->assertEquals(XPClass::forName('lang.Generic'), $arguments[1]); }
/** * Accessor method for a type matcher. * * @param typeName string */ public static function anyOfType($typeName) { $builder = new MockProxyBuilder(); $builder->setOverwriteExisting(FALSE); $interfaces = array(XPClass::forName('unittest.mock.arguments.IArgumentMatcher')); $parentClass = NULL; $type = XPClass::forName($typeName); if ($type->isInterface()) { $interfaces[] = $type; } else { $parentClass = $type; } $proxyClass = $builder->createProxyClass(ClassLoader::getDefault(), $interfaces, $parentClass); return $proxyClass->newInstance(new TypeMatcher($typeName)); }
/** * Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns * the result. * * @param lang.reflect.Proxy proxy * @param string method the method name * @param var* args an array of arguments * @return var * @throws util.DeferredInitializationException */ public function invoke($proxy, $method, $args) { if (NULL === $this->_instance) { try { $this->_instance = $this->initialize(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->_instance = NULL; throw new DeferredInitializationException($method, $e); } if (!$this->_instance instanceof Generic) { throw new DeferredInitializationException($method, XPClass::forName('lang.ClassCastException')->newInstance('Initializer returned ' . xp::typeOf($this->_instance))); } } return call_user_func_array(array($this->_instance, $method), $args); }
/** * Runner method * */ public static function main(array $args) { // Show command usage if invoked without arguments if (!$args) { exit(self::usage(XPClass::forName(xp::nameOf(__CLASS__)))); } $root = new RootDoc(); for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($args); $i < $s; $i++) { if ('-sp' === $args[$i]) { $root->setSourcePath(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $args[++$i])); } else { if ('-cp' === $args[$i]) { foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $args[++$i]) as $element) { $root->addSourcePath(ClassLoader::registerPath($element, NULL)->path); } } else { try { $class = XPClass::forName($args[$i]); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { Console::$err->writeLine('*** ', $e->getMessage()); exit(2); } if (!$class->isSubclassOf('text.doclet.Doclet')) { Console::$err->writeLine('*** ', $class, ' is not a doclet'); exit(2); } $doclet = $class->newInstance(); $params = new ParamString(array_slice($args, $i)); // Show doclet usage if the command line contains "-?" (at any point). if ($params->exists('help', '?')) { self::usage($class); if ($valid = $doclet->validOptions()) { Console::$err->writeLine(); Console::$err->writeLine('Options:'); foreach ($valid as $name => $value) { Console::$err->writeLine(' * --', $name, OPTION_ONLY == $value ? '' : '=<value>'); } } exit(3); } $root->start($doclet, $params); exit(0); } } } Console::$err->writeLine('*** No doclet classname given'); exit(1); }
/** * Receive next frame, nonblocking * * @param double timeout default 0.2 * @return org.codehaus.stomp.frame.Frame or NULL */ public function recvFrame($timeout = 0.2) { // Check whether we can read, before we actually read... if ($this->socket instanceof Socket && !$this->socket->canRead($timeout)) { $this->cat && $this->cat->debug($this->getClassName(), '<<<', '0 bytes - reading no frame.'); return NULL; } $line = $this->in->readLine(); $this->cat && $this->cat->debug($this->getClassName(), '<<<', 'Have "' . trim($line) . '" command.'); if (0 == strlen($line)) { throw new ProtocolException('Expected frame token, got "' . xp::stringOf($line) . '"'); } $frame = XPClass::forName(sprintf('org.codehaus.stomp.frame.%sFrame', ucfirst(strtolower(trim($line)))))->newInstance(); $frame->fromWire($this->in); return $frame; }