Exemple #1
  * Tries to parse the given file as a KeePass XML key file.
  * @param string $filename The name of the file to parse.
  * @return boolean Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.
 private function tryParseXML($filename)
     $xml = new XMLStackReader();
     if (!$xml->open($filename)) {
         return false;
     $parents = array(self::XML_ROOT, self::XML_KEY, self::XML_DATA);
     if ($xml->readUntilParentsBe($parents)) {
         if ($xml->isTextInside()) {
             $this->hash = base64_decode($xml->r->value);
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #2
  * Tries to parse the given string $xmlsource, assumed to be data formatted
  * in XML, with the format of a KeePass 2.x database. Returns true
  * if the parsing succeeds, or false otherwise ; in case of success,
  * the attribute $this->entries will contain the result of the parsing,
  * as an array of entries.
  * @param string $xmlsource
  * @return boolean
 private function tryXMLParse($xmlsource)
     $xml = new XMLStackReader();
     if (!$xml->XML($xmlsource)) {
         return false;
     if (!$xml->read() || $xml->r->name != self::XML_FILEROOT) {
         return false;
     $expectedParentsMeta = array(self::XML_FILEROOT, self::XML_META);
     if (!$xml->readUntilParentsBe($expectedParentsMeta)) {
         return false;
     $isHeaderChecked = false;
     $d = $xml->r->depth;
     while ($xml->isInSubtree($d)) {
         if ($xml->r->name == self::XML_HEADERHASH) {
             $hash = base64_decode($this->readTextValueFromXML($xml));
             if (strcmp($hash, $this->header->headerHash) != 0) {
                 KeePassPHP::printDebug("Bad HeaderHash !");
             $isHeaderChecked = true;
         } elseif ($xml->r->name == self::XML_CUSTOMICONS) {
             foreach ($xml->readInnerXML($xml->r->depth) as $icon) {
                 $uuid = null;
                 $data = null;
                 if ($icon[XMLStackReader::NODENAME] == self::XML_ICON && $this->tryReadTextValueFromArray($icon[XMLStackReader::INNER], self::XML_UUID, $uuid) && $this->tryReadTextValueFromArray($icon[XMLStackReader::INNER], self::XML_ICON_DATA, $data)) {
                     $this->icons->addIcon($uuid, $data);
     if (!$isHeaderChecked) {
         KeePassPHP::printDebug("Did not found HeaderHash text node...");
     $this->rawEntries = array();
     $expectedParents = array(self::XML_GROUP, self::XML_ENTRY);
     while ($xml->readUntilParentsBe($expectedParents)) {
         $entry = array();
         $d = $xml->r->depth;
         while ($xml->isInSubtree($d)) {
             if ($xml->r->name == self::XML_UUID) {
                 $entry[self::XML_UUID] = bin2hex(base64_decode($this->readTextValueFromXML($xml)));
             } elseif ($xml->r->name == self::XML_CUSTOMICONUUID) {
                 $entry[self::XML_CUSTOMICONUUID] = $this->readTextValueFromXML($xml);
             } elseif ($xml->r->name == self::XML_TAGS) {
                 $entry[self::XML_TAGS] = $this->readTextValueFromXML($xml);
             } elseif ($xml->r->name == self::XML_STRING) {
                 $key = null;
                 $value = null;
                 $isHistory = $xml->isAncestor(self::XML_HISTORY);
                 $inner = $xml->readInnerXML($xml->r->depth);
                 if ($this->tryReadTextValueFromArray($inner, self::XML_STRING_VALUE, $value) && $this->tryReadTextValueFromArray($inner, self::XML_STRING_KEY, $key)) {
                     if ($key != null && $value != null && !$isHistory) {
                         $entry[$key] = $value;
         if (count($entry) > 0) {
             array_push($this->rawEntries, $entry);
     return true;