Exemple #1
 * 退单
 * $transaction_id 微信订单号
 * $out_trade_no 系统订单号
 * $total_fee 订单金额
 * $refund_fee 退款金额
function refund($data = array())
    $input = new WxPayRefund();
    if ($data['transaction_id']) {
    if ($data['out_trade_no']) {
    return WxPayApi::refund($input);
Exemple #2
 public function myrefund($transid)
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     include_once 'WxPay.Api.php';
     $WxPayApi = new WxPayApi();
     $input = new WxPayRefund();
     $accounts = uni_accounts();
     $acid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $path_cert = '../addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem';
     $path_key = '../addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem';
     $key = $this->module['config']['apikey'];
     $appid = $accounts[$acid]['key'];
     //	 			$appsecret = $accounts[$acid]['secret'];//身份密钥(appsecret)
     $mchid = $this->module['config']['mchid'];
     $order_out = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where transid = '{$transid}'");
     $fee = $order_out['price'] * 100;
     $refundid = $transid;
     message("key=" . $key . "appid=" . $appid . "mchid=" . $mchid . "fee=" . $fee . "refundid=" . $refundid);
     $input->SetOut_refund_no($mchid . date("YmdHis"));
     $result = $WxPayApi->refund($input, 6, $path_cert, $path_key, $key);
     if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
         return 'success';
     } else {
         return 'fail';
  * @param $out_trade_no
  * @return bool
  * @throws \WxPayException
 public function refund($out_trade_no, $fee)
     $WxPayRefund = new \WxPayRefund();
     $result = $this->wxPayApi->refund($WxPayRefund, $this->wxPayConfig['CURL_TIMEOUT']);
     if ($result['return_code'] == 'FAIL') {
         throw new \WxPayException("接口调用失败!" . $result['return_msg']);
     if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS' && $result['result_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
         //退款申请 接收成功 ,结果通过退款查询接口查询
         return true;
     if ($result['result_code'] == 'FAIL') {
         throw new \WxPayException("业务提交失败!");
     return false;
Exemple #4
//$_REQUEST["out_trade_no"]= "122531270220150304194108";
///$_REQUEST["total_fee"]= "1";
//$_REQUEST["refund_fee"] = "1";
if (isset($_REQUEST["out_trade_no"]) && $_REQUEST["out_trade_no"] != "") {
    $out_trade_no = $_REQUEST["out_trade_no"];
    $total_fee = $_REQUEST["total_fee"];
    $refund_fee = $_REQUEST["refund_fee"];
    $input = new WxPayRefund();
    $input->SetOut_refund_no(WxPayConfig::MCHID . date("YmdHis"));
	<form action="#" method="post">
        <div style="margin-left:2%;color:#f00">微信订单号和商户订单号选少填一个,微信订单号优先:</div><br/>
        <div style="margin-left:2%;">微信订单号:</div><br/>
        <input type="text" style="width:96%;height:35px;margin-left:2%;" name="transaction_id" /><br /><br />
        <div style="margin-left:2%;">商户订单号:</div><br/>
        <input type="text" style="width:96%;height:35px;margin-left:2%;" name="out_trade_no" /><br /><br />
        <div style="margin-left:2%;">订单总金额(分):</div><br/>
        <input type="text" style="width:96%;height:35px;margin-left:2%;" name="total_fee" /><br /><br />
        <div style="margin-left:2%;">退款金额(分):</div><br/>
        <input type="text" style="width:96%;height:35px;margin-left:2%;" name="refund_fee" /><br /><br />
Exemple #5
  * 微信退款 v3-b12
 public function wxpayOp()
     $result = array('state' => 'false', 'msg' => '参数错误,微信退款失败');
     $refund_id = intval($_GET['refund_id']);
     $model_refund = Model('vr_refund');
     $condition = array();
     $condition['refund_id'] = $refund_id;
     $condition['refund_state'] = '1';
     $detail_array = $model_refund->getDetailInfo($condition);
     if (!empty($detail_array) && in_array($detail_array['refund_code'], array('wxpay', 'wx_jsapi', 'wx_saoma'))) {
         $order = $model_refund->getPayDetailInfo($detail_array);
         $refund_amount = $order['pay_refund_amount'];
         if ($refund_amount > 0) {
             $wxpay = $order['payment_config'];
             define('WXPAY_APPID', $wxpay['appid']);
             define('WXPAY_MCHID', $wxpay['mchid']);
             define('WXPAY_KEY', $wxpay['key']);
             $total_fee = $order['pay_amount'] * 100;
             $refund_fee = $refund_amount * 100;
             $api_file = BASE_PATH . DS . 'api' . DS . 'refund' . DS . 'wxpay' . DS . 'WxPay.Api.php';
             include $api_file;
             $input = new WxPayRefund();
             $data = WxPayApi::refund($input);
             if (!empty($data) && $data['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                 if ($data['result_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                     $detail_array = array();
                     $detail_array['pay_amount'] = ncPriceFormat($data['refund_fee'] / 100);
                     $detail_array['pay_time'] = time();
                     $model_refund->editDetail(array('refund_id' => $refund_id), $detail_array);
                     $result['state'] = 'true';
                     $result['msg'] = '微信成功退款:' . $detail_array['pay_amount'];
                     $refund = $model_refund->getRefundInfo(array('refund_id' => $refund_id));
                     $consume_array = array();
                     $consume_array['member_id'] = $refund['buyer_id'];
                     $consume_array['member_name'] = $refund['buyer_name'];
                     $consume_array['consume_amount'] = $detail_array['pay_amount'];
                     $consume_array['consume_time'] = time();
                     $consume_array['consume_remark'] = '微信在线退款成功(到账有延迟),虚拟退款单号:' . $refund['refund_sn'];
                     QueueClient::push('addConsume', $consume_array);
                 } else {
                     $result['msg'] = '微信退款错误,' . $data['err_code_des'];
             } else {
                 $result['msg'] = '微信接口错误,' . $data['return_msg'];
Exemple #6
    public function doWebOrder()
        global $_W, $_GPC;
        $weid = $_W['uniacid'];
        $operation = !empty($_GPC['op']) ? $_GPC['op'] : 'display';
        if ($operation == 'display') {
            $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
            $psize = 20;
            $status = $_GPC['status'];
            $is_tuan = $_GPC['is_tuan'];
            $condition = " o.uniacid = :weid";
            $paras = array(':weid' => $_W['uniacid']);
            if (empty($starttime) || empty($endtime)) {
                $starttime = strtotime('-1 month');
                $endtime = time();
            if (!empty($_GPC['time'])) {
                $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']);
                $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']) + 86399;
                $condition .= " AND o.createtime >= :starttime AND o.createtime <= :endtime ";
                $paras[':starttime'] = $starttime;
                $paras[':endtime'] = $endtime;
            if (!empty($_GPC['pay_type'])) {
                $condition .= " AND o.pay_type = '{$_GPC['pay_type']}'";
            } elseif ($_GPC['pay_type'] === '0') {
                $condition .= " AND o.pay_type = '{$_GPC['pay_type']}'";
            if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) {
                $condition .= " AND o.orderno LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'";
            if (!empty($_GPC['member'])) {
                $condition .= " AND (a.cname LIKE '%{$_GPC['member']}%' or a.tel LIKE '%{$_GPC['member']}%')";
            if ($status != '') {
                if ($status == 1) {
                    $condition .= " AND o.status = '" . intval($status) . "' AND success = 0 ";
                } else {
                    $condition .= " AND o.status = '" . intval($status) . "'";
            if ($is_tuan != '') {
                $pp = 1;
                $condition .= " AND o.is_tuan = 1";
            $sql = "select o.* , a.cname,a.tel from " . tablename('tg_order') . " o" . " left join " . tablename('tg_address') . " a on o.addressid = a.id " . " where {$condition} ORDER BY o.createtime DESC " . "LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize;
            $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $paras);
            $paytype = array('0' => array('css' => 'default', 'name' => '未支付'), '1' => array('css' => 'info', 'name' => '余额支付'), '2' => array('css' => 'success', 'name' => '在线支付'), '3' => array('css' => 'warning', 'name' => '货到付款'));
            $orderstatus = array('9' => array('css' => 'default', 'name' => '已取消'), '-1' => array('css' => 'default', 'name' => '已关闭'), '4' => array('css' => 'default', 'name' => '已退款'), '0' => array('css' => 'danger', 'name' => '待付款'), '1' => array('css' => 'info', 'name' => '待发货'), '2' => array('css' => 'warning', 'name' => '待收货'), '3' => array('css' => 'success', 'name' => '已完成'));
            foreach ($list as &$value) {
                $s = $value['status'];
                $value['statuscss'] = $orderstatus[$value['status']]['css'];
                $value['status'] = $orderstatus[$value['status']]['name'];
                $value['css'] = $paytype[$value['pay_type']]['css'];
                if ($value['pay_type'] == 2) {
                    if (empty($value['transid'])) {
                        $value['paytype'] = '微信支付';
                    } else {
                        $value['paytype'] = '微信支付';
                } else {
                    $value['paytype'] = $paytype[$value['pay_type']]['name'];
                $goodsss = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id = '{$value['g_id']}'");
                $value['freight'] = $goodsss['freight'];
            $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('tg_order') . " o " . " left join " . tablename('tg_address') . " a on o.addressid = a.id " . " WHERE {$condition}", $paras);
            $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
        } elseif ($operation == 'detail') {
            $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
            $is_tuan = intval($_GPC['is_tuan']);
            $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_order') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id));
            if (empty($item)) {
                message("抱歉,订单不存在!", referer(), "error");
            if (checksubmit('confirmsend')) {
                if (!empty($_GPC['isexpress']) && empty($_GPC['expresssn'])) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 2, 'express' => $_GPC['express'], 'expresssn' => $_GPC['expresssn']), array('id' => $id));
                $m_send = $this->module['config']['m_send'];
                $send = $this->module['config']['send'];
                $send_remark = $this->module['config']['send_remark'];
                $content = "亲,您的商品已发货!!!";
                $access_token = WeAccount::token();
                $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token=" . $access_token . "";
                $url2 = "";
                $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                $openid = trim($item['openid']);
                $msg_json = '{


                       	"template_id":"' . $m_send . '",

                       	"url":"' . $url2 . '",




                               "value":"\\n' . $send . '\\n",




								"value":"' . $item['orderno'] . '\\n",




								 "value":"' . $_GPC['express'] . '\\n",




								"value":"' . $_GPC['expresssn'] . '\\n",




                               "value":"\\n\\n' . $send_remark . '",




                include_once 'message.php';
                $sendmessage = new WX_message();
                $res = $sendmessage->WX_request($url, $msg_json);
                message('发货操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('cancelsend')) {
                // $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT transid FROM " . tablename('tg_order') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id));
                // if (!empty($item['transid'])) {
                // 	$this->changeWechatSend($id, 0, $_GPC['cancelreson']);
                // }
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1), array('id' => $id));
                message('取消发货操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('finish')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 3), array('id' => $id));
                message('订单操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('refund')) {
                include_once '../addons/feng_fightgroups/WxPay.Api.php';
                $WxPayApi = new WxPayApi();
                $input = new WxPayRefund();
                $accounts = uni_accounts();
                $acid = $_W['uniacid'];
                $path_cert = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem';
                $path_key = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem';
                $key = $this->module['config']['apikey'];
                $appid = $accounts[$acid]['key'];
                //	 			$appsecret = $accounts[$acid]['secret'];//身份密钥(appsecret)
                $mchid = $this->module['config']['mchid'];
                $refund_id = $_GPC['refund_id'];
                $refund_ids = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where id={$refund_id}");
                $fee = $refund_ids['price'] * 100;
                $refundid = $refund_ids['transid'];
                $input->SetOut_refund_no($mchid . date("YmdHis"));
                $result = $WxPayApi->refund($input, 6, $path_cert, $path_key, $key);
                if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                    pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 4), array('id' => $refund_id));
                    $m_ref = $this->module['config']['m_ref'];
                    $ref = $this->module['config']['ref'];
                    $ref_remark = $this->module['config']['ref_remark'];
                    $content = "您已成退款成功";
                    $access_token = WeAccount::token();
                    $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token=" . $access_token . "";
                    $url2 = "";
                    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                    $data['touser'] = trim($_W['openid']);
                    $openid = trim($refund_ids['openid']);
                    $msg_json = '{


                       	"template_id":"' . $m_ref . '",

                       	"url":"' . $url2 . '",




                               "value":"' . $ref . '",








								"value":"' . $refund_ids['price'] . '",




                               "value":"\\n' . $ref_remark . '",




                    include_once 'message.php';
                    $sendmessage = new WX_message();
                    $res = $sendmessage->WX_request($url, $msg_json);
                    pdo_query("update" . tablename('tg_goods') . " set gnum=gnum+1 where id = '{$refund_ids['g_id']}'");
                    message('退款成功了!', referer(), 'success');
                } else {
                    message('退款失败,服务器正忙,请稍等等!', referer(), 'fail');
            if (checksubmit('cancel')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1), array('id' => $id));
                message('取消完成订单操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('cancelpay')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 0), array('id' => $id));
                // //设置库存
                // $this->setOrderStock($id, false);
                message('取消订单付款操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('confrimpay')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1, 'pay_type' => 2, 'remark' => $_GPC['remark']), array('id' => $id));
                // //设置库存
                // $this->setOrderStock($id);
                message('确认订单付款操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('close')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => -1, 'remark' => $_GPC['remark']), array('id' => $id));
                message('订单关闭操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('open')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 0, 'remark' => $_GPC['remark']), array('id' => $id));
                message('开启订单操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            // $dispatch = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('shopping_dispatch') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $item['dispatch']));
            // if (!empty($dispatch) && !empty($dispatch['express'])) {
            // 	$express = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('shopping_express') . " WHERE id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $dispatch['express']));
            // }
            $item['user'] = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_address') . " WHERE id = {$item['addressid']}");
            $goods = pdo_fetchall("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "WHERE id={$item['g_id']}");
            $item['goods'] = $goods;
        } elseif ($operation == 'delete') {
            $orderid = intval($_GPC['id']);
            $tuan_id = intval($_GPC['tuan_id']);
            if (!empty($tuan_id)) {
                if (pdo_delete('tg_order', array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id))) {
                    message('团订单删除成功', $this->createWebUrl('order', array('op' => 'tuan')), 'success');
            if (pdo_delete('tg_order', array('id' => $orderid))) {
                message('订单删除成功', $this->createWebUrl('order', array('op' => 'display')), 'success');
            } else {
                message('订单不存在或已被删除', $this->createWebUrl('order', array('op' => 'display')), 'error');
        } elseif ($operation == 'tuan') {
            $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
            $psize = 10;
            $is_tuan = $_GPC['is_tuan'];
            $condition = "uniacid = :weid";
            $paras = array(':weid' => $_W['uniacid']);
            if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) {
                $condition .= " AND tuan_id LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'";
            if ($is_tuan != '') {
                $condition .= " AND is_tuan = 1";
            $sql = "select DISTINCT tuan_id from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where {$condition} order by createtime desc " . "LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize;
            $tuan_id = pdo_fetchall($sql, $paras);
            foreach ($tuan_id as $key => $tuan) {
                $alltuan = pdo_fetchall("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where tuan_id={$tuan['tuan_id']}");
                $ite1 = array();
                $ite2 = array();
                $ite3 = array();
                $ite4 = array();
                $ite0 = array();
                foreach ($alltuan as $num => $all) {
                    if ($all['status'] == 0) {
                        $ite0[$num] = $all['id'];
                    if ($all['status'] == 1) {
                        $ite1[$num] = $all['id'];
                    if ($all['status'] == 2) {
                        $ite2[$num] = $all['id'];
                    if ($all['status'] == 3) {
                        $ite3[$num] = $all['id'];
                    if ($all['status'] == 4) {
                        $ite4[$num] = $all['id'];
                    $goods = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id = {$all['g_id']}");
                $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum0'] = count($ite0);
                $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum1'] = count($ite1);
                $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum2'] = count($ite2);
                $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum3'] = count($ite3);
                $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum4'] = count($ite4);
                $tuan_id[$key]['tsucc'] = count($ite1) + count($ite2) + count($ite3);
                $tuan_id[$key]['groupnum'] = $goods['groupnum'];
                $tuan_first_order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM" . tablename('tg_order') . "where tuan_id={$tuan['tuan_id']} and tuan_first = 1");
                $hours = $tuan_first_order['endtime'];
                $time = time();
                $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tuan_first_order['createtime']);
                $endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(" {$date} + {$hours} hour"));
                $date1 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
                $lasttime = strtotime($endtime) - strtotime($date1);
                $tuan_id[$key]['lasttime'] = $lasttime;
            $total2 = pdo_fetchall("select DISTINCT tuan_id from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where {$condition}", $paras);
            $total = count($total2);
            $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
        } elseif ($operation == 'tuan_detail') {
            $tuan_id = intval($_GPC['tuan_id']);
            $is_tuan = intval($_GPC['is_tuan']);
            $orders = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_order') . " WHERE tuan_id = {$tuan_id}");
            $ite1 = array();
            $ite2 = array();
            $ite3 = array();
            $ite4 = array();
            $ite0 = array();
            foreach ($orders as $key => $order) {
                if ($order['status'] == 0) {
                    $ite0[$key] = $order['id'];
                if ($order['status'] == 1) {
                    $ite1[$key] = $order['id'];
                if ($order['status'] == 2) {
                    $ite2[$key] = $order['id'];
                if ($order['status'] == 3) {
                    $ite3[$key] = $order['id'];
                if ($order['status'] == 4) {
                    $ite4[$key] = $order['id'];
                $address = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM" . tablename('tg_address') . "where id={$order['addressid']}");
                $orders[$key]['cname'] = $address['cname'];
                $orders[$key]['tel'] = $address['tel'];
                $orders[$key]['province'] = $address['province'];
                $orders[$key]['city'] = $address['city'];
                $orders[$key]['county'] = $address['county'];
                $orders[$key]['detailed_address'] = $address['detailed_address'];
                $goods = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id={$order['g_id']}");
                $orders[$key]['freight'] = $goods['freight'];
            $num = count($orders);
            $goodsid = array();
            foreach ($orders as $key => $value) {
                $goodsid['id'] = $value['g_id'];
            $goods2 = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_goods') . " WHERE id = {$goodsid['id']}");
            if (empty($orders)) {
                message("抱歉,该团购不存在!", referer(), "error");
            $goods2['itemnum0'] = count($ite0);
            $goods2['itemnum1'] = count($ite1);
            $goods2['itemnum2'] = count($ite2);
            $goods2['itemnum3'] = count($ite3);
            $goods2['itemnum4'] = count($ite4);
            $goods2['tsucc'] = count($ite1) + count($ite2) + count($ite3);
            foreach ($orders as $key => $value) {
                $it['status'] = $value['status'];
            $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM" . tablename('tg_order') . "where tuan_id=:tuan_id and tuan_first = :tuan_first";
            $params2 = array(':tuan_id' => $tuan_id, ':tuan_first' => 1);
            $tuan_first_order = pdo_fetch($sql2, $params2);
            $hours = $tuan_first_order['endtime'];
            $time = time();
            $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tuan_first_order['createtime']);
            $endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(" {$date} + {$hours} hour"));
            $date1 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
            $lasttime2 = strtotime($endtime) - strtotime($date1);
            if (checksubmit('confirmsend')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 2), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('发货操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('cancelsend')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('取消发货操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('finish')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 3), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('订单操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('cancel')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('取消完成订单操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('cancelpay')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 0), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('取消团订单付款操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
            if (checksubmit('confrimpay')) {
                pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 1, 'pay_type' => 2), array('tuan_id' => $tuan_id));
                message('团订单付款操作成功!', referer(), 'success');
        } elseif ($operation == 'output') {
            $status = $_GPC['status'];
            $istuan = $_GPC['istuan'];
            $condition = " uniacid={$weid}";
            if ($status != '') {
                $condition .= " AND status = '" . intval($status) . "'";
            if ($istuan != '') {
                $condition .= " AND is_tuan = '" . intval($istuan) . "'";
            $orders = pdo_fetchall("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where {$condition}");
            include_once 'PHPExcel.php';
            $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
            $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator('http://www.phpernote.com')->setLastModifiedBy('http://www.phpernote.com')->setTitle('Office 2007 XLSX Document')->setSubject('Office 2007 XLSX Document')->setDescription('Document for Office 2007 XLSX, generated using PHP classes.')->setKeywords('office 2007 openxml php')->setCategory('Result file');
            if ($istuan != '') {
                $sql = "select DISTINCT tuan_id from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where {$condition} order by createtime desc";
                $tuan_id = pdo_fetchall($sql);
                foreach ($tuan_id as $key => $tuan) {
                    $alltuan = pdo_fetchall("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where tuan_id={$tuan['tuan_id']}");
                    $ite1 = array();
                    $ite2 = array();
                    $ite3 = array();
                    $ite4 = array();
                    $ite0 = array();
                    foreach ($alltuan as $num => $all) {
                        if ($all['status'] == 0) {
                            $ite0[$num] = $all['id'];
                        if ($all['status'] == 1) {
                            $ite1[$num] = $all['id'];
                        if ($all['status'] == 2) {
                            $ite2[$num] = $all['id'];
                        if ($all['status'] == 3) {
                            $ite3[$num] = $all['id'];
                        if ($all['status'] == 4) {
                            $ite4[$num] = $all['id'];
                        $goods = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id = {$all['g_id']}");
                    $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum0'] = count($ite0);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum1'] = count($ite1);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum2'] = count($ite2);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum3'] = count($ite3);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['itemnum4'] = count($ite4);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['tsucc'] = count($ite1) + count($ite2) + count($ite3);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['groupnum'] = $goods['groupnum'];
                    $tuan_first_order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM" . tablename('tg_order') . "where tuan_id={$tuan['tuan_id']} and tuan_first = 1");
                    $hours = $tuan_first_order['endtime'];
                    $time = time();
                    $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tuan_first_order['createtime']);
                    $endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(" {$date} + {$hours} hour"));
                    $date1 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
                    $lasttime = strtotime($endtime) - strtotime($date1);
                    $tuan_id[$key]['lasttime'] = $lasttime;
                $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', '团编号')->setCellValue('B1', '团状态')->setCellValue('C1', '团购商品')->setCellValue('D1', '团购价格');
                $i = 2;
                foreach ($tuan_id as $k => $item) {
                    if ($item['lasttime'] > 0) {
                        if ($item['tsucc'] == $item['groupnum']) {
                            $content = "组团成功(共需" . $item['groupnum'] . "人)【待发货" . $item['itemnum1'] . "人,已发货" . $item['itemnum2'] . "人】";
                        if ($item['tsucc'] < $item['groupnum']) {
                            $content = "组团中(共需" . $item['groupnum'] . "人)【已付款" . $item['itemnum1'] . "人,还差" . $item['groupnum'] - $item['tsucc'] . "人】";
                    } else {
                        if ($item['tsucc'] == $item['groupnum']) {
                            $content = "组团成功(共需" . $item['groupnum'] . "人)【待发货" . $item['itemnum1'] . "人,已发货" . $item['itemnum2'] . "人】";
                        } else {
                            $content = "团购失败,团购已过期(共需" . $item['groupnum'] . "人)【待退款" . $item['itemnum1'] . "人,已退款" . $item['itemnum4'] . "人】";
                    $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A' . $i, $item['tuan_id'])->setCellValue('B' . $i, $content)->setCellValue('C' . $i, $goods['gname'])->setCellValue('D' . $i, $goods['gprice']);
                $filename = urlencode('团订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
            } else {
                $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', '订单编号')->setCellValue('B1', '姓名')->setCellValue('C1', '电话')->setCellValue('D1', '总价(元)')->setCellValue('E1', '状态')->setCellValue('F1', '下单时间')->setCellValue('G1', '商品名称')->setCellValue('H1', '收货地址');
                $i = 2;
                foreach ($orders as $k => $v) {
                    $user = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_address') . "where id={$v['addressid']}");
                    $address = $user['province'] . $user['city'] . $user['county'] . $user['detailed_address'];
                    $goods = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id = {$v['g_id']}");
                    if ($user) {
                        $name = $user['cname'];
                        $tel = $user['tel'];
                    } else {
                        $name = '';
                        $tel = '';
                    if ($v['status'] == 0) {
                        $status = '待付款';
                        $filename = urlencode('待付款订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
                    if ($v['status'] == 1) {
                        $status = '待发货';
                        $filename = urlencode('待发货订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
                    if ($v['status'] == 2) {
                        $status = '已发货';
                        $filename = urlencode('已发货订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
                    if ($v['status'] == 3) {
                        $status = '已完成';
                        $filename = urlencode('已完成订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
                    if ($v['status'] == 9) {
                        $status = '已取消';
                        $filename = urlencode('已取消订单信息统计表') . '_' . date('Y-m-dHis');
                    $time = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $v['createtime']);
                    $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A' . $i, $v['orderno'])->setCellValue('B' . $i, $name)->setCellValue('C' . $i, $tel)->setCellValue('D' . $i, $v['price'])->setCellValue('E' . $i, $status)->setCellValue('F' . $i, $time)->setCellValue('G' . $i, $goods['gname'])->setCellValue('H' . $i, $address);
            header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '.xls"');
            header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
            $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
        } elseif ($operation == 'refundall') {
            include_once '../addons/feng_fightgroups/WxPay.Api.php';
            $WxPayApi = new WxPayApi();
            $input = new WxPayRefund();
            $accounts = uni_accounts();
            $allorders = pdo_fetchall("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where uniacid={$_W['uniacid']} and status = 1");
            $now = time();
            $num = 0;
            foreach ($allorders as $ke => $value) {
                $endtime = $value['endtime'];
                if ($now - $value['starttime'] > $endtime * 3600 && $value['transid'] != '') {
                    $fee = $value['price'] * 100;
                    $refundid = $value['transid'];
                    $acid = $_W['uniacid'];
                    $path_cert = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem';
                    $path_key = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem';
                    $key = $this->module['config']['apikey'];
                    $appid = $accounts[$acid]['key'];
                    $mchid = $this->module['config']['mchid'];
                    $input->SetOut_refund_no($mchid . date("YmdHis"));
                    $result = $WxPayApi->refund($input, 6, $path_cert, $path_key, $key);
                    if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                        pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 4), array('id' => $value['id']));
                        pdo_query("update" . tablename('tg_goods') . " set gnum=gnum+1 where id = '{$value['g_id']}'");
            if ($num == 0) {
                message('未找到已付款且团购过期的微信订单。', referer(), 'fail');
            } else {
                message('一键退款成功!', referer(), 'success');
        include $this->template('order');
Exemple #7
  * @note   申请退款
  * @access public
  * @author zhangchong <*****@*****.**>
  * @date   2015/7/9 17:31
  * @param  $params['out_trade_no']    原订单号
  * @param  $params['transaction_id']  微信交易号  交易号和原订单号2选1,如果同时存在  交易号优先级大于原订单号
  * @param  $params['total_fee']       订单总金额 单位:元
  * @param  $params['refund_fee']      退款金额 单位:元
  * @param  $params['refund_code']     退款订单号
  * @return array|boolean              返回false表示参数设置错误
 public function refund($params = array())
     if (!isset($params['transaction_id']) && !isset($params['out_trade_no'])) {
         return false;
     $input = new WxPayRefund($this->config);
     if (isset($params['transaction_id'])) {
     } else {
     $input->SetTotal_fee($params['total_fee'] * 100);
     $input->SetRefund_fee($params['refund_fee'] * 100);
     return Pay\WxPayApi::refund($input);
Exemple #8
         $acid = $_W['uniacid'];
         $path_cert = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem';
         $path_key = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem';
         $key = $this->module['config']['apikey'];
         $appid = $accounts[$acid]['key'];
         $mchid = $this->module['config']['mchid'];
         $input = new WxPayRefund();
         $input->SetOut_refund_no($mchid . date("YmdHis"));
         $result = $WxPayApi->refund($input, 6, $path_cert, $path_key, $key);
         if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
             pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 4), array('id' => $value['id']));
             pdo_query("update" . tablename('tg_goods') . " set gnum=gnum+1 where id = '{$value['g_id']}'");
 if ($num == 0) {
     message('未找到已付款且团购过期的微信订单。', referer(), 'fail');
 } else {
     message('一键退款成功!共处理了' . $num . '个订单。', referer(), 'success');
Exemple #9
 public function refund($orderno, $price, $type)
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     include_once '../addons/feng_fightgroups/source/WxPay.Api.php';
     $WxPayApi = new WxPayApi();
     $input = new WxPayRefund();
     $accounts = uni_accounts();
     $acid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $path_cert = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem';
     $path_key = IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem';
     $key = $this->module['config']['apikey'];
     $account_info = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('account_wechats') . "where uniacid={$_W['uniacid']}");
     $appid = $account_info['key'];
     $mchid = $this->module['config']['mchid'];
     $refund_ids = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_order') . "where orderno ='{$orderno}'");
     $goods = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('tg_goods') . "where id='{$refund_ids['g_id']}'");
     if (!empty($price)) {
         $fee = $price;
     } else {
         $fee = $refund_ids['price'] * 100;
     $refundid = $refund_ids['transid'];
     $input->SetTotal_fee($refund_ids['price'] * 100);
     $result = $WxPayApi->refund($input, 6, $path_cert, $path_key, $key);
     $data = array('transid' => $refund_ids['transid'], 'refund_id' => $result['refund_id'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'status' => 0, 'type' => $type, 'goodsid' => $refund_ids['g_id'], 'orderid' => $refund_ids['id'], 'payfee' => $refund_ids['price'], 'refundfee' => $refund_ids['price'], 'refundername' => $refund_ids['addname'], 'refundermobile' => $refund_ids['mobile'], 'goodsname' => $goods['gname'], 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']);
     pdo_insert('tg_refund_record', $data);
     if ($result['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') {
         if ($type == 3) {
             pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 7, 'is_tuan' => 2), array('id' => $refund_ids['id']));
         } else {
             pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 7), array('id' => $refund_ids['id']));
         pdo_update('tg_refund_record', array('status' => 1), array('transid' => $refund_ids['transid']));
         require_once IA_ROOT . '/addons/feng_fightgroups/source/Message.class.php';
         $access_token = WeAccount::token();
         $url1 = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token=" . $access_token . "";
         $url2 = '';
         $sendmessage = new Message();
         if ($type == 4) {
             $res = $sendmessage->part_refund($refund_ids['openid'], $price * 0.01, $this, $url1, $url2);
         } else {
             $res = $sendmessage->refund($refund_ids['openid'], $refund_ids['price'], $this, $url1, $url2);
         pdo_query("update" . tablename('tg_goods') . " set gnum=gnum+1 where id = '{$refund_ids['g_id']}'");
         return 'success';
     } else {
         if ($type == 3) {
             pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 6, 'is_tuan' => 2), array('id' => $refund_ids['id']));
         } else {
             pdo_update('tg_order', array('status' => 6), array('id' => $refund_ids['id']));
         return 'fail';