Exemple #1
  * Handles doing quiz and survey insertions into 
  * the database. Starts of creating the form object
  * using either Wpsqt_Form_Quiz or Wpsqt_Form_Survey
  * then it moves on to check and see if 
  * @since 2.0
 protected function _doInsert()
     $className = "Wpsqt_Form_" . ucfirst($this->_subsection);
     $objForm = new $className();
     $this->_pageVars = array('objForm' => $objForm, 'objTokens' => Wpsqt_Tokens::getTokenObject());
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
         $errorMessages = $objForm->getMessages($_POST);
         $details = $_POST;
         if (empty($errorMessages)) {
             $details = Wpsqt_Form::getSavableArray($details);
             $this->_pageVars['id'] = Wpsqt_System::insertItemDetails($details, strtolower($this->_subsection));
             do_action('wpsqt_' . strtolower($this->_subsection) . '_addnew');
             $this->_pageView = "admin/misc/redirect.php";
             $this->_pageVars['redirectLocation'] = WPSQT_URL_MAIN . "&section=sections&subsection=" . strtolower($this->_subsection) . "&id=" . $this->_pageVars['id'] . "&new=1";
         } else {
             $this->_pageVars['errorArray'] = $errorMessages;
Exemple #2
  * Handles the doing updating of quiz and surveys.
  * Firstly it gets the quiz or survey details using
  * either getQuizDetails or getSurveyDetails. Then 
  * creates the page form using either Wpsqt_Form_Quiz
  * or Wpsqt_Form_Survey. Then it checks to see if it's
  * a post request if so it then checks to see if it 
  * assigns $_POST as the details for the quiz or survey.
  * At which point it does a validation call to see if
  * there are any error messages if not it does an update
  * call using either Wpsqt_System::updateQuizDetails or
  * Wpsqt_System::updateSurveyDetails. 
  * Uses $this->_subsection to find out if it's to use
  * Quiz or Survey functions.
  * @since 2.0
 protected function _doUpdate()
     $this->_pageView = "admin/quiz/create.php";
     $details = Wpsqt_Form::getInsertableArray(Wpsqt_System::getItemDetails($_GET['id'], strtolower($this->_subsection)));
     $className = "Wpsqt_Form_" . ucfirst($this->_subsection);
     $objForm = new $className();
     $this->_pageVars = array('objForm' => $objForm, 'objTokens' => Wpsqt_Tokens::getTokenObject());
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !isset($_POST['new-page'])) {
         $errorMessages = $objForm->getMessages($_POST);
         $details = $_POST;
         $details['wpsqt_id'] = $_GET['id'];
         if (empty($errorMessages)) {
             Wpsqt_System::updateItemDetails(Wpsqt_Form::getSavableArray($details), $_GET['subsection']);
             do_action('wpsqt_' . strtolower($this->_subsection) . '_edit');
             $this->_pageVars['successMessage'] = ucfirst($this->_subsection) . " updated!";
         } else {
             $this->_pageVars['errorArray'] = $errorMessages;
  * Check to make sure the form select elements
  * are validating properly.
  * @since 2.0
 public function testFormSelectValidation()
     $objForm = new Wpsqt_Form();
     $objForm->addOption("wpsqt_test", "Test", "select", false, "None", array("one", "two", "three"));
     $errorMessages = $objForm->getMessages(array());
     $this->assertEquals(array("Test can't be empty."), $errorMessages, "Invalid error message given for no value.");
     $errorMessages = $objForm->getMessages(array("wpsqt_test" => ""));
     $this->assertEquals(array("Test can't be empty."), $errorMessages, "Invalid error message given for empty value.");
     $errorMessages = $objForm->getMessages(array("wpsqt_test" => "none"));
     $this->assertEquals(array("Test doesn't have a valid response."), $errorMessages, "Invalid error message given for invalid response.");