/** * Show actions to do on the list * @param array $item The item displayed * @return array Array of actions to perform */ function column_title($item) { $wpfav = Wpfavs_Admin::get_instance(); $actions = array('edit' => sprintf('<a href="' . $wpfav->api_url . 'my-wpfavs/edit/%s/" target="_blank">Edit Wp Fav</a>', $item['id']), 'run' => sprintf('<a href="?page=%s&action=%s&wpfav=%s">Run this list</a>', $wpfav->plugin_slug, 'run-wpfav', $item['id'])); //If we are importing wp user favorites remove edit from actions if (7331 === $item['id']) { unset($actions['edit']); } return sprintf('%1$s %2$s', $item['title'], $this->row_actions($actions)); }
function column_status($item) { $wpfav = Wpfavs_Admin::get_instance(); switch ($item['status']) { case 'not-installed': return '<span class="not-installed">' . __("Not Installed", $wpfav->plugin_slug) . '</span>'; break; case 'active': return '<span class="active">' . __("Active", $wpfav->plugin_slug) . '</span>'; break; case 'inactive': return '<span class="inactive">' . __("Inactive", $wpfav->plugin_slug) . '</span>'; break; default: return '<span class="not-installed">' . __("Not Installed", $wpfav->plugin_slug) . '</span>'; break; } }