Exemple #1
    protected static function handle_posted_settings()
        $result = array('message' => '', 'type' => 'updated');
        if (isset($_POST['posts_per_page']) && check_admin_referer('wpak_save_settings')) {
            $settings = self::get_settings();
            if (!empty($_POST['posts_per_page'])) {
                $settings['posts_per_page'] = intval($_POST['posts_per_page']);
            if (isset($_POST['activate_wp_appkit_editor_role'])) {
                $settings['activate_wp_appkit_editor_role'] = true;
            } else {
                $settings['activate_wp_appkit_editor_role'] = false;
            $result['message'] = __('Settings saved', WpAppKit::i18n_domain);
        return $result;
    protected static function save_settings($settings)
        if (get_option(self::option_id) != $settings) {
            update_option(self::option_id, $settings);
        } else {
            add_option(self::option_id, $settings, '', 'no');
Exemple #2
 protected function compute_data($component, $options, $args = array())
     global $wpdb;
     do_action('wpak_before_component_posts_list', $component, $options);
     $before_post_date = '';
     if (!empty($args['before_item']) && is_numeric($args['before_item'])) {
         $before_post = get_post($args['before_item']);
         if (!empty($before_post)) {
             $before_post_date = $before_post->post_date;
     if ($options['post-type'] == 'custom') {
         //Custom posts list generated via hook :
         //Choose "Custom, using hook" when creating the component in BO, and use the following
         //hook "wpak_posts_list_custom-[your-hook]" to set the component posts.
         //The wpak_posts_list_custom-[your-hook] filter must return the given $posts_list_data filled in with
         //your custom data :
         //- posts : array of the posts retrieved by your component, in the same format as a "get_posts()" or "new WP_Query($query_args)"
         //- total : total number of those posts (not only those retrieved in posts, taking pagination into account)
         //- query : data about your query that you want to retrieve on the app side.
         $posts_list_data = array('posts' => array(), 'total' => 0, 'query' => array('type' => 'custom-posts-list', 'taxonomy' => '', 'terms' => array(), 'is_last_page' => true, 'before_item' => 0));
          * Filter data from a posts list component.
          * @param array 			$posts_list_data    	An array of default data.
          * @param WpakComponent 	$component 				The component object.
          * @param array 			$options 				An array of options.
          * @param array 			$args 					An array of complementary arguments.
          * @param array 			$before_post_date 		The publication of the last displayed post.
         $posts_list_data = apply_filters('wpak_posts_list_custom-' . $options['hook'], $posts_list_data, $component, $options, $args, $before_post_date);
         $posts = $posts_list_data['posts'];
         $total = !empty($posts_list_data['total']) ? $posts_list_data['total'] : count($posts);
         $query = $posts_list_data['query'];
     } else {
         //WordPress Post type or "Latest posts"
         $is_last_posts = $options['post-type'] == 'last-posts';
         $post_type = !empty($options['post-type']) && !$is_last_posts ? $options['post-type'] : 'post';
         $query = array('post_type' => $post_type);
         $query_args = array('post_type' => $post_type);
          * Filter the number of posts displayed into a posts list component.
          * @param int 			    					Default number of posts.
          * @param WpakComponent 	$component 			The component object.
          * @param array 			$options 			An array of options.
          * @param array 			$args 				An array of complementary arguments.
         $query_args['posts_per_page'] = apply_filters('wpak_posts_list_posts_per_page', WpakSettings::get_setting('posts_per_page'), $component, $options, $args);
         if ($is_last_posts) {
             $query['type'] = 'last-posts';
         } elseif (!empty($options['taxonomy'])) {
             if ($options['taxonomy'] === 'wpak-none') {
                 $query['type'] = 'post-type';
             } elseif (!empty($options['term'])) {
                 $query_args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $options['taxonomy'], 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $options['term']));
                 $query['type'] = 'taxonomy';
                 $query['taxonomy'] = $options['taxonomy'];
                 $query['terms'] = is_array($options['term']) ? $options['term'] : array($options['term']);
         if (!empty($before_post_date)) {
             if (is_numeric($before_post_date)) {
                 $before_post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $before_post_date);
             if (preg_match('/\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}/', $before_post_date)) {
                 $query['before_item'] = intval($args['before_item']);
                 $posts_where_callback = create_function('$where', 'return $where .= " AND post_date < \'' . $before_post_date . '\'";');
                 add_filter('posts_where', $posts_where_callback);
             } else {
                 $before_post_date = '';
          * Filter args used for the query made into a posts list component.
          * @param array 			$query_args    		An array of default args.
          * @param WpakComponent 	$component 			The component object.
          * @param array 			$options 			An array of options.
          * @param array 			$args 				An array of complementary arguments.
          * @param array 			$query 				Data about the query to retrieve on the app side.
         $query_args = apply_filters('wpak_posts_list_query_args', $query_args, $component, $options, $args, $query);
         $posts_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
         if (!empty($before_post_date)) {
             remove_filter('posts_where', $posts_where_callback);
             $query['is_last_page'] = $posts_query->found_posts <= count($posts_query->posts);
         $posts = $posts_query->posts;
         $total = $posts_query->found_posts;
     $posts_by_ids = array();
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $posts_by_ids[$post->ID] = self::get_post_data($component, $post);
     $this->set_specific('ids', array_keys($posts_by_ids));
     $this->set_specific('total', $total);
     $this->set_specific('query', $query);
     $this->set_globals('posts', $posts_by_ids);