public static function get_config_xml($app_id, $echo = false, $export_type = 'phonegap-build')
        $app_main_infos = WpakApps::get_app_main_infos($app_id);
        $app_name = $app_main_infos['name'];
        $app_description = $app_main_infos['desc'];
        $app_phonegap_id = $app_main_infos['app_phonegap_id'];
        $app_version = $app_main_infos['version'];
        $app_version_code = $app_main_infos['version_code'];
        $app_phonegap_version = $app_main_infos['phonegap_version'];
        $app_author = $app_main_infos['author'];
        $app_author_email = $app_main_infos['author_email'];
        $app_author_website = $app_main_infos['author_website'];
        $app_platform = $app_main_infos['platform'];
        $app_icons = $app_main_infos['icons'];
        $whitelist_settings = self::get_whitelist_settings($app_id, $export_type);
        //Merge our default Phonegap Build plugins to those set in BO :
        $app_phonegap_plugins = WpakApps::get_merged_phonegap_plugins_xml($app_id, $app_main_infos['phonegap_plugins']);
        $xmlns = '';
        $xmlns_gap = '';
        if (!$echo) {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';

<widget xmlns       = "<?php 
        echo $xmlns;
        xmlns:gap   = "<?php 
        echo $xmlns_gap;
        id          = "<?php 
        echo $app_phonegap_id;
        versionCode = "<?php 
        echo $app_version_code;
        version     = "<?php 
        echo $app_version;
" >

        echo $app_name;

        echo $app_description;

	<author href="<?php 
        echo $app_author_website;
" email="<?php 
        echo $app_author_email;
        echo $app_author;

	<gap:platform name="<?php 
        echo $app_platform;
" />
        if (!empty($app_phonegap_version)) {

	<preference name="phonegap-version" value="<?php 
            echo $app_phonegap_version;
" />
         * Filter to handle the  "Webview bounce effect" on devices.
         * Pass false to this filter to allow the "Webview bounce effect".
         * @param boolean	true		Bounce effect is disallowed by default.
         * @param int		$app_id		Application id
        if (apply_filters('wpak_config_xml_preference_disallow_overscroll', true, $app_id)) {

	<preference name="<?php 
            echo $app_platform == 'android' ? 'd' : 'D';
isallowOverscroll" value="true" />
	<preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />

	<!-- PhoneGap plugin declaration -->
        if (!empty($app_phonegap_plugins)) {
            echo str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $app_phonegap_plugins);

        if (!empty($whitelist_settings)) {
	<!-- Whitelist policy  -->
            foreach ($whitelist_settings as $whitelist_setting => $attributes) {
                if (empty($attributes) || !is_array($attributes)) {
                $attributes_str = '';
                foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                    $attributes_str .= ' ' . $attribute . '="' . $value . '"';
                echo $whitelist_setting;
                echo $attributes_str;

	<!-- Icon and Splash screen declaration -->
        if (!empty($app_icons)) {

            echo str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $app_icons);

        $content = '';
        if (!$echo) {
            $content = ob_get_contents();
        return !$echo ? $content : '';
    public static function get_config_xml($app_id, $echo = false, $export_type = '')
        $app_main_infos = WpakApps::get_app_main_infos($app_id);
        $app_name = $app_main_infos['name'];
        $app_description = $app_main_infos['desc'];
        $app_phonegap_id = $app_main_infos['app_phonegap_id'];
        $app_version = $app_main_infos['version'];
        $app_version_code = $app_main_infos['version_code'];
        $app_phonegap_version = $app_main_infos['phonegap_version'];
        $app_author = $app_main_infos['author'];
        $app_author_email = $app_main_infos['author_email'];
        $app_author_website = $app_main_infos['author_website'];
        $app_platform = $app_main_infos['platform'];
        $app_icons = $app_main_infos['icons'];
        $access = array();
        if ($export_type == 'phonegap-cli') {
            $access[] = array('origin' => '*', 'subdomains' => '');
         * Filter : allows to modify config.xml <access> element
         * @param array  	array		array of <access> elements 
         *                              Each <access> element is an array with the following attributes :
         *								- 'origin' string The domain of where the resource lives
         *								- 'subdomains' bool Whether to allow subdomains on the 
         *								  host specified in the origin parameter. Pass an empty
         *								  string to ignore this optional attribute.
         * @param int		$app_id		Application id
        $access = apply_filters('wpak_config_xml_access', $access, $app_id);
        //Merge our default Phonegap Build plugins to those set in BO :
        $app_phonegap_plugins = WpakApps::get_merged_phonegap_plugins_xml($app_id, $app_main_infos['phonegap_plugins']);
        $xmlns = '';
        $xmlns_gap = '';
        if (!$echo) {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';

<widget xmlns       = "<?php 
        echo $xmlns;
        xmlns:gap   = "<?php 
        echo $xmlns_gap;
        id          = "<?php 
        echo $app_phonegap_id;
        versionCode = "<?php 
        echo $app_version_code;
        version     = "<?php 
        echo $app_version;
" >

        echo $app_name;

        echo $app_description;

	<author href="<?php 
        echo $app_author_website;
" email="<?php 
        echo $app_author_email;
        echo $app_author;

	<gap:platform name="<?php 
        echo $app_platform;
" />
        if (!empty($app_phonegap_version)) {

	<preference name="phonegap-version" value="<?php 
            echo $app_phonegap_version;
" />
        if (!empty($access)) {

            foreach ($access as $access_element) {
                if (empty($access_element['origin'])) {
                $subdomains = '';
                if (isset($access_element['subdomains']) && is_bool($access_element['subdomains'])) {
                    $subdomains = ' subdomains="' . ($access_element['subdomains'] ? 'true' : 'false') . '"';
	<access origin="<?php 
                echo $access_element['origin'];
                echo $subdomains;
         * Filter to handle the  "Webview bounce effect" on devices.
         * Pass false to this filter to allow the "Webview bounce effect".
         * @param boolean	true		Bounce effect is disallowed by default.
         * @param int		$app_id		Application id
        if (apply_filters('wpak_config_xml_preference_disallow_overscroll', true, $app_id)) {

	<preference name="<?php 
            echo $app_platform == 'android' ? 'd' : 'D';
isallowOverscroll" value="true" />
	<preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />

	<!-- Add Icon, Splash screen and any PhoneGap plugin declaration here -->
        if (!empty($app_icons)) {

            echo str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $app_icons);

        if (!empty($app_phonegap_plugins)) {

            echo str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $app_phonegap_plugins);


        $content = '';
        if (!$echo) {
            $content = ob_get_contents();
        return !$echo ? $content : '';