function wordlift_footer() { if ("true" !== get_option("wordlift_show_footer_bar", "true")) { return; } if (is_home()) { $args = array("numberposts" => 1, "orderby" => "post_date", "order" => "DESC", "post_type" => "post", "post_status" => "publish", "suppress_filters" => true); $recentPosts = wp_get_recent_posts($args, $output = ARRAY_A); if (0 === count($recentPosts)) { return; } $id = $recentPosts[0]["ID"]; } else { $id = get_the_ID(); } $context = WordPress_XmlApplication::getContext("wordLift"); $postEntitiesService = $context->getClass("postEntitiesService"); $entities = $postEntitiesService->get($id); $entitiesCount = count($entities); if (0 === $entitiesCount) { return; } $index = 0; $languages = @$postEntitiesService->getPostLanguages($id); echo "<div id=\"wordlift-bar\">"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li class=\"separator\"></li>"; foreach ($entities as $key => &$entity) { $index++; $link = admin_url("admin-ajax.php?action=wordlift.gotoentity&e=" . urlencode($key)); $type = $postEntitiesService->getFirstValue($entity, "type"); $shortType = strtolower(substr($type, strrpos($type, "/") + 1)); $name = $postEntitiesService->getValueByLanguage($entity, "name", $languages); $name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); if (empty($name)) { continue; } $title = $postEntitiesService->getValueByLanguage($entity, "title", $languages); $image = $postEntitiesService->getFirstValue($entity, "image"); $description = $postEntitiesService->getValueByLanguage($entity, "description", $languages); $description = htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); echo "<li itemscope itemtype=\"{$type}\" class=\"entity {$shortType}\">"; echo "<a href=\"{$link}\">"; echo "<h1 itemprop=\"name\">{$name}</h1>\n"; if (!empty($title)) { echo "<h2 itemprop=\"title\">{$title}<h2>\n"; } echo "<img onerror=\"this.parentNode.removeChild(this);\" itemprop=\"image\" src=\"{$image}\" />\n"; echo "<p itemprop=\"description\">{$description}</p>\n"; echo "</a>"; echo "</li>"; echo "<li class=\"separator\"></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "<div id=\"wordlift-bar-switch\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; }
function __construct($id_base = false, $name, $widget_options = array(), $control_options = array()) { parent::__construct($id_base, $name, $widget_options, $control_options); $classID = self::$applicationContext->getClassID(get_class($this)); self::$applicationContext->getClass($classID, NULL, NULL, $this); }
function __construct($rootFolder, $fileName, $loggerConfiguration) { $this->rootFolder = $rootFolder; $fileName = $rootFolder . $fileName; $loggerConfiguration = $rootFolder . $loggerConfiguration; // get the logger. $this->logger = WordPress_XmlApplication::getLogger($loggerConfiguration); // check that we're in WordPress. if (false === function_exists("add_filter")) { throw new Exception("Cannot find the [add_filter] function. Are we in a WordPress environment?"); } // check if the file exists. if not throw an exception. if (false === file_exists($fileName)) { throw new Exception("Xml Application configuration file [{$fileName}] is not found."); } // load the configuration. // $this->logger->trace( "Creating application from [$fileName]." ); $xmlConfiguration = simplexml_load_file($fileName); $this->xmlConfiguration = $xmlConfiguration; // register the wordpress namespace. $xmlConfiguration->registerXPathNamespace("application", self::APPLICATION_NAMESPACE); $xmlConfiguration->registerXPathNamespace("wordpress", self::WORDPRESS_NAMESPACE); // ***** C O N T E X T N A M E ***** // $contexts = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//application:context"); if (1 === count($contexts)) { $context = reset($contexts); $contextName = (string) $context->attributes()->name; if ("" !== $contextName) { // $this->logger->trace( "Found a named context [$contextName]." ); self::addContext($contextName, $this); } } // ***** T H U M B N A I L S ***** // // get the thumbnails. $thumbnails = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:thumbnail"); // $this->logger->trace( count($thumbnails) . " thumbnail(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadThumbnails($thumbnails); // ***** P R O P E R T I E S ***** // $properties = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//application:property"); // $this->logger->trace( count($properties) . " property(ies) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadProperties($properties); // ***** M E T A B O X E S ***** // $metaBoxes = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:metaBox"); // $this->logger->trace( count($metaBoxes) . " meta-boxes(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadMetaBoxes($metaBoxes); // ***** P O S T T Y P E S ***** // // get the post types. $types = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:postType"); // $this->logger->trace( count($types) . " type(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); foreach ($types as $type) { $typeName = (string) $type->attributes()->name; $classID = (string) $type->attributes()->class; if ("" === $typeName || 20 < strlen($typeName)) { throw new Exception("A postType configuration element requires a name attribute [{$typeName}] of maximum 20 characters."); } if ("" === $classID) { throw new Exception("A postType configuration element requires a class attribute."); } $instance = $this->getClass($classID, $rootFolder, $xmlConfiguration); if (NULL === $instance || false === method_exists($instance, "getArguments")) { throw new Exception("A postType configuration is invalid. The referenced class does not exist or does not support the getArguments method."); } // $this->logger->trace( "Registering post custom type [$typeName]." ); $postTypeConfiguration = $instance->getArguments(); $postTypeConfiguration[self::WP_REGISTER_META_BOX_CB] = array($instance, self::REGISTER_META_BOX_CALLBACK); register_post_type($typeName, $postTypeConfiguration); add_filter("manage_edit-" . $typeName . "_columns", array($instance, "getColumns")); // TODO: make this compatible with WordPress pre-3.1$post_type_posts_custom_column add_action("manage_posts_custom_column", array($instance, "getColumnValue"), 10, 2); } // flush_rewrite_rules(true); // ***** F I L T E R S ***** // get the filters. $filters = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:filter"); // $this->logger->trace( count($filters) . " filter(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadActionOrFilter(self::FILTER, $filters); // ***** A C T I O N S ***** $actions = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:action"); // $this->logger->trace( count($actions) . " action(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadActionOrFilter(self::ACTION, $actions); // ***** S H O R T C O D E S ***** $shortCodes = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:shortCode"); // $this->logger->trace( count($filters) . " short-code(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); // each filter has a name and optionally a priority and acceptedArguments. foreach ($shortCodes as $shortCode) { $attributes = $shortCode->attributes(); $name = (string) $attributes->name; $class = (string) $attributes->class; $method = (string) $attributes->method; if ("" === $name) { throw new Exception("A short-code is missing a name in [{$fileName}]."); } if ("" === $class) { throw new Exception("A short-code is missing the class attribute in [{$fileName}]."); } if ("" === $method) { throw new Exception("A short-code is missing the method attribute in [{$fileName}]."); } $class = $this->getClass($class); add_shortcode($name, array($class, $method)); } // ***** S T Y L E S ***** // get the filters. $styles = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:style"); // $this->logger->trace( count($styles) . " style(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->styles = array(); foreach ($styles as $style) { array_push($this->styles, $this->getStyle($style)); } /***** S C R I P T S *****/ $scripts = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:script"); // $this->logger->trace( count($scripts) . " script(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->scripts = array(); foreach ($scripts as $script) { array_push($this->scripts, $this->getScript($script)); } // $this->logger->trace( "Hooking enqueue scripts actions." ); add_action("admin_enqueue_scripts", array($this, "queueAdminScripts")); add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", array($this, "queueUserScripts")); add_filter("mce_css", array($this, "setEditorStyles")); // ***** A J A X S E R V I C E S ***** $ajaxes = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:ajax"); // $this->logger->trace( count($ajaxes) . " ajax service(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadAjax($ajaxes); // ***** E D I T O R ***** $editorProperties = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:editor"); // $this->logger->trace( count( $editorProperties ) . " editor option(s) found in file [$fileName]." ); $this->loadEditorProperties($editorProperties); add_filter("tiny_mce_before_init", array($this, "initializeEditorConfiguration")); // ***** W I D G E T S ***** $widgets = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:widget"); require_once $rootFolder . "/php/insideout/wordpress/services/WidgetProxy.php"; $this->loadWidgets($widgets); // ***** A D M I N M E N U S ***** $this->adminMenus = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:adminMenu"); $this->subAdminMenus = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:subAdminMenu"); add_action("admin_menu", array($this, "loadAdminMenus")); // ***** S E T T I N G S ***** $this->settings = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:settings"); add_action("admin_menu", array($this, "loadSettings")); // ***** N O T I C E S ***** $notices = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:notice"); foreach ($notices as $notice) { $class = (string) $notice->attributes()->class; $method = (string) $notice->attributes()->method; if (empty($class) || empty($method)) { $this->logger->error("The attributes class and method are required (notice)."); continue; } $instance = $this->getClass($class, $this->rootFolder, $this->xmlConfiguration); add_action("admin_notices", array($instance, $method)); } // ***** A C T I V A T E H O O K S ***** // $activates = $xmlConfiguration->xpath("//wordpress:activate"); // foreach ( $activates as $activate ) { // $class = (string) $activate->attributes()->class; // $method = (string) $activate->attributes()->method; // if ( empty( $class ) || empty( $method ) ) { // $this->logger->error( "The attributes class and method are required (activate)." ); // continue; // } // $instance = $this->getClass( $class, $this->rootFolder, $this->xmlConfiguration ); // register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( $instance, $method ) ); // } }