 * Creates a matrix with 7 columns, one per day of week, and as many rows (weeks) as necessary.
 * Every cell contains a dictionary with the wotd, the definition and other info.
function createCalendar($year, $month)
    $days = listDaysOfMonth($year, $month);
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    $calendar = array();
    // Pad beginning
    $startDow = date('N', strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01"));
    for ($i = 1; $i < $startDow; $i++) {
        $calendar[] = array();
    // Create a record per day
    foreach ($days as $i => $date) {
        $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_displayDate($date);
        $wotdr = $wotd ? WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($wotd->id) : null;
        $def = $wotdr ? Definition::get_by_id($wotdr->refId) : null;
        $visible = $def && ($date <= $today || util_isModerator(PRIV_WOTD));
        $calendar[] = array('wotd' => $wotd, 'def' => $def, 'visible' => $visible, 'dayOfMonth' => $i + 1);
    // Pad end
    while (count($calendar) % 7 != 0) {
        $calendar[] = array();
    // Wrap 7 records per line
    $weeks = array();
    while (count($calendar)) {
        $weeks[] = array_splice($calendar, 0, 7);
    return $weeks;
Exemple #2
$wordCount = Definition::getWordCount();
$wordCountRough = $wordCount - $wordCount % 10000;
SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Dicționar explicativ al limbii române');
SmartyWrap::assign('onHomePage', '1');
SmartyWrap::assign('letters', preg_split('//u', 'aăâbcdefghiîjklmnopqrsștțuvwxyz'));
SmartyWrap::assign('words_total', util_formatNumber($wordCount, 0));
SmartyWrap::assign('words_rough', util_formatNumber($wordCountRough, 0));
SmartyWrap::assign('words_last_month', util_formatNumber(Definition::getWordCountLastMonth(), 0));
SmartyWrap::assign('widgets', $widgets);
SmartyWrap::assign('numEnabledWidgets', $numEnabledWidgets);
/* WotD part */
$wotd = WordOfTheDay::getTodaysWord();
if (!$wotd) {
    $wotd = WordOfTheDay::getTodaysWord();
$defId = WordOfTheDayRel::getRefId($wotd->id);
$def = Model::factory('Definition')->where('id', $defId)->where('status', ST_ACTIVE)->find_one();
SmartyWrap::assign('thumbUrl', $wotd->getThumbUrl());
SmartyWrap::assign('title', $def->lexicon);
SmartyWrap::assign('today', date('Y/m/d'));
/* WotM part */
$wotm = WordOfTheMonth::getCurrentWotM();
$def = Model::factory('Definition')->where('id', $wotm->definitionId)->where('status', ST_ACTIVE)->find_one();
SmartyWrap::assign('thumbUrlM', $wotm->getThumbUrl());
SmartyWrap::assign('articol', $wotm->article);
SmartyWrap::assign('titleM', $def->lexicon);
SmartyWrap::assign('todayM', date('Y/m'));
$page = Config::get('global.aprilFoolsDay') ? 'index-afd.ihtml' : 'index.ihtml';
if (!$sendEmail) {
    print "---- DRY RUN ----\n";
$messages = array();
$firstProblem = 0;
for ($d = 0; $d <= NUM_DAYS; $d++) {
    $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+{$d} days"));
    // Check that exactly one WotD exists
    $wotds = WordOfTheDay::get_all_by_displayDate($date);
    if (count($wotds) != 1) {
        $messages[$date] = count($wotds) ? sprintf("Există %s cuvinte", count($wotds)) : "Nu există niciun cuvânt";
    // Check that it has exactly one WotD rel
    $rels = WordOfTheDayRel::get_all_by_wotdId($wotds[0]->id);
    if (count($rels) != 1) {
        $messages[$date] = count($rels) ? sprintf("Există %s definiții asociate", count($rels)) : "Nu există nicio definiție asociată";
    // Check that the definition exists
    $def = Definition::get_by_id($rels[0]->refId);
    if (!$def) {
        $messages[$date] = sprintf("Definiția cu id-ul %s nu există", $rels[0]->refId);
    // Check that there is an image
    if (!$wotds[0]->image) {
        $messages[$date] = sprintf("Definiția '%s' nu are o imagine asociată", $def->lexicon);
Exemple #4

require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
$month = util_getRequestParameter('month');
$year = util_getRequestParameter('year');
$month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
$wotds = Model::factory('WordOfTheDay')->where_like('displayDate', "{$year}-{$month}-%")->order_by_asc('displayDate')->find_many();
$wotdSet = array();
foreach ($wotds as $wotd) {
    $wotdr = WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($wotd->id);
    $def = Definition::get_by_id($wotdr->refId);
    $wotdSet[] = array('wotd' => $wotd, 'def' => $def);
SmartyWrap::assign('month', $month);
SmartyWrap::assign('year', $year);
SmartyWrap::assign('recentLinks', RecentLink::loadForUser());
SmartyWrap::assign('wotdSet', $wotdSet);
  * Deletes a row from the wotd table
  * @access protected
  * @return string
  * */
 protected function doDelete()
     $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_id($this->id);
     $wotdr = WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($this->id);
     return '';
Exemple #6
  * Saves the data
  * @access protected
  * @return error string (empty for success)
  * */
 protected function doSave()
     if ($this->id != null) {
         $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_id($this->id);
     } else {
         $wotd = Model::factory('WordOfTheDay')->create();
         $wotd->userId = session_getUserId();
     $today = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $isPast = $wotd->displayDate && $wotd->displayDate < $today;
     if ($isPast && $this->displayDate != $wotd->displayDate) {
         return 'Nu puteți modifica data pentru un cuvânt al zilei deja afișat';
     if (!$this->refId) {
         return 'Trebuie să alegeți o definiție';
     $wotd->displayDate = $this->displayDate ? $this->displayDate : null;
     $wotd->priority = $this->priority;
     $wotd->image = $this->image;
     $wotd->description = $this->description;
     $wotdr = WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($wotd->id);
     if (!$wotdr) {
         $wotdr = Model::factory('WordOfTheDayRel')->create();
     $wotdr->refId = $this->refId;
     $wotdr->refType = $this->refType ? $this->refType : 'Definition';
     $wotdr->wotdId = $wotd->id;
     return '';