Exemple #1
  * Registers a class as a database engine
  * Note that the database engine class must implement the
  * Woops_Database_Engine_Interface interface.
  * @param   string  The name of the database engine
  * @param   string  The class of the database engine
  * @return  void
  * @throws  Woops_Database_Layer_Exception  If an engine with the same name is already registered
  * @throws  Woops_Database_Layer_Exception  If the engine class does not exists
  * @throws  Woops_Database_Layer_Exception  If the engine class does not implements the Woops_Database_Engine_Interface interface
  * @see     Woops_Core_Singleton_Interface::load
  * @see     Woops_Core_Singleton_Interface::connect
 public function registerDatabaseEngine($name, $class)
     // Checks for an engine with the same name
     if (isset($this->_engines[$name])) {
         // Engine already registered
         throw new Woops_Database_Layer_Exception('The engine \'' . $name . '\' is already registered', Woops_Database_Layer_Exception::EXCEPTION_ENGINE_EXISTS);
     // Checks for the engine class
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         // The engine class does not exist
         throw new Woops_Database_Layer_Exception('Cannot register unexisting class \'' . $class . '\' as a database engine', Woops_Database_Layer_Exception::EXCEPTION_NO_ENGINE);
     // Gets the interfaces
     $interfaces = class_implements($class);
     // Checks if the engine class implements the database engine interface
     if (!isset($interfaces['Woops_Database_Engine_Interface'])) {
         // Invalid class
         throw new Woops_Database_Layer_Exception('Cannot register class \'' . $class . '\' as a database engine, since it does not implements the \'Woops_Database_Engine_Interface\' interface', Woops_Database_Layer_Exception::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ENGINE_CLASS);
     // Gets and stores the instance of the database engine class
     $this->_engines[$name] = Woops_Core_Class_Manager::getInstance()->getSingleton($class);
     $this->_engineNames[$name] = true;
     // Gets the available drivers from the engine
     $this->_drivers[$name] = $this->_engines[$name]->getAvailableDrivers();
     // Dispatch the event to the listeners
     $this->dispatchEventObject(new Woops_Database_Layer_Event(Woops_Database_Layer_Event::EVENT_ENGINE_REGISTER, $this->_engines[$name]));
Exemple #2
  * Gets the unique class instance
  * This method is used to get the unique instance of the class
  * (singleton). If no instance is available, it will create it.
  * @return  Woops_Core_ClassManager The unique instance of the class
  * @see     __construct
 public static function getInstance()
     // Checks if the unique instance already exists
     if (!is_object(self::$_instance)) {
         // Creates the unique instance
         self::$_instance = new self();
         // Gets the instance of the WOOPS environment
         self::$_instance->_env = Woops_Core_Env_Getter::getInstance();
         // Gets the instance of the WOOPS module manager
         self::$_instance->_modManager = Woops_Core_Module_Manager::getInstance();
         // Checks if we must use AOP classes
         self::$_instance->_enableAop = Woops_Core_Config_Getter::getInstance()->getVar('aop', 'enable');
         // If AOP is enabled, the class cache must also be enabled
         if (self::$_instance->_enableAop) {
             // Enables the class cache
             self::$_instance->_classCache = true;
         } else {
             // Checks if we must use a class cache
             self::$_instance->_classCache = Woops_Core_Config_Getter::getInstance()->getVar('classCache', 'enable');
         // Checks if we must use cached classes
         if (self::$_instance->_classCache) {
             // Gets the class cache directory
             self::$_instance->_cacheDirectory = self::$_instance->_env->getPath('cache/classes/');
             // Checks if the cache directory exist, and is writeable
             if (!self::$_instance->_cacheDirectory || !is_dir(self::$_instance->_cacheDirectory) || !is_writeable(self::$_instance->_cacheDirectory)) {
                 // Disables the AOP and the class cache
                 // Maybe this should generate a fatal error, but in that
                 // case, and if we are installing WOOPS, this could
                 // generate a bad first impression...
                 self::$_instance->_classCache = false;
                 self::$_instance->_enableAop = false;
                 define('WOOPS_CLASS_CACHE_MODE_OFF', true);
         // Adds the WOOPS version to the HTTP headers
         header('X-WOOPS-VERSION: ' . Woops_Core_Informations::WOOPS_VERSION . '-' . Woops_Core_Informations::WOOPS_VERSION_SUFFIX);
     // Returns the unique instance
     return self::$_instance;
Exemple #3
  * Tries to establish a database connection
  * @return  mixed   False is the connection is OK, otherwise the error message
 protected function _checkDatabaseConnection()
     // Gets the incoming data
     $database = $this->_getModuleVar('database');
     // Gets the class name of the database engine (we won't use the getEngine() method, as it will tries to connect the engine with an incomplete configuration)
     $engineClass = Woops_Database_Layer::getInstance()->getEngineClass();
     // Gets the engine instance
     $engine = Woops_Core_Class_Manager::getInstance()->getSingleton($engineClass);
     // We don't want any error here, we are just testing the database settings
     try {
         // Database settings
         $driver = $database['driver'];
         $host = $database['host'];
         $port = isset($database['port']) && $database['port'] ? $database['port'] : false;
         $user = isset($database['user']) && $database['user'] ? $database['user'] : false;
         $password = isset($database['password']) && $database['password'] ? $database['password'] : false;
         $name = isset($database['database']) && $database['database'] ? $database['database'] : false;
         $prefix = isset($database['tablePrefix']) && $database['tablePrefix'] ? $database['tablePrefix'] : false;
         // Loads and connect the engine - If this fail, we'll should get an exception
         $engine->load($driver, $host, $port, $name, $prefix);
         $engine->connect($user, $password);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Returns the error message
         return $e->getMessage();
     // Database connection is OK
     return false;
Exemple #4
  * Registers a log writer class
  * @param   string                      The name of the log writer class
  * @param   int                         The log types supported by the log writer class (some LOG_TYPE_XXX constants)
  * @return  void
  * throws   Woops_Log_Writer_Exception  If the log writer class if already registered
  * throws   Woops_Log_Writer_Exception  If the log writer class does not exists
  * throws   Woops_Log_Writer_Exception  If the log writer class does not implements the Woops_Log_Writer_Interface interface
 public function registerLogWriter($class, $types = 0xff)
     // Type correction
     $types = $types & self::LOG_TYPE_ALL;
     // Checks if the log writer is already registered
     if (isset($this->_loggers[$class])) {
         // Class is already registered
         throw new Woops_Log_Writer_Exception('The log writer \'' . $class . '\' is already registered', Woops_Log_Writer_Exception::EXCEPTION_WRITER_EXISTS);
     // Checks if the class exists
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         // The class does not exists
         throw new Woops_Log_Writer_Exception('Cannot register unexisting class \'' . $class . '\' as a log writer', Woops_Log_Writer_Exception::EXCEPTION_NO_WRITER);
     // Gets the interfaces of the log writer class
     $interfaces = class_implements($class);
     // Checks if the log writer class implements the log writer interface
     if (!isset($interfaces['Woops_Log_Writer_Interface'])) {
         // Error - The log writer class must extends the log writer interface
         throw new Woops_Log_Writer_Exception('Cannot register class \'' . $class . '\' as a log writer, since it does not implements the \'Woops_Log_Writer_Interface\' interface', Woops_Log_Writer_Exception::EXCEPTION_INVALID_WRITER_CLASS);
     // Dispatch the event to the listeners
     // Registers the log writer class
     $this->_loggers[$class] = array(Woops_Core_Class_Manager::getInstance()->getSingleton($class), $types);