public static function editar() { $cracha = new Cracha(); $cracha->selecionarPorId($_GET['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $nomeCracha = $_POST['nome']; $idParticipante = $_POST['idParticipante']; $funcao = $_POST['funcao']; if (!empty($_FILES["foto_cracha"]["name"])) { $nomeFoto = $idParticipante . '-' . Util::substituiCaracteres($nomeCracha) . '.' . pathinfo($_FILES['foto_cracha']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $foto = WideImage::loadFromUpload('foto_cracha'); $imagem = $foto->crop($_POST['foto_x'], $_POST['foto_y'], $_POST['foto_w'], $_POST['foto_h']); @unlink('../fotosParticipantes/' . $nomeFoto); $imagem->saveToFile('../fotosParticipantes/' . $nomeFoto); $cracha->foto = $nomeFoto; } $cracha->nome = $nomeCracha; $cracha->funcao = $funcao; $cracha->fk_participante = $idParticipante; $cracha->salvar(); self::redirecionar(Configuracao::$baseUrl . 'cracha/listar' . Configuracao::$extensaoPadrao); } self::$variaveis = array('cracha' => $cracha); self::$corpo = "editar"; self::renderizar(self::$viewController); }
function testRotate45() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-rainbow.png'); $new = $img->rotate(45); $this->assertEquals(142, $new->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(142, $new->getHeight()); }
function testMagicCallDrawRectangle() { $img = WideImage::createTrueColorImage(10, 10); $canvas = $img->getCanvas(); $canvas->filledRectangle(1, 1, 5, 5, $img->allocateColorAlpha(255, 0, 0, 64)); $this->assertRGBAt($img, 3, 3, array('red' => 255, 'green' => 0, 'blue' => 0, 'alpha' => 64)); }
/** * Returns an image with a resized canvas * * The image is filled with $color. Use $scale to determine, when to resize. * * @param WideImage_Image $img * @param smart_coordinate $width * @param smart_coordinate $height * @param smart_coordinate $left * @param smart_coordinate $top * @param int $color * @param string $scale 'up', 'down', 'any' * @return WideImage_Image */ function execute($img, $width, $height, $left, $top, $color, $scale) { $new_width = WideImage_Coordinate::fix($width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = WideImage_Coordinate::fix($width, $img->getHeight()); if ($scale == 'down') { $new_width = min($new_width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = min($new_height, $img->getHeight()); } elseif ($scale == 'up') { $new_width = max($new_width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = max($new_height, $img->getHeight()); } $new = WideImage::createTrueColorImage($new_width, $new_height); if ($img->isTrueColor()) { if ($color === null) { $color = $new->allocateColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } } else { imagepalettecopy($new->getHandle(), $img->getHandle()); if ($color === null) { if ($img->isTransparent()) { $new->copyTransparencyFrom($img); $tc_rgb = $img->getTransparentColorRGB(); $color = $new->allocateColorAlpha($tc_rgb); } else { $color = $new->allocateColorAlpha(255, 0, 127, 127); } imagecolortransparent($new->getHandle(), $color); } } $new->fill(0, 0, $color); $x = WideImage_Coordinate::fix($left, $new->getWidth(), $img->getWidth()); $y = WideImage_Coordinate::fix($top, $new->getHeight(), $img->getHeight()); $img->copyTo($new, $x, $y); return $new; }
/** * * @param array $files * @param array $post */ public function uploadBanner(array $files, array &$post, $width = 800, $height = 350) { if (!empty($files) && $files['arquivo']['error'] == 0) { try { $extensionPermiss = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); /* codigo de upload */ if (!file_exists($this->path)) { mkdir($this->path); } /** * Verificar os dados do arquivo */ $fullName = pathinfo($files['arquivo']['name'], PATHINFO_BASENAME); $fileName = pathinfo($files['arquivo']['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $extension = pathinfo($files['arquivo']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $pathFile = $this->path . DS . URL::sanitizeTitleWithDashes($fileName) . '.' . $extension; if (in_array(strtolower($extension), $extensionPermiss)) { require_once "Library/wideimage/WideImage.php"; WideImage::load($files['arquivo']['tmp_name'])->resize($width, $height, 'outside')->saveToFile($pathFile, 90); $post['imagem'] = URL::sanitizeTitleWithDashes($fileName) . '.' . $extension; } else { throw new Exception('é permitido somente arquivos do tipo ' . join(',', $extensionPermiss)); } } catch (Exception $ex) { throw $ex; } } }
/** * Filter with wideimage (must be installed) * * @param mixed $from * @param mixed $to * @param mixed $format */ static function runWideImage($from, $to, $format) { if (!class_exists('WideImage')) { core::dprint('WideImage not exists!', core::E_CRIT); return; } core::dprint('<<Wideimage ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ' . join(', ', $format) . ' -- ' . (string) $to, core::E_DEBUG4); $image = WideImage::load($from); /** @var $converted \WideImage_Image */ $converted = false; $method = array_shift($format); /* Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'WideImage_Operation_InvalidResizeDimensionException' with message 'Both dimensions must be larger than 0.' in vendor\spekkionu\wideimage\WideImage\Operation\Resize.php:123 */ if (is_callable(array($image, $method))) { try { $converted = call_user_func_array(array($image, $method), $format); } catch (Exception $e) { core::dprint(' ..convert image failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), core::E_DEBUG4); } } if ($converted) { $converted->saveToFile($to); } }
public function editarAction() { $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $this->view->breadcrumb = array($this->title => 'gestao/banner-home/editar'); $this->view->rs = $rs = $this->_service->getByid($id); if (is_null($rs)) { $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage('Operação não permitida!'); $this->_redirect('/gestao/banner-home/'); } if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $data = array('id' => $rs['id'], 'titulo' => $this->_dataPost['titulo'], 'link_saibamais' => $this->_dataPost['link_saibamais'], 'link_reservar' => $this->_dataPost['link_reservar'], 'descricao' => $this->_dataPost['descricao']); if ($_FILES['imagem']['name'] != '') { require_once '/WideImage/WideImage.php'; try { $image = WideImage::load('imagem'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage('Imagem inválida!'); $this->_redirect('/gestao/banner-home'); } $nomeImagem = date('dmYGis'); $image->saveToFile('img/upload/' . $nomeImagem . '.jpg', 60); $image->crop('center', 'center', 920, 650)->saveToFile('img/upload/' . $nomeImagem . '-mobile.jpg', 60); $data['imagem'] = 'img/upload/' . $nomeImagem . '.jpg'; $data['imagem_mobile'] = 'img/upload/' . $nomeImagem . '-mobile.jpg'; unlink($rs['imagem']); unlink($rs['imagem_mobile']); } $return = $this->_service->update($data); if ($return) { $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage('Atualizado com sucesso!'); $this->_redirect('/gestao/banner-home/'); } } }
/** * @public * * @param array $param Valores das variáveis * * @example $this->WideImageOne($param = array( 'Path'=> array($this->getPathFile('destaque')), //Destino 'Name'=>$_POST['nome'], //Nome da Foto 'Size'=>array('239x239'), //Tamanho da Foto 'File'=>'foto', //Nome do $_FILES //'Delete'=>$foto['foto'], //Deve ser usando quando for upadte )); * * @return string Retorna o nome da foto */ public function WideImageOne($param) { self::extensions('wideImage.lib.WideImage'); $file = $_FILES[$param['File']]; $type = explode('/', $file['type']); $name = $this->caracteres($param['Name'] . '-' . rand(1, 300) . '.' . $type[1]); $i = 0; $count = count($param['Path']); while ($i < $count) { if (!is_dir($param['Path'][$i])) { echo "Path \n{$param['Path'][$i]}\n naõ encotrado"; die; } if (isset($param['Delete']) && !empty($param['Delete'])) { if (!$this->WideImageDelete(array('Path' => $param['Path'][$i], 'Name' => $param['Delete']))) { echo ''; } } $_load = WideImage::load($file['tmp_name']); $size = explode('x', $param['Size'][$i]); $_resize = $_load->resize((int) $size[0], (int) $size[1]); $_resize->saveToFile($param['Path'][$i] . $name); unset($_load, $_resize); chmod($param['Path'][$i] . $name, 775); ++$i; } return $name; }
public function addAction() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $config = $config->getConfig(); $Cars = new Cars(); $this->view->data = $Cars->getCategory(); $model = $this->request->getPost('model'); $marka = $this->request->getPost('marka_id'); $opis = $this->request->getPost('opis'); $zdjecie = $this->request->getFiles('zdjecie'); if ($model == NULL && $marka == NULL && $opis == NULL && $zdjecie == NULL) { $this->view->display('add'); } else { if ($model == NULL || $marka == NULL || $opis == NULL || $zdjecie == NULL) { echo "Uzupelnij wszystkie pola"; } else { $podpis = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", time()); $zdjecie = WideImage::loadFromUpload('zdjecie'); $zdjecie->saveToFile($config['DOC_ROOT'] . $config['CUSTOM_IMG_DIR'] . $podpis . '.png'); $Car = new Cars(); $Car->saveCar($model, $marka, $opis, $podpis); header('location: ' . Url::getUrl('car', 'list', array('status' => 8))); } } }
/** * Returns the path to the library * * @return string */ static function path() { if (self::$path === null) { self::$path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return self::$path; }
public function upload(Model $Model, $arquivo = array(), $altura = 800, $largura = 600, $pasta = null, $nome_arquivo) { // App::uses('Vendor', 'wideimage'); App::import('Vendor', 'WideImage', array('file' => 'WideImage' . DS . 'WideImage.php')); App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $ext = array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/x-jps', 'image/png', 'image/gif'); if ($arquivo['error'] != 0 || $arquivo['size'] == 0) { return false; } $img = WideImage::load($arquivo['tmp_name']); $folder = new Folder(); $pathinfo = pathinfo($arquivo['name']); if ($folder->create(WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . $pasta . DS)) { //se conseguiu criar o diretório eu dou permissão $folder->chmod(WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . $pasta . DS, 0755, true); } else { return false; } $pathinfo['filename'] = strtolower(Inflector::slug($pathinfo['filename'], '-')); $arquivo['name'] = $nome_arquivo . '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; $img->saveToFile(WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . $pasta . DS . 'original_' . $arquivo['name']); $img = $img->resize($largura, $altura, 'fill'); $img->saveToFile(WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . $pasta . DS . $arquivo['name']); // debug(WWW_ROOT.'img'.DS.$pasta.DS.$arquivo['name']); die; return $arquivo['name']; }
public function display($filename, $setting_index = 0) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new Exception('Image <code>' . $filename . '</code> could not be found.'); } // Get size if (isset($this->settings[$setting_index])) { $setting = $this->settings[$setting_index]; } else { $setting_index = 0; $setting = NULL; } $cache_filename = $this->cache_dir . md5($filename . $setting_index); // Remove cache if (file_exists($cache_filename) && (filectime($filename) > filectime($cache_filename) || self::FORCE_GENERATE_CACHE)) { unlink($cache_filename); } // Generate image and cache if (!file_exists($cache_filename)) { $img = $this->generateCache($filename, $cache_filename, $setting); } else { $img = WideImage::load($cache_filename); } // Display if ($setting) { $img->output($setting['format'], $setting['quality']); } else { $img->output(self::DEFAULT_FORMAT, self::DEFAULT_QUALITY); } $img->destroy(); }
function execute($image) { $mask = WideImage::load(DEMO_PATH . 'masks/' . $this->fields['mask']->value); $left = $this->fields['left']->value; $top = $this->fields['top']->value; return $image->applyMask($mask, $left, $top); }
function execute($image, $request) { $overlay = WideImage::load(DEMO_PATH . 'images/' . $this->fields['overlay']->value); $left = $this->fields['left']->value; $top = $this->fields['top']->value; $opacity = $this->fields['opacity']->value; return $image->merge($overlay, $left, $top, $opacity); }
public function cria() { if (!empty($_GET['idCamp'])) { $_SESSION['idCamp'] = $_GET['idCamp']; } if (isset($_SESSION['idCamp'])) { $dados = $dados2 = $dados4 = $this->db->get_where('campanha', array('id' => $_SESSION['idCamp']))->row_array(0); $dados3 = array(); $emp = str_replace(";", ",", $dados['empreendimento']); if ($emp != "") { $dados3 = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM empreendimento WHERE id IN ({$emp}) ORDER BY empreendimento ASC")->result_array(); } if (count($dados3) > 0) { include './application/assets/misc/wideimage/WideImage.php'; foreach ($dados3 as $d) { $pastaOrigem = '../' . $d['pasta'] . '/galeria'; $pastaDest = '../' . $dados['pasta'] . '/galeria'; # Copia $origem = $pastaOrigem . "/" . $d['topo']; $destino = $pastaDest . "/preview_" . $d['id'] . '.jpg'; copy($origem, $destino); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($origem); # Resize $img = WideImage::load($destino); $resized = $img->resize(400, null); $resized = $resized->crop('center', 'top', 400, 260); $resized->saveToFile($destino); $img->destroy(); } } } else { $dados = UtilFunctions::getColunaTable('campanha'); } if (isset($_POST['formSubmit']) && $_POST['formSubmit'] == true) { switch ($_POST['passo']) { case 1: if ($dados['id'] == "") { $this->create(); } else { $this->update(); } break; case 2: $this->scripts(); break; case 3: $this->empreendimento(); break; case 4: $this->video(); break; } } $this->load->view('topo'); $this->load->view(strtolower($this->area) . '/cria', array('dados' => $dados, 'dados2' => isset($dados2) ? $dados2 : "", 'dados3' => isset($dados3) ? $dados3 : "", 'dados4' => isset($dados4) ? $dados4 : "")); $this->load->view('rodape'); }
function testAutocropHalfImageBug() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-red-spot-half-cut.png'); $cropped = $img->autocrop(); $this->assertTrue($cropped instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertEquals(22, $cropped->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(23, $cropped->getHeight()); $this->assertRGBNear($cropped->getRGBAt(10, 10), 255, 0, 0); }
public function testApplyConvolution() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $result = $img->applyConvolution([[2, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], 1, 220); $this->assertTrue($result instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertTrue($result->isTransparent()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getHeight()); }
function test() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $result = $img->correctGamma(1, 2); $this->assertTrue($result instanceof WideImage_PaletteImage); $this->assertTrue($result->isTransparent()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getHeight()); }
/** * Load an image an instanciate a new Image class * * @param string $source Path to the image to load * @return Image */ public static function load($source) { $instance = parent::load($source); $instance->source = $source; $instance->basename = basename($source); $instance->name = substr($instance->basename, 0, strrpos($instance->basename, '.')); $instance->extension = substr($instance->basename, strrpos($instance->basename, '.')); return $instance; }
function testApplyFilter() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $result = $img->applyFilter(IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT); $this->assertTrue($result instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertTrue($result->isTransparent()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getHeight()); }
public function testSaveAndLoad() { $handle = imagecreatefromgif(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $this->mapper->save($handle, IMG_PATH . 'temp/'); $this->assertTrue(filesize(IMG_PATH . 'temp/') > 0); imagedestroy($handle); // file is a valid image $handle = $this->mapper->load(IMG_PATH . 'temp/'); $this->assertTrue(WideImage::isValidImageHandle($handle)); imagedestroy($handle); }
function testTransparentCorner() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-blue-alpha.png'); $res = $img->roundCorners(30, null, WideImage::SIDE_ALL); $this->assertEquals(100, $res->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $res->getHeight()); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 5, 5, array('red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255, 'alpha' => 127)); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 95, 5, array('red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255, 'alpha' => 127)); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 95, 95, array('red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255, 'alpha' => 127)); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 5, 95, array('red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255, 'alpha' => 127)); }
public function testPreserveTransparency() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $this->assertTrue($img->isTransparent()); $this->assertRGBEqual($img->getTransparentColorRGB(), 255, 255, 255); $tc = $img->asTrueColor(); $this->assertTrue($tc->isTransparent()); $this->assertRGBEqual($tc->getTransparentColorRGB(), 255, 255, 255); $img = $tc->asPalette(); $this->assertTrue($img->isTransparent()); $this->assertRGBEqual($img->getTransparentColorRGB(), 255, 255, 255); }
function testResizeCanvasPositionsCorner() { $img = WideImage::createTrueColorImage(20, 20); $black = $img->allocateColor(0, 0, 0); $white = $img->allocateColor(255, 255, 255); $img->fill(0, 0, $black); $res = $img->resizeCanvas(40, 40, 'bottom', 'right', $white); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 5, 5, $white); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 35, 35, $black); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 5, 35, $white); $this->assertRGBAt($res, 35, 5, $white); }
public function testPNGAlpha() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-blue-alpha.png'); $gray = $img->asGrayscale(); $this->assertTrue($gray instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertEquals(100, $gray->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $gray->getHeight()); $this->assertRGBNear($gray->getRGBAt(25, 25), 29, 29, 29, 32); $this->assertRGBNear($gray->getRGBAt(75, 25), 29, 29, 29, 64); $this->assertRGBNear($gray->getRGBAt(75, 75), 29, 29, 29, 96); $this->assertRGBNear($gray->getRGBAt(25, 75), 0, 0, 0, 127); $this->assertFalse($gray->isTransparent()); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc). * * @see WideImage_Image#asTrueColor() */ public function asTrueColor() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $new = WideImage::createTrueColorImage($width, $height); if ($this->isTransparent()) { $new->copyTransparencyFrom($this); } if (!imagecopy($new->getHandle(), $this->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height)) { throw new WideImage_GDFunctionResultException('imagecopy() returned false'); } return $new; }
function testApplyMask() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-color-hole.gif'); $mask = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '75x25-gray.png'); $result = $img->applyMask($mask); $this->assertTrue($result instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertTrue($result->isTransparent()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $result->getHeight()); $this->assertRGBNear($result->getRGBAt(10, 10), 255, 255, 255); $this->assertRGBNear($result->getRGBAt(30, 10), 255, 255, 0, 64); $this->assertRGBNear($result->getRGBAt(60, 10), 0, 0, 255, 0); }
public function resize() { foreach ($this->data as $dt) { $x = $dt['x']; $y = $dt['y']; $w = $dt['w']; $h = $dt['h']; $img = WideImage::load($dt['origem']); $img->resize($dt['resizeH'], $dt['resizeW'], "outside"); $img = $img->saveToFile($dt['destino']); } unset($this->data); }
function testGetMaskPNGAlpha() { $img = WideImage::load(IMG_PATH . '100x100-blue-alpha.png'); $mask = $img->getMask(); $this->assertTrue($mask instanceof WideImage_TrueColorImage); $this->assertFalse($mask->isTransparent()); $this->assertEquals(100, $mask->getWidth()); $this->assertEquals(100, $mask->getHeight()); $this->assertRGBNear($mask->getRGBAt(25, 25), 192, 192, 192); $this->assertRGBNear($mask->getRGBAt(75, 25), 128, 128, 128); $this->assertRGBNear($mask->getRGBAt(75, 75), 64, 64, 64); $this->assertRGBNear($mask->getRGBAt(25, 75), 0, 0, 0); }
public function image($one, $two = -1) { if ($two == -1) { $DestinationDirectory = 'assets/uploads/authors-images/'; $image_name = $DestinationDirectory . 'author-' . $one . '.jpg'; WideImage::load($image_name)->output('jpg', 90); } else { $array = explode("_", $one); $DestinationDirectory = 'assets/uploads/authors-images/'; $image_name = $DestinationDirectory . 'author-' . $two . '.jpg'; list($originalWidth, $originalHeight) = getimagesize($image_name); $newWidth = $array[1]; $newHeight = $originalHeight / $originalWidth * $newWidth; WideImage::load($image_name)->resize($newWidth, $newHeight)->output('jpg', 90); } }