public static function run() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $webuser = new WebUser($_POST); if ($webuser->getErrorCount() == 0) { if (!empty(WebUserDB::getUsersBy('hockName', $webuser->getHockName()))) { $webuser->setError('hockName', 'HOCKUSER_NAMECLAIMED'); SignupView::show($webuser); } else { //create a webuser in db $id = WebUserDB::addUser($webuser); if ($id != 0) { //find the hockuser related to this dude $hockusers = HockUserDB::getUsersBy('name', $webuser->getHockName()); ProfileView::show($webuser, $hockusers[0]); //HomeView::show(); } else { $webuser->setError('userName', 'DBERROR_ADDWEBUSER'); SignupView::show($webuser); } } } else { SignupView::show($webuser); } } else { // Initial link SignupView::show(null); } }
public static function run() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $webuser = new WebUser($_POST); if ($webuser->getErrorCount() == 0) { if (!empty(WebUserDB::getUsersBy('hockName', $webuser->getHockName()))) { $webuser->setError('hockName', 'HOCKUSER_NAMECLAIMED'); SignupView::show($webuser); } else { //create a webuser in db $id = WebUserDB::addUser($webuser); if ($id != 0) { $base = array_key_exists('base', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['base'] : ""; //find the hockuser related to this dude //$hockusers = HockUserDB::getUsersBy('name', $webuser->getHockName()); header("Location: /" . $base . "/user/show/" . $webuser->getHockName()); UserController::show(); //ProfileView::show($webuser, $hockusers[0]);//HomeView::show(); } else { $webuser->setError('userName', 'DBERROR_ADDWEBUSER'); SignupView::show($webuser); } } } else { SignupView::show($webuser); } } else { // Initial link SignupView::show(null); } }
/** * get instance * * Falls die einzige Instanz noch nicht existiert, erstelle sie * Gebe die einzige Instanz dann zurück * * @return Singleton */ public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
protected function beforeAction() { if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest && !WebUser::checkHash() && Yii::app()->controller->id != 'login') { $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl('login/logout')); } return true; }
/** * Performs access check for this user. * @param string $operation the name of the operation that need access check. * @param array $params name-value pairs that would be passed to business rules associated * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. * @param boolean $allowCaching whether to allow caching the result of access check. * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by this user. */ public function checkAccess($operation, $params = array(), $allowCaching = true) { if ($this->getIsAdmin()) { return true; } return parent::checkAccess($operation, $params, $allowCaching); }
public function authenticate($admin_panel = false) { $user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array("email" => $this->username)); if (!$user || $user->password != md5($this->password)) { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_UNKNOWN; return; } switch ($user->status) { case User::STATUS_ACTIVE: $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE; $this->_id = $user->id; if ($this->remember_me) { Yii::app()->user->login($this, 3600 * 24 * 7); } else { Yii::app()->user->login($this); } break; case User::STATUS_BLOCKED: $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_BLOCKED; break; case User::STATUS_NEW: $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NOT_ACTIVE; break; } if (!$this->errorCode && $admin_panel) { WebUser::setRole($user->role); if (!RbacModule::isAllow('Admin_Main')) { Yii::app()->user->logout(); $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_UNKNOWN; return false; } } return !$this->errorCode; }
public function authenticate() { $user = UsersAR::model()->find('login=:login', array(':login' => $this->username)); if ($user == null || $user->count() == 0) { $this->errorMessage = "Ошибка авторизации. Указанный Вами e-mail не зарегистриован."; $this->errorCode = false; } elseif ($user->count() > 1) { $this->errorMessage = "Ошибка авторизации. Проверьте правильность e-mail или пароля."; $this->errorCode = false; //Отправить админу письмо о косяке } elseif ($user->count() == 1) { if ($user->password == Utils::secretString($this->password . $user->salt)) { $code = Utils::secretString(Utils::generateCode()); $user->hash = $code; $user->save(); WebUser::setUserCookies(array(WebUser::$cookiesIdName => $user->id, WebUser::$cookiesHashName => $user->hash)); $this->_id = $user->id; $this->errorCode = true; } else { $this->errorMessage = "Ошибка авторизации. Проверьте правильность e-mail или пароля."; $this->errorCode = false; } } return $this->errorCode; }
public function getWhiteLabelId() { if (ViewsTrack::isDev()) { return 3; } return parent::getWhiteLabelId(); }
/** * @return Users */ public static function getModel() { $model = self::$model; if (empty($model)) { $model = Users::model()->getUserById(Yii::app()->user->id); self::$model = $model; } return self::$model; }
public function authUser($username, $pwd) { $record = WebUser::model()->find('(LOWER(u_name)=?) and u_status=?', array(strtolower($username), Constants::USER_APPROVAL)); if ($record === null) { return false; } else { if ($record->u_password == md5($pwd)) { return array('id' => $record->u_id, 'name' => $record->u_name, 'qid' => $record->u_qid, 'group' => $record->u_group); } else { return false; } } }
/** * HANDLING THE WHITE LABEL ACCOUNTS */ public function getWhiteLabelId() { if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { // called from siteadmin if ($this->isSuperadmin()) { // for superadmin get default White Label Id return $this->getDefaultWhiteLabelId(); } else { // get account of the logged user return $this->model->wlabel_id; } } else { return parent::getWhiteLabelId(); } }
/** * Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions. * * Typical usecase: * - Initialize the model fields with values from filter form. * - Execute this method to get CActiveDataProvider instance which will filter * models according to data in model fields. * - Pass data provider to CGridView, CListView or any similar widget. * * @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models * based on the search/filter conditions. */ public function search() { // @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched. $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('id', $this->id, true); $criteria->compare('user_id', $this->user_id, true); $criteria->compare('name', $this->name, true); $criteria->compare('date_create', $this->date_create, true); $criteria->compare('ignored', $this->ignored, true); if (!WebUser::isAdmin()) { $criteria->compare('user_id', WebUser::Id()); } $criteria->order = 'user_id, ignored DESC, name'; return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array('criteria' => $criteria)); }
/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->loadModel($id); if (!WebUser::isAdmin()) { if (WebUser::Id() != $id) { throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'); } } // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Users'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Users']; $model->password = CPasswordHelper::hashPassword(trim($model->password)); if ($model->save()) { $this->setFlashSuccess('User password for <strong>' . $model->username . '</strong> successfully changed'); $this->redirect(array('admin')); } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Get the WebUser * * @param unknown_type $username * @return WebUser */ public function getUser($username = null) { if ($username === null) { return new WebUser($this); } if (!($userAccount = Core::getUser() instanceof UserAccount ? Core::getUser() : UserAccount::getUserByUsername($username)) instanceof UserAccount) { return null; } $user = new WebUser($this); $user->setUserAccount($userAccount); $user->setName($userAccount->getUsername()); $user->setIsGuest(false); $user->setRoles($userAccount->getRoles()); return $user; }
function actionAuthWebUser() { header('Content-type: application/json'); if (!IjoyPlusServiceUtils::validateAPPKey()) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::APP_KEY_INVALID); return; } if (IjoyPlusServiceUtils::validateUserID()) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::USER_ID_INVALID); return; } $name = Yii::app()->request->getParam("name"); $pwd = Yii::app()->request->getParam("pwd"); if (!isset($name) || is_null($name)) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::PARAM_IS_INVALID); return; } if (!isset($pwd) || is_null($pwd)) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::PARAM_IS_INVALID); return; } $webUser = WebUser::model()->authUser($name, $pwd); if ($webUser === false) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); return; } else { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportEntity($webUser); } }
public function getLanguagesUrl($faculty, $lang) { $WU = new WebUser(); $model = $WU->getUserModel(); if (empty($model->syspk) || empty($model->syspk->printIP)) { throw new Exception("Необхідно визначити адресу серверу друку документів!"); } $ip = $model->syspk->printIP; $_faculty = Facultets::model()->find("idFacultet={$faculty}"); $_lang = Languages::model()->find("idLanguages={$lang}"); if (empty($_faculty) || empty($_lang) && $lang != '0') { throw new Exception("Помилка вхідних даних!"); } return "http://" . $ip . ":8080/request_report-1.0/language.jsp?faculty={$faculty}&lang={$lang}&iframe=true&width=1024&height=600"; }
echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?> /js/bootstrap-datepicker.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?> /js/spin.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?> /js/blockUI.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php $pkname = WebUser::getPkName(); $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbNavbar', array('brand' => 'ЗНУ (Абітурієнт)', 'brandUrl' => array('/site/index'), 'collapse' => true, 'items' => array(array('class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbMenu', 'items' => array(array('label' => 'Рейтинги', 'url' => array('/rating'), "icon" => "icon-list"), array('label' => 'Контакти', 'url' => array('/site/contact'), "icon" => "icon-envelope", 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->isGuest), array('label' => 'Довідники', 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('showDirectiries'), 'url' => '#', "icon" => "icon-book", 'items' => Directories::listMenu()), array('label' => 'Звіти', 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('showReports'), 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('statistic'), "icon" => "icon-book"), array('label' => 'Відомісті', 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('showStatements'), 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('preuniversity/statements'), "icon" => "icon-book"))), array('class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbMenu', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'pull-right'), 'items' => array(array('label' => 'Налаштування', 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('showProperties'), 'url' => "#", "icon" => "icon-wrench", 'items' => array(array('label' => 'Користувачі', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl("user"), "icon" => " icon-user"), array('label' => 'Групи користувачів', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl("srbac"), "icon" => "icon-lock"), array('label' => 'Керування довідниками', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl("directories"), "icon" => "icon-pencil"))), array('label' => 'Авторизуватися', 'url' => array('/site/login'), 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->isGuest, 'icon' => "icon-user"), array('label' => 'Вийти з системи (' . Yii::app()->user->name . (empty($pkname) ? "" : "/" . $pkname) . ')', 'url' => array('/site/logout'), 'visible' => !Yii::app()->user->isGuest, 'icon' => "icon-user")))))); ?> <div style="margin: 0 auto; padding: 50px; width: 90%;"> <?php echo $content; ?> </div><!-- page --> </body> </html>
public static function updateUser() { // Process updating of user information $authenticatedUser = array_key_exists('authenticatedUser', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['authenticatedUser'] : null; $users = WebUserDB::getUsersBy('hockName', $_SESSION['arguments']); if (empty($users)) { UserController::showHome(); } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET") { $_SESSION['webuser'] = $users[0]; $user = $users[0]; if (!is_null($authenticatedUser)) { if (strcmp($user->getUserName(), $authenticatedUser->getUserName()) == 0) { UserView::showUpdate(); } else { UserController::showHome(); } } else { UserController::showHome(); } } else { $user = $_SESSION['webuser']; if (!is_null($authenticatedUser)) { if (strcmp($user->getUserName(), $authenticatedUser->getUserName()) == 0) { //$oldpw = (array_key_exists('oldPassword', $_POST))?$_POST['oldPassword']:null; $parms = $users[0]->getParameters(); //if(is_null($oldpw) || strcmp($oldpw, $parms['password']) //This is set up so that any empty parameters in update will be ignored. //Only things entered will actually be updated //username $parms['userName'] = array_key_exists('userName', $_POST) ? empty($_POST['userName']) ? $authenticatedUser->getUserName() : $_POST['userName'] : $authenticatedUser->getUserName(); //password $parms['password'] = array_key_exists('password', $_POST) ? empty($_POST['password']) ? $authenticatedUser->getPassword() : $_POST['password'] : $authenticatedUser->getPassword(); //confirmedpw $parms['confirmedpw'] = array_key_exists('confirmedpw', $_POST) ? empty($_POST['confirmedpw']) ? $authenticatedUser->getConfirmedPW() : $_POST['confirmedpw'] : $authenticatedUser->getConfirmedPW(); //email $parms['email'] = array_key_exists('email', $_POST) ? empty($_POST['email']) ? $authenticatedUser->getEmail() : $_POST['email'] : $authenticatedUser->getEmail(); //url $parms['url'] = array_key_exists('url', $_POST) ? empty($_POST['url']) ? $authenticatedUser->getURL() : $_POST['url'] : $authenticatedUser->getURL(); $user = new WebUser($parms); $user->setUserId($users[0]->getUserId()); $user = WebUserDB::updateUser($user); if ($user->getErrorCount() != 0) { $_SESSION['webuser'] = $user; UserView::showUpdate(); } else { $_SESSION['authenticatedUser'] = $user; UserController::showHome(); } } else { UserController::showHome(); } } else { UserController::showHome(); } } }
$model->only_new = WebUser::isGuest() ? 0 : $model->only_new; $chb_only_new = CHtml::activeCheckBox($model, 'only_new', array('id' => 'checkbox-only-new')); $text = Yii::t('sniper_ebay', 'Only new results'); echo CHtml::label($text . ' ' . $chb_only_new, 'checkbox-only-new'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php echo WebUser::isGuest() ? 'hidden' : ''; ?> "> <td> <?php $chb_ignored_list = CHtml::activeCheckBox($model, 'ignore_list', array('id' => 'checkbox-ignored-list')); $text = Yii::t('sniper_ebay', 'Use ignore list'); $ignore_list = ListingNames::model()->getUserIgnoreList(WebUser::Id()); echo CHtml::label($text . ' ' . $chb_ignored_list, 'checkbox-ignored-list'); echo CHtml::link('Browse', array('/listing/index', 'id' => $ignore_list->id), array('target' => '_blank')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('sniper_ebay', 'Start Search'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div>
public function actionListing($id) { //array $request = array() $request = $this->loadModel($id); if ($request->user_id != WebUser::Id(true)) { throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'); } $atributes = $request->attributes; $atributes['auction_type'] = SearchRequests::model()->getAuctionType($request->auction_type_id); $searchApi = new FindItemsAdvancedClass($atributes); $items_ignored = array(); if ($request->only_new) { $items_ignored = $request->items; } elseif ($request->ignore_list) { $list = ListingNames::model()->getUserIgnoreList(WebUser::Id()); $items_ignored = $list->items; } if (!empty($items_ignored)) { $ignore_ids = CHtml::listData($items_ignored, 'id', 'ebay_id'); $searchApi->setIgnoreIds($ignore_ids); } try { $items = $searchApi->makeAPICall(); $ebay_ids = array(); $items_attrs = array(); $date = time(); foreach ($items as $_item) { $items_attrs[] = array('ebay_id' => $_item->itemId, 'title' => $_item->title, 'url_picture' => $_item->pictureUrl, 'url_item' => $_item->itemUrl, 'buy_it_now' => intval($_item->buyItNow > 0), 'date_of_added' => $date); $ebay_ids[] = $_item->itemId; } SearchItems::model()->saveMultipleIgnore($items_attrs); SearchRequests::model()->addItemsToRequest($id, $ebay_ids); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->setFlashWarning($ex->getMessage()); $items = $searchApi->getItems(); } if (empty($items)) { $this->setFlashError($searchApi->getError()); } $data = array('items' => $items, 'request' => $request); $this->enableAddToListBtn(); $this->render('listing', $data); }
public function login($identity, $duration = 0) { $this->_identity = $identity; return parent::login($identity, $duration); }
private function initMenu() { $this->main_menu = array(array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => array('/site/index')), array('label' => 'Search', 'url' => array('/search/index')), array('label' => 'Lists', 'url' => array('/listing/index'), 'visible' => !WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => '|', 'url' => '#', 'visible' => !WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => 'Users', 'url' => array('/users/admin'), 'visible' => WebUser::isAdmin()), array('label' => 'Profile', 'url' => array('/users/update', 'id' => WebUser::Id()), 'visible' => !WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => '|', 'url' => '#', 'visible' => !WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => 'Login', 'url' => array('/site/login'), 'visible' => WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => 'Register', 'url' => array('/site/register'), 'visible' => WebUser::isGuest()), array('label' => 'Logout (' . Yii::app()->user->name . ')', 'url' => array('/site/logout'), 'visible' => !WebUser::isGuest())); }
/** * 图片管理列表 SKU版 **/ function manageSKU() { $ret = array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '', 'Website_template' => $this->Website_template); try { $page = Yii::app()->request->getParam("page"); $sort = Yii::app()->request->getParam("sort"); $Auditing = Yii::app()->request->getParam("Auditing"); //审核状态 $category = Yii::app()->request->getParam("category"); //分类 $order_date = Yii::app()->request->getParam("order_date"); //订单时间 $search_type = Yii::app()->request->getParam("search_type"); //搜索类别 $search_val = Yii::app()->request->getParam("search_val"); //搜索内容 $patform_val = Yii::app()->request->getParam("patform_val"); //平台 if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } if (empty($sort)) { $sort = 'down'; } $ret['sort'] = $sort; $ret['search_val'] = $search_val; //搜索内容 $ret['search_type'] = $search_type; //搜索类别 $ret['Auditing'] = $Auditing; //审核状态 $ret['category'] = $category; //分类 $ret['order_date'] = $order_date; //订单时间 $ret['patform_val'] = $patform_val; //平台筛选 $limit = 20; //获取用户信息 $user_ret = WebUser::getusersall('' . $_SESSION['user_id']); if ($user_ret['status'] == 0) { throw new Exception($user_ret['msg']); } unset($user_ret['data'][0]['pwd']); $ret['user'] = $user_ret['data'][0]; //获取品牌名 $brand_ret = Brand::brandSelectById($_SESSION['brandid']); if (count($brand_ret) == 0) { throw new Exception(''); } $ret['user']['brandname'] = $brand_ret[0]['name']; //获取平台ID $patform = new patformclass(); $patform_ret = $patform->select_erp_patform(); //获取所有平台 $cut_detaile = new cut_detaileclass(); $cut_ret = $cut_detaile->select_erp_cut_detaile($_SESSION['brandid']); //获取品牌所有的裁剪模版 $patform_to_cut = array(); foreach ($cut_ret as $value) { foreach ($patform_ret as $p_value) { if ($value['patformid'] == $p_value['id']) { $patform_to_cut[$p_value['name']] = $p_value['Englishname'] . '_' . $value['id']; } } } $ret['patform'] = $patform_to_cut; $clothes_where_arr = array(); //衣服列表查询条件 if (!empty($order_date)) { $clothes_where_arr['startime'] = $order_date; $clothes_where_arr['endtime'] = $order_date; } if (!empty($category)) { $clothes_where_arr['brandcategoryid'] = $category; } if (!empty($Auditing)) { $clothes_where_arr['imagestatus'] = $Auditing; } if (!empty($search_val)) { if (empty($search_type)) { $clothes_where_arr['search'] = array('sku' => 'like_%' . $search_val . '%', 'erp_order.ordername' => 'like_%' . $search_val . '%'); } else { if ($search_type == 'brandnumber') { $clothes_where_arr['sku'] = 'like_%' . $search_val . '%'; } else { $clothes_where_arr['erp_order.ordername'] = 'like_%' . $search_val . '%'; } } } if (!empty($ret['patform_val'])) { //平台筛选不为空 需要筛选 $patform_val_arr = explode('_', $ret['patform_val']); $pushDetaile = new pushDetaileclass(); $pushDetaile_ret = $pushDetaile->select_all_push($_SESSION['brandid'], array('cutid' => $patform_val_arr[1], 'distinct' => 'sku')); foreach ($pushDetaile_ret['data'] as $value) { $sk_array[] = $value['count_sku']; } if (count($sk_array) > 0) { $clothes_where_arr['sku' . ($patform_val_arr[2] == 0 ? '_not' : '')] = $sk_array; } elseif ($patform_val_arr[2] == 1) { $clothes_where_arr['id'] = 0; } } $clothesorder = new clothesorderclass(); $c_ret = $clothesorder->select_all_clothes($_SESSION['brandid'], 0, $clothes_where_arr, $limit, $limit * ($page - 1), $sort == 'down' ? 'erp_order.addtime desc' : 'erp_order.addtime asc', 'SKU'); $SKU_array = array(); //分页查询后的SKU数组 $c_order_name = array(); //订单序号 //查询单品的图片 $c_img_data = array(); $SKU_key_arr = array(); $SKU_date_arr = array(); //用于二次排序 foreach ($c_ret['data'] as $key => $value) { $c_img_data[$value['id']] = $value['sku']; $SKU_array[] = $value['sku']; $clothes_where_arr['sku'] = $SKU_array; $SKU_key_arr[$value['sku']] = array('key' => $key, 'o_addtime' => $value['o_addtime']); $SKU_date_arr[$key] = $value['o_addtime']; } //获取SKU对应的所有的SKC数据 $c_skc_ret = $clothesorder->select_all_clothes($_SESSION['brandid'], 0, $clothes_where_arr, -1, -1); $Skc_img_data = array(); $SKC_to_SKU = array(); $Skc_img_num_data = array(); //图片数量 $SKU_order_data = array(); //SKU对应的订单 $SKU_order_date_data = array(); //SKU对应的订单时间 foreach ($c_skc_ret['data'] as $value) { $Skc_img_data[$value['id']] = array('url' => '', 'pcount' => 0, 'mcount' => 0, 'dcount' => 0, 'img_type' => -1, 'img_data' => '2035-12-31 00:00:00'); $SKC_to_SKU[$value['sku']][] = $value['id']; $Skc_img_num_data[$value['id']] = array('pcount' => 0, 'mcount' => 0, 'dcount' => 0); $c_order_name[$value['orderid']] = $value['orderid']; if (!in_array($value['orderid'], $SKU_order_data[$value['sku']])) { $SKU_order_data[$value['sku']][] = $value['orderid']; $SKU_order_date_data[$value['sku']][] = $value['o_addtime']; } } //获取款号下所有图片 $clothesimage = new clothesimageclass(); $img_ret = $clothesimage->select_all_image(array_keys($Skc_img_data), -1, array('isshow' => 0), '', 'id asc'); $img_ret_data = array(); //将款号的图片统计到一起 foreach ($img_ret as $value) { switch ($value->type) { case 0: $Skc_img_num_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++; $value->status == 0 ? $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++ : ''; //灰模图 if (!empty($value->url) && !in_array($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'], array(0, 1)) && strtotime($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data']) > strtotime($value->addtime)) { $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'] = $value->type; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['url'] = $value->url; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data'] = $value->addtime; } break; case 1: $Skc_img_num_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++; $value->status == 0 ? $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++ : ''; //立体图 if (!empty($value->url) && !in_array($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'], array(1)) && strtotime($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data']) > strtotime($value->addtime)) { $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'] = $value->type; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['url'] = $value->url; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data'] = $value->addtime; } break; case 2: $Skc_img_num_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++; $value->status == 0 ? $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['pcount']++ : ''; //静态图 if (!empty($value->url) && !in_array($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2)) && strtotime($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data']) > strtotime($value->addtime)) { $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'] = $value->type; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['url'] = $value->url; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data'] = $value->addtime; } break; case 3: $Skc_img_num_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['mcount']++; $value->status == 0 ? $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['mcount']++ : ''; //模特图 if (!empty($value->url) && !in_array($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 3)) && strtotime($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data']) > strtotime($value->addtime)) { $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'] = $value->type; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['url'] = $value->url; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data'] = $value->addtime; } break; case 4: $Skc_img_num_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['dcount']++; $value->status == 0 ? $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['dcount']++ : ''; //细节图 if (!empty($value->url) && !in_array($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 4)) && strtotime($Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data']) > strtotime($value->addtime)) { $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_type'] = $value->type; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['url'] = $value->url; $Skc_img_data[$value->clothes_order_id]['img_data'] = $value->addtime; } break; } } //统计SKU下未审核的图片数量 foreach ($c_img_data as $key => $value) { $SKU_data = array('url' => '', 'pcount' => 0, 'mcount' => 0, 'dcount' => 0, 'img_type' => -1); foreach ($SKC_to_SKU[$value] as $SKC_key => $SKC_value) { if (!empty($Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['url'])) { if ($Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type'] == 0 && !in_array($SKU_data['img_type'], array(0, 1)) || $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type'] == 1 && !in_array($SKU_data['img_type'], array(1)) || $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type'] == 2 && !in_array($SKU_data['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2)) || $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type'] == 3 && !in_array($SKU_data['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 3)) || $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type'] == 4 && !in_array($SKU_data['img_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 4))) { $SKU_data['img_type'] = $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['img_type']; $SKU_data['url'] = $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['url']; } } $SKU_data['pcount'] += $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['pcount']; $SKU_data['mcount'] += $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['mcount']; $SKU_data['dcount'] += $Skc_img_data[$SKC_value]['dcount']; } $c_img_data[$key] = $SKU_data; } //统计SKU下图片数量 foreach ($c_ret['data'] as $key => $value) { $c_ret['data'][$key]['pcount'] = 0; $c_ret['data'][$key]['mcount'] = 0; $c_ret['data'][$key]['dcount'] = 0; foreach ($SKC_to_SKU[$value['sku']] as $SKC_key => $SKC_value) { $c_ret['data'][$key]['pcount'] += $Skc_img_num_data[$SKC_value]['pcount']; $c_ret['data'][$key]['mcount'] += $Skc_img_num_data[$SKC_value]['mcount']; $c_ret['data'][$key]['dcount'] += $Skc_img_num_data[$SKC_value]['dcount']; } $c_ret['data'][$key]['orderid'] = $SKU_order_data[$value['sku']]; $c_ret['data'][$key]['o_addtime'] = $SKU_order_date_data[$value['sku']]; } //获取分类 $brandcategory = new brandcategoryclass(); $b_ret = $brandcategory->select_category($_SESSION['brandid']); $b_data = array(); if (count($b_ret) > 0) { foreach ($b_ret as $b_value) { $b_data[$b_value->id] = $b_value->name; } } //分页 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $pages = new CPagination($c_ret['page_sum']); $pages->pageSize = $limit; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); //获取订单时间列表 $order_date_list = orderclass::select_order_date($_SESSION['brandid']); //获取订单名 $C_oreder_ret = orderclass::selectOrderNameByOrderID($_SESSION['brandid'], $c_order_name); foreach ($C_oreder_ret as $value) { $c_order_name[$value['id']] = $value['ordername']; } $qiniu = new erp_qiniu(); //七牛的接口类 $brand_qiniu_account = $qiniu->getAccountByBrand($_SESSION['brandid']); //获取品牌的七牛子账号信息 if (count($brand_qiniu_account) == 0) { throw new Exception('品牌暂未绑定七牛帐号'); } $ret['domain'] = $brand_qiniu_account[0]['domain']; $ret['order_date_list'] = $order_date_list; $ret['img_data'] = $c_img_data; $ret['category_data'] = $b_data; $ret['data'] = $c_ret['data']; $ret['order_name'] = $c_order_name; $ret['pages'] = $pages; if (count($c_ret['data']) == 0) { throw new Exception('查询无果'); } $ret['status'] = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ret['mag'] = $e->getMessage(); } $this->render('manage', $ret); }
/** * Indique si l'utilisateur est un administrateur du site ou pas. * Par défaut, il faut avoir l'attribut $superuser à true pour cela * @return bool * @internal Ne pas oublier de surcharger cette méthode dans myWebUser si on utilise un contrôle d'accès * => on marque la méthode deprecated dans cette classe pour faire un rappel visuel dans PHPStorm * @deprecated */ public function isAdmin() { if (self::$isAdmin !== null) { return self::$isAdmin; } $user = $this->getUser(); if (!$user) { self::$isAdmin = false; } else { self::$isAdmin = $user->superuser === true; } return self::$isAdmin; }
private function get_user() { $this->user = WebUser::getInstance(); $this->user->load($this); }
public function showpost($id, $name) { $id_len = strlen($id); $forum_id = substr($id, 0, 1); $thread_id = substr($id, 1, $id_len - 1); $thread = Thread::find($thread_id); $thread->view = $thread->view + 1.25; $thread->save(); $view = ForumViewCount::find($forum_id); $view->view = $view->view + 1.25; $view->save(); $seo['page'] = $thread->title; $seo['title'] = $thread->title; $seo['discription'] = 'discription of this page'; $seo['forum'] = $forum_id; $posts = Post::where('thread_id', $thread_id)->orderBy('status', 'desc')->where('status', '>', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->paginate(10); $user_id = Session::get('WebUserId'); $data = array('webuser' => WebUser::find($user_id), 'seo' => $seo, 'thread' => $thread, 'forums' => HelperFunctions::forum_list(), 'posts' => $posts, 'page' => "Forum", 'id' => Session::get('idCok'), 'coin' => Session::get('coinCok')); return View::make('')->with($data); }
public static function setRole($role) { self::$_role = $role; }
<div class="tools"> <h5>Стройплощадка</h5> <p>Этот блог доступен:</p> <?php foreach (WebUser::getRoles("betatest") as $i => $login) { if ($i) { echo ", "; } echo "<a href='/users/go?login={$login}'>{$login}</a>"; } ?> </div>
<?php /* @var $this SearchController */ /* @var $items EbayItem[] */ /* @var $request SearchRequests */ $this->actions_menu = array(array('label' => 'Create request', 'url' => array('/search/index')), array('label' => 'Update request', 'url' => array('/search/index', 'id' => $request->id))); $listings = ListingNames::model()->getUserLists(WebUser::Id()); ?> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span3 pull-right"> <?php $data = array('', 'id' => 'Sort by id', 'id_desc' => 'Sort by id DESC', 'price' => 'Sort by price', 'price_desc' => 'Sort by price DESC', 'bin' => 'Sort by BuyItNow', 'bin_desc' => 'Sort by BuyItNow DESC', 'date_start' => 'Sort by start date', 'date_start_desc' => 'Sort by start date DESC', 'date_end' => 'Sort by end date', 'date_end_desc' => 'Sort by end date DESC'); echo CHtml::label('Sort', 'sort-order'); echo CHtml::dropDownList('sortOrder', 0, $data, array('id' => 'sort-order-list')); ?> </div> </div> <?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array('id' => 'search-results-grid', 'dataProvider' => new CArrayDataProvider($items, array('pagination' => false)), 'template' => '{summary} {pager} {items} {pager}', 'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'setHandlers', 'pager' => array('class' => 'booster.widgets.TbPager', 'displayFirstAndLast' => true), 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'table-hover'), 'rowHtmlOptionsExpression' => 'array("data-item-id" => $data->itemId, "data-date-end" => $data->dateOfEnded, "data-date-start" => $data->dateOfAdded, "data-price" => $data->price, "data-bin" => $data->buyItNow)', 'columns' => array(array('header' => '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox-all">', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($data) { /* @var $data EbayItem */ $details = array('ebay_id' => $data->itemId, 'title' => $data->title, 'url_picture' => $data->pictureUrl, 'url_item' => $data->itemUrl, 'buy_it_now' => intval($data->buyItNow != -1), 'date_start' => $data->dateOfAdded, 'date_end' => $data->dateOfEnded, 'currency' => $data->currency); return CHtml::checkBox("EbayItems[id][]", false, array("data-id" => $data->itemId, 'class' => 'checkbox', 'value' => $data->itemId, 'data-details' => json_encode($details))); }, 'footer' => '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox-all">'), array('type' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($data) { /* @var $data EbayItem */ $img = CHtml::image($data->pictureUrl, $data->title, array('class' => 'item-image')); return CHtml::link($img, $data->itemUrl, array('target' => '_blank')); }, 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'item-image')), array('type' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($data) { /* @var $data EbayItem */ $out = 'Item title: <span class="text-error">' . $data->title . '</span><br/>';
public function lastuser() { $user = WebUser::find($this->lastuser_id); return $user->username; }