function import_data_files() { $url = urldecode($_GET['url']); $type = urldecode($_GET['type']); $name = urldecode($_GET['name']); /* * Catch any warnings generated into an error message. */ ob_start(); $contents = WebTools::do_get_request($url); $msg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($msg == null) { // OK to proceed! if (is_google_spreadsheet($url, $type)) { scrape_google_spreadsheet($url, $type, $contents, $name); } else { if (is_json($type)) { scrape_json($url, $type, $contents, $name); } else { if (is_exhibit($type)) { scrape_exhibit($url, $contents); } else { $links = null; $errors = array("Datapress could not determine the type of data file you are trying to add."); $warnings = null; send_back($links, $errors, $warnings); } } } } else { // There was an error! $links = null; $errors = array("Datapress was not able to read the contents of the URL you linked to. Please check it and try again."); $warnings = null; send_back($links, $errors, $warnings); } die; }
<?php require_once '../../../../wp-load.php'; require_once 'web-tools.php'; function is_parrotable($url) { global $wpdb; $table = WpExhibitConfig::table_name(WpExhibitConfig::$PARROTABLE_URLS_TABLE_KEY); $testurl = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT url FROM {$table} where url = %s", $url)); $testurl = stripslashes($testurl); return $url == $testurl; } $url = urldecode($_GET['url']); if (is_parrotable($url)) { $contents = WebTools::do_get_request($url); //$contents = file_get_contents($url); echo "{$contents}"; } else { echo "URL not parrotable"; }