/************************************************\ * This code replicates the headers that were * * sent when the class connected to the url. * * * * FIXME: extra headers need to be sent if we are * * downloading the file. * * * * GOTCHA?: need to check if http 1.1 will work * * correctly * \************************************************/ //foreach($head as $h) header($h); /************************************************\ * This block of code displays the page to the * * user. * * * * Note: Both processPageData and getRawPageData * * close the connection to the URL when they * * return. You must re-open a connection with * * openLink to use them again. * \************************************************/ if ($isHtml) { $page->processPageData(); if ($encryptPage) { $page->encryptPage(); } echo $page->getPageData(); } else { if ($isImage) { $page->getRawPageData(); } }