Exemple #1
  * handle a GET. Since any node can handle a GET request, we need to gracefully handle misses.
  * the algorithm follows
  * ("target storage node" and "target node" refer to a node that is supposed to store the requested data)
  * if we are NOT a target storage node for the file being requested
  *      send a redirect to a node that supposedly contains the data
  * else if we are a target storage node
  *      if we contain the file
  *          send the file to the client
  *      else if we do not contain the file we might need to self heal
  *          if we are configured to self heal
  *              call the self healing function (described below)
  *          else
  *              send a 404 to the client
  *          endif
  *      endif
  * endif
 public function handle()
     $iAmATarget = $this->iAmATarget();
     if ($iAmATarget) {
         if (file_exists($this->finalPath)) {
         } else {
             if ($this->canSelfHeal()) {
                 try {
                     if (!$this->selfHeal()) {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->errorLog('selfHeal', $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString());
             } else {
     } else {
         // get the paths, choose one, and print a 301 redirect
         $nodes = $this->getTargetNodes();
         if ($nodes) {
             WebDFS_Helper::send301(join('/', array($nodes[0]['staticUrl'], $this->params['pathHash'], $this->params['name'])));
Exemple #2
  * self heal
  * Self heal accomplishes one of two things depending on when and why it is called.
  * It can be used to automatically move data from an old config when scaling.
  * And it can be used to fetch and save to disk a copy of some data from a peer server when
  * data has been lost; say, when a server failed.
  * The self healing process is initiated when we have been asked for some data that is supposedly
  * stored on our disk and we cannot find it.
  * When we are asked to fetch data that is supposedly stored on our disk, one of the following things can be true:
  *      1) The data never was put on disk and this is simply servicing a request for data that is non-existent
  *         ( we currently do not have a reliable way to tell what is supposedly on our disk
  *           this could change if we start keeping a partial index in memory of what is supposedly on the disk. )
  *      2) For some reason, the data is missing or corrupted and we need to heal ourselves
  *      3) New servers and disks have been added to the cluster configuration and we are performing
  *         an auto move operation
  * Currently, we have to assume that we "might" or "probably" have been asked to store the data
  * at some point in the past. Therefore we are forced to search for the data before we return a 404 to the client
  * heal is the function that fecthes the file from a peer server
  * and then saves it to the temp path.
  * self heal will:
  *      iterate the all data configs starting with the oldest and look for the old data.
  *      if we locate the data
  *          we download it
  *          save it to disk
  *          fsync the data
  *      The above facilitates self heal and the first part of auto move
  *      To complete the auto move we need to check and see if the data needs to be deleted from the
  *      source.  The source being the server from which we downloaded the file
  *      for the self healing process.  we only delete the source if the server in question
  *      is NOT in the target nodes list we derive from the current data config
  *      If we cannot find that data at all;
  *          remove the tempfile
  *          we send a "404 not found" message back to the client
  * endif
 public function selfHeal()
     $filename = $this->params['name'];
     $tmpPath = $this->tmpPath;
     $fd = fopen($tmpPath, "wb+");
     if (!$fd) {
         $this->errorLog('selfHealNoFile', $tmpPath, $filename);
     $locator = null;
     $configIdx = null;
     $copiedFrom = null;
     $fileSize = null;
     $nodes = null;
     $healed = false;
     if ($this->params['getContext'] != self::GET_CONTEXT_AUTOMOVE) {
         $headers = array();
         $headers[0] = self::HEADER_GET_CONTEXT . ': ' . self::GET_CONTEXT_AUTOMOVE;
         $curl = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fd);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
         $totalConfigs = count($this->config['data']);
         for ($configIdx = $totalConfigs - 1; $configIdx >= 0; $configIdx--) {
             if ($configIdx == 0) {
                 // 0 means we are looking at the most current config
                 $locator = $this->locator;
                 $nodes = $this->getTargetNodes();
             } else {
                 $config = $this->config['data'][$configIdx];
                 $locClass = $config['locatorClassName'];
                 $locator = new $locClass($config);
                 $nodes = $locator->findNodes($filename);
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                 // check to see if we are looking at node data for ourselves
                 // in which case we do not want to make a request as that
                 // would be wasted resources and pointless
                 if ($node['proxyUrl'] != $this->config['thisProxyUrl']) {
                     $url = join('/', array($node['staticUrl'], $this->params['pathHash'], $filename));
                     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                     $info = curl_getinfo($curl);
                     if (!curl_errno($curl) && $info['http_code'] < 400) {
                         $copiedFrom = $node;
                         $healed = true;
                         break 2;
                     ftruncate($fd, 0);
     // at this point we have achieved the same effect as a spoolData() call
     // so now we:
     // save the data
     // return the file back to the caller
     // if the source proxy url is NOT in the current target nodes list
     //      we issue a delete command to the source node
     //      and delete the data from the old location
     // endif
     if (!$healed) {
         // we cannot find the data
         // remove the temp file
         // send a 404
     } else {
         if ($healed) {
             // need to  check to see if we wrote all of the data
             // as dictated by the content length headeer
             $fileSize = filesize($tmpPath);
             if ($fileSize != $info['download_content_length']) {
                 $msg = sprintf($this->config['exceptionMsgs']['incompleteWrite'], $info['download_content_length'], $fileSize);
                 throw new WebDFS_Exception($msg);
             // here we check if the source from where we copied
             // is included in the the current target node list
             $position = $this->getTargetNodePosition(null, $copiedFrom['proxyUrl']);
             if ($position == WebDFS::POSITION_NONE) {
                 $this->sendDeleteForHeal($copiedFrom['proxyUrl'] . '/' . $filename);