Exemple #1
    public function getBlock($block_id, $template = true, $cfg = null)
        global $ctype, $controller;
        $days = get_block_setting($block_id, 'days', 7);
        $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
        $calendar = get_block_setting($block_id, 'calendar', 'jewish');
        $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', true);
        if ($cfg) {
            foreach (array('days', 'infoStyle', 'block') as $name) {
                if (array_key_exists($name, $cfg)) {
                    ${$name} = $cfg[$name];
        $startjd = WT_CLIENT_JD;
        $endjd = WT_CLIENT_JD + $days - 1;
        $id = $this->getName() . $block_id;
        $class = $this->getName() . '_block';
        if ($ctype == 'gedcom' && WT_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == 'user' && WT_USER_ID) {
            $title = '<i class="icon-admin" title="' . WT_I18N::translate('Configure') . '" onclick="modalDialog(\'block_edit.php?block_id=' . $block_id . '\', \'' . $this->getTitle() . '\');"></i>';
        } else {
            $title = '';
        $title .= $this->getTitle();
        $content = '';
        // The standard anniversary rules cover most of the Yahrzeit rules, we just
        // need to handle a few special cases.
        // Fetch normal anniversaries...
        $yahrzeits = array();
        for ($jd = $startjd - 1; $jd <= $endjd + $days; ++$jd) {
            foreach (get_anniversary_events($jd, 'DEAT _YART') as $fact) {
                // Exact hebrew dates only
                $date = $fact->getDate();
                if ($date->MinDate() instanceof WT_Date_Jewish && $date->MinJD() == $date->MaxJD()) {
                    $fact->jd = $jd;
                    $yahrzeits[] = $fact;
        // ...then adjust dates
        foreach ($yahrzeits as $yahrzeit) {
            if ($yahrzeit->getTag() == 'DEAT') {
                // Just DEAT, not _YART
                $today = new WT_Date_Jewish($yahrzeit->jd);
                $hd = $yahrzeit->getDate()->MinDate();
                $hd1 = new WT_Date_Jewish($hd);
                $hd1->y += 1;
                // Special rules.  See http://www.hebcal.com/help/anniv.html
                // Everything else is taken care of by our standard anniversary rules.
                if ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 2 && $hd->y != 0 && $hd1->DaysInMonth() < 30) {
                    // 30 CSH
                    // Last day in CSH
                    $yahrzeit->jd = WT_Date_Jewish::YMDtoJD($today->y, 3, 1) - 1;
                } elseif ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 3 && $hd->y != 0 && $hd1->DaysInMonth() < 30) {
                    // 30 KSL
                    // Last day in KSL
                    $yahrzeit->jd = WT_Date_Jewish::YMDtoJD($today->y, 4, 1) - 1;
                } elseif ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 6 && $hd->y != 0 && $today->DaysInMonth() < 30 && !$today->IsLeapYear()) {
                    // 30 ADR
                    // Last day in SHV
                    $yahrzeit->jd = WT_Date_Jewish::YMDtoJD($today->y, 6, 1) - 1;
        switch ($infoStyle) {
            case 'list':
                foreach ($yahrzeits as $yahrzeit) {
                    if ($yahrzeit->jd >= $startjd && $yahrzeit->jd < $startjd + $days) {
                        $ind = $yahrzeit->getParent();
                        $content .= "<a href=\"" . $ind->getHtmlUrl() . "\" class=\"list_item name2\">" . $ind->getFullName() . "</a>" . $ind->getSexImage();
                        $content .= "<div class=\"indent\">";
                        $content .= $yahrzeit->getDate()->Display(true);
                        $content .= ', ' . WT_I18N::translate('%s year anniversary', $yahrzeit->anniv);
                        $content .= "</div>";
            case 'table':
                $table_id = Uuid::uuid4();
                // table requires a unique ID
					jQuery("#' . $table_id . '").dataTable({
						dom: \'t\',
						' . WT_I18N::datatablesI18N() . ',
						autoWidth: false,
						paginate: false,
						lengthChange: false,
						filter: false,
						info: true,
						jQueryUI: true,
						sorting: [[5,"asc"]],
						columns: [
							/* 0-name */ { dataSort: 1 },
							/* 1-NAME */ { visible: false },
							/* 2-date */ { dataSort: 3 },
							/* 3-DATE */ { visible: false },
							/* 4-Aniv */ { class: "center"},
							/* 5-yart */ { dataSort: 6 },
							/* 6-YART */ { visible: false }
					jQuery("#' . $table_id . '").css("visibility", "visible");
					jQuery(".loading-image").css("display", "none");
                $content = '';
                $content .= '<div class="loading-image">&nbsp;</div>';
                $content .= '<table id="' . $table_id . '" class="width100" style="visibility:hidden;">';
                $content .= '<thead><tr>';
                $content .= '<th>' . WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('NAME') . '</th>';
                $content .= '<th>' . WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('NAME') . '</th>';
                $content .= '<th>' . WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('DEAT') . '</th>';
                $content .= '<th>DEAT</th>';
                $content .= '<th><i class="icon-reminder" title="' . WT_I18N::translate('Anniversary') . '"></i></th>';
                $content .= '<th>' . WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('_YART') . '</th>';
                $content .= '<th>_YART</th>';
                $content .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
                foreach ($yahrzeits as $yahrzeit) {
                    if ($yahrzeit->jd >= $startjd && $yahrzeit->jd < $startjd + $days) {
                        $content .= '<tr>';
                        $ind = $yahrzeit->getParent();
                        // Individual name(s)
                        $name = $ind->getFullName();
                        $url = $ind->getHtmlUrl();
                        $content .= '<td>';
                        $content .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>';
                        $content .= $ind->getSexImage();
                        $addname = $ind->getAddName();
                        if ($addname) {
                            $content .= '<br><a href="' . $url . '">' . $addname . '</a>';
                        $content .= '</td>';
                        $content .= '<td>' . $ind->getSortName() . '</td>';
                        // death/yahrzeit event date
                        $content .= '<td>' . $yahrzeit->getDate()->Display() . '</td>';
                        $content .= '<td>' . $yahrzeit->getDate()->minJD() . '</td>';
                        // sortable date
                        // Anniversary
                        $content .= '<td>' . $yahrzeit->anniv . '</td>';
                        // upcomming yahrzeit dates
                        switch ($calendar) {
                            case 'gregorian':
                                $today = new WT_Date_Gregorian($yahrzeit->jd);
                            case 'jewish':
                                $today = new WT_Date_Jewish($yahrzeit->jd);
                        $td = new WT_Date($today->Format('%@ %A %O %E'));
                        $content .= '<td>' . $td->Display() . '</td>';
                        $content .= '<td>' . $td->minJD() . '</td>';
                        // sortable date
                        $content .= '</tr>';
                $content .= '</tbody></table>';
        if ($template) {
            if ($block) {
                require WT_THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_small_temp.php';
            } else {
                require WT_THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_main_temp.php';
        } else {
            return $content;
Exemple #2
function get_anniversary_events($jd, $facts = '', $ged_id = WT_GED_ID)
    // If no facts specified, get all except these
    if ($facts != '_TODO') {
        $skipfacts .= ',_TODO';
    $found_facts = array();
    foreach (array(new WT_Date_Gregorian($jd), new WT_Date_Julian($jd), new WT_Date_French($jd), new WT_Date_Jewish($jd), new WT_Date_Hijri($jd), new WT_Date_Jalali($jd)) as $anniv) {
        // Build a SQL where clause to match anniversaries in the appropriate calendar.
        $where = "WHERE d_type='" . $anniv->Format('%@') . "'";
        // SIMPLE CASES:
        // a) Non-hebrew anniversaries
        // b) Hebrew months TVT, SHV, IYR, SVN, TMZ, AAV, ELL
        if (!$anniv instanceof WT_Date_Jewish || in_array($anniv->m, array(1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13))) {
            // Dates without days go on the first day of the month
            // Dates with invalid days go on the last day of the month
            if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                $where .= " AND d_day<=1";
            } else {
                if ($anniv->d == $anniv->DaysInMonth()) {
                    $where .= " AND d_day>={$anniv->d}";
                } else {
                    $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d}";
            $where .= " AND d_mon={$anniv->m}";
        } else {
            // SPECIAL CASES:
            switch ($anniv->m) {
                case 2:
                    // 29 CSH does not include 30 CSH (but would include an invalid 31 CSH if there were no 30 CSH)
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day<=1 AND d_mon=2";
                    } elseif ($anniv->d == 30) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day>=30 AND d_mon=2";
                    } elseif ($anniv->d == 29 && $anniv->DaysInMonth() == 29) {
                        $where .= " AND (d_day=29 OR d_day>30) AND d_mon=2";
                    } else {
                        $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=2";
                case 3:
                    // 1 KSL includes 30 CSH (if this year didn’t have 30 CSH)
                    // 29 KSL does not include 30 KSL (but would include an invalid 31 KSL if there were no 30 KSL)
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        $tmp = new WT_Date_Jewish(array($anniv->y, 'csh', 1));
                        if ($tmp->DaysInMonth() == 29) {
                            $where .= " AND (d_day<=1 AND d_mon=3 OR d_day=30 AND d_mon=2)";
                        } else {
                            $where .= " AND d_day<=1 AND d_mon=3";
                    } else {
                        if ($anniv->d == 30) {
                            $where .= " AND d_day>=30 AND d_mon=3";
                        } elseif ($anniv->d == 29 && $anniv->DaysInMonth() == 29) {
                            $where .= " AND (d_day=29 OR d_day>30) AND d_mon=3";
                        } else {
                            $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=3";
                case 4:
                    // 1 TVT includes 30 KSL (if this year didn’t have 30 KSL)
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        $tmp = new WT_Date_Jewish($anniv->y, 'ksl', 1);
                        if ($tmp->DaysInMonth() == 29) {
                            $where .= " AND (d_day<=1 AND d_mon=4 OR d_day=30 AND d_mon=3)";
                        } else {
                            $where .= " AND d_day<=1 AND d_mon=4";
                    } else {
                        if ($anniv->d == $anniv->DaysInMonth()) {
                            $where .= " AND d_day>={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=4";
                        } else {
                            $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=4";
                case 6:
                    // ADR (non-leap) includes ADS (leap)
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day<=1";
                    } elseif ($anniv->d == $anniv->DaysInMonth()) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day>={$anniv->d}";
                    } else {
                        $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d}";
                    if ($anniv->IsLeapYear()) {
                        $where .= " AND (d_mon=6 AND MOD(7*d_year+1, 19)<7)";
                    } else {
                        $where .= " AND (d_mon=6 OR d_mon=7)";
                case 7:
                    // ADS includes ADR (non-leap)
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day<=1";
                    } elseif ($anniv->d == $anniv->DaysInMonth()) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day>={$anniv->d}";
                    } else {
                        $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d}";
                    $where .= " AND (d_mon=6 AND MOD(7*d_year+1, 19)>=7 OR d_mon=7)";
                case 8:
                    // 1 NSN includes 30 ADR, if this year is non-leap
                    if ($anniv->d == 1) {
                        if ($anniv->IsLeapYear()) {
                            $where .= " AND d_day<=1 AND d_mon=8";
                        } else {
                            $where .= " AND (d_day<=1 AND d_mon=8 OR d_day=30 AND d_mon=6)";
                    } elseif ($anniv->d == $anniv->DaysInMonth()) {
                        $where .= " AND d_day>={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=8";
                    } else {
                        $where .= " AND d_day={$anniv->d} AND d_mon=8";
        // Only events in the past (includes dates without a year)
        $where .= " AND d_year<={$anniv->y}";
        // Restrict to certain types of fact
        if (empty($facts)) {
            $excl_facts = "'" . preg_replace('/\\W+/', "','", $skipfacts) . "'";
            $where .= " AND d_fact NOT IN ({$excl_facts})";
        } else {
            $incl_facts = "'" . preg_replace('/\\W+/', "','", $facts) . "'";
            $where .= " AND d_fact IN ({$incl_facts})";
        // Only get events from the current gedcom
        $where .= " AND d_file=" . $ged_id;
        // Now fetch these anniversaries
        $ind_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT 'INDI' AS type, i_id AS xref, i_file AS gedcom_id, i_gedcom AS gedcom, d_type, d_day, d_month, d_year, d_fact FROM `##dates`, `##individuals` {$where} AND d_gid=i_id AND d_file=i_file ORDER BY d_day ASC, d_year DESC";
        $fam_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT 'FAM'  AS type, f_id AS xref, f_file AS gedcom_id, f_gedcom AS gedcom, d_type, d_day, d_month, d_year, d_fact FROM `##dates`, `##families` {$where} AND d_gid=f_id AND d_file=f_file ORDER BY d_day ASC, d_year DESC";
        foreach (array($ind_sql, $fam_sql) as $sql) {
            $rows = WT_DB::prepare($sql)->fetchAll();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                if ($row->type == 'INDI') {
                    $record = WT_Individual::getInstance($row->xref, $row->gedcom_id, $row->gedcom);
                } else {
                    $record = WT_Family::getInstance($row->xref, $row->gedcom_id, $row->gedcom);
                $anniv_date = new WT_Date($row->d_type . ' ' . $row->d_day . ' ' . $row->d_month . ' ' . $row->d_year);
                foreach ($record->getFacts(str_replace(' ', '|', $facts)) as $fact) {
                    if ($fact->getDate() == $anniv_date && $fact->getTag() == $row->d_fact) {
                        $fact->anniv = $row->d_year == 0 ? 0 : $anniv->y - $row->d_year;
                        $found_facts[] = $fact;
    return $found_facts;