function watupro_my_exams($passed_cat_ids = "", $orderby = "tE.ID") { global $wpdb, $user_ID; // admin can see this for every student if (!empty($_GET['user_id']) and current_user_can(WATUPRO_MANAGE_CAPS)) { $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; } else { $user_id = $user_ID; } $user = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID=%d", $user_id)); // select what categories I have access to get_currentuserinfo(); $cat_ids = WTPCategory::user_cats($user_id); if (!empty($passed_cat_ids)) { $passed_cat_ids = explode(",", $passed_cat_ids); $cat_ids = array_intersect($cat_ids, $passed_cat_ids); } $cat_id_sql = implode(",", $cat_ids); list($my_exams, $takings, $num_taken) = WTPExam::my_exams($user_id, $cat_id_sql, $orderby); // intelligence dependencies if (watupro_intel()) { require_once WATUPRO_PATH . "/i/models/dependency.php"; $my_exams = WatuPRODependency::mark($my_exams, $takings); } $num_to_take = sizeof($my_exams) - $num_taken; $dateformat = get_option('date_format'); wp_enqueue_script('thickbox', null, array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_style('thickbox.css', '/' . WPINC . '/js/thickbox/thickbox.css', null, '1.0'); wp_enqueue_style('style.css', plugins_url() . '/watupro/style.css', null, '1.0'); if (@file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/my_exams.php')) { require get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/my_exams.php'; } else { require WATUPRO_PATH . "/views/my_exams.php"; } }
static function skills($report_user_id, $has_tabs = true) { global $wpdb; // select exam categories that I can access $cat_ids = WTPCategory::user_cats($report_user_id); $cat_id_sql = implode(",", $cat_ids); $exam_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_CATS . " WHERE ID IN ({$cat_id_sql}) ORDER BY name"); // question categories $q_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_QCATS . " ORDER BY name"); // add uncategorized $q_cats[] = (object) array("ID" => 0, "name" => __('Uncategorized', 'watupro')); // exam category filter? $exam_cat_sql = @$_POST['cat'] < 0 ? $cat_id_sql : @$_POST['cat']; // now select all exams I have access to list($my_exams) = WTPExam::my_exams($report_user_id, $exam_cat_sql); $skill_filter = empty($_POST['skill_filter']) ? "all" : $_POST['skill_filter']; // practiced only? if ($skill_filter == 'practiced') { $final_exams = array(); foreach ($my_exams as $exam) { if (!empty($exam->taking->ID)) { $final_exams[] = $exam; } } $my_exams = $final_exams; } // proficiency filter selected? If yes, we'll need to limit exams // to those that are taken with at least $_POST['proficiency_goal'] % correct answers if ($skill_filter == 'proficient') { $final_exams = array(); foreach ($my_exams as $exam) { if (!empty($exam->taking->ID) and $exam->taking->percent_correct >= $_POST['proficiency_goal']) { $final_exams[] = $exam; } } // end exams loop $my_exams = $final_exams; } // for each exam select match answers and fill % correct info by category $taking_ids = array(0); foreach ($my_exams as $my_exam) { if (!empty($my_exam->taking->ID)) { $taking_ids[] = $my_exam->taking->ID; } } $user_answers = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT tA.is_correct as is_correct, tA.taking_id as taking_id, tQ.cat_id as cat_id \n\t\t\tFROM " . WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS . " tA JOIN " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " tQ ON tQ.ID = tA.question_id\n\t\t\tWHERE tA.taking_id IN (" . implode(',', $taking_ids) . ") ORDER BY tA.ID"); foreach ($my_exams as $cnt => $my_exam) { if (empty($my_exam->taking->ID)) { continue; } $cats = array(); foreach ($user_answers as $answer) { if ($answer->taking_id != $my_exam->taking->ID) { continue; } $correct_key = $answer->is_correct ? 'num_correct' : 'num_incorrect'; if (isset($cats[$answer->cat_id][$correct_key])) { $cats[$answer->cat_id][$correct_key]++; } else { $cats[$answer->cat_id][$correct_key] = 1; } } // now foreach cat calculate the correctness foreach ($cats as $cat_id => $cat) { $num_correct = isset($cat['num_correct']) ? $cat['num_correct'] : 0; $num_incorrect = isset($cat['num_incorrect']) ? $cat['num_incorrect'] : 0; $total = $num_correct + $num_incorrect; $percentage = $total ? round(100 * $num_correct / $total) : 0; $cats[$cat_id]['percentage'] = $percentage; } // finally add cats to exam $my_exams[$cnt]->cats = $cats; } // group exams by question category $skills = array(); // skills equal question categories $num_proficient = 0; foreach ($q_cats as $q_cat) { // skill filter (question category) selected in the drop-down? if (@$_POST['q_cat'] > -1 and $q_cat->ID != @$_POST['q_cat']) { continue; } // now construct array of this category along with the exams in it // then add in $skills. $skills is the final array that we'll use in the view $exams = array(); foreach ($my_exams as $exam) { $has_questions = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " \n\t\t\t\t \tWHERE exam_id=%d AND cat_id=%d AND is_inactive=0 AND is_survey=0", $exam->ID, $q_cat->ID)); if (!$has_questions) { continue; } $exams[] = $exam; } $skills[] = array("category" => $q_cat, "exams" => $exams, "id" => $q_cat->ID); if (sizeof($exams)) { $num_proficient++; } // proficient in X skills } // by default $skills is ordered by category (name). Do we have to reorder? // NOT SURE THIS MAKES SENSE, SO FOR NOW NYI if (!empty($_POST['sort_skills']) and $_POST['sort_skills'] == 'proficiency') { // Sort by sum of proficiency of latest taking of the exams in this category // let's create an array that'll contain only cat ID and cumulative proficiency // for easier sorting $cat_ids = array(); foreach ($skills as $skill) { // NYI } } if (@file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/reports/skills.php')) { require get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/reports/skills.php'; } else { require WATUPRO_PATH . "/modules/reports/views/skills.php"; } }