static function sendemail($to, $subject, $message2, $ar = array()) { include WRA_Path . '/modules/swiftmailer/swift_required.php'; WRA::debug($to); // die(); if (!Swift_Validate::email($to)) { //if email is not valid //do something, skip them or log them WRA::debug("invalid email"); WRA::debug($to); die; } $message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($subject)->setFrom(WRA_CONF::$smtpfrom)->setTo(array($to))->setBody($message2, 'text/html', 'utf-8'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) { } $transporter = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(WRA_CONF::$smtpserver, WRA_CONF::$smtpport, '')->setUsername(WRA_CONF::$smtpuser)->setPassword(WRA_CONF::$smtppassword); $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transporter); try { $result = $mailer->send($message); } catch (Exception $e) { WRA::logit($e->getMessage(), 'message'); // echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } return $result; }
function wfitem($wf) { $wf->cp->ogimage = WRA::base_url() . 'images/500.png'; if (!empty($wf->currouteindex[0]['index'])) { $this->cpid = intval($wf->currouteindex[0]['index']); } }
function show() { if (isset($_GET['sum'])) { $id = $this->query('liqpay'); $liqpay = new wra_liqpay(); $liqpay->result_url = WRA_CONF::$wwwpath . ''; $liqpay->server_url = WRA_CONF::$wwwpath . ''; $liqpay->order_id = 'RB-' . $id; $liqpay->amount = round(intval($_GET['sum']), 2); if ($liqpay->amount >= 1) { $liqpay->currency = 'USD'; $liqpay->description = 'Payment ' . 'Liveuamap-' . $id; $liqpay->phone = ''; $liqpay->pay_way = 'card'; $liqpay->goods_id = $id; $liqpay->dateadd = time(); $liqpay->ipadd = WRA::getip(); $liqpay->cartid = $result->id; $liqpay->statusid = 0; $liqpay->exp_time = 24; $liqpay->pays_count = 0; $liqpay->add(); $liqpay->flushform(); } } else { } }
function ep0($text) { $return = $this->getword($text); if (substr($return, 0, 3) == '<p>') { WRA::e(substr($return, 3, strlen($return) - 7)); } else { WRA::e($return); } }
function run() { parent::run(); $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; $this->wf->cp->ogimage = WRA::base_url() . 'images/500.png'; $adminmark = ''; if (wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { $adminmark = time(); } $cache0 = new wra_cacheflow('p' . $this->wf->requestedpage . $adminmark, true); if ($cache0->begin()) { if (!empty($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index'])) { if (count($this->wf->currouteindex) > 1) { $this->linky = addslashes($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index'] . '/' . $this->wf->currouteindex[1]['index']); $id = wra_foursqvenues::getidbylink($this->linky); if ($id) { $this->cpid = $id; } } else { $this->cpid = intval($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index']); if ($this->cpid > wra_foursqvenues::$linknumber) { $this->cpid = 0; } } } $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = 'Fresh ukrainian news on the map '; $this->wf->cp->ogname = 'Map of war in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->header = 'Map of Unrest in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->description = 'Fresh news from Ukraine on the map, event of summer 2014, war between Russia and Ukraine, beginning of Third World War. 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine '; $this->wf->cp->keywords = 'Ukraine, Russia, Donetsk, war, artillery, war games, provocations, intelligence, USA, Eastern Europe'; if ($this->cpid != 0) { $this->venue = new wra_foursqvenues(); $this->venue->load($this->cpid); $this->wf->cp->header = $this->venue->name; $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = $this->venue->name; $this->wf->cp->pagehead = $this->venue->name; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['ll'])) { ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); $this->ll = explode(';', $_REQUEST['ll']); $this->ll[0] = floatval($this->ll[0]); $this->ll[1] = floatval($this->ll[1]); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['zoom'])) { $this->zoom = intval($_REQUEST['zoom']); } $this->cats = wra_cats::get_list(); $this->venues = wra_foursqvenues::get_l30(time()); $this->wf->includeheader(); include WRA_Path . '/template/index.php'; $this->wf->includefooter(); // $this->lastupdate= wra_foursqvenues::lastupdate(); } $cache0->end(); // $this->wf->nicedie(); }
function run() { parent::run(); if ($_REQUEST['oauth_token']) { $connection = new TwitterOAuth(WRA_CONF::$twiappid, WRA_CONF::$twiappsecret, $_REQUEST['oauth_token'], $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $token_credentials = $connection->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $connection = new TwitterOAuth(WRA_CONF::$twiappid, WRA_CONF::$twiappsecret, $token_credentials['oauth_token'], $token_credentials['oauth_token_secret']); $account = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials'); // WRA::debug($ctwe); if ($account) { // WRA::debug($user); $nu = new wra_twu(); $nu->display_name = htmlspecialchars($account->screen_name, ENT_QUOTES); //$user->name; $nu->regdate = WRA::getcurtime(); $nu->twuserid = $account->id; // $nu->userid = $usr; $nu->username = htmlspecialchars($account->name, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->usersurname = htmlspecialchars($user['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES); $nu->link = $account->url; //$user->link; $nu->user_agent = wra_fbu::getbrowser(); $nu->access_token = $token_credentials['oauth_token']; $nu->email = $token_credentials['oauth_token_secret']; $nu->photo = $account->profile_image_url; if ($account->notifications) { $nu->gender = 0; } else { $nu->gender = 1; } $nu->phone = ''; if (!empty($nu->twuserid)) { if (!wra_twu::istwexist($nu->twuserid)) { $nu->userid = $this->addUsr($nu->username, $nu->usersurname, $nu->phone, $nu->email, "asdf" . time(), $nu->photo); $nu->add(); } else { $nu->loadbytw($nu->twuserid); $nu->update(); } wra_twu::twd($nu->twuserid, $nu->userid); } if (empty($_SESSION['lastpage'])) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . '?from=tw&show=no'); } else { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $_SESSION['lastpage']); } $_SESSION['lastpage'] = ''; } } else { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(wra_twitter::loginLink()); ?> ">login</a><?php } }
static function JwallPost($wall_id, $message, $access_token) { $message = urlencode($message); WRA::e(' <script>"", {owner_id: ' . $wall_id . ',"message": "' . $message . '","access_token":"' . $access_token . '"}, onComplete); </script> '); // VK.api("", { owner_id:uid, message:'123', attachment:''}, onComplete); }
function add() { $wd = new wra_db(); $this->id = WRA::getnewkey("" . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . 'cats'); $wd->query = 'INSERT INTO `' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "cats` (\n `id`,\n `title`,\n `ruicon`,\n `alicon`,\n `style`,\n `img`\n )VALUES(\n '{$this->id}',\n '{$this->title}',\n '{$this->ruicon}',\n '{$this->alicon}',\n '{$this->style}',\n '{$this->img}'\n )"; $wd->execute(); if (!WRA_CONF::$usegetkey) { $this->id = $wd->getlastkey(); } $wd->close(); unset($wd); }
function add() { $wd = new wra_db(); $this->id = WRA::getnewkey("" . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . 'sessions'); $wd->query = 'INSERT INTO `' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "sessions` (\n `id`,\n `sessionid`,\n `user_id`,\n `begintime`,\n `ip`\n )VALUES(\n '{$this->id}',\n '{$this->sessionid}',\n '{$this->user_id}',\n '{$this->begintime}',\n '{$this->ip}'\n )"; $wd->execute(); if (!WRA_CONF::$usegetkey) { $this->id = $wd->getlastkey(); } $wd->close(); unset($wd); }
function run() { parent::run(); if (wra_userscontext::isloged($this->wf) || wra_u::islogin()) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); return; } $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = 'Fresh ukrainian news on the map '; $this->wf->cp->ogname = 'Map of war in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->header = 'Map of Unrest in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->description = 'Fresh news from Ukraine on the map, event of summer 2014, war between Russia and Ukraine, beginning of Third World War. 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine '; $this->wf->cp->keywords = 'Ukraine, Russia, Donetsk, war, artillery, war games, provocations, intelligence, USA, Eastern Europe'; // $this->lastupdate= wra_foursqvenues::lastupdate(); }
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; if (isset($_POST['btnclicked'])) { switch ($_POST['btnclicked']) { case 'btnfind': break; case 'btnAdd': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . '/edit'); break; } } }
function show() { $cache0 = new wra_cacheflow('sitemap', true); if ($cache0->begin()) { $this->items = wra_foursqvenues::get_listall(); WRA::e('<?'); ?> xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"<?php WRA::e('?>'); ?> <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url()); ?> </loc> <changefreq>hourly</changefreq> </url> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url()); ?> history</loc> <changefreq>hourly</changefreq> </url> <?php foreach ($this->items as $a0) { ?> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e($a0->getlink()); ?> </loc> <changefreq>yearly</changefreq> </url> <?php } ?> </urlset><?php } $cache0->end(); }
function wfitem($wf) { //include WRA_Path. '/modules/admin/admintable.php'; //include WRA_Path.'/modules/admin/adminpages.php'; $this->header = 'Администрирование'; $this->adminnodes = WRA_ENV::adminnodes(); $this->noticecount = wra_adminnotices::getcount(); if (wra_userscontext::isloged($wf) && wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { $wf->cp->baseico = true; $wf->cp->norobots(); $wf->cp->bodyclass = "admin_login"; } else { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . 'admin/login'); $wf->nicedie(); } // wra_adminnotices:: message('hello','hello'); }
function end($returning = false) { if ($this->writethis) { $this->content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); WRA::writeCache($this->content, $this->name); } if ($this->cacheon) { ob_end_clean(); if (!$returning) { WRA::e($this->content); unset($this->content); } else { return $this->content; } } }
function add() { //добавление нового объекта if (!isset($this->creator_id)) { $this->creator_id = wra_userscontext::curuser(); } $wd = new wra_db(); if (!isset($this->id)) { $this->id = WRA::getnewkey('' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . 'usersrights'); } $wd->query = "INSERT INTO `" . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "usersrights` (\n `id`,\n `user_id`,\n `right_id`\n )VALUES(\n '{$this->id}',\n '{$this->user_id}',\n '{$this->right_id}'\n )"; $wd->execute(); if (!WRA_CONF::$usegetkey) { $this->id = $wd->getlastkey(); } $wd->close(); unset($wd); }
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = false; if (isset($_POST['admin_login'])) { $this->enter_try = -1; $isremember = false; if (isset($_POST['rememberme'])) { $isremember = true; } $login = addslashes($_POST['admin_login']); $pass = $_POST['admin_pass']; $this->enter_try = wra_userscontext::login($this->wf, $login, $pass, $isremember); } if (isset($_REQUEST['act'])) { // die($_REQUEST['act']); wra_userscontext::logout(); if (@$_REQUEST['backurl'] == 'index.php') { WRA::gotopage(''); $this->wf->nicedie(); } } if (wra_userscontext::isloged($this->wf)) { switch (@$_POST['returnurl']) { case 'admin': default: if (wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . 'admin'); $this->wf->nicedie(); } else { $this->enter_try = 3; } break; } } else { switch (@$_REQUEST['returnurl']) { case 'user': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); $this->wf->nicedie(); break; } } }
static function get_user($id, $soc_type) { WRA::debug($soc_type); switch ($soc_type) { case 'vk': // WRA::debug(wra_vku::getbd()); $lepeople = new wra_vku(); $lepeople->loadbyvk($id); return $lepeople; break; case 'fb': // WRA::debug(wra_fbu::getbd()); $lepeople = new wra_fbu(); $lepeople->loadbyfb($id); return $lepeople; break; default: return false; break; } }
function catcherror() { // try{ $this->error = mysql_errno($this->connection) . ":" . mysql_error($this->connection); // echo '<pre>'; // print_r( debug_backtrace()); // echo '</pre>'; //}catch (Exception $e) { // } if ($this->error == "0:") { $this->error = ""; } if ($this->error != "") { // WRA::e( "<br/><font style='font-size:10pt'>" . $this->query . "</font><br/>"); if (WRA_CONF::$usedebug) { WRA::e($this->error . '<br/>' . $this->query); } // var_dump(debug_backtrace()); $this->close(); } }
function flushpage($currentlink, $cap) { $topmenu = wra_adminmenu::getlist0(); ?> <div class="block_main_content_cn"> <?php foreach ($topmenu as $t0) { if ($t0->showmain) { ?> <div> <h1><span><?php WRA::e($t0->name); ?> </span></h1> <ul> <?php $level1 = wra_adminmenu::getlist1($t0->id); foreach ($level1 as $t1) { ?> <li><a href="<?php WRA::e($t1->link); ?> "><?php WRA::e($t1->name); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } } ?> </div><?php }
function deletebyId($wf, $obj, $obj_class) { if (WRA::isp('deleteId')) { if (WRA::p('deleteId') == '') { return; } $ar0 = explode('-', WRA::p('deleteId')); if ($ar0[0] == '') { $code = '$isexist=' . $obj_class . '::isexist($wf,' . $ar0[1] . ');'; eval($code); if ($isexist) { $obj->id = $ar0[1]; if ($obj->delete()) { $this->message = $this->de . ' успешно удален!'; } else { $this->message = 'Не удалось удалить этого ' . $this->de; } } } else { $code = '$isdelete=' . $obj_class . '::deletecase(' . $ar0[0] . ',' . $ar0[1] . ');'; eval($code); if ($isdelete) { $this->message = 'Объект успешно удален!'; } else { $this->message = 'Не удалось удалить объект!'; } } } }
function run() { wra_userscontext::logout(); WRA::gotopage('../admin/login'); $this->wf->nicedie(); }
function run() { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); // $this->wf->closedb(); // $this->wf->nicedie(); }
function flush() { //есть шанс погибнуть разобравшись в этом коде //вывод таблицы ?> <?php if ($this->subtable) { ?> <br/> <div class="text_header_edit"> <?php WRA::e($this->headertext); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $rowi = 0; $columni = 0; if ($this->pid != "-1" && $this->pid != "0" && $this->pid != "" && $this->useheader) { ?> <div><a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->parent_parentid); ?> ">←вверх</a></div> <?php } if (count($this->rows) == 0) { ?> <div class="sub_text"> <center>Нет ни одной записи</center> </div><?php } else { ?> <div><input type="text" id="filternow" value="Поиск"></div><?php } while ($rowi < count($this->rows)) { $columni = 0; ?> <div class="sub_text" id="sub_text-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> "><?php while ($columni < count($this->columns)) { if ($this->columns[$columni]->header == "id" || $this->columns[$columni]->header == "Ключевые слова") { $columni++; continue; } $tdcontent = ""; $tdcontent = $this->columns[$columni]->prefix . $this->rows[$rowi][$columni] . $this->columns[$columni]->sufix; switch ($this->columns[$columni]->type) { case column_type_h2header: if (!$this->columns[$columni]->isparent) { WRA::e('<h2>' . $tdcontent . '</h2>'); } else { if ($this->info == "") { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } else { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '&type=' . $this->info . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } } break; case column_type_date: WRA::e('<span class="date_content">' . $this->columns[$columni]->header . ': ' . $tdcontent . '</span>'); break; case column_type_link: WRA::e('<a target="_blank" href="' . $tdcontent . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a>"); break; case column_type_check: WRA::e('<p>' . $this->columns[$columni]->header . ': '); if ($tdcontent == 1) { WRA::e('Да'); } else { WRA::e('Нет'); } WRA::e('</p>'); break; case column_type_pic: if ($tdcontent != "") { WRA::e('<p><img src="' . WRA::base_url() . $tdcontent . '"/></p>'); } else { WRA::e($tdcontent); } break; case column_type_id: break; case column_type_text: default: ?> <p<?php if ($this->rowstyle != "") { WRA::e(' style="' . $this->rowstyle . '"'); } ?> ><?php if ($tdcontent != "") { WRA::e($this->columns[$columni]->header . ''); } if ($this->columns[$columni]->isparent) { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } else { WRA::e($tdcontent); } ?> </p><?php break; } $columni++; } ?> <div class="red_del"><?php if ($this->candelete) { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage()); ?> &id=<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> " class="delete_link deletetd <?php WRA::e($this->deleteeditclass); ?> " style="display:none" id="del-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); if ($this->info != "") { WRA::e("-" . $this->info); } ?> ">Удалить</a><?php } if ($this->canedit) { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage()); ?> &id=<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> " class="edit_link edittd <?php WRA::e($this->deleteeditclass); ?> " style="display:none" id="ed-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); if ($this->info != "") { WRA::e("-" . $this->info); } ?> ">Редактировать</a><?php } ?> </div><?php $rowi++; ?> </div> <?php } }
function add() { $wd = new wra_db($wf); if (!isset($this->id)) { $this->id = WRA::getnewkey('' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . 'users'); } $this->lasttime = WRA::getcurtime(); $wd->query = 'INSERT INTO `' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "users` ( `id` , `login` , `email` , `password` , `active` , `displayname` , `namei` , `namef` , `nameo` , `cellphone` , `cityid` , `lasttime` , `dolg` , `icq` , `twitter` , `web`,`adresid`,`groupid`,`avatar`,`adres`\n\t\t\t\t,`tmbavatar`,`issotr`,`company`,`bday`,`description`,`gender`,`interests`,`infor`,`fromwhere`,`signin` ) \n\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t'{$this->id}' , '{$this->email}' , '{$this->email}' , '{$this->password}' , '{$this->active}' , '{$this->displayname}' , '{$this->namei}' , '{$this->namef}' , '{$this->nameo}' , '{$this->cellphone}' , '{$this->cityid}' , '{$this->lasttime}' , '{$this->dolg}' , '{$this->icq}' , '{$this->twitter}' , '{$this->web}' ,'{$this->adresid}','{$this->groupid}','{$this->avatar}','{$this->adres}'\n\t\t\t\t,'{$this->tmbavatar}','{$this->issotr}','{$this->company}','{$this->bday}','{$this->description}','{$this->gender}','{$this->interests}','{$this->infor}','{$this->fromwhere}','{$this->signin}'\n\t\t);"; $wd->execute(); if (!WRA_CONF::$usegetkey) { $this->id = $wd->getlastkey(); } $wd->close(); unset($wd); }
function add() { $wd = new wra_db(); $this->id = WRA::getnewkey("" . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . 'foursqvenues'); $wd->query = 'INSERT INTO `' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "foursqvenues` (\n `id`,\n `time`,\n `name`,\n `address`,\n `city`,\n `ttl`,\n `source`,\n `lat`,\n `lng`,\n `color_id`,\n `cat_id`,\n `picture`,\n `link`,\n `description`,\n `status`,\n\n `updated`,\n `resource`,\n `points`,\n `type_id`,\n `strokeweight`,\n `strokeopacity`,\n `strokecolor`,\n `symbolpath`,\n `fillcolor`,\n `fillopacity`,\n `twitpic`,\n `user_added`,\n `tts`,\n `status_id`\n )VALUES(\n '{$this->id}',\n '{$this->time}',\n '{$this->name}',\n '{$this->address}',\n '{$this->city}',\n '{$this->ttl}',\n '{$this->source}',\n '{$this->lat}',\n '{$this->lng}',\n '{$this->color_id}',\n '{$this->cat_id}',\n '{$this->picture}',\n '{$this->link}',\n '{$this->description}',\n '{$this->status}',\n '{$this->updated}',\n\n '{$this->resource}',\n '{$this->points}',\n '{$this->type_id}',\n '{$this->strokeweight}',\n '{$this->strokeopacity}',\n '{$this->strokecolor}',\n '{$this->symbolpath}',\n '{$this->fillcolor}',\n '{$this->fillopacity}',\n '{$this->twitpic}',\n '{$this->user_added}',\n '{$this->tts}',\n '{$this->status_id}'\n )"; foreach (WRA_CONF::$clones as $k => $v) { $url = 'URL'; $data = array('query' => $wd->query, 'code' => WRA_CONF::$updatecode); $options = array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data))); $url = $v . 'sinc'; $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); // wra_works::add('sincresult', '', $result); } $wd->execute(); if (!WRA_CONF::$usegetkey) { $this->id = $wd->getlastkey(); } $wd->close(); unset($wd); }
static function updatebyemail($email, $key, $value) { $wd = new wra_db(); $wd->query = 'UPDATE `' . WRA_CONF::$db_prefix . "twu`\n SET `{$key}`='{$value}' \n WHERE `email`='{$email}'"; WRA::debug($wd->query); $wd->execute(); $wd->close(); }
<tr> <td class="td_info td_info_1">Название</td> <td class="td_patient"> <?php WRA::e($this->list[$this->importIndex]['header']); ?> </td> <td style="width:60px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td_info td_info_1"></td> <td class="td_patient"> <?php foreach ($this->list[$this->importIndex]['images'] as $ki => $vi) { ?> <div><?php WRA::e($vi); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </td> <td style="width:60px;"></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> </div>
<!-- <a href="admin/export" target="_blank">Экспортировать друзей</a><br/><br/> <a href="admin/export?type=orders" target="_blank">Экспортировать заказы</a> --> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <?php if ($this->cap->message != '') { ?> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ doalert('<?php WRA::e($this->cap->message); ?> '); }); </script> <?php } ?> <?php include WRA_Path . '/modules/admin/parts/footer.php'; ?> </div>
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; if (isset($_POST['btnclicked'])) { switch ($_POST['btnclicked']) { case 'btnfind': break; case 'btnadd': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . '/edit'); break; case 'btnSave': if ($this->curadmin->curid == -1) { if ($this->curadmin->multilanguages) { foreach ($this->wf->languages as $v) { $this->curadmin->addfirst('_' . $v->alias); } } else { $this->curadmin->addfirst(''); } WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link); } else { if ($this->curadmin->multilanguages) { // WRA::debug($this->wf->languages); foreach ($this->wf->languages as $v) { // WRA::debug($v->alias); $this->curadmin->updatefirst('_' . $v->alias); } } else { $this->curadmin->updatefirst(''); } $this->load($this->wf); } break; } } }
if ($l2->link == $curp || wra_adminmenu::getassoc($curp) == $l2->link) { ?> <li class="over_sub_main"><a href="<?php WRA::e($l2->link); ?> "><?php WRA::e($l2->name); ?> </a></li><?php } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php WRA::e($l2->link); ?> "><?php WRA::e($l2->name); ?> </a></li><?php } } ?> </ul> </div><?php } } } ?> </ul> <?php }