public static function resolveWordPressPostToModel(\WP_Post $post) { /** @var PostTypeManager $postTypes */ $postTypes = app('posts.types'); if ($class = $postTypes->get($post->post_type)) { return with(new $class())->newInstance($post->to_array()); } return false; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function normalize($blogId, \WP_Post $post) { $out = $post->to_array(); unset($out['post_category'], $out['tags_input']); $out['terms'] = $this->buildTerms($post); if (!empty($post->post_author)) { $out['post_author'] = $this->buildAuthor($post); } return $out; }
public function get($post_id) { if ($post = \WP_Post::get_instance($post_id)) { return $this->wordpress_post_factory->createFromWP_Post(\WP_Post::get_instance($post_id)); } return null; }
/** * * @return \WP_Post */ public function getWPPost() { if (null === $this->wpPost) { $this->wpPost = \WP_Post::get_instance($this->ID); } return $this->wpPost; }
public static function getInstance($pid) { $post = new self($pid); $post->setPost(\WP_Post::get_instance($pid)); $post->fetch(); return $post; }
/** * Use this method to prevent excluding something that was not configured by FakerPress * * @param array|int|\WP_Post $post The ID for the Post or the Object * @return bool */ public static function delete($post) { if (is_array($post)) { $deleted = array(); foreach ($post as $id) { $id = $id instanceof \WP_Post ? $id->ID : $id; if (!is_numeric($id)) { continue; } $deleted[$id] = self::delete($id); } return $deleted; } if (is_numeric($post)) { $post = \WP_Post::get_instance($post); } if (!$post instanceof \WP_Post) { return false; } $flag = (bool) get_post_meta($post->ID, self::$flag, true); if (true !== $flag) { return false; } return wp_delete_post($post->ID, true); }
private static function output_term($term_slug, $fallback_text = '') { $post = WP_Post::get_instance(wskl_get_option('members_page_' . $term_slug)); if (!$post) { echo $fallback_text; } else { echo '<h3>' . esc_html($post->post_title) . '</h3>'; echo wpautop(wptexturize($post->post_content)); } }
private function _handleDataAndSettingsPage() { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && wp_verify_nonce(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'nonce'))) { if ($this->_chart->post_status == 'auto-draft') { $this->_chart->post_status = 'publish'; wp_update_post($this->_chart->to_array()); } update_post_meta($this->_chart->ID, Visualizer_Plugin::CF_SETTINGS, $_POST); $render = new Visualizer_Render_Page_Send(); $render->text = sprintf('[visualizer id="%d"]', $this->_chart->ID); wp_iframe(array($render, 'render')); return; } $data = $this->_getChartArray(); $sidebar = ''; $sidebar_class = 'Visualizer_Render_Sidebar_Type_' . ucfirst($data['type']); if (class_exists($sidebar_class, true)) { $sidebar = new $sidebar_class($data['settings']); $sidebar->__series = $data['series']; $sidebar->__data = $data['data']; } else { $sidebar = apply_filters("visualizer_pro_chart_type_sidebar", '', $data); if ($sidebar != '') { $sidebar->__series = $data['series']; $sidebar->__data = $data['data']; } } unset($data['settings']['width'], $data['settings']['height']); wp_enqueue_style('visualizer-frame'); wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); wp_enqueue_style('visualizer-frame'); wp_enqueue_script('visualizer-preview'); wp_enqueue_script('visualizer-render'); wp_localize_script('visualizer-render', 'visualizer', array('l10n' => array('remotecsv_prompt' => esc_html__('Please, enter the URL of CSV file:', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME), 'invalid_source' => esc_html__('You have entered invalid URL. Please, insert proper URL.', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME)), 'charts' => array('canvas' => $data))); $render = new Visualizer_Render_Page_Data(); $render->chart = $this->_chart; $render->type = $data['type']; $render->sidebar = $sidebar; if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'library', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $render->button = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'action') == Visualizer_Plugin::ACTION_EDIT_CHART ? esc_html__('Save Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME) : esc_html__('Create Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME); } else { $render->button = esc_attr__('Insert Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME); } if (defined('Visualizer_Pro')) { global $Visualizer_Pro; $Visualizer_Pro->_enqueueScriptsAndStyles($data); } $this->_addAction('admin_head', 'renderFlattrScript'); wp_iframe(array($render, 'render')); }
/** * Work with the specifed event object or else use a placeholder if we are in * the middle of creating a new event. * * @param null $event */ protected function get_event($event = null) { if (is_null($event)) { $event = $GLOBALS['post']; } if (is_numeric($event)) { $event = WP_Post::get_instance($event); } if ($event instanceof stdClass || is_array($event)) { $event = new WP_Post((object) $event); } if (!$event instanceof WP_Post) { $event = new WP_Post((object) array('ID' => 0)); } $this->event = $event; }
/** * Give_Donate_Form constructor. * * @since 1.0 * * @param bool $_id * @param array $_args */ public function __construct($_id = false, $_args = array()) { if (false === $_id) { $defaults = array('post_type' => 'give_forms', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_title' => __('New Give Form', 'give')); $args = wp_parse_args($_args, $defaults); $_id = wp_insert_post($args, true); } $donate_form = WP_Post::get_instance($_id); if (!is_object($donate_form)) { return false; } if (!is_a($donate_form, 'WP_Post')) { return false; } if ('give_forms' !== $donate_form->post_type) { return false; } foreach ($donate_form as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } }
public function user_register_observer($user_id) { global $wpdb; if (get_option('rf_bonus_signup', 'no') == 'no') { return; } $user_data = get_userdata($user_id); $lead_data = array(); $email = $user_data->data->user_email; // var_dump($user_data->data); $customer_name = ''; $lastname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'last_name', 'true'); $firstname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'first_name', 'true'); $customer_name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; if (!trim($customer_name)) { $customer_name = $user_data->data->display_name; } //whether the new registered customer is refer by friend $query = "SELECT post.ID as id from {$wpdb->posts} as post \n\t\t\n\t\t LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS rf ON (post.ID = rf.post_id \n\t and rf.meta_key='rf_invite_email' )\n\t \n\t LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS rf_aff ON (post.ID = rf.post_id \n\t and rf_aff.meta_key='rf_reward_email' )\n\t \n\t WHERE post.post_type = 'mg_referfriend'\n\t AND rf.meta_value = '{$email}'\n\t\t "; $row = $wpdb->get_row($query, ARRAY_A); if ($row) { $post_id = $row['id']; if (get_post_meta($post_id, 'is_rewarded_signup', true) != 'yes') { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post_id); $affilate_user_id = $post->post_author; $user_data = get_userdata($affilate_user_id); $affilate_name = ''; $lastname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'last_name', 'true'); $firstname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'first_name', 'true'); $affilate_name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; if (!$affilate_name) { $affilate_name = $user_data->data->display_name; } $affiliate_email = get_post_meta($post_id, 'rf_reward_email', true); $this->reward_affiliate('sign_up', $affilate_name, $affiliate_email, $email, 0, array(), array()); update_post_meta($post_id, 'is_rewarded_signup', 'yes'); } } }
/** * Verify if users has the option to hide the Attendees list, applys a good filter * * @param int|WP_Post $post * @return boolean */ public static function is_hidden_on($post) { if (is_numeric($post)) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); } if (!$post instanceof WP_Post) { return false; } $is_hidden = get_post_meta($post->ID, self::HIDE_META_KEY, true); // By default non-existent meta will be an empty string if ('' === $is_hidden) { $is_hidden = true; } else { $is_hidden = (bool) $is_hidden; } /** * Use this to filter and hide the Attendees List for a specific post or all of them * * @param bool $is_hidden * @param WP_Post $post */ return apply_filters('tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list', $is_hidden, $post); }
public static function send_email(array &$recipients, $post_id, WSKL_Inactive_Accounts_Shortcodes $shortcodes) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post_id); if (!$post) { error_log("\$post (ID: {$post_id}) returned false. Notification halted."); return; } $success_count = 0; $failure_count = 0; /** @var WP_User|array|string $recipient if it is an array, 'name', and 'addr' keys are set. */ foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $shortcodes->set_recipient($recipient); $address = self::get_recipient_address($recipient); $subject = do_shortcode($post->post_title); $message = wptexturize(wpautop(do_shortcode($post->post_content))); if (wp_mail($address, $subject, $message)) { ++$success_count; } else { ++$failure_count; } } error_log("Message sent to {$success_count} users. {$failure_count} failed."); }
/** * Get a post object that represents a field group. * * @param int|string|WP_Post $field_group Numeric ID of the post, post slug or a post object. * * @return null|WP_Post Requested post object when the post exists and has correct post type. Null otherwise. */ protected final function get_post($field_group) { $fg_post = null; // if (is_scalar($field_group) && $field_group == (int) $field_group && (int) $field_group > 0) { $fg_post = WP_Post::get_instance($field_group); } else { if (is_string($field_group)) { $query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => $this->get_post_type(), 'name' => $field_group, 'posts_per_page' => 1)); if ($query->have_posts()) { $fg_post = $query->get_posts(); $fg_post = $fg_post[0]; } } else { $fg_post = $field_group; } } if ($fg_post instanceof WP_Post && $this->get_post_type() == $fg_post->post_type) { return $fg_post; } else { return null; } }
/** * Handles chart settigns page. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @access private */ private function _handleSettingsPage() { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && wp_verify_nonce(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'nonce'))) { if ($this->_chart->post_status == 'auto-draft') { $this->_chart->post_status = 'publish'; wp_update_post($this->_chart->to_array()); } update_post_meta($this->_chart->ID, Visualizer_Plugin::CF_SETTINGS, $_POST); $render = new Visualizer_Render_Page_Send(); $render->text = sprintf('[visualizer id="%d"]', $this->_chart->ID); wp_iframe(array($render, 'render')); return; } $data = $this->_getChartArray(); $sidebar = ''; $sidebar_class = 'Visualizer_Render_Sidebar_Type_' . ucfirst($data['type']); if (class_exists($sidebar_class, true)) { $sidebar = new $sidebar_class($data['settings']); $sidebar->__series = $data['series']; $sidebar->__data = $data['data']; } unset($data['settings']['width'], $data['settings']['height']); wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); wp_enqueue_style('visualizer-frame'); wp_enqueue_script('visualizer-preview'); wp_localize_script('visualizer-render', 'visualizer', array('charts' => array('canvas' => $data))); $render = new Visualizer_Render_Page_Settings(); $render->sidebar = $sidebar; if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'library', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $render->button = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'action') == Visualizer_Plugin::ACTION_EDIT_CHART ? esc_html__('Save Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME) : esc_html__('Create Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME); } else { $render->button = esc_attr__('Insert Chart', Visualizer_Plugin::NAME); } $this->_addAction('admin_head', 'renderFlattrScript'); wp_iframe(array($render, 'render')); }
/** * A Excerpt method used across the board on our Events Plugin Suite. * * By default it removes all shortcodes, the reason for this is that shortcodes added by other plugins/themes * may not have been registered by the time our ajax responses are generated. To avoid leaving unparsed * shortcodes in our excerpts then we strip out anything that looks like one. * * @category Events * * @param WP_Post|int|null $post The Post Object|ID, if null defaults to `get_the_ID()` * @param array $allowed_html The wp_kses compatible array * * @return string|null Will return null on Bad Post Instances */ function tribe_events_get_the_excerpt($post = null, $allowed_html = null) { // If post is not numeric or instance of WP_Post it defaults to the current Post ID if (!is_numeric($post) && !$post instanceof WP_Post) { $post = get_the_ID(); } // If not a WP_Post we try to fetch it as one if (is_numeric($post)) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); } // Prevent Non usable $post instances if (!$post instanceof WP_Post) { return null; } // Default Allowed HTML if (!is_array($allowed_html)) { $base_attrs = array('class' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'style' => array()); $allowed_html = array('a' => array('class' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'style' => array(), 'href' => array(), 'rel' => array(), 'target' => array()), 'b' => $base_attrs, 'strong' => $base_attrs, 'em' => $base_attrs, 'span' => $base_attrs, 'ul' => $base_attrs, 'li' => $base_attrs, 'ol' => $base_attrs); } /** * Allow developers to filter what are the allowed HTML on the Excerpt * * @var array Must be compatible to wp_kses structure * * @link */ $allowed_html = apply_filters('tribe_events_excerpt_allowed_html', $allowed_html, $post); /** * Allow shortcodes to be Applied on the Excerpt or not * * @var bool */ $allow_shortcode = apply_filters('tribe_events_excerpt_allow_shortcode', false); // Get the Excerpt or content based on what is available if (has_excerpt($post->ID)) { $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; } else { $excerpt = $post->post_content; } // Remove all shortcode Content before removing HTML if (!$allow_shortcode) { $excerpt = preg_replace('#\\[.+\\]#U', '', $excerpt); } // Remove "all" HTML based on what is allowed $excerpt = wp_kses($excerpt, $allowed_html); // Still treat this as an Excerpt on WP $excerpt = wp_trim_excerpt($excerpt); return wpautop($excerpt); }
public static function get_instance($post_id) { return WP_Post::get_instance($post_id); }
/** * Returns the GCal export link for a given event id. * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post The Event Post Object or ID, if left empty will give get the current post. * * @return string The URL for the GCal export link. */ public function googleCalendarLink($post = null) { if (is_null($post)) { $post = self::postIdHelper($post); } if (is_numeric($post)) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); } if (!$post instanceof WP_Post) { return false; } // After this point we know that we have a safe WP_Post object // Fetch if the Event is a Full Day Event $is_all_day = Tribe__Date_Utils::is_all_day(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_EventAllDay', true)); // Fetch the required Date TimeStamps $start_date = Tribe__Events__Timezones::event_start_timestamp($post->ID); // Google Requires that a Full Day event end day happens on the next Day $end_date = Tribe__Events__Timezones::event_end_timestamp($post->ID) + ($is_all_day ? DAY_IN_SECONDS : 0); if ($is_all_day) { $dates = date('Ymd', $start_date) . '/' . date('Ymd', $end_date); } else { $dates = date('Ymd', $start_date) . 'T' . date('Hi00', $start_date) . '/' . date('Ymd', $end_date) . 'T' . date('Hi00', $end_date); } // Fetch the $location = trim($this->fullAddressString($post->ID)); $event_details = apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content($post->ID)); // Hack: Add space after paragraph // Normally Google Cal understands the newline character %0a // And that character will automatically replace newlines on urlencode() $event_details = str_replace('</p>', '</p> ', $event_details); $event_details = strip_tags($event_details); //Truncate Event Description and add permalink if greater than 996 characters if (strlen($event_details) > 996) { $event_url = get_permalink($post->ID); $event_details = substr($event_details, 0, 996); //Only add the permalink if it's shorter than 900 characters, so we don't exceed the browser's URL limits if (strlen($event_url) < 900) { $event_details .= sprintf(esc_html__(' (View Full %1$s Description Here: %2$s)', 'the-events-calendar'), $this->singular_event_label, $event_url); } } $params = array('action' => 'TEMPLATE', 'text' => urlencode(strip_tags($post->post_title)), 'dates' => $dates, 'details' => urlencode($event_details), 'location' => urlencode($location), 'trp' => 'false', 'sprop' => 'website:' . home_url()); $timezone = Tribe__Events__Timezones::get_event_timezone_string($post->ID); $timezone = Tribe__Events__Timezones::maybe_get_tz_name($timezone); // If we have a good timezone string we setup it; UTC doesn't work on Google if (false !== $timezone) { $params['ctz'] = urlencode($timezone); } /** * Allow users to Filter our Google Calendar Link params * @var array Params used in the add_query_arg * @var int Event ID */ $params = apply_filters('tribe_google_calendar_parameters', $params, $post->ID); $base_url = ''; $url = add_query_arg($params, $base_url); return $url; }
/** * A Excerpt method used across the board on our Events Plugin Suite. * * By default it removes all shortcodes, the reason for this is that shortcodes added by other plugins/themes * may not have been registered by the time our ajax responses are generated. To avoid leaving unparsed * shortcodes in our excerpts then we strip out anything that looks like one. * * @category Events * * @param WP_Post|int|null $post The Post Object|ID, if null defaults to `get_the_ID()` * @param array $allowed_html The wp_kses compatible array * * @return string|null Will return null on Bad Post Instances */ function tribe_events_get_the_excerpt($post = null, $allowed_html = null) { // If post is not numeric or instance of WP_Post it defaults to the current Post ID if (!is_numeric($post) && !$post instanceof WP_Post) { $post = get_the_ID(); } // If not a WP_Post we try to fetch it as one if (is_numeric($post)) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); } // Prevent Non usable $post instances if (!$post instanceof WP_Post) { return null; } // Default Allowed HTML if (!is_array($allowed_html)) { $base_attrs = array('class' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'style' => array()); $allowed_html = array('a' => array('class' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'style' => array(), 'href' => array(), 'rel' => array(), 'target' => array()), 'b' => $base_attrs, 'strong' => $base_attrs, 'em' => $base_attrs, 'span' => $base_attrs, 'ul' => $base_attrs, 'li' => $base_attrs, 'ol' => $base_attrs); } /** * Allow developers to filter what are the allowed HTML on the Excerpt * * @var array Must be compatible to wp_kses structure * * @link */ $allowed_html = apply_filters('tribe_events_excerpt_allowed_html', $allowed_html, $post); /** * Allow shortcodes to be Applied on the Excerpt or not * * @var bool */ $allow_shortcode = apply_filters('tribe_events_excerpt_allow_shortcode', false); // Get the Excerpt or content based on what is available if (has_excerpt($post->ID)) { $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; } else { $excerpt = $post->post_content; } // Remove all shortcode Content before removing HTML if (!$allow_shortcode) { $excerpt = preg_replace('#\\[.+\\]#U', '', $excerpt); } // Remove "all" HTML based on what is allowed $excerpt = wp_kses($excerpt, $allowed_html); /** * Filter the number of words in an excerpt. * * @param int $number The number of words. Default 55. */ $excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 55); /** * Filter the string in the "more" link displayed after a trimmed excerpt. * * @param string $more_string The string shown within the more link. */ $excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', ' […]'); // Now we actually trim it $excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more); return wpautop($excerpt); }
/** * Creates a download * * @since 2.3.6 * @param array $data Array of attributes for a download * @return mixed false if data isn't passed and class not instantiated for creation, or New Download ID */ public function create($data = array()) { if ($this->id != 0) { return false; } $defaults = array('post_type' => 'download', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_title' => __('New Download Product', 'easy-digital-downloads')); $args = wp_parse_args($data, $defaults); do_action('edd_download_pre_create', $args); $id = wp_insert_post($args, true); $download = WP_Post::get_instance($id); do_action('edd_download_post_create', $id, $args); return $this->setup_download($download); }
/** * Update all taxonomies. * This should only ever be called from a cron job scheduled by EasyRecipeScheduler because it can potentially take quite a while */ function updateAll() { /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ global $wpdb; /** * If we are already running, don't do it again */ if ($this->scheduler->isRunning()) { return; } /** * Set as running * Set a "timeout" of 10 minutes. This will prevent it being re-run for 10 minutes if the current run terminates abnormally for any reason */ $this->scheduler->setRunning(10 * 60); $q = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type NOT IN ('attachment','index','nav_menu_item')"; $postIDs = $wpdb->get_col($q); $this->countTerms['cuisine'] = array(); $this->countTerms['course'] = array(); foreach ($postIDs as $postID) { $post = WP_Post::get_instance($postID); $this->update($post, false); } /** * Update any term counts that we may have adjusted */ if (count($this->countTerms['cuisine']) > 0) { wp_update_term_count_now(array_unique(array_keys($this->countTerms['cuisine'])), 'cuisine'); } if (count($this->countTerms['course']) > 0) { wp_update_term_count_now(array_unique(array_keys($this->countTerms['course'])), 'course'); } /** * Mark the taxonomies as having been created */ $settings = EasyRecipeSettings::getInstance(); $settings->taxonomiesCreated = true; $settings->update(); /** * Mark this job as complete */ $this->scheduler->terminate(); }
/** * Get things going * * @since 1.0 */ public function __construct($_id = false, $_args = array()) { $form = WP_Post::get_instance($_id); return $this->setup_form($form, $_args); }
/** * Creates an event * * @since 1.3 * @param arr $data Array of attributes for an event. See $defaults. * @return mixed false if data isn't passed and class not instantiated for creation, or New Event ID */ public function create($data = array(), $meta = array()) { if ($this->id != 0) { return false; } remove_action('save_post_mdjm-event', 'mdjm_save_event_post', 10, 3); $defaults = array('post_type' => 'mdjm-event', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'mdjm-enquiry', 'post_title' => __('New Event', 'mobile-dj-manager')); $default_meta = array('_mdjm_event_date' => date('Y-m-d'), '_mdjm_event_dj' => !mdjm_get_option('employer') ? 1 : 0, '_mdjm_event_playlist_access' => mdjm_generate_playlist_guest_code(), '_mdjm_event_playlist' => mdjm_get_option('enable_playlists') ? 'Y' : 'N', '_mdjm_event_contract' => mdjm_get_default_event_contract(), '_mdjm_event_cost' => 0, '_mdjm_event_deposit' => 0, '_mdjm_event_deposit_status' => __('Due', 'mobile-dj-manager'), '_mdjm_event_balance_status' => __('Due', 'mobile-dj-manager'), 'mdjm_event_type' => mdjm_get_option('event_type_default'), 'mdjm_enquiry_source' => mdjm_get_option('enquiry_source_default'), '_mdjm_event_venue_id' => 'Manual'); $data = wp_parse_args($data, $defaults); $meta = wp_parse_args($meta, $default_meta); do_action('mdjm_event_pre_create', $data, $meta); $id = wp_insert_post($data, true); $event = WP_Post::get_instance($id); if ($event) { if (!empty($meta['mdjm_event_type'])) { mdjm_set_event_type($event->ID, $meta['mdjm_event_type']); $meta['_mdjm_event_name'] = get_term($meta['mdjm_event_type'], 'event-types')->name; $meta['_mdjm_event_name'] = apply_filters('mdjm_event_name', $meta['_mdjm_event_name'], $id); } if (!empty($meta['mdjm_enquiry_source'])) { mdjm_set_enquiry_source($event->ID, $meta['mdjm_enquiry_source']); } if (!empty($meta['_mdjm_event_start']) && !empty($meta['_mdjm_event_finish'])) { if (date('H', strtotime($meta['_mdjm_event_finish'])) > date('H', strtotime($meta['_mdjm_event_start']))) { $meta['_mdjm_event_end_date'] = $meta['_mdjm_event_date']; } else { $meta['_mdjm_event_end_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($meta['_mdjm_event_date']))); } } if (!empty($meta['_mdjm_event_package'])) { $meta['_mdjm_event_cost'] += mdjm_get_package_price($meta['_mdjm_event_package'], $meta['_mdjm_event_date']); } if (!empty($meta['_mdjm_event_addons'])) { foreach ($meta['_mdjm_event_addons'] as $addon) { $meta['_mdjm_event_cost'] += mdjm_get_addon_price($addon); } } if (empty($meta['_mdjm_event_deposit'])) { $meta['_mdjm_event_deposit'] = mdjm_calculate_deposit($meta['_mdjm_event_cost']); } mdjm_update_event_meta($event->ID, $meta); wp_update_post(array('ID' => $id, 'post_title' => mdjm_get_event_contract_id($id), 'post_name' => mdjm_get_event_contract_id($id))); } do_action('mdjm_event_post_create', $id, $data); add_action('save_post_mdjm-event', 'mdjm_save_event_post', 10, 3); return $this->setup_event($event); }
/** * Create new Instance of a Post MVI * * @param WP_Post|int $_post * @param array $args { * * @type string $instance_class * @type string $list_owner * *} * @return mixed * * @future Alias this with make_new_post() so it can be called as WPLib::make_new_post( $post_id ) */ static function make_new_item($_post, $args = array()) { $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('instance_class' => false, 'list_owner' => 'WPLib_Posts')); if (is_numeric($_post)) { $_post = WP_Post::get_instance($_post); } if (!$args['instance_class']) { $args['instance_class'] = WPLib::get_constant('INSTANCE_CLASS', $args['list_owner']); } if (!$args['instance_class']) { $args['instance_class'] = self::get_post_type_class($_post->post_type); } $instance_class = $args['instance_class']; return $instance_class ? new $instance_class($_post) : null; }
/** * Returns Post Array from ID. * Also returns latest post from blog or archive if applicable. * * @since 2.6.0 * @since 2.6.6 Added $output parameter. * * @param int $the_id The Post ID. * @param int $tt_id The Taxonomy Term ID * @param mixed $output The value type to return. Accepts OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N * @return empty|array The Post Array. */ protected function fetch_post_by_id($the_id = '', $tt_id = '', $output = ARRAY_A) { if ('' === $the_id && '' === $tt_id) { $the_id = $this->get_the_real_ID(); if (false === $the_id) { return ''; } } /** * @since 2.2.8 Use the 2nd parameter. * @since 2.3.3 Now casts to array */ if ('' !== $the_id) { if ($this->is_blog_page($the_id)) { $args = array('posts_per_page' => 1, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => '', 'category_name' => '', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'cache_results' => false); $post = get_posts($args); } else { $post = get_post($the_id); } } elseif ('' !== $tt_id) { /** * @since 2.3.3 Match the descriptions in admin as on the front end. */ $args = array('posts_per_page' => 1, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => $tt_id, 'category_name' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'cache_results' => false); $post = get_posts($args); } else { $post = get_post($the_id); } /** * @since 2.6.5 Transform post array to object (on Archives). */ if (is_array($post) && isset($post[0]) && is_object($post[0])) { $post = $post[0]; } //* Something went wrong, nothing to be found. Return empty. if (empty($post)) { return ''; } //* Stop getting something that doesn't exists. E.g. 404 if (isset($post->ID) && 0 === $post->ID) { return ''; } /** * @since 2.6.6 */ if (ARRAY_A === $output || ARRAY_N === $output) { $_post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); $post = $_post->to_array(); if (ARRAY_N === $output) { $post = array_values($post); } } return $post; }
/** * Returns the parent post this attachment is attached to, if any. * @return Attachment|Page|Post|null */ public function parentPost() { if ($this->parentPost) { return $this->parentPost; } $parent_id = get_post_field('post_parent', $this->id); if ($parent_id && !empty($parent_id)) { $this->parentPost = $this->context->modelForPost(\WP_Post::get_instance($parent_id)); } return $this->parentPost; }
/** * Creates a transaction * * @since 1.3 * @param arr $data Array of attributes for a transaction. See $defaults. * @return mixed false if data isn't passed and class not instantiated for creation, or New Transaction ID */ public function create($data = array(), $meta = array()) { if ($this->id != 0) { return false; } remove_action('save_post_mdjm-transaction', 'mdjm_save_txn_post', 10, 3); $default_data = array('post_type' => 'mdjm-transaction', 'post_status' => 'mdjm-income', 'post_title' => __('New Transaction', 'mobile-dj-manager'), 'post_content' => ''); $default_meta = array('_mdjm_txn_source' => mdjm_get_option('default_type', __('Cash')), '_mdjm_txn_currency' => mdjm_get_currency(), '_mdjm_txn_status' => 'Pending'); $data = wp_parse_args($data, $default_data); $meta = wp_parse_args($meta, $default_meta); do_action('mdjm_pre_txn_create', $data, $meta); $id = wp_insert_post($data, true); if (is_wp_error($id)) { MDJM()->debug->log_it('ERROR: ' . $id->get_error_message()); } $txn = WP_Post::get_instance($id); if ($txn) { mdjm_update_txn_meta($txn->ID, $meta); wp_update_post(array('ID' => $id, 'post_title' => mdjm_get_option('event_prefix') . $id, 'post_name' => mdjm_get_option('event_prefix') . $id)); } do_action('mdjm_post_txn_create', $id, $data, $meta); add_action('save_post_mdjm-transaction', 'mdjm_save_txn_post', 10, 3); return $this->setup_txn($txn); }
/** * Constructor * * @since 3.8.14 * @param int|WP_Post $post ID or Post object */ public function __construct($post) { if (is_object($post)) { $this->post = $post; return; } $this->post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); }
/** * Retrieves post data given a post ID or post object. * * See {@link sanitize_post()} for optional $filter values. Also, the parameter * $post, must be given as a variable, since it is passed by reference. * * @since 1.5.1 * * @global WP_Post $post * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Defaults to global $post. * @param string $output Optional, default is Object. Accepts OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N. * Default OBJECT. * @param string $filter Optional. Type of filter to apply. Accepts 'raw', 'edit', 'db', * or 'display'. Default 'raw'. * @return WP_Post|array|null Type corresponding to $output on success or null on failure. * When $output is OBJECT, a `WP_Post` instance is returned. */ function get_post($post = null, $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw') { if (empty($post) && isset($GLOBALS['post'])) { $post = $GLOBALS['post']; } if ($post instanceof WP_Post) { $_post = $post; } elseif (is_object($post)) { if (empty($post->filter)) { $_post = sanitize_post($post, 'raw'); $_post = new WP_Post($_post); } elseif ('raw' == $post->filter) { $_post = new WP_Post($post); } else { $_post = WP_Post::get_instance($post->ID); } } else { $_post = WP_Post::get_instance($post); } if (!$_post) { return null; } $_post = $_post->filter($filter); if ($output == ARRAY_A) { return $_post->to_array(); } elseif ($output == ARRAY_N) { return array_values($_post->to_array()); } return $_post; }
/** * Creates a download * * @since 2.3.6 * @param array $data Array of attributes for a download * @return mixed false if data isn't passed and class not instantiated for creation, or New Download ID */ public function create($data = array()) { if ($this->id != 0) { return false; } $defaults = array('post_type' => 'download', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_title' => __('New Download Product', 'easy-digital-downloads')); $args = wp_parse_args($data, $defaults); /** * Fired before a download is created * * @param array $args The post object arguments used for creation. */ do_action('edd_download_pre_create', $args); $id = wp_insert_post($args, true); $download = WP_Post::get_instance($id); /** * Fired after a download is created * * @param int $id The post ID of the created item. * @param array $args The post object arguments used for creation. */ do_action('edd_download_post_create', $id, $args); return $this->setup_download($download); }