Exemple #1
 function _Decryption_Loop()
     // If legacy drop to legacy function
     if ($this->job['legacy']) {
         return $this->_Legacy_Decryption_Loop();
     // Grab the real block size and adjust the configured block size to ensure it is an exact divisor
     $real_blocksize = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($this->cipher);
     $blocksize = $this->WPOnlineBackup->Get_Setting('max_block_size');
     if (($rem = $blocksize % $real_blocksize) != 0) {
         $blocksize += $real_blocksize - $rem;
     // Grab total length of data - increase it to block size and calculate the amount we'll need to trim after decryption
     $len = $this->job['header']['len'];
     if (($rem = $len % $real_blocksize) != 0) {
         $len += $trim = $real_blocksize - $rem;
     } else {
         $trim = 0;
     // Take off what we've already done
     $len -= $this->job['done_bytes'];
     // Decrypt loop - if we've already done the last block break out
     while ($len - $trim > 0) {
         $block = min($blocksize, $len);
         if (($data = @fread($this->file, $block)) === false) {
             return OBFW_Exception();
         if (strlen($data) != $block) {
             return 'Partially read ' . strlen($data) . ' of ' . $block . ' bytes from encrypted data file for decryption.';
         // Change the IV for the next block to the encrypted data of the last block we're about to decrypt
         $this->job['current_iv'] = substr($data, $block - $real_blocksize, $real_blocksize);
         $data = mdecrypt_generic($this->cipher, $data);
         if (($len -= $block) <= 0) {
             if ($trim != 0) {
                 $data = substr($data, 0, $trim * -1);
         $block = strlen($data);
         if (true !== ($ret = $this->stream->Write($data))) {
             return 'Write to stream failed. ' . $ret;
         if ($this->hash_ctx !== false) {
             hash_update($this->hash_ctx, $data);
             $this->job['hash_len'] += $block;
         } else {
             if ($this->job['crc'] !== false) {
                 $this->job['crc'] = WPOnlineBackup_Functions::Combine_CRC32($this->job['crc'], crc32($data), $block);
             } else {
                 $this->job['crc'] = crc32($data);
         $this->job['done_bytes'] += $block;
         // Update the progress
         if ($this->job['done_bytes'] >= $this->job['header']['len']) {
             $this->job['progress'] = 99;
         } else {
             $this->job['progress'] = 10 + floor($this->job['done_bytes'] * 89 / $this->job['header']['len']);
             if ($this->job['progress'] > 99) {
                 $this->job['progress'] = 99;
     if ($this->hash_ctx !== false && $this->job['hash_len'] > 0) {
         list($crc) = array_values(unpack('N', hash_final($this->hash_ctx, true)));
         if ($this->job['crc'] !== false) {
             $this->job['crc'] = WPOnlineBackup_Functions::Combine_CRC32($this->job['crc'], $crc, $this->job['hash_len']);
         } else {
             $this->job['crc'] = $crc;
         $this->hash_ctx = false;
     if ($this->job['crc'] != $this->job['header']['crc']) {
         return false;
     $this->bootstrap->Log_Event(WPONLINEBACKUP_EVENT_INFORMATION, 'File integrity check was successful.');
     // Prevent duplicated messages
     $this->bootstrap->Tick(false, true);
     return true;
 function Commit_Stream()
     // ASSERTION - We have just finalised a stream with End_Stream() and are ready to commit it
     $size = $this->rolling_size;
     // Did we never hit the large file size? If not, just store with normal deflation
     if ($size <= $this->WPOnlineBackup->Get_Setting('file_buffer_size')) {
         // Calculate CRC
         $crc = crc32($this->rolling_buffer);
         // Compress the data
         $this->rolling_buffer = gzdeflate($this->rolling_buffer);
         // Update the compressed data size
         $zlen = strlen($this->rolling_buffer);
         if (($ret = $this->writer->Write($this->rolling_buffer, $zlen)) !== true) {
             return $ret;
         $this->rolling_buffer = false;
         // Already done everything neccessary, move out
         return compact('size', 'crc', 'zlen');
     // Finalize crc if we used hash_init
     if ($this->rolling_hash_ctx !== false) {
         list($inc_crc) = array_values(unpack('N', hash_final($this->rolling_hash_ctx, true)));
         $this->rolling_hash_ctx = false;
         if ($this->rolling_crc !== false) {
             $this->rolling_crc = WPOnlineBackup_Functions::Combine_CRC32($this->rolling_crc, $inc_crc, $this->rolling_hash_len);
         } else {
             $this->rolling_crc = $inc_crc;
     $crc = $this->rolling_crc;
     // Close and delete the buffer file
     if ($this->register_temps) {
     $this->rolling_tempfile = false;
     // Get the deflate stream size
     if (($zlen = @filesize($this->rolling_gzipname)) === false) {
         return OBFW_Exception();
     // Take away header and trailer
     $zlen -= 10 + 8;
     // Start to transfer the compressed data to our own file
     if (($f = @fopen($this->rolling_gzipname, 'rb')) === false) {
         return OBFW_Exception();
     // Skip the header
     if (@fseek($f, 10, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
         $e = OBFW_Exception();
         return $e;
     // Start transferring
     $data = '';
     while (!@feof($f)) {
         // Always get 8 extra bytes
         if (($extract = @fread($f, $this->WPOnlineBackup->Get_Setting('max_block_size') + 8)) === false) {
             $e = OBFW_Exception();
             return $e;
         $data .= $extract;
         // Write all but the last 8 bytes
         $to_write = strlen($data) - 8;
         // Stop if we don't have anything to write
         if ($to_write == 0) {
         // Write
         if (($ret = $this->writer->Write($data, $to_write)) !== true) {
             return $ret;
         // Leave the last 8 on the buffer
         $data = substr($data, -8);
     // Clean up the tempfile
     return compact('size', 'crc', 'zlen');
 function Last_Write()
     if ($this->hash_ctx !== false) {
         hash_update($this->hash_ctx, $this->data);
         $this->hash_len += $this->data_len;
     } else {
         if ($this->crc !== false) {
             $this->crc = WPOnlineBackup_Functions::Combine_CRC32($this->crc, crc32($this->data), $this->data_len);
         } else {
             $this->crc = crc32($this->data);
     // Encrypt remaining buffer in place - leave the padding
     $this->data = mcrypt_generic($this->cipher, $this->data);
     $len = strlen($this->data);
     $this->encsize += $len;
     // Write it
     if (($ret = $this->disk->Write($this->data, $len)) !== true) {
         return $ret;
     // Clear the buffer
     $this->data = '';
     $this->data_len = 0;
     return true;
 function Write_Stream($data, $len = false, $no_write = false)
     // ASSERTION - We are currently in the middle of a stream deflation with Start_Stream
     // Since we always write directly because we have no compression to do, if we don't want to write, return false to say we want to
     if ($no_write) {
         return false;
     // If len is false, use strlen(), otherwise truncate
     if ($len === false) {
         $len = strlen($data);
     } else {
         $data = substr($data, 0, $len);
     // Add to size
     $this->rolling_size += $len;
     // Update crc and zlen
     if ($this->rolling_hash_ctx !== false) {
         hash_update($this->rolling_hash_ctx, $data);
         $this->rolling_hash_len += $len;
     } else {
         if ($this->rolling_crc !== false) {
             $this->rolling_crc = WPOnlineBackup_Functions::Combine_CRC32($this->rolling_crc, crc32($data), $len);
         } else {
             $this->rolling_crc = crc32($data);
     // Write the data
     if (($ret = $this->writer->Write($data, $len)) !== true) {
         return $ret;
     return true;