trigger_error() static public méthode

Triggers error message unless doing AJAX, XMLRPC or Cron; then it logs the error but only if Development mode.
static public trigger_error ( string $error_msg, integer $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE, boolean $echo = false )
$error_msg string
$error_type integer
$echo boolean If true use 'echo', if false use trigger_error().
  * Register the post type inside of an Item classes' on_load() method.
  * @param array $args
  * @link
 static function register_post_type($args = array())
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('label' => WPLib_Posts::_get_post_type_label(static::POST_TYPE, 'name'), 'labels' => WPLib_Posts::_get_post_type_labels(static::POST_TYPE)));
     if (isset($args['taxonomies'])) {
         $message = 'Cannot set taxonomies via WPLib::%s(). Assign this post type via WPLib::register_taxonomy()';
         WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($message, __METHOD__));
     WPLib_Posts::_set_post_type_args(static::POST_TYPE, $args);
Exemple #2
  * Returns the "current screen."
  * Same as WordPress' get_current_screen() but will call set_current_screen() if is null.
  * @since 0.9.9
  * @return WP_Screen
 static function current_screen()
     if (!function_exists('get_current_screen')) {
         $err_msg = __("%s() cannot be called before WordPress' get_current_screen() is loaded.", 'wplib');
         WPLib::trigger_error($err_msg, __METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);
         $current_screen = null;
     } else {
         if (is_null($current_screen = get_current_screen())) {
              * set_current_screen() has to be called before
              * get_current_screen() will return a non-null value.
             $current_screen = get_current_screen();
     return $current_screen;
Exemple #3
  * Call at the start of a method to check stability level.
  * Stability levels can be one of:
  *      WPLib_Stability::DEPRECATED (0)
  *      WPLib_Stability::EXPERIMENTAL (1)
  *      WPLib_Stability::STABLE (2)
  *      WPLib_Stability::LOCKED (3)
  * @example The follow illustrates how to check that the stability
  *          level is low enough to support EXPERIMENTAL methods.
  *      /**                                                                                                             `
  *       * @stablity 1 - Experimental
  *       * /
  *      function foo() {
  *          self::stability()->check_method( __METHOD__, WPLib_Stability::EXPERIMENTAL );
  *          // Do the work of foo()
  *          return;
  *      }
  * @param string $method_name
  * @param int $stability
 static function check_method($method_name, $stability)
     if (intval((string) WPLib::stability()) > $stability) {
         $err_msg = __('The %s method has been marked with a stability of %d ' . 'but the current WPLIB_STABILITY requirement is set to %d. ' . 'You can enable this in wp-config-local.php but BE AWARE that ', 'wplib');
         switch ($stability) {
             case self::DEPRECATED:
                 $err_msg .= __('the method has been DEPRECATED and you ' . 'should really revise your code.', 'wplib');
             case self::EXPERIMENTAL:
                 $err_msg .= __('the method is EXPERIMENTAL so it is likely to ' . 'change thus forcing you to modify your own code ' . 'when it changes when you plan to upgrade to a ' . 'newer version of WPLib.', 'wplib');
             case self::STABLE:
                 $err_msg .= __('the method is STABLE so it is unlikely to change ' . 'but it has not yet been locked to it is possible ' . 'this it could change. If so you will need to modify ' . 'your own code when you plan to upgrade to a newer ' . 'version of WPLib.', 'wplib');
                 $err_msg = false;
         if ($err_msg) {
             $err_msg .= __(' To enable add "define( \'WPLIB_STABILITY\', %d );" to your config file.', 'wplib');
             WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $method_name, $stability, WPLIB_STABILITY, $stability));
  * Return the post type as defined by the class.
  * Validate against the current post if there is a current post.
  * @return string|null
 function post_type()
     if (!is_object($this->owner)) {
         $post_type = null;
     } else {
         $post_type = $this->owner->get_constant('POST_TYPE');
     if ($this->has_post() && $this->_post->post_type != $post_type) {
         $message = __('Post type mismatch: %s=%s, WP_Post=%s.', 'wplib');
         WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($message, get_class($this), $post_type, $this->_post->post_type));
     return $post_type;
  * @param array|string|WPLib_Query $query
  * @param array $args {
  *      @type string $list_class        The specific class for the list, i.e. WPLib_Post_List
  *      @type string $default_list      The default list if no $list_class, i.e. WPLib_Post_List_Default
  *      @type string $items The array of items, or a callable that will return a list of items.
  *      @type string $list_owner        The class "owning" the list, typically "Owner" if Owner::get_list()
  *      @type string $instance_class    The class for items in the list, i.e. WP_Post
  * }
  * @return WPLib_List_Default[]
 static function get_list($query = array(), $args = array())
     if (is_string($query)) {
         $query = wp_parse_args($query);
     } else {
         if (is_null($query)) {
             $query = array();
     if (!isset($args['list_owner'])) {
         $args['list_owner'] = get_called_class();
     if (!isset($args['instance_class'])) {
         $args['instance_class'] = WPLib::get_constant('INSTANCE_CLASS', $args['list_owner']);
     $try_class = $args['instance_class'];
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('list_class' => "{$try_class}_List", 'default_list' => 'WPLib_List_Default', 'items' => false));
     if (!class_exists($args['list_class'])) {
         do {
              * @future Provide a more robust mechanism for discovering 'list_class'
              * Add '_Default' to last list class checked,
              * i.e. WPLib_Post_List_Default for WPLib_Posts::get_list()
             $args['list_class'] = "{$args['list_class']}_Default";
             if (class_exists($args['list_class'])) {
             $args['list_class'] = false;
             $try_class = preg_replace('#^(.+)_Base$#', '$1', get_parent_class($try_class));
             if (!$try_class) {
              * Add '_List' to element class,
              * i.e. WPLib_Post_List for WPLib_Posts::get_list()
             $args['list_class'] = "{$try_class}_List";
             if (class_exists($args['list_class'])) {
         } while ($try_class);
     if (!$args['list_class']) {
          * Give up and use default, i.e. WPLib_List_Default
         $args['list_class'] = $args['default_list'];
     $list_class = $args['list_class'];
     $items = is_callable($args['items']) ? call_user_func($args['items'], $query, $args) : null;
     if (is_null($args['instance_class'])) {
         $message = __('No constant %s::INSTANCE_CLASS defined.', 'wplib');
         WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($message, $args['list_owner']));
         $list = array();
     } else {
         $list = !is_null($items) ? new $list_class($items, $args) : array();
     unset($args['list_owner'], $args['list_class'], $args['list_default'], $args['default_list'], $args['items']);
     return $list;
Exemple #6
  * @param string|object $view
  * @param string|object $model
  * @param string $method_name
  * @param array $args
  * @return mixed
 static function do_the_methods($view, $model, $method_name, $args)
     $value = null;
     if (preg_match('#^the_(.+)_template$#', $method_name, $match)) {
          * Put the $template name at the beginning of the $args array
         array_unshift($args, str_replace('_', '-', $match[1]));
          * Now call 'the_template' with $template as first element in $args
         $value = call_user_func_array(array($view, 'the_template'), $args);
         if (preg_match('#^<\\{WPLib:(.+)\\}>#', $value, $match)) {
              * Check to see if their is a content type indicator
             switch ($match[1]) {
                 case 'JSON':
                     $suffix = '_json';
                 case 'HTML':
                     $suffix = '_html';
                      * Indicate that this content need not be run through wp_kses_post()
                      * since it was loaded by a template which can be reviewed for security.
                     $has_html_suffix = true;
     } else {
         if (method_exists($view, $method_name) && is_callable($callable = array($view, $method_name))) {
              * Call the view method directly.
             $value = call_user_func_array($callable, $args);
         } else {
             if (preg_match('#^the_(.+?)(_attr|_url|_html|_link)?$#', $method_name, $match)) {
                 $method_name = $match[1];
                 $suffix = 3 == count($match) ? $match[2] : false;
                 if (is_callable($callable = array($view, $suffix_method = "{$method_name}{$suffix}")) && method_exists($view, $suffix_method)) {
                      * @note Reading this and want to know why do we use both is_callable() and method_exists()?
                      * @see "More details" section and comments of
                     $has_html_suffix = preg_match('#^_(html|link)$#', $suffix);
                      * Check $view to see if the suffixed method exist.
                     $value = call_user_func_array($callable, $args);
                 } else {
                     if (is_callable($callable = array($model, $method_name)) && method_exists($model, $method_name)) {
                          * Check $model to see if the method exist.
                         $value = call_user_func_array($callable, $args);
                         $has_html_suffix = false;
                     } else {
                          * Not found, throw an error.
                          * $match[0] should have original $method_name
                         $class_name = is_object($view) ? get_class($view) : $view;
                         $message = sprintf(__('Method %s not found for class %s.', 'wplib'), $match[0], $class_name);
                         WPLib::trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR);
                         $has_html_suffix = false;
      * Auto-escape output
     switch ($suffix) {
         case '_attr':
             echo $value = esc_attr($value);
         case '_url':
             echo $value = esc_url($value);
         case '_html':
         case '_link':
             echo $has_html_suffix ? $value : wp_kses_post($value);
             echo $value = esc_html($value);
  * Allows a post type to attach a taxonomy that is registered by someone else's code.
  * @param string $taxonomy
  * @stability 1 - Experimental
 static function attach_taxonomy($taxonomy)
     $VALID_HOOK = 'wplib_post_register_taxonomies';
     if (current_action() !== $VALID_HOOK) {
         $class_name = get_called_class();
         $err_msg = __('%s::%s() will only work correctly if called within the action hook %s.', 'wplib');
         WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class_name, __FUNCTION__, $VALID_HOOK));
     register_taxonomy_for_object_type($taxonomy, static::POST_TYPE);
Exemple #8
  * @param WPLib_Item_Base|WP_Post|WP_Term $item
  * @param array $args
  * @return WPLib_Term_Base|WPLib_Post_Base
 static function make_new_item($item, $args = array())
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (WPLib::get_constant('INSTANCE_CLASS', $class)) {
         if (self::class_declares_method($class, 'make_new_item')) {
             $item = $class::make_new_item($item, $args);
         } else {
             if (WPLib::is_development()) {
                 $err_msg = __('Cannot make new item. Class %s does not have make_new_item method', 'wplib');
                 WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class), E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         if (WPLib::is_development()) {
             $err_msg = __('Cannot make new item. Class %s does not have INSTANCE_CLASS constant.', 'wplib');
             WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class), E_USER_ERROR);
     return $item;
Exemple #9
  * Generate debugging error message for attempts to call a non-existent method.
  * @param string $method_name
  * @param array  $args
  * @return mixed
 function __call($method_name, $args)
     $value = null;
     if (preg_match('#^the_#', $method_name) && is_callable(array($this, $method_name))) {
         $value = WPLib::do_the_methods($this, $this, $method_name, $args);
     } else {
          * Oops. No method was found.  Output an error message.
         $message = sprintf(__('ERROR: There is no method %s() in class %s. ', 'wplib'), $method_name, get_class($this));
         WPLib::trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR);
     return $value;
Exemple #10
  * Create new Instance of a Term Item
  * @param WP_Term|int $term
  * @param array $args {
  *      @type string $taxonomy
  *      @type string $instance_class
  *      @type string $list_owner
  * @return mixed
  * @future Alias this with make_new_term() so it can be called as WPLib::make_new_term( $term_id )
 static function make_new_item($term, $args = array())
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('instance_class' => false, 'taxonomy' => false, 'list_owner' => 'WPLib_Terms'));
     if (is_numeric($term)) {
         if ($args['taxonomy']) {
             $term = WP_Term::get_instance($term, $args['taxonomy']);
         } else {
             global $wp_version;
             if (version_compare($wp_version, '4.3', '<')) {
                  * This only works in WordPress DBs created since 4.3+.
                  * @see
                 $err_msg = __("Cannot call %s() without \$args['taxonomy'] set in WordPress version 4.2 or earlier.", 'wplib');
                 WPLib::trigger_error($err_msg, __METHOD__);
             } else {
                 $term = WP_Term::get_instance($term);
     if (!$args['instance_class']) {
         $args['instance_class'] = WPLib::get_constant('INSTANCE_CLASS', $args['list_owner']);
     if (!$args['instance_class']) {
         $args['instance_class'] = self::get_taxonomy_class($term->taxonomy);
     $instance_class = $args['instance_class'];
     return $instance_class ? new $instance_class($term) : null;
Exemple #11
  * @param WPLib_Item_Base|WP_Post|WP_Term $item
  * @param array $args
  * @return WPLib_Term_Base|WPLib_Post_Base
 static function make_new_item($item, $args = array())
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (WPLib::get_constant('POST_TYPE', $class)) {
         $item = WPLib_Posts::make_new_item($item, $args);
     } else {
         if (WPLib::get_constant('TAXONOMY', $class)) {
             $item = WPLib_Terms::make_new_item($item, $args);
         } else {
             $err_msg = __('Cannot make new item. Class %s does not have POST_TYPE or TAXONOMY constant.', 'wplib');
             WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class));
     return $item;