</td> -->
        echo $report->CompletedDate;
										<span style="color:silver">
        echo human_time_diff(strtotime($report->CompletedDate), time());
        echo WPLA_AmazonAccount::getAccountTitle($report->account_id);
										<a href="admin.php?page=wpla-reports&action=view_amazon_report_details&amazon_report=<?php 
        echo $report->id;
" target="_blank">
        echo intval($report->line_count) - 1;
										<a href="admin.php?page=wpla-import&mode=inventory&report_id=<?php 
 public function renderDupeTable($listings, $column = 'post_id')
     if (empty($listings)) {
         return '';
     // get current page with paging as url param
     $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['paged'])) {
         $page .= '&paged=' . $_REQUEST['paged'];
     $listingsModel = new WPLA_ListingsModel();
     $msg = '';
     foreach ($listings as $dupe) {
         $account_title = WPLA_AmazonAccount::getAccountTitle($dupe->account_id);
         $msg .= '<b>' . __('Listings for', 'wpla') . ' ' . strtoupper($column) . ' ' . $dupe->{$column} . ' (' . $account_title . '):</b>';
         $msg .= '<br>';
         $duplicateListings = $listingsModel->findAllListingsByColumn($dupe->{$column}, $column, $dupe->account_id);
         $msg .= '<table style="width:100%">';
         foreach ($duplicateListings as $listing) {
             $color = $listing->status == 'archived' ? 'silver' : '';
             // check if WooCommerce SKU matches Amazon SKU
             $woo_sku = get_post_meta($listing->post_id, '_sku', true);
             $sku_label = $listing->sku == $woo_sku ? $woo_sku : '<span style="color:darkred">' . $woo_sku . ' / ' . $listing->sku . '</span>';
             $msg .= '<tr><td style="width:40%;">';
             $msg .= '<span style="color:' . $color . '">';
             $msg .= $listing->listing_title;
             $msg .= '</span>';
             $msg .= '</td><td style="width:10%;">';
             $msg .= '<i style="color:silver">' . $listing->product_type . '</i>';
             $msg .= '</td><td style="width:10%;">';
             $msg .= '<a href="admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $listing->sku . '" title="SKU" target="_blank">';
             $msg .= $sku_label . '</a>';
             $msg .= '</td><td style="width:10%;">';
             $msg .= '<a href="admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $listing->asin . '" title="ASIN" target="_blank">';
             $msg .= $listing->asin . '</a>';
             $msg .= '</td><td style="width:10%;">';
             $msg .= '<a href="admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $listing->post_id . '" title="Product ID" target="_blank">';
             $msg .= 'ID ' . $listing->post_id . '</a>';
             $msg .= '</td><td style="width:10%;">';
             $msg .= '<i>' . $listing->status . '</i>';
             // if ( in_array( $listing->status, array( 'prepared', 'verified', 'ended', 'sold' ) ) ) {
             // 	$archive_link = sprintf('<a class="archive button button-small" href="?page=%s&action=%s&listing=%s">%s</a>',$page,'archive',$listing->id,__('Click to move to archive','wpla'));
             // 	$msg .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$archive_link;
             // 	$msg .= '<br>';
             // }
             $msg .= '</td><td align="right" style="width:10%;">';
             $delete_btn = sprintf('<a class="delete button button-small button-secondary" href="?page=%s&action=%s&listing=%s">%s</a>', $page, 'delete', $listing->id, __('Remove from database', 'wpla'));
             $msg .= $delete_btn;
             $msg .= '</td></tr>';
         $msg .= '</table>';
         $msg .= '<br>';
     return $msg;