function wpex_generate_typography_customizer_live_preview_js() { $typo = new WPEX_Theme_Customizer_Typography(); $elements = $typo->elements(); $output = ''; foreach ($elements as $element => $array) { if ('load_custom_font_1' == $element) { continue; } // Attributes to loop through - each attribute has it's own setting if (!empty($array['settings'])) { $attributes = $array['settings']; } else { $attributes = array('font-family', 'font-weight', 'font-style', 'font-size', 'color', 'line-height', 'letter-spacing', 'text-transform', 'margin'); } $add_css = ''; $target = isset($array['target']) ? $array['target'] : ''; // Loop through attributes foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { // Generate style classname $style_class = 'customizer-typography-' . $element . '-' . $attribute; // Open js output $output .= 'api("' . $element . '_typography[' . $attribute . ']", function(value){value.bind(function(newval){'; // These are the styles to add inside the style tag $styles = $target . '{' . $attribute . ': \' + newval + \';'; // Add font-family if it doesn't exist already if ('font-family' == $attribute) { // Add script to header if google font $output .= 'if ( newval ) { var fontHandle = newval.trim().toLowerCase().replace( " ", "-" ); var fontScriptID = "' . $style_class . '"; var fontScriptHref = newval.replace( " ", "%20" ); fontScriptHref = fontScriptHref.replace( ",", "%2C" ); fontScriptHref = "//"+ newval + ":300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800"; if ( $( "#"+ fontScriptID +"" ).length ) { $( "#"+ fontScriptID +"" ).attr( "href", fontScriptHref ); } else { $( "head" ).append(\'<link id="\' + fontScriptID +\'" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="\'+ fontScriptHref +\'">\'); } } '; } // Output $output .= ' var el = $( \'.' . $style_class . '\' ); if ( newval ) { var style = \'<style class="' . $style_class . '">' . $styles . '</style>\'; if ( el.length ) { el.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( "head" ).append( style ); } } else { el.remove(); } '; // Close js output $output .= '});});'; } // End attributes loop } $output = $output; echo $output; exit; }
?> ' ).css('border-bottom-color', ''); } } ); } ); <?php } } } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* - Typography Options /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ('typography' == $return) { $obj = new WPEX_Theme_Customizer_Typography(); $elements = $obj->elements(); // Loop through color options and add a theme customizer setting for it foreach ($elements as $element => $array) { $target = isset($array['target']) ? $array['target'] : ''; $theme_mods = array('font-weight', 'font-style', 'font-size', 'color', 'line-height', 'letter-spacing', 'text-transform'); foreach ($theme_mods as $mod) { ?> wp.customize( '<?php $element . '_typography[' . $mod . ']'; ?> ', function( value ) { $currentVal = $( '<?php echo $target; ?> ' ).css('<?php