/** * Create a new credit card payment token * * @since 2.6 * @return WC_Payment_Token_CC object */ public static function create_cc_token() { $token = new WC_Payment_Token_CC(); $token->set_last4(1234); $token->set_expiry_month('08'); $token->set_expiry_year('2016'); $token->set_card_type('visa'); $token->set_token(time()); $token->save(); return $token; }
/** * Actualy saves a customer token to the database. * * @param WC_Payment_Token $customer_token Payment Token * @param string $cart_token CC Token * @param array $customer_info 'email', 'name' */ public function save_token($customer_token, $cart_token, $customer_info) { if (!is_null($customer_token)) { $customer = Simplify_Customer::findCustomer($customer_token->get_token()); $updates = array('token' => $cart_token); $customer->setAll($updates); $customer->updateCustomer(); $customer = Simplify_Customer::findCustomer($customer_token->get_token()); // get updated customer with new set card $token = $customer_token; } else { $customer = Simplify_Customer::createCustomer(array('token' => $cart_token, 'email' => $customer_info['email'], 'name' => $customer_info['name'])); $token = new WC_Payment_Token_CC(); $token->set_token($customer->id); } // If we were able to create an save our card, save the data on our side too if (is_object($customer) && '' != $customer->id) { $customer_properties = $customer->getProperties(); $card = $customer_properties['card']; $token->set_gateway_id($this->id); $token->set_card_type(strtolower($card->type)); $token->set_last4($card->last4); $expiry_month = 1 === strlen($card->expMonth) ? '0' . $card->expMonth : $card->expMonth; $token->set_expiry_month($expiry_month); $token->set_expiry_year('20' . $card->expYear); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $token->set_user_id(get_current_user_id()); } $token->save(); return $token; } return null; }
/** * Add a card for this stripe customer. * @param string $token * @param bool $retry * @return WP_Error|int */ public function add_card($token, $retry = true) { if (!$this->get_id()) { if (($response = $this->create_customer()) && is_wp_error($response)) { return $response; } } $response = WC_Stripe_API::request(array('source' => $token), 'customers/' . $this->get_id() . '/sources'); if (is_wp_error($response)) { if ('customer' === $response->get_error_code() && $retry) { $this->create_customer(); return $this->add_card($token, false); } else { return $response; } } elseif (empty($response->id)) { return new WP_Error('error', __('Unable to add card', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe')); } // Add token to WooCommerce if ($this->get_user_id() && class_exists('WC_Payment_Token_CC')) { $token = new WC_Payment_Token_CC(); $token->set_token($response->id); $token->set_gateway_id('stripe'); $token->set_card_type(strtolower($response->brand)); $token->set_last4($response->last4); $token->set_expiry_month($response->exp_month); $token->set_expiry_year($response->exp_year); $token->set_user_id($this->get_user_id()); $token->save(); } $this->clear_cache(); do_action('woocommerce_stripe_add_card', $this->get_id(), $token, $response); return $response->id; }
/** * Test get/set last4. * @since 2.6.0 */ public function test_wc_payment_token_cc_last4() { $token = new WC_Payment_Token_CC(); $token->set_last4('1111'); $this->assertEquals('1111', $token->get_last4()); }
/** * Test setting a token's last4. * @since 2.6.0 */ public function test_wc_payment_token_cc_set_last4() { $token = new \WC_Payment_Token_CC(1); $token->set_last4('2222'); $this->assertEquals('2222', $token->get_last4()); }
/** * Gets saved tokens from API if they don't already exist in WooCommerce. * @param array $tokens * @return array */ public function woocommerce_get_customer_payment_tokens($tokens, $customer_id, $gateway_id) { if (is_user_logged_in() && 'stripe' === $gateway_id && class_exists('WC_Payment_Token_CC')) { $stripe_customer = new WC_Stripe_Customer($customer_id); $stripe_cards = $stripe_customer->get_cards(); $stored_tokens = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $stored_tokens[] = $token->get_token(); } foreach ($stripe_cards as $card) { if (!in_array($card->id, $stored_tokens)) { $token = new WC_Payment_Token_CC(); $token->set_token($card->id); $token->set_gateway_id('stripe'); $token->set_card_type(strtolower($card->brand)); $token->set_last4($card->last4); $token->set_expiry_month($card->exp_month); $token->set_expiry_year($card->exp_year); $token->set_user_id($customer_id); $token->save(); $tokens[$token->get_id()] = $token; } } } return $tokens; }