     * Introduction step
    public function wc_setup_introduction()
        $locale = get_locale();
        if (isset($_GET['translation_updated'])) {
        } elseif ('en_US' !== $locale && WC_Language_Pack_Upgrader::has_available_update($locale)) {
			<div class="woocommerce-message woocommerce-language-pack">
            printf(esc_html__('WooCommerce is available in %s. Would you like to use this translation?', 'woocommerce'), $locale);
				<p class="submit">
					<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(wp_nonce_url(admin_url('index.php?page=wc-setup&action=translation_upgrade'), 'setup_language'));
" class="button-primary"><?php 
            _e('Install Translation', 'woocommerce');
        _e('Welcome to the world of WooCommerce!', 'woocommerce');
        _e('Thank you for choosing WooCommerce to power your online store! This quick setup wizard will help you configure the basic settings. <strong>It’s completely optional and shouldn’t take longer than five minutes.</strong>', 'woocommerce');
        _e('No time right now? If you don’t want to go through the wizard, you can skip and return to the WordPress dashboard. Come back anytime if you change your mind!', 'woocommerce');
		<p class="wc-setup-actions step">
			<a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url($this->get_next_step_link());
" class="button-primary button button-large"><?php 
        _e('Let\'s Go!', 'woocommerce');
			<a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(admin_url('plugins.php'));
" class="button button-large"><?php 
        _e('Not right now', 'woocommerce');