public static function register($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RW); } $clean = array(); $clean_update = array(); $sql = "SELECT MAX(`id`) as id FROM `" . DB_TUNA . "`.`users` "; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql); while ($row = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->fetchAssoc()) { $next_id = $row['id']; } $params['id'] = (string) ($next_id + 1); /* validate values using the "forswitch" technique */ foreach ($params as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': case 'email': if (!is_string($value) || strlen($value) == 0) { throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect ' . $key . ' Value'); } $clean[$key] = '`' . $key . '` = "' . $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->escapeString($value) . '"'; break; case 'password': if (!is_string($value) || strlen($value) == 0) { throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect ' . $key . ' Value'); } $clean[$key] = '`' . $key . '` = "' . crypt($value, 'armium') . '"'; break; default: throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect Param ' . $key); break; } } if (count($clean) <= 0) { throw new Error(400, 'No data to save'); } $sql_set = implode(',', $clean); $sql_update = implode(',', $clean_update); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`users` SET ' . $sql_set . ", `creation` = NOW()"; try { // return true; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql); $permissions[] = 'grant'; $permissions[] = 'is_med'; $permissions[] = $params['id']; $profile['id'] = $params['id']; $profile['name'] = 'Cambiame por tu nombre'; User::update_permissions($permissions); User::update_profile($profile); } catch (Error $e) { throw new Error(409, 'El Ususario ya existe!'); } }
public function remove_date($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`user_calendar` WHERE id = "' . $params['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'; if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql)) { return true; } return false; }
public function add_qty($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $result = array(); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`user_' . $params['list'] . '_inv` SET `' . $params['list'] . '_qty` = (`' . $params['list'] . '_qty` + 10) WHERE `id` = ' . $params['id'] . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql)) { return true; } return false; }
public function get_list($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $condition = ''; if (isset($params['id']) && $params['id'] != '') { $condition = ' AND paciente_id = ' . $params['id']; } $result = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`consults` WHERE `consult_status` <> "deleted" ' . $condition; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql); if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->numRows() > 0) { $result['data'] = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->fetchAll(); } return $result; }
public function get_sub_account($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $result = array('data' => array(), 'totals' => 0); $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`user_sub_accounts` WHERE `user_id` = ' . $params['user_id']; //$sql .= $condition; //$sql .= ' ORDER BY `name` LIMIT '.$offset.','.$limit; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql); if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->numRows() > 0) { while ($row = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->fetchAssoc()) { if ($row != null) { $result['data'][] = $row; } } $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as `total`'); $row = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->fetchAssoc(); $result['total'] = $row['total']; } return $result; }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($GLOBALS[DB_TUNA]) || !$GLOBALS[DB_TUNA] || $GLOBALS[DB_TUNA] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[DB_TUNA] = WBB_Database::load(DB_TUNA); } }
public static function update($parameters) { $message = ""; // $parameters['user'] = json_decode($parameters['user']); // foreach ($parameters['user']->permissions as $key => $value) { // $permissions[] = $value->description; // } // if(!in_array('is_shop_admin',$permissions ) && (int)($parameters['id'])) // { // throw new Error( 400, 'You dont have the required permissions to add the Product Id'); // } // if(!in_array('is_woa',$permissions ) && !(int)($parameters['id'])) // { // throw new Error( 400, 'You dont have the required permissions to add the Gamespace'); // } unset($parameters['user']); if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RW); } $clean = array(); $clean_update = array(); /* validate values using the "forswitch" technique */ foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': case 'name': if (!is_string($value) || strlen($value) == 0) { throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect Name Value'); } $clean[$key] = '`' . $key . '` = "' . $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->escapeString($value) . '"'; break; case 'status': if (!is_bool($value)) { throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect Status Value'); } $clean[$key] = '`' . $key . '` = "' . (bool) $value . '"'; break; default: throw new Error(400, 'Incorrect Param ' . $key); break; } /* Prepare "on duplicate key update" */ $clean_update[$key] = '`' . $key . '` = VALUES(`' . $key . '`)'; } if (count($clean) <= 0) { throw new Error(400, 'No data to save'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `%s`.`products` WHERE {$clean['name']} OR {$clean['id']}"; $sql = sprintf($sql, DB_TUNA); $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql); /* name-id validation to avoid collisions on these */ if ($var = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->fetchALL()) { if (count($var) == 2) { throw new Error(409, 'One of your values (maybe both) is in use; try changing one of them.'); } if (strtolower($var[0]["name"]) == strtolower($parameters["name"])) { if ($var[0]["status"] == "available") { throw new Error(409, 'Product name already exist.'); } else { if ($var[0]["id"] == $parameters["id"]) { $message .= "{$parameters['name']} rehabilitated; current status: {$var[0]['status']}."; $found = true; } else { $message .= "id changed from {$var[0]['id']} to {$parameters['id']}; current status: {$var[0]['status']}."; } } } else { $message .= "name changed from {$var[0]['name']} to {$parameters['name']}; current status: {$var[0]['status']}."; } } $sql_set = implode(',', $clean); $sql_update = implode(',', $clean_update); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`products` SET ' . $sql_set . ", `creation` = NOW()"; $sql .= ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $sql_update . ", `status` = 'available'"; if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql)) { if ($message) { $desc = array("Event" => "Product update", "Message" => $message); TunaLog::info_log(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $desc); } $desc = array('id' => $parameters['id'], 'name' => $parameters['name']); } }
public function get_subaccounts($params) { $condition = ' * '; if (isset($params['qty']) && $params['qty']) { $condition = ' COUNT(id) as accounts '; } if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RW); } $result = array(); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $condition . ' FROM `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`user_sub_accounts` WHERE user_id = ' . $params['id']; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql); $result = $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->fetchAssoc(); return $result['accounts']; }
public static function check_notifications($parameters) { try { $client_id = $parameters['client_id']; if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`client_ids_monitoring` WHERE `client_id`="' . $client_id . '" LIMIT 1'; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql); if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->numRows() > 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`client_ids_monitoring` SET `status`="deleted" WHERE `client_id`="' . $client_id . '" LIMIT 1'; $GLOBALS[TUNA_RW]->query($sql); return true; } } catch (Event $e) { throw new Error(400, 'Error generating notification!'); } }
public function delete_registry($params) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]) || !$GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] || $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] instanceof Error) { $GLOBALS[TUNA_RO] = WBB_Database::load(TUNA_RO); } $result = array(); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . DB_TUNA . '`.`user_registry` SET `registry_status` = "deleted" WHERE `id` = ' . $params['id'] . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($GLOBALS[TUNA_RO]->query($sql)) { return true; } return false; }