public function getTagListRows($rawTag, $offset, $rows = NUM_ROWS, $filter = null) { global $wgUser; $db = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType); $orderBy = 'ct_rank'; $filter = intVal($filter); // Don't pass in a filter, will filter below $vars['articles'] = $db->getArticlesByTagName($rawTag, 0, self::MAX_NUM_ROWS, WAPArticleTagDB::ARTICLE_UNASSIGNED, '', $orderBy); if (!empty($filter)) { foreach ($vars['articles'] as $i => $a) { // bitwise filter by category if (!($a->getCatInfo() & $filter)) { unset($vars['articles'][$i]); } } } $vars['u'] = BabelfishUser::newFromUserObject($wgUser, $this->dbType); $vars['numrows'] = $rows; $vars['tag'] = $rawTag; $config = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig(); $linkerClass = $config->getLinkerClassName(); $vars['linker'] = new $linkerClass($this->dbType); $tmpl = new WAPTemplate($this->dbType); $html = $tmpl->getHtml('tag_list_pager_rows.tmpl.php', $vars); return $html; }
public function __construct(WAPConfig $config) { global $wgUser; $this->config = $config; $this->dbType = $config->getDBType(); $userClass = $config->getUserClassName(); $this->cu = $userClass::newFromUserObject($wgUser, $this->dbType); $this->wapDB = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType); }
public function getTagListRows($rawTag, $offset, $rows = NUM_ROWS, $filter = null) { $db = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType); $vars['articles'] = $db->getArticlesByTagName($rawTag, $offset, $rows, WAPArticleTagDB::ARTICLE_UNASSIGNED, $filter); $vars['numrows'] = $rows; $vars['tag'] = $rawTag; $config = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig(); $linkerClass = $config->getLinkerClassName(); $vars['linker'] = new $linkerClass($this->dbType); $tmpl = new WAPTemplate($this->dbType); return $tmpl->getHtml('tag_list_pager_rows.tmpl.php', $vars); }
public function getLanguageTag() { $languages = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getSupportedLanguages(); $tag = null; foreach ($languages as $langTag) { if ($this->hasTag($langTag)) { $tag = $langTag; break; } } if (is_null($tag)) { throw new Exception(self::EX_NO_LANG_TAG); } return $tag; }
protected function completedReport($startDate, $endDate) { $wapDB = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType); $langs = $this->wapConfig->getSupportedLanguages(); $linker = new WAPLinker($this->dbType); $defaultUserText = $this->wapConfig->getDefaultUserName(); foreach ($langs as $lang) { $urls = array(); $articles = $wapDB->getTranslatedArticlesFromDate($lang, $startDate, $endDate); foreach ($articles as $a) { $userText = $a->getUserText(); $userText = empty($userText) ? $defaultUserText : $userText; $urls[] = $linker->makeWikiHowUrl($a->getPageTitle()) . "\t{$userText}"; } $wapDB->completeTranslatedArticles($articles, $lang); if (!empty($urls)) { $subject = $this->getSubject("Completed Articles", $lang); $body = "The following articles were completed via the translation links tool yesterday.\n\n" . implode("\n", $urls) . "\n\n"; $emails = $this->wapConfig->getMaintenanceCompletedEmailList(); mail($emails, $subject, $body); } } }
public function __construct($dbType) { $this->dbType = $dbType; $this->config = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig(); }
public function addUser(&$url, $powerUser = false) { if (0 !== stripos($url, '')) { throw new Exception('User urls should start with'); } $uname = WAPUtil::getUserNameFromUserUrl($url); $success = false; $u = User::newFromName($uname); if ($u) { $uid = $u->getId(); if (!empty($uid)) { $groupName = $this->getWAPConfig()->getWikiHowGroupName(); $u->addGroup($groupName); if ($powerUser) { $powerUserGroup = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getWikiHowPowerUserGroupName(); $u->addGroup($powerUserGroup); } $success = true; } } return $success; }
public function getLanguageTag() { $languages = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getSupportedLanguages(); return $languages[0]; }
function hasPermissions($action = array('')) { $hasPermissions = false; $adminGroup = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getWikiHowAdminGroupName(); $userGroup = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getWikiHowGroupName(); if ($this->inGroup($userGroup)) { switch ($action[0]) { case 'tag': if ($this->hasTag(WAPTagDB::sanitizeRawTag($action[1]))) { $hasPermissions = true; } break; case 'user': if ($action[1] == $this->getId()) { $hasPermissions = true; } break; case 'reserve_article': case 'complete_article': case 'article_details': case 'release_article': case 'assigned_list_more_rows': case 'tag_list_more_rows': $hasPermissions = true; } } if ($this->isPowerUser()) { switch ($action[0]) { case 'rpt_assigned_articles': case 'rpt_completed_articles': $hasPermissions = true; } } if ($this->inGroup($adminGroup)) { // Admins can only access the system from dev or a domain // for perf reasons $hasPermissions = stripos(@$_SERVER['HOSTNAME'], '') !== false || stripos(@$_SERVER['HOSTNAME'], '') !== false; $hasPermissions = true; } return $hasPermissions; }
public function tagArticles($tagName) { global $IP; $dbr = self::getDBR(); $articles = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getArticlesByTagName($tagName, 0, self::MAX_RPT_SIZE, WAPArticleTagDB::ARTICLE_ALL, ''); $data = ""; if (!empty($articles)) { $aids = array(); foreach ($articles as $article) { $aids[] = $article->getArticleId(); } $aids = "(" . implode(",", $aids) . ")"; require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikihow/DatabaseHelper.class.php"; $articleTable = $this->config->getArticleTableName(); $rows = DatabaseHelper::batchSelect($articleTable, array('*'), array("ct_page_id IN {$aids}"), __METHOD__, array(), DatabaseHelper::DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, $dbr); $data = WAPUtil::generateTSVOutput($rows); } $rpt = self::getReportArray($data); return $rpt; }
<?php /* * This script imports urls into the babelfish system given a filename on the commandline */ require_once ''; $wapDB = WAPDB::getInstance(WAPDB::DB_BABELFISH); $file = $argv[0]; $simulate = false; $wapDB->importArticles($file, $simulate);
public function getViewableTags(WAPUser &$user) { if ($user->inGroup(WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType)->getWAPConfig()->getWikiHowAdminGroupName())) { return $this->getTags(); } else { $tags = array(); foreach ($this->getTags() as $aTag) { foreach ($user->getTags() as $uTag) { if ($aTag['raw_tag'] == $uTag['raw_tag']) { $tags[] = $aTag; } } } return $tags; } }
protected function handleUnassignedIdRemoval(&$idsToRemove, $lang, $subject) { $wapDB = WAPDB::getInstance($this->dbType); // Delete the unassigned ids from Concierge for each lang if (!empty($idsToRemove)) { echo "{$subject} - {$lang} for removal - " . implode(",", $idsToRemove) . "\n"; // Delete articles that haven't been assigned/completed $wapDB->removeArticles($idsToRemove, $lang); } }