public function index() { $this->interlang = WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage(); $this->response->addAsset('extensions/wikia/CorporateFooter/styles/CorporateFooter.scss'); $helper = new WikiaHomePageHelper(); $wikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown = $helper->getWikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown(); $this->selectedLang = $this->wg->ContLang->getCode(); $this->dropDownItems = $this->prepareDropdownItems($wikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown, $this->selectedLang); if ($this->app->wg->EnableWAMPageExt) { $wamModel = new WAMPageModel(); $this->wamPageUrl = $wamModel->getWAMMainPageUrl(); } }
/** * Change canonical url if we are displaying WAM subpages * * @param string $url * * @return bool */ public static function onWikiaCanonicalHref(&$url) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); self::init(); $title = self::$app->wg->Title; if ($title instanceof Title && self::$model->isWAMPage($title) && !self::$model->isWAMFAQPage($title)) { $url = self::$model->getWAMMainPageUrl(); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
/** * Get interstitial data. If format is json, returns data only. Has template. * @requestParam integer wikiId * @responseParam array wikiAdminAvatars * @responseParam array wikiTopEditorAvatars * @responseParam array wikiStats * @responseParam array wikiInfo */ public function getInterstitial() { $this->response->setCacheValidity(WikiaResponse::CACHE_SHORT); $wikiId = $this->request->getVal('wikiId', 0); $domain = $this->request->getVal('domain', null); if ($wikiId == 0 && $domain != null) { // This is not guaranteed valid for all domains, but the custom domains in use have aliases set up $domain = "{$domain}"; $wikiId = WikiFactory::DomainToId($domain); if ($wikiId == 0) { throw new InvalidParameterApiException("domain"); } } if ($wikiId == 0) { throw new MissingParameterApiException("wikiId or domain"); } $this->wikiAdminAvatars = $this->helper->getWikiAdminAvatars($wikiId); $this->wikiTopEditorAvatars = $this->helper->getWikiTopEditorAvatars($wikiId); $tempArray = array(); foreach ($this->helper->getWikiStats($wikiId) as $key => $value) { $tempArray[$key] = $this->wg->Lang->formatNum($value); } $this->wikiStats = $tempArray; $this->wikiInfo = $this->helper->getWikiInfoForVisualization($wikiId, $this->wg->contLang->getCode()); $images = array(); foreach ($this->wikiInfo['images'] as $image) { $images[] = $this->helper->getImageDataForSlider($wikiId, $image); } if (!empty($images[0])) { $this->wikiMainImageUrl = $images[0]['image_url']; } else { $this->wikiMainImageUrl = $this->wg->blankImgUrl; } if (!empty($this->app->wg->EnableWAMPageExt)) { $wamModel = new WAMPageModel(); $this->wamUrl = $wamModel->getWAMMainPageUrl(); $this->wikiWamScore = $this->helper->getWamScore($wikiId); } $this->imagesSlider = $this->sendRequest('WikiaMediaCarouselController', 'renderSlider', array('data' => $images)); $wordmarkUrl = ''; try { $title = GlobalTitle::newFromText('Wiki-wordmark.png', NS_FILE, $wikiId); if ($title !== null) { $file = new GlobalFile($title); if ($file !== null) { $wordmarkUrl = $file->getUrl(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } $this->wordmark = $wordmarkUrl; }