Exemple #1
 public function getRates($otherCurrencyCode, $dateParam, $cron = false)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $moduleModel = Settings_CurrencyUpdate_Module_Model::getCleanInstance();
     $selectedBank = $moduleModel->getActiveBankId();
     $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
     // check if data is correct, currency rates can be retrieved only for working days
     $lastWorkingDay = Vtiger_Functions::getLastWorkingDay($yesterday);
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $mainCurrency = Vtiger_Functions::getDefaultCurrencyInfo()['currency_code'];
     $dateCur = $dateParam;
     $chosenYear = date('Y', strtotime($dateCur));
     $date = str_replace('-', '', $dateCur);
     $date = substr($date, 2);
     if (date('Y') == $chosenYear) {
         $txtSrc = 'http://www.nbp.pl/kursy/xml/dir.txt';
     } else {
         $txtSrc = 'http://www.nbp.pl/kursy/xml/dir' . $chosenYear . '.txt';
     $xmlSrc = 'http://nbp.pl/kursy/xml/';
     $newXmlSrc = '';
     $file = file($txtSrc);
     $fileNum = count($file);
     $numberOfDays = 1;
     $stateA = false;
     while (!$stateA && $file) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $fileNum; $i++) {
             $lineStart = strstr($file[$i], $date, true);
             if ($lineStart && $lineStart[0] == 'a') {
                 $stateA = true;
                 $newXmlSrc = $xmlSrc . $lineStart . $date . '.xml';
         if ($stateA == false) {
             $newDate = strtotime("-{$numberOfDays} day", strtotime($dateCur));
             $newDate = date('Y-m-d', $newDate);
             $date = str_replace('-', '', $newDate);
             $date = substr($date, 2);
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($newXmlSrc);
     $xmlObj = $xml->children();
     $num = count($xmlObj->pozycja);
     $datePublicationOfFile = $xmlObj->data_publikacji->__toString();
     $exchangeRate = 1.0;
     // if currency is diffrent than PLN we need to calculate rate for converting other currencies to this one from PLN
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         for ($i = 0; $i <= $num; $i++) {
             if ($xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->kod_waluty == $mainCurrency) {
                 $exchangeRate = str_replace(',', '.', $xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->kurs_sredni);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $num; $i++) {
         if (!$xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->nazwa_waluty) {
         $currency = $xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->kod_waluty->__toString();
         foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $key => $currId) {
             if ($key == $currency && $currency != $mainCurrency) {
                 $exchange = str_replace(',', '.', $xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->kurs_sredni);
                 $exchange = $exchange / $xmlObj->pozycja[$i]->przelicznik;
                 $exchangeVtiger = $exchangeRate / $exchange;
                 $exchange = $exchange / $exchangeRate;
                 if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                     $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($currency, $exchangeVtiger);
                 $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
                 if ($existingId > 0) {
                     $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
                 } else {
                     $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);
     // currency diffrent than PLN, we need to add manually PLN rates
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         $exchange = 1.0 / $exchangeRate;
         $mainCurrencyId = false;
         foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $code => $id) {
             if ($code == $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
                 $mainCurrencyId = $id;
         if ($mainCurrencyId) {
             if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                 $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($this->getMainCurrencyCode(), $exchangeRate);
             $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
             if ($existingId > 0) {
                 $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
             } else {
                 $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);
Exemple #2
 public function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $log = vglobal('log');
     $log->debug('Start ' . __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__);
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $qualifiedModule = $request->getModule(false);
     $moduleModel = Settings_CurrencyUpdate_Module_Model::getCleanInstance();
     $currentUser = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel();
     // synchronise bank list
     $downloadBtn = !$request->isEmpty('download') ? $request->get('download') : false;
     $date = !$request->isEmpty('duedate') ? Vtiger_Datetime_UIType::getDBInsertedValue($request->get('duedate')) : false;
     $dateCur = '';
     if ($date) {
         // if its future date change it to present one
         if (strtotime($date) > strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
             $date = date('Y-m-d');
         $dateCur = $date;
     } else {
         $dateCur = date('Y-m-d');
     // take currency rates for yesterday
     if (strcmp(date('Y-m-d'), $dateCur) == 0) {
         $dateCur = strtotime("-1 day", strtotime($dateCur));
         $dateCur = date('Y-m-d', $dateCur);
     $dateCur = Vtiger_Functions::getLastWorkingDay($dateCur);
     // get currency if not already archived
     if ($downloadBtn) {
     $selectBankId = $moduleModel->getActiveBankId();
     $history = $moduleModel->getRatesHistory($selectBankId, $dateCur, $request);
     $bankTab = array();
     $bankSQL = "SELECT * FROM yetiforce_currencyupdate_banks";
     $bankResult = $db->query($bankSQL, true);
     $i = 0;
     while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($bankResult)) {
         $bankTab[$i]['id'] = $row['id'];
         $bankName = $row['bank_name'];
         $bankTab[$i]['bank_name'] = $bankName;
         $bankTab[$i]['active'] = $row['active'];
     // number of currencies
     $curr_num = $moduleModel->getCurrencyNum();
     // get info about main currency
     $mainCurrencyInfo = Vtiger_Functions::getDefaultCurrencyInfo();
     $viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
     $viewer->assign('QUALIFIED_MODULE', $qualifiedModule);
     $viewer->assign('USER_MODEL', $currentUser);
     $viewer->assign('MODULE_MODEL', $moduleModel);
     $viewer->assign('MODULENAME', 'CurrencyUpdate');
     $viewer->assign('DATE', $request->has('duedate') ? Vtiger_Date_UIType::getDisplayValue($dateCur) : '');
     $viewer->assign('CURRNUM', $curr_num);
     $viewer->assign('BANK', $bankTab);
     $viewer->assign('HISTORIA', $history);
     $viewer->assign('MAINCURR', $mainCurrencyInfo);
     $viewer->assign('SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES', $moduleModel->getSupportedCurrencies());
     $viewer->assign('UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCIES', $moduleModel->getUnSupportedCurrencies());
     $viewer->view('Index.tpl', $qualifiedModule);
     $log->debug('End ' . __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__);
Exemple #3
    public function getCRMConversionRate($from, $to, $date = '')
        $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
        $mainCurrencyCode = Vtiger_Functions::getDefaultCurrencyInfo()['currency_code'];
        $activeBankId = self::getActiveBankId();
        $exchange = false;
        if (is_numeric($from)) {
            $from = Vtiger_Functions::getAllCurrency(true)[$from]['currency_code'];
        if (is_numeric($to)) {
            $to = Vtiger_Functions::getAllCurrency(true)[$to]['currency_code'];
        // get present conversion rate from crm
        if (empty($date)) {
            $query = 'SELECT `conversion_rate` FROM `vtiger_currency_info` WHERE `currency_code` = ? LIMIT 1;';
            $result = $db->pquery($query, [$to]);
            $exchange = floatval($db->getSingleValue($result));
            if ($from != $mainCurrencyCode) {
                $convertToMainCurrency = 1 / $exchange;
                $query = 'SELECT `conversion_rate` FROM `vtiger_currency_info` WHERE `currency_code` = ? LIMIT 1;';
                $result = $db->pquery($query, [$from]);
                $fromExchange = floatval($db->getSingleValue($result));
                $exchange = 1 / ($fromExchange * $convertToMainCurrency);
        } else {
            $query = 'SELECT 
						COUNT(1) as num  
						`yetiforce_currencyupdate` yfc 
						INNER JOIN `vtiger_currency_info` cur 
							ON yfc.`currency_id` = cur.`id` AND cur.`deleted` = 0 
						yfc.`exchange_date` = ? AND 
						yfc.`bank_id` = ? AND 
						cur.`currency_code` = ? 
					LIMIT 1;';
            $result = $db->pquery($query, [$date, $activeBankId, $to]);
            $num = floatval($db->getSingleValue($result));
            // no exchange rate in archive, fetch new rates
            if ($num == 0) {
            $query = 'SELECT 
						`yetiforce_currencyupdate` yfc 
						INNER JOIN `vtiger_currency_info` cur 
							ON yfc.`currency_id` = cur.`id` AND cur.`deleted` = 0 
						yfc.`exchange_date` = ? AND 
						yfc.`bank_id` = ? AND 
						cur.`currency_code` = ? 
					LIMIT 1;';
            $result = $db->pquery($query, [$date, $activeBankId, $to]);
            $exchange = floatval($db->getSingleValue($result));
            if ($exchange > 0) {
                $exchange = 1 / $exchange;
            if ($from != $mainCurrencyCode) {
                $convertToMainCurrency = $exchange == 0 ? 1 : 1 / $exchange;
                $query = 'SELECT 
							`yetiforce_currencyupdate` yfc 
							INNER JOIN `vtiger_currency_info` cur 
								ON yfc.`currency_id` = cur.`id` AND cur.`deleted` = 0 
							yfc.`exchange_date` = ? AND 
							yfc.`bank_id` = ? AND 
							cur.`currency_code` = ? 
						LIMIT 1;';
                $result = $db->pquery($query, [$date, $activeBankId, $from]);
                $fromExchange = floatval($db->getSingleValue($result));
                if ($from != $mainCurrencyCode && $to != $mainCurrencyCode) {
                    $exchange = $fromExchange / $convertToMainCurrency;
                } else {
                    $exchange = $fromExchange * $convertToMainCurrency;
        return $exchange = round($exchange, 5);
Exemple #4
 public function getRates($otherCurrencyCode, $dateParam, $cron = false)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $moduleModel = Settings_CurrencyUpdate_Module_Model::getCleanInstance();
     $selectedBank = $moduleModel->getActiveBankId();
     $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
     // check if data is correct, currency rates can be retrieved only for working days
     $lastWorkingDay = Vtiger_Functions::getLastWorkingDay($yesterday);
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $mainCurrency = Vtiger_Functions::getDefaultCurrencyInfo()['currency_code'];
     // source, ECB has 2 sources for older rates
     // 0 - last 90 days
     // 1 - historical data from year 1999
     // we speed script choosing the smaller file for our needs
     $source = $this->getSource();
     //explode( '*|*', $this->getBankSource() );
     // how old is the currency rate
     $now = time();
     // or your date as well
     $rateDay = strtotime($dateParam);
     $datediff = $now - $rateDay;
     if (floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24)) >= 90) {
         $sourceURL = $source[1];
     } else {
         $sourceURL = $source[0];
     $XML = simplexml_load_file($sourceURL);
     // European Central Bank xml only contains business days! oh well....
     if ($XML === false) {
         return false;
     $xml_obj = $XML->children();
     $num = count($xml_obj->pozycja);
     $datePublicationOfFile = $dateParam;
     $exchangeRate = 1.0;
     // if currency is diffrent than EUR we need to calculate rate for converting other currencies to this one from EUR
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         $foundRate = false;
         foreach ($XML->Cube->Cube as $time) {
             if ($time["time"] == $dateParam) {
                 foreach ($time->Cube as $rate) {
                     if ($rate['currency'] == $mainCurrency) {
                         $exchangeRate = $rate['rate'];
                         $foundRate = true;
                     if ($foundRate) {
             if ($foundRate) {
     $foundRate = false;
     foreach ($XML->Cube->Cube as $time) {
         if ($time["time"] == $dateParam) {
             $num = count($time->Cube);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
                 $currency = $time->Cube[$i]['currency']->__toString();
                 // currency code
                 foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $key => $currId) {
                     if ($key == $currency && $currency != $mainCurrency) {
                         $exchange = $time->Cube[$i]['rate'];
                         $exchangeVtiger = (double) $exchange / (double) $exchangeRate;
                         $exchange = (double) $exchangeRate / (double) $exchange;
                         if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                             $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($currency, $exchangeVtiger);
                         $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
                         if ($existingId > 0) {
                             $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
                         } else {
                             $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);
             $foundRate = true;
         if ($foundRate) {
     // currency diffrent than EUR, we need to add manually EUR rates
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         $yfRate = 1.0 / (double) $exchangeRate;
         $exchange = (double) $exchangeRate;
         $mainCurrencyId = false;
         foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $code => $id) {
             if ($code == $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
                 $mainCurrencyId = $id;
         if ($mainCurrencyId) {
             if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                 $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($this->getMainCurrencyCode(), $yfRate);
             $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
             if ($existingId > 0) {
                 $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
             } else {
                 $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);
Exemple #5
 public function getRates($otherCurrencyCode, $dateParam, $cron = false)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $moduleModel = Settings_CurrencyUpdate_Module_Model::getCleanInstance();
     $selectedBank = $moduleModel->getActiveBankId();
     $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
     // check if data is correct, currency rates can be retrieved only for working days
     $lastWorkingDay = Vtiger_Functions::getLastWorkingDay($yesterday);
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $mainCurrency = Vtiger_Functions::getDefaultCurrencyInfo()['currency_code'];
     $dateCur = $dateParam;
     $source = $this->getSource();
     $client = new \SoapClient($source[0]);
     $curs = $client->GetCursOnDate(array('On_date' => $dateCur));
     $ratesXml = new \SimpleXMLElement($curs->GetCursOnDateResult->any);
     $datePublicationOfFile = $dateCur;
     $exchangeRate = 1.0;
     // if currency is diffrent than RUB we need to calculate rate for converting other currencies to this one from RUB
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         foreach ($ratesXml->ValuteData[0] as $currencyRate) {
             if ($currencyRate->VchCode == $mainCurrency) {
                 echo $currencyRate->VchCode . ' == ' . $mainCurrency . ' = ' . $currencyRate->Vcurs;
                 $exchangeRate = $currencyRate->Vcurs;
     foreach ($ratesXml->ValuteData[0] as $currencyRate) {
         $currency = (string) $currencyRate->VchCode;
         foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $key => $currId) {
             if ($key == $currency && $currency != $mainCurrency) {
                 $curs = (string) $currencyRate->Vcurs;
                 $nom = (string) $currencyRate->Vnom;
                 $exchange = $curs / $nom;
                 $exchangeVtiger = $exchangeRate / $exchange;
                 $exchange = $exchange / $exchangeRate;
                 if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                     $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($currency, $exchangeVtiger);
                 $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
                 if ($existingId > 0) {
                     $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
                 } else {
                     $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($currId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);
     // currency diffrent than RUB, we need to add manually RUB rates
     if ($mainCurrency != $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
         $exchange = 1.0 / $exchangeRate;
         $mainCurrencyId = false;
         foreach ($otherCurrencyCode as $code => $id) {
             if ($code == $this->getMainCurrencyCode()) {
                 $mainCurrencyId = $id;
         if ($mainCurrencyId) {
             if ($cron == true || (strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($today) || strtotime($dateParam) == strtotime($lastWorkingDay))) {
                 $moduleModel->setCRMConversionRate($this->getMainCurrencyCode(), $exchangeRate);
             $existingId = $moduleModel->getCurrencyRateId($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $selectedBank);
             if ($existingId > 0) {
                 $moduleModel->updateCurrencyRate($existingId, $exchange);
             } else {
                 $moduleModel->addCurrencyRate($mainCurrencyId, $datePublicationOfFile, $exchange, $selectedBank);