function addIntroductionInlineHelp(&$form)
     $helpString = $this->getHelpAdTypeDescription();
     $crossdomainUrl = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl('crossdomain.xml');
     // because flash apps look at http://domain/crossdomain.xml, we need to construct this URL and keep only the hostname
     $crossdomainUrl = parse_url($crossdomainUrl);
     $crossdomainUrl = $crossdomainUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $crossdomainUrl['host'] . '/crossdomain.xml';
     $helpString .= "<br/><br/>To setup your " . $this->getBannerShortName() . ", you will need to:\n        <ul style='list-style-type:decimal;padding-left:20px;padding-top:5px'>\n        <li>Enter the information about your Ad in the form below.</li>\n        <li>Link this " . $this->getBannerShortName() . " to the desired zone. The zone must be of the type \"" . $this->getZoneToLinkShortName() . "\". <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getHelpLinkOpenXPlugin() . "' target='_blank'>Learn more</a></li>\n        <li>Include the zone in the Ad Schedule of the video player plugin configuration in your webpage. <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getHelpLinkVideoPlayerConfig() . "' target='_blank'>Learn more</a></li>\n        <li>Make sure that the flash player is allowed to request ads on this adserver. The <a href='{$crossdomainUrl}' target='_blank'>crossdomain.xml on your adserver</a> should look similar to the <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getLinkCrossdomainExample() . "' target='_blank'>recommended crossdomain.xml</a></li>\n    \t</ul>";
     $form->addElement('html', 'video_status_info1', '<span style="font-size:100%;">' . $helpString . '</span>');

require_once '../../../../init.php';
require_once '../../config.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/OA/Admin/TemplatePlugin.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/plugins/bannerTypeHtml/vastInlineBannerTypeHtml/commonAdmin.php';
phpAds_PageHeader("zone-invocation", '', '../../');
VideoAdsHelper::displayWarningMessage("\n<b>Note:\tZone invocation codes are not used for Video Ads.</b> <br/>\n\t\tInstead, you must include the zone in the Ad Schedule of the video player plugin configuration in your webpage. <br/>\n\t\tPlease refer to the <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getHelpLinkVideoPlayerConfig() . "' target='_blank'>Video Ads Plugin User Guide</a> for instructions.\n\t\t");