Exemple #1
// Session, configuration file, localization constructor
require '../includes/php/bootstrap.php';
$SESSION = new \Zend_Session_Namespace('internal', true);
if (!isset($SESSION->lang)) {
// Model
$profile = new Profile($dbo);
$summary = new CaseSummary($dbo);
$emp_profile = new \Ventus\Profile\MyProfile($dbo);
if (isset($_GET['student_num']) && ctype_digit($_GET['student_num'])) {
    $studentProfile = $profile->getProfile($_GET['student_num']);
// Load the content
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $render = true;
    $thisPage = 'summary';
    if (!empty($studentProfile)) {
        $emp_signature = nl2br($emp_profile->getEmpSignature($SESSION->user_name));
        $triage_list = $summary->listTriage($_GET['student_num']);
        $casedata = $summary->listCaseSummaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/case-summary.json');
        $viewFile = 'views/case-summary.php';
Exemple #2
  * Checks whether a user has privileges to access a given module
  * @param string $username The username
  * @param string $module The module name
  * @return boolean
 private static function checkUserPrivileges($username, $module)
     global $dbo;
     $pro = new \Ventus\Profile\MyProfile($dbo);
     // Function to filter modules based on path returned from database
     $filterByModule = function ($mod) use($module) {
         return $mod['path'] === $module;
     // Function to filter modules based on global availability and path returned from database
     $filterByGlobal = function ($mod) use($module) {
         return $mod['globally_available'] === '1' && $mod['path'] === $module;
      * The user has priviliges if
      * (1) the module is "profile"
      * (2) the user modules contains the module, or
      * (3) the module is globally available
     return $module === 'profile' || sizeof(array_filter($pro->getEmpModules($username), $filterByModule)) || sizeof(array_filter($pro->getAllModules(), $filterByGlobal));