public function actionaddVehicles()
     $model = new Vehicles();
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         if (isset($_POST['Vehicles'])) {
         $this->render('addVehicles', array('model' => $model));
     } else {
Exemple #2
 private static function Add($name, $price, $color, Position $position)
     $modelid = Vehicles::FindModelidByName($name);
     if ($modelid != -1) {
         $v = new Vehicle(-1, VEHICLE_SHOP, -1, $modelid, $color, $position);
         VehicleShop::$prices[$v->ID()] = $price;
Exemple #3
 public static function Init()
     echo ">>>> Setting SAMP globals, PHP settings and timers ...\n";
     SetGameModeText('ItalyMafia RPG v3.0');
     AddTimer(array('Core', 'SaveData'), 10000, 1);
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
     echo ">>>> Starting logs ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting the keybinds manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting the menus manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting the skins manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting the animations manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting locations ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting DB engine ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting houses ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting factions ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting players manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting vehicles manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting accounts manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting messages manager ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Creating the clock ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting gyms ...\n";
     echo ">>>> Starting admins ...\n";
Exemple #4
 public function Update()
     if ($this->location == null) {
     /* Update player position, speed and area sector */
     GetPlayerPos($this->id, &$this->position->x, &$this->position->y, &$this->position->z);
     GetPlayerFacingAngle($this->id, &$this->position->angle);
     $this->speed = $this->last_updated_position->DistanceTo($this->position);
     $sector = $this->location->Locate($this->position);
     if ($this->sector->id != $sector->id) {
     $this->sector = $sector;
     $this->last_updated_position = clone $this->position;
     /* Save player state */
     $this->state = GetPlayerState($this->id);
     if ($this->firstSpawn) {
     /* Update ping */
     $this->ping = GetPlayerPing($this->id);
     /* Check the player vehicle */
     if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle($this->id)) {
         if ($this->vehicle === null) {
             /* Show incar textdraw */
             $this->incar_draw = Players::GetIncarDraw($this->id);
             TextDrawShowForPlayer($this->id, $this->incar_draw);
             TextDrawSetString($this->incar_draw, '...');
         $this->vehicle = Vehicles::FindByID(GetPlayerVehicleID($this->id));
         if ($this->vehicle != null) {
             if ($this->state == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && $this->vehicle->Type() == VEHICLE_SHOP) {
     } else {
         if ($this->incar_draw !== null) {
             /* Hide incar textdraw */
             TextDrawHideForPlayer($this->id, $this->incar_draw);
             $this->incar_draw = null;
         if ($this->vehicle != null) {
             if ($this->vehicle->Type() == VEHICLE_SHOP) {
                 /* Player was freezed in a shop vehicle but left it, so allow him to move again */
         $this->vehicle = null;
     /* Update the incar textdraw */
     if ($this->incar_draw !== null && $this->updates & 1) {
         if ($this->speedometer == 'mph') {
             $speed = $this->speed * 4.464;
         } else {
             $speed = $this->speed * 7.2;
         $string = sprintf('~y~Speed~n~~w~%d %s~n~~y~Fuel~n~~w~%.1f LT', (int) $speed, $this->speedometer, $this->vehicle->Fuel());
         TextDrawSetString($this->incar_draw, $string);
      ** Update the nametag drawing
     $sectors = $this->sector->FindSectors($this->position, 12.5);
     $watchplayers = array();
     foreach ($sectors as $sector) {
         foreach ($sector->GetPlayers() as $player) {
             if ($player->id >= $this->id) {
             if ($this->position->DistanceTo($player->position) < 12.5) {
                 $watchplayers[$player->id] = $player;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($watchplayers as $id => $player) {
         for (; $i < $id; $i++) {
             if ($this->seeingNametags[$i] == true) {
                 $p = Players::FindByID($i);
                 if ($p) {
                     $this->CanIdentify($p, false);
                     $p->CanIdentify($this, false);
                 $this->seeingNametags[$i] = false;
         if ($this->vehicle == $player->vehicle) {
             $equalv = true;
         } else {
             $equalv = false;
         if (!$player->vehicle || !$player->vehicle->HasWindows() || $this->vehicle && $equalv) {
             if ($this->seeingNametags[$id] == false) {
                 $this->CanIdentify($player, true);
         } else {
             if ($this->seeingNametags[$id] == true) {
                 $this->CanIdentify($player, false);
         if (!$this->vehicle || !$this->vehicle->HasWindows() || $player->vehicle && $equalv) {
             if ($player->seeingNametags[$this->id] == false) {
                 $player->CanIdentify($this, true);
         } else {
             if ($player->seeingNametags[$this->id] == true) {
                 $player->CanIdentify($this, false);
     while ($i < $this->id) {
         if ($this->seeingNametags[$i] == true) {
             $player = Players::FindByID($i);
             if ($player) {
                 $this->CanIdentify($player, false);
                 $player->CanIdentify($this, false);
      ** Update the hunger and injures health
     if ($this->checkhealth && !$this->dead) {
         $cur = time();
         if ($this->timedeath > 0) {
             if ($cur - $this->timedeath > 60) {
                 /* If the player was 60 seconds dieing, finish him */
             } else {
                 if ($cur - $this->timedeath > 5) {
                     /* After 5 seconds, other players are allowed to finish him */
                     GetPlayerHealth($this->id, &$health);
                     if ($health + 2 < $this->hunger * 100 / MAX_HUNGER_POINTS) {
                 } else {
                     $health = $this->hunger * 100 / MAX_HUNGER_POINTS;
                     if ($health <= 0) {
                     } else {
                         SetPlayerHealth($this->id, $health);
         } else {
             $health = $this->hunger * 100 / MAX_HUNGER_POINTS;
             if ($health == 0) {
             } else {
                 if (!$this->lagprotection) {
                     GetPlayerHealth($this->id, &$tmphealth);
                     if ($tmphealth == 0) {
                     } else {
                         if (!($this->hunger % 20)) {
                             /* Update health only every 10 seconds */
                             SetPlayerHealth($this->id, $health);
                         GetPlayerArmour($this->id, &$armor);
                         if ($tmphealth + 2 < $health) {
                             SetPlayerHealth($this->id, $health);
                             $armor -= $health - $tmphealth;
                             SetPlayerArmour($this->id, $armor);
                         if ($armor < 0) {
                             $armor = 0;
                         /* The lowest possible armor points is 0 */
                         $injures = 100 - $armor;
                         if ($injures < $this->injures) {
                             /* The player has less injures than he should have */
                             SetPlayerArmour($this->id, 100 - $this->injures);
                         } else {
                             if ($injures > $this->injures) {
                                 /* The player has more injures that the last registered ones */
                                 $this->injures = $injures;
                         if ($this->injures == 100) {
                             /* The player is dead, full injures */
                             if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle($this->id)) {
                             } else {
                                 $anim = Animations::GetDeathAnim();
                                 $this->timedeath = time();
                                 $this->Send(COLOR_YELLOW, '* You are dieing! You will be dead in one minute if you don\'t get a medic help.');
                                 $this->Send(COLOR_YELLOW, '* You can also accept your own death after 10 seconds using /die command.');
                                 SetPlayerArmour($this->id, 0);
     /* If the player has lag protection, decrease one unit */
     if ($this->lagprotection) {
     if ($this->lagprotection_guns) {
     /* Update the jail time */
     if ($this->jailtime != 0 && $this->updates & 1) {
         if ($this->jailtime < 1) {
             /* Unjail the player */
             $this->jailtime = 1;
         } else {
             /* Ensure that the player is still in jail */
             $bounds = PoliceDepartment::AdminCellBounds();
             if (!$this->position->IsInCube($bounds['min'], $bounds['max'])) {
             /* Send the time remaining message */
             GameTextForPlayer($this->id, "Jail time remaining: {$this->jailtime} seconds", 1000, 4);
      * Update animation
     if ($this->animation && $this->updates & 1 && $this->vehicle == null && ($this->animation->forced || $this->animation->continue)) {
         ApplyAnimation($this->id, $this->animation->lib, $this->animation->anim, 4.0, $this->animation->loop, $this->animation->movex, $this->animation->movey, $this->animation->continue, $this->animation->time);
Exemple #5
 public static function cmdCreateVehicle(Player $player, $numparams, $params)
     $vehicle = implode(' ', array_slice($params, 1));
     $model = -1;
     if (!ctype_digit($vehicle)) {
         $model = Vehicles::FindModelidByName($vehicle);
     } else {
         if (Vehicles::IsValidModelid($vehicle)) {
             $model = (int) $vehicle;
         } else {
             return COMMAND_OK;
     if ($model != -1) {
         $pos = clone $player->Position();
         new Vehicle(-1, VEHICLE_STATIC, -1, $model, array(1, 0), $pos, 100, 1.1);
     } else {
         $player->Send(COLOR_ERROR, '.:: Enter a valid vehicle model ID or name ::.');
     return COMMAND_OK;
  * @param \Skonsoft\VehicleManagerBundle\Entity\Vehicle $vehicle
  * @return \Skonsoft\VehicleManagerBundle\Entity\Model
 public function removeVehicle(Vehicle $vehicle)
     //        unset($vehicle);
     return $this;
Exemple #7
 public function OnVehicleRespray($vehicleid, $color1, $color2)
     if ($this->callbacks[cOnVehicleRespray] == null) {
         return 1;
     $vehicle == Vehicles::FindByID($vehicleid);
     if ($vehicle == null) {
         return 1;
     for ($cbk = $this->callbacks[cOnVehicleRespray]; $cbk != null; $cbk = $cbk->next) {
         if (call_user_func($cbk->GetFunc(), $vehicle, $color1, $color2) == 1) {
             return 1;
     return 0;
Exemple #8
 public function __construct($id, $type, $dbid, $model, $color, Position $parking, $health = 100, $fuel = 1, $age = 0, Account $owner = null)
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->color[0] = $color[0];
     $this->color[1] = $color[1];
     $this->dbid = $dbid;
     $this->health = $health;
     $this->fuel = $fuel;
     $this->age = $age;
     $this->model = $model;
     if ($this->type == VEHICLE_SHOP) {
         $this->respawn = 10;
     } else {
         $this->respawn = 7200;
     if ($id == -1) {
         /* We must create the vehicle in SAMP */
         if ($parking->x != 0 && $parking->y != 0 && $parking->z != 0 && $parking->angle != 0) {
             /* Make sure that it has a spawn position, if not the player must do /callcar */
             $this->id = CreateVehicle($this->model, $parking->x, $parking->y, $parking->z, $parking->angle, $this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->respawn);
         } else {
             $this->id = -1;
     } else {
         $this->id = $id;
     $this->attributes = Vehicles::GetAttributes($model);
     if ($this->age < 48 * 3600) {
         $this->class = 1;
         $this->fuelusage = $this->attributes->GetFuelUsage();
     } else {
         if ($this->age < (48 + 40) * 3600) {
             $this->class = 2;
             $this->fuelusage = $this->attributes->GetFuelSpace() / (DEFAULT_FUELTIME - 300);
             /* Penalty of 5 minutes of fuel */
         } else {
             if ($this->age < (48 + 40 + 35) * 3600) {
                 $this->class = 3;
                 $this->fuelusage = $this->attributes->GetFuelSpace() / (DEFAULT_FUELTIME - 600);
                 /* Penalty of 10 minutes of fuel */
             } else {
                 $this->class = 4;
                 $this->fuelusage = $this->attributes->GetfuelSpace() / (DEFAULT_FUELTIME - 900);
                 /* Penalty of 15 minutes of fuel */
     /* Add this vehicle to the vehicles list */

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Benjamin
 * Date: 10/01/2016
 * Time: 00:31
require_once '../../private/classes/Auth.class.php';
require_once '../../private/classes/Player.class.php';
require_once '../../private/classes/Vehicles.class.php';
// Security
if (Auth::isModo() == false && Auth::isAdmin() == false) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
    exit('Grant access required !');
// Routes
switch ($_GET['op']) {
    case 'update_civ_licenses':
        $p = new Player();
        $p->updateLicenses($_POST['status'], $_POST['pid'], $_POST['id']);
    case 'delete_vehicle':
        $v = new Vehicles();
  * Serves a list of suggestions matching the term $term, in form of
  * a json-encoded object.
  * @param string $term the string to match
 public function actionSuggest($term = '')
  * Deletes a vehicle
  * @param string $id
 public function deleteAction($id)
     $vehicle = Vehicles::findFirstByid($id);
     if (!$vehicle) {
         $this->flash->error("vehicle was not found");
         return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "vehicles", "action" => "index"));
     if (!$vehicle->delete()) {
         foreach ($vehicle->getMessages() as $message) {
         return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "vehicles", "action" => "search"));
     $this->flash->success("vehicle was deleted successfully");
     return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "vehicles", "action" => "index"));