$sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "articles_categories c ON c.category_id=a.category_id)";
     $sql .= " WHERE a.article_id IN (" . $db->tosql($articles_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ") ";
     $sql .= " AND c.category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")";
     $categories_ids = array();
     $allowed_categories = array();
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $article_id = $db->f("article_id");
         $ic_id = $db->f("category_id");
         $ic_name = get_translation($db->f("category_name"));
         $ic_name = get_currency_message($ic_name, $currency);
         $categories_ids[] = $ic_id;
         $articles_categories[$article_id][] = array($ic_id, $ic_name);
     if ($categories_ids) {
         $allowed_categories = VA_Articles_Categories::find_all_ids("c.category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")", VIEW_CATEGORIES_ITEMS_PERM);
 // use paging for showing articles list
 $db->RecordsPerPage = $records_per_page;
 $db->PageNumber = $page_number;
 $sql = " SELECT a.article_id, a.article_title, a.friendly_url, a.article_date, a.date_end, ";
 $sql .= " a.author_name, a.author_email, a.author_url, a.link_url, a.download_url, ";
 $sql .= " a.short_description, a.is_html, a.full_description, a.is_remote_rss, a.details_remote_url, ";
 $sql .= " a.image_small, a.image_small_alt, a.image_large, a.image_large_alt, a.stream_video, ";
 $sql .= " a.stream_video_width, a.stream_video_height, a.stream_video_preview, ";
 $sql .= " a.rating, a.allowed_rate, ";
 $sql .= " a.keywords, a.notes FROM ";
 if ($articles_order_column == "article_order" && !$is_search) {
     $sql .= " ( ";
Exemple #2
function add_root_categories_to_site_map_tree($type = "products", $first_title = "", $first_url = "", $show_categories = 0, $show_items = 0, $show_subitems = 0)
    global $db, $table_prefix, $settings;
    global $site_map_tree, $total_records;
    if (!$show_categories && !$show_items) {
    $site_map_tree[$type] = array(SITEMAP_TITLE_INDEX => $first_title, SITEMAP_URL_INDEX => $first_url);
    $friendly_urls = get_setting_value($settings, "friendly_urls");
    $friendly_extension = get_setting_value($settings, "friendly_extension");
    $items_categories_ids = array();
    $article_top_category_id = 0;
    if ($show_categories) {
        if ($type == "products") {
            $found_categories = VA_Categories::find_all("c.category_id", array("c.category_name", "c.parent_category_id", "c.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY c.category_order, c.category_name"));
            $category_url_prefix = "products.php?category_id=";
        } elseif (strpos($type, "articles_") === 0) {
            $article_top_category_id = (int) substr($type, 9);
            $found_categories = VA_Articles_Categories::find_all("c.category_id", array("c.category_name", "c.parent_category_id", "c.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY c.category_order, c.category_name", "where" => " c.category_path LIKE '%" . $article_top_category_id . ",%' "));
            $category_url_prefix = "articles.php?category_id=";
        } elseif ($type == "forums") {
            $found_categories = VA_Forum_Categories::find_all("c.category_id", array("c.category_name", "c.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY c.category_order, c.category_name"));
            $category_url_prefix = "forums.php?category_id=";
        } elseif ($type == "ads") {
            $found_categories = VA_Ads_Categories::find_all("c.category_id", array("c.category_name", "c.parent_category_id", "c.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY c.category_order, c.category_name"));
            $category_url_prefix = "ads.php?category_id=";
        } elseif ($type == "manuals") {
            $found_categories = VA_Manuals_Categories::find_all("c.category_id", array("c.category_name", "c.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY c.category_order, c.category_name"));
            $category_url_prefix = "manuals.php?category_id=";
        if ($found_categories) {
            foreach ($found_categories as $cur_category_id => $cur_category) {
                $items_categories_ids[] = $cur_category_id;
                $parent_category_id = isset($cur_category["c.parent_category_id"]) ? $cur_category["c.parent_category_id"] : 0;
                $category_name = $cur_category["c.category_name"];
                if ($cur_category["c.friendly_url"] && $friendly_urls) {
                    $category_url = $cur_category["c.friendly_url"] . $friendly_extension;
                } else {
                    $category_url = $category_url_prefix . $cur_category_id;
                if ($parent_category_id <= 0 || $parent_category_id == $article_top_category_id) {
                    $site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_category_id;
                } else {
                    $site_map_tree[$type][$parent_category_id][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_category_id;
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_category_id][SITEMAP_TITLE_INDEX] = $category_name;
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_category_id][SITEMAP_URL_INDEX] = $category_url;
    $items_ids = array();
    if ($show_items) {
        if ($type == "products") {
            $item_url_prefix = "product_details.php?item_id=";
            $friendly_url_field = "i.friendly_url";
            $item_id = "i.item_id";
            $item_name_field = "i.item_name";
            $category_id_field = "ic.category_id";
        } elseif (strpos($type, "articles_") === 0) {
            $article_top_category_id = (int) substr($type, 9);
            $item_url_prefix = "article.php?article_id=";
            $friendly_url_field = "a.friendly_url";
            $item_id = "a.article_id";
            $item_name_field = "a.article_title";
            $category_id_field = "ac.category_id";
        } elseif ($type == "forums") {
            $item_url_prefix = "forum.php?forum_id=";
            $friendly_url_field = "fl.friendly_url";
            $item_id = "fl.forum_id";
            $item_name_field = "fl.forum_name";
            $category_id_field = "fl.category_id";
        } elseif ($type == "ads") {
            $item_url_prefix = "ads_details.php?item_id=";
            $friendly_url_field = "i.friendly_url";
            $item_id = "i.item_id";
            $item_name_field = "i.item_title";
            $category_id_field = "c.category_id";
        } elseif ($type == "manuals") {
            $item_url_prefix = "manuals_articles.php?manual_id=";
            $friendly_url_field = "ml.friendly_url";
            $item_id = "ml.manual_id";
            $item_name_field = "ml.manual_title";
            $category_id_field = "c.category_id";
        $found_items = array();
        if ($show_categories && $items_categories_ids) {
            if ($type == "forums") {
                $found_items = VA_Forums::find_all("", array("fl.forum_id", "fl.forum_name", "fl.friendly_url", "fl.category_id"), array("where" => " fl.category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($items_categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")", "order" => " ORDER BY fl.forum_order, fl.forum_name"));
            } elseif ($type == "manuals") {
                $found_items = VA_Manuals::find_all("", array("ml.manual_id", "ml.manual_title", "ml.friendly_url", "c.category_id"), array("where" => " c.category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($items_categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")", "order" => " ORDER BY ml.manual_order, ml.manual_title"));
            } else {
                array_unshift($items_categories_ids, 0);
                foreach ($items_categories_ids as $items_categories_id) {
                    if ($type == "products") {
                        $sql = " SELECT * FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories ";
                        $sql .= " WHERE category_id=" . $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER);
                        if ($db->next_record()) {
                            $show_sub_products = $db->f("show_sub_products");
                            $category_path = $db->f("category_path") . $items_categories_id . ",";
                        } else {
                            $show_sub_products = false;
                            $category_path = "";
                        $sql_params = array();
                        $sql_fields = array();
                        $sql_params["brackets"] = "((";
                        $sql_params["join"] = " LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "items_categories ic ON i.item_id=ic.item_id) ";
                        if ($show_sub_products && $items_categories_id != 0) {
                            $sql_params["join"] .= "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "categories c ON c.category_id = ic.category_id)";
                            $sql_params["where"] = " (ic.category_id = " . $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER);
                            $sql_params["where"] .= " OR c.category_path LIKE '" . $db->tosql($category_path, TEXT, false) . "%')";
                            $sql_fields = array("i.item_id", "i.item_name", "i.friendly_url", $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER) . " 'ic.category_id'");
                        } else {
                            $sql_params["join"] .= ")";
                            $sql_params["where"] = " ic.category_id = " . $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER);
                            $sql_fields = array("i.item_id", "i.item_name", "i.friendly_url", "ic.category_id");
                        $sql_params["order"] = " ORDER BY i.item_order, i.item_name";
                        $found_items_tmp = VA_Products::find_all("", array("i.item_id", "i.item_name", "i.friendly_url", "ic.category_id"), $sql_params);
                        if ($show_sub_products && $items_categories_id != 0) {
                            foreach ($found_items_tmp as $index_tmp => $items_tmp) {
                                $found_items_tmp[$index_tmp]["ic.category_id"] = $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER);
                        $found_items = array_merge($found_items, $found_items_tmp);
                    } elseif (strpos($type, "articles_") === 0) {
                        $found_items_tmp = VA_Articles::find_all("", array("a.article_id", "a.article_title", "a.friendly_url", "ac.category_id"), array("where" => " ac.category_id=" . $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER), "order" => " ORDER BY a.article_order, a.article_id"));
                        $found_items = array_merge($found_items, $found_items_tmp);
                    } elseif ($type == "ads") {
                        $found_items_tmp = VA_Ads::find_all("", array("i.item_id", "i.item_title", "i.friendly_url", "c.category_id"), array("where" => " c.category_id=" . $db->tosql($items_categories_id, INTEGER), "order" => " ORDER BY i.item_order, i.item_title"));
                        $found_items = array_merge($found_items, $found_items_tmp);
        } else {
            // dont show categories - only items
            if ($type == "products") {
                $found_items = VA_Products::find_all("", array("i.item_id", "i.item_name", "i.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY i.item_order, i.item_name"));
            } elseif (strpos($type, "articles_") === 0) {
                $found_items = VA_Articles::find_all("", array("a.article_id", "a.article_title", "a.friendly_url"), array("where" => " a.status_id IN ( 1, 2 ) AND ( c.category_path LIKE '0," . $db->tosql($article_top_category_id, INTEGER) . ",%' OR c.category_id=" . $db->tosql($article_top_category_id, INTEGER) . " )", "order" => " ORDER BY a.article_order, a.article_id"));
            } elseif ($type == "forums") {
                $found_items = VA_Forums::find_all("", array("fl.forum_id", "fl.forum_name", "fl.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY fl.forum_order, fl.forum_name"));
            } elseif ($type == "ads") {
                $found_items = VA_Ads::find_all("", array("i.item_id", "i.item_title", "i.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY i.item_order, i.item_title"));
            } elseif ($type == "manuals") {
                $found_items = VA_Manuals::find_all("", array("ml.manual_id", "ml.manual_title", "ml.friendly_url"), array("order" => " ORDER BY ml.manual_order, ml.manual_title"));
        if ($found_items) {
            $parent_items = array();
            foreach ($found_items as $cur_item) {
                $cur_item_id = isset($cur_item[$item_id]) ? $cur_item[$item_id] : 0;
                $parent_category_id = isset($cur_item[$category_id_field]) ? $cur_item[$category_id_field] : 0;
                if ($cur_item[$friendly_url_field] && $friendly_urls) {
                    $item_url = $cur_item[$friendly_url_field] . $friendly_extension;
                } else {
                    $item_url = $item_url_prefix . $cur_item_id;
                    if ($parent_category_id) {
                        $item_url .= "&category_id=" . $parent_category_id;
                $items_ids[] = $cur_item_id;
                $cur_item_id = "i_" . $cur_item_id;
                if ($parent_category_id > 0) {
                    $site_map_tree[$type][$parent_category_id][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_item_id;
                } else {
                    $parent_items[] = $cur_item_id;
                    //						$site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_item_id;
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_item_id][SITEMAP_TITLE_INDEX] = $cur_item[$item_name_field];
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_item_id][SITEMAP_URL_INDEX] = $item_url;
            if (sizeof($parent_items)) {
                if (isset($site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX])) {
                    $subs = array_merge($parent_items, $site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX]);
                } else {
                    $subs = $parent_items;
                $site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX] = $subs;
    if ($show_subitems && (!$show_items || $items_ids)) {
        if ($type == "manuals") {
            $sql_manual = " SELECT article_id, article_title, parent_article_id, friendly_url, manual_id";
            $sql_manual .= " FROM " . $table_prefix . "manuals_articles ";
            $sql_manual .= " WHERE allowed_view=1";
            if ($show_items) {
                $sql_manual .= " AND manual_id IN (" . $db->tosql($items_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")";
            $sql_manual .= " ORDER BY article_order, article_title ";
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $article_id = $db->f("article_id");
                $manual_id = $show_items ? $db->f("manual_id") : 0;
                $parent_article_id = $db->f("parent_article_id");
                $friendly_url = $db->f("friendly_url");
                if ($friendly_url && $friendly_urls) {
                    $item_url = $friendly_url . $friendly_extension;
                } else {
                    $item_url = "manuals_article_details.php?article_id=" . $article_id;
                $cur_item_id = "a_" . $article_id;
                if ($parent_article_id > 0) {
                    $site_map_tree[$type]["a_" . $parent_article_id][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_item_id;
                } elseif ($manual_id > 0) {
                    $site_map_tree[$type]["i_" . $manual_id][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_item_id;
                } else {
                    $site_map_tree[$type][SITEMAP_SUBS_INDEX][] = $cur_item_id;
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_item_id][SITEMAP_TITLE_INDEX] = $db->f("article_title");
                $site_map_tree[$type][$cur_item_id][SITEMAP_URL_INDEX] = $item_url;
    $ic = count($site_map_tree[$type]);
    if ($ic > 3) {
        $total_records += $ic - 2;
    } else {
Exemple #3
    include_once "./includes/products_functions.php";
    include_once "./includes/shopping_cart.php";
    $tax_rates = get_tax_rates();
$cms_page_code = "articles_list";
$script_name = "articles.php";
$current_page = get_custom_friendly_url("articles.php");
$category_id = get_param("category_id");
$search_category_id = get_param("search_category_id");
if (strlen($search_category_id)) {
    $category_id = $search_category_id;
$current_category_id = $category_id;
if ($category_id) {
    if (VA_Articles_Categories::check_exists($category_id)) {
        if (!VA_Articles_Categories::check_permissions($category_id, VIEW_CATEGORIES_ITEMS_PERM)) {
            header("Location: " . get_custom_friendly_url("user_login.php") . "?type_error=2");
    } else {
        echo NO_RECORDS_MSG;
} else {
    header("Location: " . get_custom_friendly_url("index.php"));
$page_friendly_url = "";
$page_friendly_params = array("category_id");
// retrieve info about current category
$sql = " SELECT category_name,friendly_url,short_description, full_description, category_path, parent_category_id, ";