 case 'setProdUse':
     $expressionID = $_GET['expressionID'];
     $licenseID = $_GET['licenseID'];
     $productionUseInd = $_GET['productionUseInd'];
     //send email if prod use is being set
     if ($productionUseInd == "1") {
         $user = new User();
         $toList = array();
         $toList = $user->getSFXUpdateList();
         $license = new License(new NamedArguments(array('primaryKey' => $licenseID)));
         $util = new Utility();
         $emailMessage = "An expression in the licensing module has been approved for terms tool use.\n";
         $emailMessage .= "License:  " . $license->shortName . "\n\n";
         $emailMessage .= "View License Record:  " . $util->getPageURL() . "license.php?licenseID=" . $licenseID;
         $email = new Email();
         $email->to = implode(", ", $toList);
         $email->subject = "Licensing - expression set to production use";
         $email->message = $emailMessage;
         $response = "Approved for terms tool display.";
     } else {
         $response = "Removed from terms tool display.";
     //save it in the expression record
     $expression = new Expression(new NamedArguments(array('primaryKey' => $_GET['expressionID'])));
     $expression->productionUseInd = $productionUseInd;
     try {
         echo $response;
Exemple #2
$sushiServices = new SushiService();
$sushiServicesArray = $sushiServices->getByDayOfMonth($day);
$emailLog = "<h2>" . count($sushiServicesArray) . " SUSHI runs found for day: " . $day . "</h2>";
foreach ($sushiServicesArray as $sushiService) {
    $emailLog .= "<h3>" . $sushiService->getServiceProvider() . "</h3>";
    //try to run!
    try {
        $emailLog .= nl2br($sushiService->runAll($_POST['overwritePlatform']));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $emailLog .= nl2br($e->getMessage());
//if more than one run, send email
if (count($sushiServicesArray) > 0) {
    $emailLog .= "<br /><br />Log in to <a href='" . $util->getPageURL() . "sushi.php'>Sushi Administration</a> for more information.";
    //send email to email addresses listed in DB
    $logEmailAddress = new LogEmailAddress();
    $emailAddresses = array();
    foreach ($logEmailAddress->allAsArray() as $emailAddress) {
        $emailAddresses[] = $emailAddress['emailAddress'];
    if (count($emailAddresses) > 0) {
        $email = new Email();
        $email->to = implode(", ", $emailAddresses);
        $email->subject = "SUSHI Scheduled run log for " . format_date(date) . " - " . count($sushiServicesArray) . " runs";
        $email->message = $emailLog;
        if ($email->send()) {
            echo "Run complete.  Log has been emailed to " . implode(", ", $emailAddresses);
        } else {
            echo "Email to " . implode(", ", $emailAddresses) . " Failed!";
Exemple #3
 private function parseXML($fName, $reportLayout, $overwritePlatform)
     //PARSE XML!!
     $serviceProvider = $this->getServiceProvider();
     $xmlFileName = BASE_DIR . $fName;
     //read layouts ini file to get the available layouts
     $layoutsArray = parse_ini_file(BASE_DIR . "layouts.ini", true);
     $layoutColumns = array();
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     if (!$reader->open($xmlFileName, 'UTF-8')) {
         $this->logStatus("Failed trying to open XML File: " . $xmlFileName . ".  This could be due to not having write access to the /sushistore/ directory.");
     $layoutCode = "";
     $countArray = array('ytd' => null, 'pdf' => null, 'html' => null);
     $txtOut = "";
     $m = null;
     while ($reader->read()) {
         //First - get report information
         if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->localName == 'Report' && count($layoutColumns) == '0') {
             $name = $reader->getAttribute("Name");
             $version = $reader->getAttribute("Version");
             $layoutCode = $name;
             if ($version == "3" || $version == "4") {
                 $version = "R" . $version;
             if ($version != '') {
                 $layoutCode .= "_" . $version;
             } else {
                 $layoutCode .= "_R" . $this->releaseNumber;
             //At this point, determine the format of the report to port to csv from the layouts.ini file
             $layoutKey = $layoutsArray['ReportTypes'][$layoutCode];
             $layoutColumns = $layoutsArray[$layoutKey]['columns'];
             //if this way of determining layout was unsuccessful, just use the layout sent in
             if (count($layoutColumns) == "0") {
                 $layoutCode = $reportLayout . "_R" . $this->releaseNumber;
                 $layoutKey = $layoutsArray['ReportTypes'][$layoutCode];
                 $layoutColumns = $layoutsArray[$layoutKey]['columns'];
             $this->log("Layout validated successfully against layouts.ini : " . $layoutCode);
         if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->localName == 'ReportItems') {
             if (count($layoutColumns) == '0' || $layoutCode == '') {
                 $this->logStatus("Failed determining layout:  Reached report items before establishing layout.  Please make sure this layout is set up in layouts.ini");
             //reset variables
             $identifierArray = array();
             $reportArray = array('ytd' => null, 'ytdHTML' => null, 'ytdPDF' => null);
             //loop through each element under "Item"
             while ($reader->read()) {
                 //get the element name
                 if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                     $elementName = trim($reader->localName);
                     //move to next to get the text
                     if ($elementName != "Instance" && $elementName != "ItemIdentifier" && $elementName != "Period") {
                     if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::TEXT || $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::CDATA || $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::WHITESPACE || $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE) {
                         $elementValue = trim($reader->value);
                         switch ($elementName) {
                             case 'ItemPlatform':
                                 if ($overwritePlatform) {
                                     $reportArray['platform'] = $serviceProvider;
                                 } else {
                                     $reportArray['platform'] = $elementValue;
                             case 'ItemPublisher':
                                 $reportArray['publisher'] = $elementValue;
                             case 'ItemName':
                                 $reportArray['title'] = $elementValue;
                             case 'ActivityType':
                                 $reportArray['activityType'] = strtoupper($reader->value);
                             case 'Type':
                                 $idType = strtoupper($reader->value);
                             case 'Value':
                                 $identifierArray[$idType] = $reader->value;
                             case 'Begin':
                                 $date = new DateTime($reader->value);
                                 if ($m === null) {
                                     $m = strtolower($date->format('M'));
                                     $countArray = array('ytd' => null, 'pdf' => null, 'html' => null);
                                 } else {
                                     if (strtolower($date->format('M')) !== $m) {
                                         $totalCountsArray[$m] = $countArray;
                                         $m = strtolower($date->format('M'));
                                         //$y = strtolower($date->format('Y'));
                                         $countArray = array('ytd' => null, 'pdf' => null, 'html' => null);
                             case 'MetricType':
                                 $metricType = strtoupper($reader->value);
                                 //make sure metric types have conformity
                                 if (!(strpos($metricType, 'HTML') === false)) {
                                     $metricType = 'html';
                                 } else {
                                     if (!(strpos($metricType, 'PDF') === false)) {
                                         $metricType = 'pdf';
                                     } else {
                                         $metricType = 'ytd';
                             case 'Count':
                                 $countArray[$metricType] = $reader->value;
                     //Finished parsing the Title!!!
                 } else {
                     if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $reader->localName == "ReportItems") {
                         foreach ($identifierArray as $key => $value) {
                             if (!(strrpos($key, 'PRINT') === false) && !(strrpos($key, 'ISSN') === false)) {
                                 $reportArray['issn'] = $value;
                             } else {
                                 if (!(strrpos($key, 'ONLINE') === false) && !(strrpos($key, 'ISSN') === false)) {
                                     $reportArray['eissn'] = $value;
                                 } else {
                                     if (!(strpos($key, 'PRINT') === false) && !(strpos($key, 'ISBN') === false)) {
                                         $reportArray['isbn'] = $value;
                                     } else {
                                         if (!(strpos($key, 'ONLINE') === false) && !(strpos($key, 'ISBN') === false)) {
                                             $reportArray['eisbn'] = $value;
                                         } else {
                                             if (!(strpos($key, 'DOI') === false)) {
                                                 $reportArray['doi'] = $value;
                                             } else {
                                                 if (!(strpos($key, 'PROPRIETARY') === false)) {
                                                     $reportArray['pi'] = $value;
                         //get the last array into the totals array
                         $totalCountsArray[$m] = $countArray;
                         //now figure out the months and the ytd, etc totals
                         foreach ($totalCountsArray as $key => $countArray) {
                             if ($key != '') {
                                 if (intval($countArray['ytd']) == "0") {
                                     $reportArray[$key] = intval($countArray['pdf']) + intval($countArray['html']);
                                 } else {
                                     $reportArray[$key] = intval($countArray['ytd']);
                                 if ($reportArray['ytd'] === null) {
                                     $reportArray['ytd'] = intval($countArray['ytd']);
                                 } else {
                                     $reportArray['ytd'] += intval($countArray['ytd']);
                                 if ($reportArray['ytdPDF'] === null) {
                                     $reportArray['ytdPDF'] = intval($countArray['pdf']);
                                 } else {
                                     $reportArray['ytdPDF'] += intval($countArray['pdf']);
                                 if ($reportArray['ytdHTML'] === null) {
                                     $reportArray['ytdHTML'] = intval($countArray['html']);
                                 } else {
                                     $reportArray['ytdHTML'] += intval($countArray['html']);
                         //Now look at the report's layoutcode's columns to order them properly
                         $finalArray = array();
                         foreach ($layoutColumns as $colName) {
                             if (isset($reportArray[$colName])) {
                                 $finalArray[] = $reportArray[$colName];
                             } else {
                                 $finalArray[] = null;
                         $txtOut .= implode($finalArray, "\t") . "\n";
                         $totalCountsArray = array();
     if ($layoutKey == "" || count($layoutColumns) == '0' || $txtOut == "") {
         if (file_exists($xmlFileName)) {
             $this->logStatus("Failed XML parsing or no data was found.");
             $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFileName);
             $this->log("The following is the XML response:");
         } else {
             $this->log("Failed loading XML file.  Please verify you have write permissions on /sushistore/ directory.");
     #Save final text delimited "file" and log output on server
     $txtFile = strtotime("now") . '.txt';
     $fp = fopen(BASE_DIR . 'archive/' . $txtFile, 'w');
     fwrite($fp, $txtOut);
     $this->log("-- Sushi XML parsing completed --");
     $this->log("Archive/Text File Name: " . Utility::getPageURL() . 'archive/' . $txtFile);
     $this->saveLogAndExit($layoutCode, $txtFile, true);
Exemple #4
$sushiServices = new SushiService();
$sushiServicesArray = $sushiServices->getByDayOfMonth($day);
$emailLog = "<h2>" . count($sushiServicesArray) . _(" SUSHI runs found for day: ") . $day . "</h2>";
foreach ($sushiServicesArray as $sushiService) {
    $emailLog .= "<h3>" . $sushiService->getServiceProvider() . "</h3>";
    //try to run!
    try {
        $emailLog .= nl2br($sushiService->runAll($_POST['overwritePlatform']));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $emailLog .= nl2br($e->getMessage());
//if more than one run, send email
if (count($sushiServicesArray) > 0) {
    $emailLog .= "<br /><br />" . _("Log in to ") . "<a href='" . $util->getPageURL() . "sushi.php'>" . _("Sushi Administration") . "</a>" . _(" for more information.");
    //send email to email addresses listed in DB
    $logEmailAddress = new LogEmailAddress();
    $emailAddresses = array();
    foreach ($logEmailAddress->allAsArray() as $emailAddress) {
        $emailAddresses[] = $emailAddress['emailAddress'];
    if (count($emailAddresses) > 0) {
        $email = new Email();
        $email->to = implode(", ", $emailAddresses);
        $email->subject = _("SUSHI Scheduled run log for ") . format_date(date) . " - " . count($sushiServicesArray) . _(" runs");
        $email->message = $emailLog;
        if ($email->send()) {
            echo _("Run complete.  Log has been emailed to ") . implode(", ", $emailAddresses);
        } else {
            echo _("Email to ") . implode(", ", $emailAddresses) . _(" Failed!");