private static function populateCharacters($db)
     global $baseDir;
     $timer = new Timer();
     $maxTime = 65 * 1000;
     // Reset 222's that are over a week old
     $db->execute("update zz_api set errorCode = 0 where errorCode = 222 and lastValidation <= date_sub(now(), interval 7 day)");
     $apiCount = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_api where errorCode not in (203, 220, 222) and lastValidation <= date_add(now(), interval 1 minute)", "count", array(), 0);
     if ($apiCount == 0) {
     $fetchesPerSecond = 25;
     $iterationCount = 0;
     while ($timer->stop() < $maxTime) {
         $keyIDs = $db->query("select distinct keyID from zz_api where errorCode not in (203, 220, 222) and lastValidation < date_sub(now(), interval 2 hour)\r\n\t\t\t\t\torder by lastValidation, dateAdded desc limit 100", array(), 0);
         foreach ($keyIDs as $row) {
             if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
             $keyID = $row["keyID"];
             $m = $iterationCount % $fetchesPerSecond;
             $db->execute("update zz_api set lastValidation = date_add(lastValidation, interval 5 minute) where keyID = :keyID", array(":keyID" => $keyID));
             $command = "flock -w 60 {$baseDir}/cache/locks/populate.{$m} php5 {$baseDir}/cli.php apiFetchCharacters " . escapeshellarg($keyID);
             exec("{$command} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
             if ($iterationCount % $fetchesPerSecond == 0) {
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
 private static function updateCharacters($db)
     $minute = (int) date("i");
     if ($minute == 0) {
         $db->execute("insert ignore into zz_characters (characterID) select ceoID from zz_corporations");
         $db->execute("insert ignore into zz_characters (characterID) select characterID from zz_api_characters where characterID != 0");
     $result = $db->query("select characterID, name from zz_characters where lastUpdated < date_sub(now(), interval 7 day) and corporationID != 1000001 order by lastUpdated limit 600", array(), 0);
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         $id = $row["characterID"];
         $db->execute("update zz_characters set lastUpdated = now() where characterID = :id", array(":id" => $id));
         if ($id >= 2100000000 && $id < 2199999999) {
         // Dust Characters
         if ($id >= 30000000 && $id <= 31004590) {
         // NPC's
         if ($id >= 40000000 && $id <= 41004590) {
         // NPC's
         $pheal = Util::getPheal();
         $pheal->scope = "eve";
         try {
             $charInfo = $pheal->CharacterInfo(array("characterid" => $id));
             $name = $charInfo->characterName;
             $corpID = $charInfo->corporationID;
             $alliID = $charInfo->allianceID;
             //CLI::out("|g|$name|n| $id $corpID $alliID");
             if ($name != "") {
                 $db->execute("update zz_characters set name = :name, corporationID = :corpID, allianceID = :alliID where characterID = :id", array(":id" => $id, ":name" => $name, ":corpID" => $corpID, ":alliID" => $alliID));
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             // Is this name even a participant?
             $count = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_participants where characterID = :id", "count", array(":id" => $id));
             if ($count == 0) {
                 $db->execute("delete from zz_characters where characterID = :id", array(":id" => $id));
             } elseif ($ex->getCode() != 503) {
                 Log::log("ERROR Validating Character {$id}" . $ex->getMessage());
         // Try not to spam the API servers (pauses 1/10th of a second)
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     global $enableAnalyze;
     $actualKills = Storage::retrieve("ActualKillCount");
     $iteration = 0;
     while ($actualKills > 0) {
         $actualKills -= 1000000;
         if ($actualKills > 0 && Storage::retrieve("{$iteration}mAnnounced", null) == null) {
             Storage::store("{$iteration}mAnnounced", true);
             $message = "|g|Woohoo!|r| {$iteration} million kills surpassed!";
     $highKillID = $db->queryField("select max(killID) highKillID from zz_killmails", "highKillID");
     if ($highKillID > 2000000) {
         Storage::store("notRecentKillID", $highKillID - 2000000);
     $db->execute("delete from zz_api_log where requestTime < date_sub(now(), interval 2 hour)");
     //$db->execute("update zz_killmails set kill_json = '' where processed = 2 and killID < 0 and kill_json != ''");
     $db->execute("delete from zz_errors where date < date_sub(now(), interval 1 day)");
     $fileCache = new FileCache();
     $tableQuery = $db->query("show tables");
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($tableQuery as $row) {
         foreach ($row as $column) {
             $tables[] = $column;
     if ($enableAnalyze) {
         $tableisgood = array("OK", "Table is already up to date", "The storage engine for the table doesn't support check");
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
             $result = $db->queryRow("analyze table {$table}");
             if (!in_array($result["Msg_text"], $tableisgood)) {
                 Log::ircAdmin("|r|Error analyzing table |g|{$table}|r|: " . $result["Msg_text"]);
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     global $stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword;
     // Ensure the class exists
     if (!class_exists("Stomp")) {
         die("ERROR! Stomp not installed!  Check the README to learn how to install Stomp...\n");
     $stomp = new Stomp($stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword);
     $stompKey = "StompSend::lastFetch";
     $lastFetch = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - 12 * 3600);
     $lastFetch = Storage::retrieve($stompKey, $lastFetch);
     $stompCount = 0;
     $timer = new Timer();
     while ($timer->stop() < 60000) {
         if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         $result = $db->query("SELECT killID, insertTime, kill_json FROM zz_killmails WHERE insertTime > :lastFetch AND processed > 0 ORDER BY killID limit 1000", array(":lastFetch" => $lastFetch), 0);
         foreach ($result as $kill) {
             $lastFetch = max($lastFetch, $kill["insertTime"]);
             if (!empty($kill["kill_json"])) {
                 if ($kill["killID"] > 0) {
                     $destinations = self::getDestinations($kill["kill_json"]);
                     foreach ($destinations as $destination) {
                         $stomp->send($destination, $kill["kill_json"]);
                 $data = json_decode($kill["kill_json"], true);
                 $json = json_encode(array("solarSystemID" => $data["solarSystemID"], "killID" => $data["killID"], "characterID" => $data["victim"]["characterID"], "corporationID" => $data["victim"]["corporationID"], "allianceID" => $data["victim"]["allianceID"], "shipTypeID" => $data["victim"]["shipTypeID"], "killTime" => $data["killTime"]));
                 $stomp->send("/topic/", $json);
         Storage::store($stompKey, $lastFetch);
     if ($stompCount > 0) {
         Log::log("Stomped {$stompCount} killmails");
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") {
         CLI::out("Usage: |g|recentStatsAndRanks <type>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|methods recentStatsAndRanks", true);
     $command = $parameters[0];
     switch ($command) {
         case "all":
         case "ranks":
         case "stats":
 public function execute($nick, $uhost, $channel, $command, $parameters, $nickAccessLevel)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         irc_error("|r|Cannot reprice while in maintenance mode");
     @($killID = (int) $parameters[0]);
     if ($killID == 0) {
         irc_error("|r|Please provide a valid killID.");
     $count = Db::queryField("select count(*) count from zz_participants where killID = :killID", "count", array(":killID" => $killID));
     if ($count == 0) {
         irc_error("|r|KillID {$killID} does not exist!");
     Stats::calcStats($killID, false);
     Db::execute("update zz_killmails set processed = 0 where killID = :killID", array(":killID" => $killID));
     do {
         $processed = Db::queryField("select processed from zz_killmails where killID = :killID", "processed", array(":killID" => $killID), 0);
     } while ($processed == 0);
     $kill = Db::queryRow("select * from zz_participants where isVictim = 1 and killID = :killID", array(":killID" => $killID), 0);
     $total = $kill["total_price"];
     $points = $kill["points"];
     irc_out("|g|{$killID}|n| repriced to|g| " . number_format($total, 2) . "|n| ISK and |g|" . number_format($points, 0) . "|n| points");
 private static function stats($db)
     Log::irc("|g|Stats calculation started - checking for unknown groupID's");
     // Fix unknown group ID's
     $result = $db->query("select distinct shipTypeID from zz_participants where groupID = 0 and shipTypeID != 0");
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $shipTypeID = $row["shipTypeID"];
         $groupID = Info::getGroupID($shipTypeID);
         if ($groupID == 0) {
         Log::log("Updating {$shipTypeID} to group {$groupID}");
         $db->execute("update zz_participants set groupID = {$groupID} where groupID = 0 and shipTypeID = {$shipTypeID}");
     $db->execute("set session wait_timeout = 6000");
     if (!Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         $db->execute("replace into zz_storage values ('MaintenanceReason', 'Full stats calculation in progress')");
         $db->execute("replace into zz_storage values ('maintenance', 'true')");
         Log::log("Maintenance mode engaged");
         Log::irc("|r|Engaging maintenance mode for full stat calculations...");
         // Wait for processes to finish and cleanup
     $db->execute("truncate zz_stats");
     try {
         self::recalc('faction', 'factionID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('alli', 'allianceID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('corp', 'corporationID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('pilot', 'characterID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('group', 'groupID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('ship', 'shipTypeID', true, $db);
         self::recalc('system', 'solarSystemID', false, $db);
         self::recalc('region', 'regionID', false, $db);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $db->execute("delete from zz_storage where locker = 'maintenance'");
     Log::irc("|g|Stat recalculations have completed, leaving Maintenance mode and now reverting to business as usual...");
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     @($apiRowID = $parameters[0]);
     $notRecentKillID = Storage::retrieve("notRecentKillID", 0);
     $apiRow = $db->queryRow("select * from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID), 0);
     $maxKillID = $apiRow["maxKillID"];
     $beforeKillID = 0;
     if (!$apiRow) {
         CLI::out("|r|No such apiRowID: {$apiRowID}", true);
     $keyID = trim($apiRow["keyID"]);
     $vCode = $db->queryField("select vCode from zz_api where keyID = :keyID", "vCode", array(":keyID" => $keyID));
     $isDirector = $apiRow["isDirector"];
     $charID = $apiRow["characterID"];
     if ($keyID == "" || $vCode == "") {
         die("no keyID or vCode");
     $pheal = null;
     try {
         do {
             $pheal = Util::getPheal($keyID, $vCode);
             $charCorp = $isDirector == "T" ? 'corp' : 'char';
             $pheal->scope = $charCorp;
             $result = null;
             // Update last checked
             $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set errorCode = 0, lastChecked = now() where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             $params = array();
             if ($isDirector != "T") {
                 $params['characterID'] = $charID;
             if ($beforeKillID > 0) {
                 $params['beforeKillID'] = $beforeKillID;
             if ($isDirector == "T") {
                 $result = $pheal->KillMails($params);
             } else {
                 $result = $pheal->KillMails($params);
             $cachedUntil = $result->cached_until;
             if ($cachedUntil == "" || !$cachedUntil) {
                 $cachedUntil = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + 3600);
             $db->execute("UPDATE zz_api_characters SET cachedUntil = :cachedUntil, errorCount = 0, errorCode = 0 WHERE apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":cachedUntil" => $cachedUntil));
             $keyID = trim($keyID);
             $file = "/var/killboard/zkb_killlogs/{$keyID}_{$charID}_{$beforeKillID}.xml";
             $aff = Api::processRawApi($keyID, $charID, $result);
             if ($aff > 0) {
                 $keyID = "{$keyID}";
                 while (strlen($keyID) < 8) {
                     $keyID = " " . $keyID;
                 Log::log("KeyID: {$keyID} ({$charCorp}) added {$aff} kill" . ($aff == 1 ? "" : "s"));
             $beforeKillID = 0;
             foreach ($result->kills as $kill) {
                 $killID = $kill->killID;
                 if ($beforeKillID == 0) {
                     $beforeKillID = $killID;
                 } else {
                     $beforeKillID = min($beforeKillID, $killID);
             if ($beforeKillID < $notRecentKillID) {
                 $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(cachedUntil, interval 2 hour) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             $hour = date("H");
             if ($hour >= 12 && $hour <= 15) {
                 @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file);
             } else {
                 if ($aff > 0) {
                     @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file);
         } while ($aff > 25 || $beforeKillID > 0 && $maxKillID == 0);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errorCode = $ex->getCode();
         $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 1 hour), errorCount = errorCount + 1, errorCode = :code where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":code" => $errorCode));
         switch ($errorCode) {
             case 119:
             case 120:
                 // Don't log it
             case 201:
                 // Character does not belong to account.
             // Character does not belong to account.
             case 222:
                 // API has expired
             // API has expired
             case 221:
                 // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification
             // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification
             case 220:
                 // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore.
             // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore.
             case 403:
                 // New error code for invalid API
                 $db->execute("delete from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
             case 1001:
                 $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 10 minute) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
                 Log::log($keyID . " " . $ex->getCode() . " " . $ex->getMessage());
Exemple #10
 public static function parseKills()
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     $timer = new Timer();
     $maxTime = 65 * 1000;
     Db::execute("set session wait_timeout = 120000");
     Db::execute("create temporary table if not exists zz_participants_temporary select * from zz_participants where 1 = 0");
     $numKills = 0;
     while ($timer->stop() < $maxTime) {
         if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         Db::execute("delete from zz_participants_temporary");
         //Log::log("Fetching kills for processing...");
         $result = Db::query("select * from zz_killmails where processed = 0 order by killID desc limit 100", array(), 0);
         if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
             $currentSecond = (int) date("s");
             $sleepTime = max(1, 15 - $currentSecond % 15);
         //Log::log("Processing fetched kills...");
         $processedKills = array();
         $cleanupKills = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $kill = json_decode($row['kill_json'], true);
             if (!isset($kill["killID"])) {
                 Log::log("Problem with kill " . $row["killID"]);
                 Db::execute("update zz_killmails set processed = 2 where killid = :killid", array(":killid" => $row["killID"]));
             $killID = $kill["killID"];
             Db::execute("insert ignore into zz_killid values(:killID, 0)", array(":killID" => $killID));
             // Cleanup if we're reparsing
             $cleanupKills[] = $killID;
             // Do some validation on the kill
             if (!self::validKill($kill)) {
                 Db::execute("update zz_killmails set processed = 3 where killid = :killid", array(":killid" => $row["killID"]));
             $totalCost = 0;
             $itemInsertOrder = 0;
             $totalCost += self::processItems($kill, $killID, $kill["items"], $itemInsertOrder);
             $totalCost += self::processVictim($kill, $killID, $kill["victim"], false);
             foreach ($kill["attackers"] as $attacker) {
                 self::processAttacker($kill, $killID, $attacker, $kill["victim"]["shipTypeID"], $totalCost);
             $points = Points::calculatePoints($killID, true);
             Db::execute("update zz_participants_temporary set points = :points, number_involved = :numI, total_price = :tp where killID = :killID", array(":killID" => $killID, ":points" => $points, ":numI" => sizeof($kill["attackers"]), ":tp" => $totalCost));
             $processedKills[] = $killID;
         if (sizeof($cleanupKills)) {
             Db::execute("delete from zz_participants where killID in (" . implode(",", $cleanupKills) . ")");
         Db::execute("insert into zz_participants select * from zz_participants_temporary");
         if (sizeof($processedKills)) {
             Db::execute("update zz_killmails set processed = 1 where killID in (" . implode(",", $processedKills) . ")");
         foreach ($processedKills as $killID) {
             Stats::calcStats($killID, true);
             // Add points and total value to the json stored in the database
             $raw = Db::queryField("select kill_json from zz_killmails where killID = :killID", "kill_json", array(":killID" => $killID), 0);
             $json = json_decode($raw, true);
             $stuff = Db::queryRow("select * from zz_participants where killID = :killID and isVictim = 1", array(":killID" => $killID), 0);
             if ($stuff != null) {
                 $zkb = array();
                 $zkb["totalValue"] = $stuff["total_price"];
                 $zkb["points"] = $stuff["points"];
                 $json["zkb"] = $zkb;
             $raw = json_encode($json);
             Db::execute("update zz_killmails set kill_json = :raw where killID = :killID", array(":killID" => $killID, ":raw" => $raw));
     if ($numKills > 0) {
         Log::log("Processed {$numKills} kills");
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
     $totalCount = 0;
     $data = "";
     // Build the feeds from Admin's tracker list
     $adminID = Db::queryField("select id from zz_users where username = '******'", "id", array());
     $trackers = Db::query("select locker, content from zz_users_config where locker like 'tracker_%' and id = :id", array(":id" => $adminID), 0);
     $feeds = array();
     foreach ($trackers as $row) {
         $entityType = str_replace("tracker_", "", $row["locker"]);
         $entities = json_decode($row["content"], true);
         foreach ($entities as $entity) {
             $id = (int) $entity["id"];
             $feed = array();
             $feed["id"] = $id;
             $feed["entityType"] = $entityType;
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastFetchTime";
             $dontFetchThis = $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_users_config where locker = :locker and id = :adminID and content >= date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour)", "count", array(":locker" => $locker, ":adminID" => $adminID), 0);
             if ($dontFetchThis) {
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastKillTime";
             $lastKillTime = $db->queryField("select content from zz_users_config where locker = :locker and id = :adminID", "content", array(":locker" => $locker, ":adminID" => $adminID), 0);
             if ($lastKillTime == "") {
                 $lastKillTime = null;
             $feed["lastKillTime"] = $lastKillTime;
             $feed["url"] = "{$entityType}ID/{$id}/";
             $feeds[] = $feed;
     if (sizeof($feeds) == 0) {
     // Nothing to fetch...
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $id = $feed["id"];
         $baseurl = $feed["url"];
         $entityType = $feed["entityType"];
         CLI::out("Fetching for |g|{$baseurl}|n|");
         $lastKillTime = $feed["lastKillTime"];
         do {
             $insertCount = 0;
             $url = "{$baseurl}orderDirection/asc/";
             if ($lastKillTime != null && $lastKillTime != 0) {
                 $url .= "startTime/" . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $lastKillTime) . "/";
             $fetchedData = self::fetchUrl($url);
             if ($fetchedData == "") {
                 CLI::out("|r|Remote server returned an invalid response, moving along after 15 seconds...|n|");
             $data = json_decode($fetchedData);
             $insertCount = 0;
             foreach ($data as $kill) {
                 if (isset($kill->_stringValue)) {
                 if ($kill == "") {
                 $hash = Util::getKillHash(null, $kill);
                 $json = json_encode($kill);
                 $killID = $kill->killID;
                 $source = "zKB Feed Fetch";
                 $lastKillTime = $kill->killTime;
                 //echo "$killID $lastKillTime\n";
                 $insertCount += $db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO zz_killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) VALUES (:killID, :hash, :source, :kill_json)", array(":killID" => $killID, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => $source, ":kill_json" => $json));
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastKillTime";
             $db->execute("replace into zz_users_config values (:adminID, :locker, :content)", array(":adminID" => $adminID, ":locker" => $locker, ":content" => $lastKillTime));
             $locker = "feed.{$entityType}.{$id}.lastFetchTime";
             $db->execute("replace into zz_users_config values (:adminID, :locker, now())", array(":adminID" => $adminID, ":locker" => $locker));
             $totalCount += $insertCount;
             CLI::out("Inserted |g|{$insertCount}|n|/|g|" . sizeof($data) . "|n| kills...");
             Log::log("Inserted {$insertCount} new kills from {$url}");
         } while ($insertCount > 0 || sizeof($data) >= 50);
     if ($totalCount > 0) {
         CLI::out("Inserted a total of |g|" . number_format($totalCount, 0) . "|n| kills.");
Exemple #12

require_once '../init.php';
global $mdb;
$lastWalletFetch = Storage::retrieve('NextWalletFetch');
$time = strtotime($lastWalletFetch);
if ($time >= time()) {
if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
if (Util::is904Error()) {
global $walletApis;
if (!is_array($walletApis)) {
foreach ($walletApis as $api) {
    $type = $api['type'];
    $keyID = $api['keyID'];
    $vCode = $api['vCode'];
    $charID = $api['charID'];
    $pheal = Util::getPheal($keyID, $vCode, true);
    $arr = array('characterID' => $charID, 'rowCount' => 1000);
    if ($type == 'char') {
        $q = $pheal->charScope->WalletJournal($arr);
    } elseif ($type == 'corp') {
        $q = $pheal->corpScope->WalletJournal($arr);
    } else {
Exemple #13
 public static function fetchApis()
     global $baseDir;
     Db::execute("delete from zz_api_characters where isDirector = ''");
     // Minor cleanup
     $fetchesPerSecond = (int) Storage::retrieve("APIFetchesPerSecond", 30);
     $timer = new Timer();
     $maxTime = 60 * 1000;
     while ($timer->stop() < $maxTime) {
         if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
         $allChars = Db::query("select apiRowID, cachedUntil from zz_api_characters where errorCount < 10 and cachedUntil < date_sub(now(), interval 10 second) order by cachedUntil, keyID, characterID limit {$fetchesPerSecond}", array(), 0);
         $total = sizeof($allChars);
         $iterationCount = 0;
         if ($total == 0) {
         } else {
             foreach ($allChars as $char) {
                 if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) {
                 if ($timer->stop() > $maxTime) {
                 $apiRowID = $char["apiRowID"];
                 Db::execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(if(cachedUntil=0, now(), cachedUntil), interval 5 minute), lastChecked = now() where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID));
                 $m = $iterationCount % $fetchesPerSecond;
                 $command = "flock -w 60 {$baseDir}/cache/locks/preFetch.{$m} php5 {$baseDir}/cli.php apiFetchKillLog {$apiRowID}";
                 $command = escapeshellcmd($command);
                 exec("{$command} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
                 if ($m == 0) {