Exemple #1
 public function join()
     if ($password != $password_again) {
         throw new Error("Passwords do not match");
     if (strlen($password) < 6) {
         throw new Error("Oops, please enter a password at least 6 characters long.");
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$#', $username)) {
         throw new Error("Oops, please enter a username composed letters, numbers, periods or underscores.");
     $userexists = $this->server->db->value($this->sql['checkuser'], array('username' => $username));
     if ($userexists) {
         throw new Error('Sorry, that username has already been taken. Please choose again.');
     $emailexists = $this->server->db->value($this->sql['checkemail'], array('email' => $email));
     if ($emailexists) {
         throw new Error('Sorry, that email has already been used. You can use the password retrieval form to retrieve your username.');
     $user = new User_Object();
     $user->set(array('username' => $username, 'display_name' => $username, 'password' => md5($password), 'email' => $email));
     $this->server->user = $user;
 function get_pay_button($bill_id, $bill_sum, $bill_payment_sum)
     if ($bill_payment_sum == '') {
         $payment_amount = $bill_sum;
     } else {
         $payment_amount = $bill_payment_sum;
     $user_id = (int) $this->getSessionUserId();
     $language = Multilanguage::get_current_language();
     require_once SITEBILL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/apps/begateway/lib/begateway-api-php/lib/beGateway.php';
     require_once SITEBILL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/apps/system/lib/system/user/user.php';
     require_once SITEBILL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/apps/begateway/classes/currency.php';
     $currency = new begateway_currency();
     $order_currency = $currency->getCurrencyCode(CURRENT_CURRENCY);
     if ($order_currency == 'RUR') {
         $order_currency = 'RUB';
     $user = new User_Object();
     \beGateway\Settings::$shopId = $this->site_id;
     \beGateway\Settings::$shopKey = $this->site_key;
     \beGateway\Settings::$gatewayBase = 'https://' . $this->domain_gateway;
     \beGateway\Settings::$checkoutBase = 'https://' . $this->domain_checkout;
     $transaction = new \beGateway\GetPaymentToken();
     $transaction->setDescription(sprintf(Multilanguage::_('ORDER_DESCRIPTION', 'begateway'), $bill_id));
     $transaction->setTrackingId($user_id . '|' . $bill_id);
     $sitebill_host = $this->_protocol_scheme() . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . SITEBILL_MAIN_URL;
     $notification_url = $sitebill_host . '/apps/begateway/listener.php';
     $notification_url = str_replace('carts.local', 'webhook.begateway.com:8443', $notification_url);
     $transaction->setSuccessUrl($sitebill_host . '/account/balance');
     $transaction->setDeclineUrl($sitebill_host . '/account/balance/?do=add_bill');
     $transaction->setFailUrl($sitebill_host . '/account/balance/?do=add_bill');
     $transaction->setCancelUrl($sitebill_host . '/account/balance');
     $response = $transaction->submit();
     if ($response->isSuccess()) {
         $payment_params = array();
         $payment_params['token'] = $response->getToken();
         $payment_params['url'] = \beGateway\Settings::$checkoutBase . '/checkout';
         $this->template->assign('payment_text', sprintf(Multilanguage::_('YOU_HAVE_ORDER', 'begateway'), (string) $payment_amount, $this->getConfigValue('ue_name')));
         $this->template->assign('payment_button', Multilanguage::_('PAYMENT_BUTTON', 'begateway'));
         $this->template->assign('payment_description', $this->description[$language]);
         $this->template->assign('payment_params', $payment_params);
     } else {
         $this->template->assign('payment_error', Multilanguage::_('PAYMENT_ERROR', 'system') . '<br>' . $response->getMessage());
     return $this->template->fetch(SITEBILL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/apps/begateway/site/template/pay_form.tpl');
Exemple #3
  * Edit action
  * @param   string  $login
 public function edit_action($id = NULL)
     $id or $id = $this->user->id;
     $user = new User_Object();
     $user->id = $id;
     if (!$user->find()) {
         return event('404');
     //        $user->navbar()->show();
     $form = new Form('User/forms/profile');
     $user->password = '';
     $this->input->post('avatar') !== NULL && ($user->object()->avatar = '');
     if ($user->id == 1) {
         $form->delete->options->render = FALSE;
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         if ($result->delete && access('User.delete', $user)) {
             if ($user->delete()) {
                 flash_success(t('Пользователь <b>%s</b> был удалён!', $user->login));
         if ($result->password) {
         } else {
         if ($user->update()) {
             success(t('Изменения сохранены!'));
Exemple #4
<? $user = new User_Object($item->aid)?>
<div class="comment" id="comment-<?php 
echo $item->id;
    <div class="comment-info">
        <? $comment_info = new Stack('comment.info');
           $comment_info->avatar = $user->getAvatarLinked();;
           $comment_info->author = $user->getLink();
           $comment_info->time = '<span class="time">'.icon('time').' '.df($item->created_date).'</span>';
           echo $comment_info;
    <div class="comment-body"><?php 
echo $item->body;
Exemple #5
 public function receive()
     $f = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . "/sms.log", "a");
     fwrite($f, "[RECEIVE]\n");
     fwrite($f, "Phone: {$phone}\n");
     fwrite($f, "Message: {$msg}\n");
     fwrite($f, "Action: {$action}\n");
     fwrite($f, "=====\n\n");
     $artworkid = trim($msg);
     $artwork = $this->server->moma->load("artwork({$artworkid})");
     if ($artwork) {
         list($user, $new) = $this->userByPhone($phone);
         $userid = $id;
         $args = compact('userid', 'artworkid');
         $count = $this->server->moma->value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM savedartwork WHERE userid=:userid AND artworkid=:artworkid", $args);
         if ($count == 0) {
             $savedartwork = new SavedArtWork_Object();
             $savedartwork->set(compact('userid', 'artworkid'));
         $artwork = $artwork->get();
         $title = $artwork['title'];
         if (!$dontremind) {
             $updateuser = new User_Object();
             $updateuser->set('dontremind', 1);
             if ($username == '') {
                 sendsms($normalized_phone, "Hey there. '{$title}' was just saved for you. Go to moma.org/txt to retrieve it and any other works you collect. See you there!");
             } else {
                 sendsms($normalized_phone, "Hey {$username}. '{$title}' was added to your collection. You will find it and any other work you collect on moma.org. See you there!");
     } else {
         sendsms($phone, "{$artworkid} does not refer to any item in our database. Please verify the number and try again.");
Exemple #6
  * Add a new user
 public function admin_add()
     $form = new Form('User.register');
     if ($data = $form->result()) {
         $user = new User_Object(FALSE);
         info('User was successfully registered!', 'Registration succeed.');
     } else {
         append('content', $form->render());
Exemple #7
<div class="page">
    <div class="page-title">
        <? $title = new Stack('Page.title') ?>
        <? $title->name = '<h1>' . ($item->in_grid ? HTML::a($item->getUrl(), $item->name) : $item->name) . '</h1>' ?>
        if ($cogear->user->id === $item->aid OR access('pages edit_all')) {
            $title->edit = HTML::a(Url::gear('pages') . 'edit/' . $item->id, t('[edit]'),array('class'=>'edit'));
echo $title;
    <div class="page-content">
echo $item->body;
    <div class="page-info">
        <? $info = new Stack('Page.info');
           $info->created_date = '<span class="created_date">' . df($item->created_date) . '</span>' ?>
        $user = new User_Object($item->aid);
        $info->author = '<span class="author">' .$user->getAvatarLinked().' '.$user->getLink() . '</span>';
echo $info->render();
Exemple #8
  * Default dispatcher
  * @param string $action 
 public function index_action($action = '', $subaction = NULL)
     if (!empty($_POST['token'])) {
         // Get the profile of authorized user
         $UserProfile = $this->api->getAuthInfo($_POST['token']);
         // Check for errors
         if (!empty($UserProfile->error_type)) {
             // Debug info for developer
             error(t($UserProfile->error_type . ": " . $UserProfile->error_message));
         } elseif (empty($UserProfile)) {
             error(t('Temporary error with Loginza authentification.'));
         } else {
             $this->session->loginza = $UserProfile;
     if ($loginza = $this->session->loginza) {
          * There we have 3 ways of workflow
          * 1. User is logged in. Add new identity to database if it's not exist.
          * 2. User is registred. Authorize.
          * 3. User is not registred. Show register form connected and fullfilled with Loginza data (login, e-mail and so on).
         $user = new Db_ORM('users_loginza');
         $user->identity = $loginza->identity;
         // If user is logged in
         if ($this->user->id) {
             // If integration is found
             if ($user->find()) {
                 // If integration belongs to the current user
                 if ($user->uid == $this->user->id) {
                     $user->loginza->data = json_encode($loginza);
                     flash_info(t('Your integration with profile <b>%s</b> was updated successfully.', 'Loginza', $loginza->identity), t('Updated succeed.'));
                 } else {
                     flash_error(t('Profile <b>%s</b> is integrated with sombody else account. You cannot use it before someone would left it out.', 'Loginza', $loginza->identity), t('Update failure.'));
             } else {
                 // Create new database record
                 $user->uid = $this->user->id;
                 $user->provider = $loginza->provider;
                 $UserProfile = new Loginza_UserProfile($loginza);
                 isset($loginza->photo) && ($user->photo = $loginza->photo);
                 $user->full_name = $UserProfile->genFullName();
                 $user->data = json_encode($loginza);
             $this->session->loginza = NULL;
             // Redirect to user profile
             redirect(Url::gear('user') . 'edit/#tab-social');
         } else {
             // Record found → try to log in
             if ($user->find()) {
                 $search = new User_Object();
                 $search->id = $user->uid;
                 if ($search->find()) {
                     $this->user->forceLogin($user->uid, 'id');
                 } else {
                     flash_error(t('Cannot find user with id <b>%s</b>.', 'Loginza', $user->uid));
                 $this->session->loginza = NULL;
                 // This tiny little redirect caused error by Loginza "Invalid / empty session data! Retry auth.:
                 // Left it where it is for memories.
                 // Important! Do not uncomment!
             } else {
                 if (!access('user register')) {
                     return info('You don\'t have an access to registration');
                 success('First step of registration is done. Please, fill some fields to complete your registration.');
                 $form = new Form('User.register');
                 $UserProfile = new Loginza_UserProfile($loginza);
                 $tpl = new Template('Loginza.register');
                 $tpl->loginza = $loginza;
                 $tpl->profile = $UserProfile;
                 append('content', $tpl->render());
                 $data['login'] = $UserProfile->genFullName();
                 isset($loginza->email) && ($data['email'] = $loginza->email);
                 if ($data = $form->result()) {
                     if ($uid = $this->user->save()) {
                         // Create new database record
                         $user->uid = $uid;
                         $user->provider = $loginza->provider;
                         $UserProfile = new Loginza_UserProfile($loginza);
                         isset($loginza->photo) && ($user->photo = $loginza->photo);
                         $user->full_name = $UserProfile->genFullName();
                         $user->data = json_encode($loginza);
                     $this->session->loginza = NULL;
                     flash_success('User was successfully registered! Please, check your email for further instructions.', 'Registration succeed.');
                 append('content', $form->render());